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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. we had a drakkar run today... at first we had less than 10 ppl and we were chipping away at drakkar's health.. and at 40% hp or so... more ppl joined the meta... then we killed our first side boss the oakheart... then at 20~30% hp, we killed the boneskinner sideboss... then we were expecting to meet the third boss fraenir looking guy.. but instead the meta never progressed to 3rd boss at all.. we defeated drakkar and the meta ended with all the loot and stuff... is this a bug? have anyone experienced this? or the side bosses the result of scaling event?
  2. cmon.. u gotta be kidding me.. whirl defense 20 sec cd when traited if not 25sec.. and u cant move while channelling.. idk.. will u get 4 sec retal even if u cancel the channel midway? even so.... thats not an effective way atleast IMO... doing whirl defense to reduce condi dmg when bombarded by necro and scourge condi... will u do it? 😛 and I forgot.. dolyak stance gives -33% condi reducction.. seems ranger can take up the defender role in upcoming patch using bear stance for any condi that might be hazardous to health I love how the ranger class been designed.... and i'm still curious.. how the boon corrupts on "resolution" be? wil it be corrupted to confusion or... burning or some other damaging condi.. or new condi It's a good thing the condi dmg reduction for soulbeast are available in the form of traits.... and not directly as boons so dolyak will give -33% second skin might stuggle if protection is corrupted... idk how this is gonna turn out to be
  3. idk.. ppl use the report function their own way.. I wont dance around tyria reporting every timmyy tommy , jimmy johnny, polly wolly I see to get overwhelmed by the report response and get frustrated.. at the maximum I report 1 to 2 over the span of six months or a year or 0 reports.... my point is... 1) will I get the same bad experience/feeling/negative atmosphere whenever I see them again or hoping not to see them again whenever I enter an instanced content when they could be using a different character toon with the same kitty behavior 2) will I get a peace of mind knowing that crime will be punished or atleast be monitored under watchful eyes and i can get some confidence to play the game I love most Why would I post such a thread if I don't love this game? I would be done with already and leave the game never minding how ppl behave in this game if I don't care about the game and the good community of ppl. This could seem like my only voice.. but u can weigh me as 7 out of 10 in the tolerance level of the toxic behavior among ppl in the internet.. how about ppl who are 5 and less out of 10 and they love this game and stuff like this make them hesitant to play the game that they love... gw2 dont have that much marketing like other games out there to get new ppl.. it's concerns/discussions like these voiced in the forums hoping we could retain those ppl who love the game might have a better chance at not let this game die silently in the background
  4. I just went through the balance patch preview thread. and someone did ask the OP how the poison being handled by the new boon resolution... refer here but that comment got buried under a pile of other comments and not been replied... so.. hope this thread gets the correct behavior... so... they ignored one aspect of resistance while splitting the conditions to be handled by two different boons... not fair... maybe what ure saying is true maybe not... unless confirmed by the actual patch or the OP from the balance patch review thread
  5. Idk why so many ppl in this thread infer that I ask for "what actions being taken against reported person".. I just ask for a notification that my report didn't go to trashcan and atleast they're aware of the situation and something's been done. They could do anything like : 1) increment the naughty counter of the player being reported 2) send warn mail 3) give them a timeout 4) whatever blah blah blah I don't care what actions being taken coz judge's perspective based on the whole game world is different from mine I get that. that's why also listed an example how league of legends maintain it... They don't tell the players what actions being taken(except that a penalty is issued that's it nothing else)... But then again ppl mighty not be aware of league of legends.. It's my own fault for listing that system as an example Note: pls don't cling to the word "penalty"
  6. While the condition poison reduces healing effectiveness by 33%... And resolution boon applied on the target as well... Will the resolution boon mitigate only the damage done by poison or... Will it also mitigate the degrading effects of poison? Like reducing the effectiveness of poison by 33% thus the overall heal effectiveness is not reduced to 33% and it's somewhere around 21% or something? I didn't notice how resistance worked b4... Will it totally negate poison's degrading effect? So ... Is poison being handled by resolution and resistance in the upcoming patch? One is to reduce the damage of poison and the other is to negate the degrading effects?
  7. Will the major master trait "second skin" stack with the new "resolution" boon? Anyway ranger doesn't have many source of that boon ... Hope they give back the boon on dolyak stance. Maybe ranger with second skin and a guardian to pump out resolution on nodes and some light field (33 + 33 + 10)% condi DMG reduction is the only way capable of dealing with the upcoming condi invasion patch...
