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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. 2 options laid infront of you... Use/follow a mesmer portal to finish the (woeful hard)jp and done with it in 15 mins Grind the map for 14 days to get a rare drop that unlocks the collection item eg: Account bound "strange rock" to finish the collection what would u take
  2. so aurora legendary trinket should not have those collections as well and any legendary collection that requires challenging content as collection achievement shd not have challenging content as well... fractal cm, raids... might be interesting... different perspective...🤔
  3. some wish the effect shd be enabled/disabled by the player owning the infusions.. some ppl wish the option to be available in option dialog to switch off infusions as part of "character model quality" "lowest" setting so they might not get their eyes burned by looking at other players flashing disco lights around them during meta events or at lobbies 😆 and sometimes while gliding from tower to tower during Xera raid 🤣😂
  4. Skrill is one more possibility (from: how to train your dragon) 😁 skrill is a dragon that casts focussed electricity/lightning ... and the legendary bolt says
  5. I wish they left jormag to stay alive... I miss jormag... such an intelligent elder dragon.. even aurene couldn't answer jormag's questions properly and abruptly decided to kill jormag.. it was sad... the writers gave nice personality to jormag.. but killed it abruptly.... sad to see jormag die like that! 😭
  6. wish anet introduce some kind of recipe to convert globs of dark matter and balls of dark energy into mystic coins.. that way, u get some value out of the salvaged ascended.. one can hope right? or ppl gonna throw rocks at me for involving mystic coins? as some ppl get offended real soon if anyone ask for a new mystic coin source and start fighting in forums 🤣😂
  7. pls no more invisible 1 pixel vertical 89 degree slanted footing jumping puzzles... no mountain climber would try to jump on such a non-existent spot... coddler's cove footing space is the bare minimum u can reduce the footing space.. if u go any less, its not jp.. its a poor excuse of texture polygon design for jp or whatever
  8. or..... it could be Shenron from DBZ... lol 😁 somethings becoming clear.. 7 dragon balls.. 7 elder dragons Zhaitan Morderemoth Primordus Jormag Kralkatorrik Deep Sea Dragon Aurene
  9. the way i see it, infusion drops tend to attract atention and ppl just swarm at the opportunity of a drop chance... any old map or event like the two meta bosses in draconic mons .. eg: if both the boss are killed, u have a chance at an infusion... then ppl will never abandon those maps... combat tonic... ehhh... once they get it, they just ignore it and forget about it and leave the map to die forever
  10. maybe the 3 trinket combined version of bubble represent tyria and eternal alchemy that commander saw when touching Ommad's machine... and anet doesnt want their players to hide it 😂. and the bubble animation will swing wildly and behave differently based on EOD content like it may go "POP" 🤣.. idk
  11. love to see some kind of infusion like holographic infusion similar to player character inside that taimi simulation room.. I doubt I'll get such infusions as drop myself.. but one ccan hope.. or atleast be happy to look at someone using such infusion in lobbies.. would look cool ...
  12. looking at the image in this article https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-legendary-armory-arrives-july-13/ https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/3c38fEN_ArmoryScreen.png they have checkboxes for the legendary weapons... are thye present to show hide the infusion effects of embedded infusion to the specific legendary item? or... the legy weapon effects as well?
  13. The fight looks cool... wish this fight gets added to fractals permanently... it'd be a nice addition to fractals... The android looks cool as it is... no need to change anything maybe if the devs gave it red glowing eyes or eye color changes when channelling a deadly attack, it'd be way cooler....
  14. ok.. this post is leading somewhere else... every comment is against the OP's opinion... either this should be changed to a poll thread about how many own more than 3 legendary or something like that.. or... mods should close it to avoid further ridicule/hate/opposition against the OP
  15. Infusions and gathering tools might not have legendary variant... Unlimited gather tools are part of cash cows for anet... Infusions.. idk I still couldn't understand much about infusions 😁
  16. When unlocking mounts, I remember getting similar popups for Griffon and beetle... But these legendary weapons when forged in mystic forge didn't display such cool info box...
  17. Looking at the bolt legendary info dialog from the https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-legendary-armory-arrives-july-13/ It seems like there's some connection... Also, I didn't remember getting such popup dialog when I crafted the Exordium... Is it some kind of info box for the legendaries we own or... It is displayed only once when crafting henceforward?
  18. It? Did you mean, Robot/android? Puppy dog? AI/software intelligence? Alien? 🤣😂
  19. I feel that the third effect the black blob on top of the head is what everyone Hates most... I like the purple orbs we get with aurora and vision combined... That aside, maybe anet might give a fix after reading on forums.. u know option for hiding all the effects for specific legy trinket including the embedded infusion effect along with the trinket effect for every specific trinket... Nothing wrong... One can hope I guess
  20. I have a faint idea that this 13th update will clear all the duped items from all player inventories and banks and stuff
  21. Yeah that's the current state... I wish ppl would just stop and watch all the cutscenes and then proceed rather than skip and kill everything... At that point, u might as well go join palawadan or drizzlewood coast kill everything on sight and get loot...
  22. The achievements aren't without nice rewards... If you want something special, u have to earn it... 250 petrified wood... ~2000 unbound magic, 6 mystic coins or nice exclusive weapon skin, and lot more... Imagine giving all this without any effort at all .. even now, ppl can just follow a fellow helpful Mesmer and get things done easily without much effort... Just press F on a portal 4 times and you're done ... Loot rains on you... And not to mention, you get a free legendary amulet along with these weekly rewards.. maybe some expressed their difficulties in that jp... But know that this is the only jp that makes ppl complain alot... The achievements that comes in future spotlight weeks would be a breeze And also, it's not just about the rewards... Playing on a map with a lot of shiny new ppl with bling bling wings and effects make me feel happy... One thing that this return to meta achievs done right is gathering ppl to an old beautiful map and giving it life once more... Maybe ppl lost interest over the years on these maps since they got new infusion dropping maps or gold farming maps, but I hope ppl always rotate thru all these maps and never leave a map deserted... It's a good decision by anet I guess
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