  8. Imagine you were going to a supermarket and on the way back, you were beaten to the curb and your money shopped items stolen... Now you go report it to the authorities (and the same authorities doesn't want you to retaliate or taking matters into your own hands) after reporting, you will hesitate to go to the supermarket unless some kind of notification from the authorities that a positive action been taken to put you in peace of mind (response from authorities could be 1.they captured 2.they posted a sentry in the route to avoid future incidents) if you didn't get any affirmation for your safety, you won't go outside. Put your imagination to use here. Same might happen to a player base leaving if they feel nothing changed even after reporting... Or if the perp is sighted again doing the same stuff allover again.
  9. Think if you reported someone for inappropriate behavior, verbal abuse,... And you get a notification that your report been judged and executed... Won't that give you a sense of trust in the game and the community it's shaping up? Exclusions can be botting, hacking, scripting, afk botting and stuff.. coz those are judged and executed in waves and not individually League of legends sends you notification popups whenever an action is taken upon your submitted report... Hope anet uses a similar system if it's viable at this point... Now don't cry that development resource needs to be alloted somewhere else coz I'm not demanding anything... Genuine good people in this game sometimes lose hope and leave the game but if any such above said system exists, the community will be even stronger and the game cultivates a positive environment
  10. The title achievement is working... Got it today... My bad I thought it was bugged
  11. If anet really intended on this current ending, they shouldn't have made those discussions with jormag and aurene... They shd've instead portrayed it as a mindless freezing beast and pure evil so it would've suited the ending...
  12. We don't know jormag would turn on us if we helped killing primordus... It did freeze ppl for the sole purpose of gaining power to end primordus(which is a mindless unpredictable beast and can't be reasoned with).. if there were no primordus, it won't have the need to freeze ppl at all... If you are powerful and when someone puny does something that totally disrespects, embarasses and disgraces you, what will you do? And what did jormag do? Aesgir dragonrender chipped off jormag's fang(jormag a powerful elder dragon) and what did jormag do? It let him walk away. It considered that races of tyria have potential and need not be destroyed but can be made allies... What will you do in that situation? Will u let someone walkaway after breaking your tooth? Jormag didn't run amok around tyria... It didn't pursue the norn beyond the north... It rested and went sleeping after it got a place to stay... All it did until now is to gather forces to end primordus. If we would've helped it end primordus, it would've turned out to be a neutral dragon that lives peacefully somewhere in the north You ppl see what you want to see and not what could be.. what if... What if we give jormag a chance
  13. Jormag is not a bad dragon... It has its own perspective of the world and living beings... It even likes to have conversation with aurene and co... It didn't kill ppl mindlessly... It spared the life of the norn who broke it's tooth and let him live... Other elder dragons were mindlessly consuming everything in their path... Jormag ofcourse wanted to kill primordus for its own survival but the way it's character is built up and the way we suddenly killed jormag seems so unfair... They made us feel sorry for kralkatorrik at the end during the kralk heart impaling phase... But they somehow decided to make jormag an undisputed villain and ignored it's character and quickly ended it. To really justify jormag is bad and sinister, we shd've killed primordus and if jormag pulled any stunts, then taimi and gorrik find some means to gather the dead primordus's energy from aurene and use it against jormag like ommad's machine V2. Or if jormag went on its own way to live in the frost area after killing primordus, we shd've left it as it is to live by itself like the lion it is(elder dragons need their own respect they witnessed tyria and history from time zero) During conversation with jormag, it grew impatient only when talks about primordus came about. Jormag doesn't need to convert ppl to frost if there was no primordus
  14. I think there won't be a battle against deep sea dragon... It could be a friendly one like aurene... And the end of dragons could be aurene and DSD working together to sacrifice themselves and putting an end to dragon age to save tyria.... PS. No flame pliz
  15. Just completed 99 cm without anyone dying from skorvald to the last arkk boss.. but I didnt get the title... did anyone get the title recently? but I entered the instance when joining lfg.. meaning they couldve died in skorvald before i entered.. but after i enterd the instance, we started from skorvald so.. does it count eligibility for title? idk..
  16. when we go the devastation line instead of invocation, snow crows suggest we take "Dance of death" instead of "swift termination" in major grandmaster trait...Is stack of "battle scars " that powerful compared to 20% dmg increase on 50% health threshold? or the meta listing in that site outdated? also.. battle scars proc only upon inflicting vulnerability... which happens when we invoke "icerazor" or activating mallyx's "embrace darkness" and "olefa soulcleave" could be costly to upkeep or "entering combat" triggered whenever we swap legends? even so.. is "battle scars" that powerful? than the 20% dmg trait?
  17. I sometimes feel that the stuff we do for passion, should inspire the way we achieve our goals... The item could be 1 copper in tp but getting it the hard way, could hold some life to it... And when he's crafting it one by one, everyday, he might meet new ppl in the area, talk about the stuff, share experiences and those moments and memories become part of that crafted object... U get the picture Example: crafting a legendary from step by step achievement (vs) buying a legendary in tp Idk... Everyone have different idea... My opinion might not suit everyone... It might be just me
  18. It might not be toxicity that got you kicked at all...I've noticed some behavior among gw2 players maybe most mmo players are affected by this disease..."The mob mentality" :1) When someone starts a kick vote, ppl jump in and vote(especially if something went wrong). They want someone to blame and point at someone and direct attention (so they can hide their mistakes)2) when one guy leaves a party or a squad, he always takes 3 more along with him.. it's more of a ritual...3) communication can make either a positive or negative impression of yourself among others regardless of the context. If things are not going as they expected, your communication will be interpreted as critisism.4) sometimes if one feels that what they're doing is the right thing and all others are doing it wrong, their words most of the time will be like looking down on other ppl, patronizing the others
  19. if what u say is true.... the snowcrows power holosmith sword rotation is confusing me a bit.. they suggest doing a refraction cutter and shrapnel grenade right when we exit photon forge mode... so if solar focussing lens consumes stacks based on number of hits the refraction cutter will consume all stacks of solar lens.. then executing a shrapnel grenade is just normal since shrapnel grenade doesn't even rely on heat thresholds... i think, using shrapnel grenade just to maintain explosive temper for 10 stacks of ferocity is enough and not to include it on exit photon forge sequence... maybe if we initiate primelight beam during photon forge 149% heat and exit forge mode, the primelight beam will get the solar lens bonus 10% dmg or maybe the time of defining rotations in snowcrows website, holosmith solar focussing lens was not limited to stack(anet balancing patches maybe)? or maybe i'm missing something entirely?
  20. idk.. this could be weird.. when checking on golem, it seems the stacks are consumed as and when we attack the target.. i could be wrong.. idk.. i wish to know the actual behavior.. does the description "few attacks after entering or exiting forge mode" actually mean that the stacks corresponding to number of attacks that have the 10% dmg increase are controlled by the stacks of solar focus lens? also i noticed one more thing.. the 2stacks of solar lens disappear in one second if i use refraction cutter sword 2 skill on the target(auto attack disabled on sword 1 skill during checking) .. does it mean the 6 blades from one skill "refraction cutter" is capable of consuming 6 stacks of solar lens.. in this case, the 2 stacks get consumed by 2 blades(with 10% dmg increase) and the remaining 4 blades get normal dmg? pls someone explain if I'm wrong..
  21. so when entering and exiting photon forge, the holosmith major adept trait "solar focussing lens" procs for 4s and based on heat level it gets stack either 2 stacks or 6 stacks(if overheated)..the trait says it gives 10% dmg increase.. so ... will the dmg be increased 10% for each stack of solar focussing lens or... the 10% is just constant dmg modifier any stack of solar lens? or does it affect the burning stacks?
  22. hah hah! a perfect example..... If you want something where the name of the tier of the item is more than just a throwaway word, you should be pushing for something where only one person (per server) can get it by discovering a recipe requiring some measure of great effort. As it stands Legendaries are no more legendary than a yellow item is rare or a gold is exotic. These are just words used almost as proper nouns and labels, not as descriptors of their actual place in the game. Pushing to deprive others of how they get their in game rewards so that you can feel better about yours is just selfish.ok.. now imagine... the CM fractal title "dance with demons" can be purchased with 2500 goldor better yet.. the pvp 1st rank wreath of champion can be bought with 2500 gold(u consider that an ingame reward as u call it right? and depriving others of such rewards is just selfish?)
  23. it somewhat saddens me.. but that's okay I guess.. whats done is done(anet's decision).. but atleast they can't buy gen2 yeah.. I can live with that.. collecting coins must be a part of crafting legendary rather than purchasing them from tp but since anet allows mc to be sold on tp.. thats fine I guess... I can't object to that is there a time gate for mats on legendary? no.... is there a time gate for mats on ascended? yes....ppl can sell the asc crafted intermediate mats/items on tp(allowed by anet) atleast anet didn't allow selling clovers on tp.. for that I'm grateful complaint? idk.. its more of a rambling or a voice of discomfort to see mc hoarders and gold farmers and the clover recipe reducing the glory of "LEGENDARIES"
  24. atleast it'd reduce the demand in half... like... if one guy hoards mystic coins to craft a legendary, ~231 mystic coins required to get 77 clovers(referred from wiki) and that might be an optimistic scenario.. who knows how much more the deviation is... so.. the legy crafter would eventually buy almost twice the mystic coins... so.. if ppl who are hellbent on shouting that the mystic coins price is hiked only because of demand and supply, would accept that the clover recipe contributes to coins shortage significantly... current price of mc is around 2.2 gold.. if clover recipe restricts clovers to 2 per day, then atleast we can expect a decline in mystic coin price.. and the posts about "mystic coin price controlled by barons/mystic coins price must be fixed" wont appear often on forums
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