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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Here's an official source from ArenaNet stating Forging Steel is a Strike Mission.

    Dialogue from (X) Emissary Chest:

    "The chest thrums with potential. Use Red/Green/Blue Prophet Crystals to open. Contains rewards from Strike Missions you have completed since last opening it.Can be opened once a week."

    A tool box can contain a hammer. That doesn‘t mean it only contains a hammer.Same thing here: it contains the strike mission boxes, as well as the FS chest and some pieces of rare unidentified gear.

    Taking a closer look at the chest rewards descriptions makes this clear:

    FS:Double-click to open. Contains loot rewarded for earning Centurion rank in the Forging Steel vision.

    Shiverpeaks (and others)Double-click to open. Contains loot rewarded for earning gold rank in the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission.

    Only FS is called a vision, not a SM. The official term for FS is “Public Mission“, or vision.

  2. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Tails.9372 said:The only "fix" this mission could use is to lower the number of players required to break the BB at the end by one every time the CC fails.

    That goes against the point of these as being a stepping stone for raids.Except visions of the past have never been introduced as a "stepping stone for raids".

    Based on what?

    The simple fact that there is no official source stating such a thing, FS is nothing but instanced MP content for the icebrood saga.

    There’s no official source stating that it isn’t.

    There‘s no official source stating that crafting isn‘t a stepping stone for raids, therefore it is!And raids are just a stepping stone for story instances, Anet never stated that they aren‘t. ;)

  3. @The Greyhawk.9107 said:

    @Hypnowulf.7403 said:we've had it on good authority that a.) Jormag loves Tyria dearly, and b.) they only ever tell the truth. ArenaNet has said as much.

    Citation Needed.

    Would be interested in those quotes, too.I doubt someone that masquerades its own voice with the voice of a dead person to lure in the commander would only ever tell the truth.It is just a scheming dragon, ice and persuasion are Jormags domains. The only thing it loves is its own survival.

  4. E-speccs

    Open World maps with engaging meta, focus on massive multiplayer content + side content with focus on replayability

    New system (HoT had mastery system + gliding, PoF had mounts)

    Something new for WvW

    Character customization (New faces, hair, horns, body types etc.)

    Rewarding story content with replayability

    Repeatable challenging Solo content, maybe as Adventures with a new adventuere currency? (WoW has Torghast, Mage Tower, Brawler guild as examples)

    Obviously new armour, weapon skins

  5. @trixantea.1230 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:

    There's no "obligation" to enter this mission, people do it to be rewarded. AFK leeching isn't something new, it is commonly seen in lots of open/hotjoin content.

    The obligation is to make strike mission players do a content that is not a strike mission in order to get the weekly chest.

    To get the weekly Forging Steel and Steel Warband chests, which are naturally tied to Forging Steel, you'll have to do Forging Steel, obviously.Not doing Forging Steel will still grant you all of the the non-Forging Steel chests.There's no obligation there.

    I'd suggest opening your own squad and kicking leechers, if you don't want any afkers, like you said yourself.I'd bet people would afk in the other SMs, too if they could through hotjoin, but most of the time hotjoin doesn't work for the other SMs.

    It won't help if one commander or 100 commanders kick afk players. The problem is with the design that encourages players to go AFK. This issue will always continue to exist forever if things do not change.

    Then don't join public missions if you can't deal with it. Just create your own private squad and kick afk / under-performing people like in the Strikes/Raids. You'll never have any afkers that way.

    Your two suggestions would either just remove the extra loot from doing Forging Steel from the Emissary Chest or completely remove most of the Forging Steel mission by "only fighting the last boss".

    The extra loot can remain if FS boss is added as a strike mission. This can still be done by keeping public/story/raid FS as it is.

    The extra loot is already there if you do FS and there's no problem with it. You already have the option to just not get it and get everything else instead.You're seeing a problem where there is none. You're advocating for the Emissary Chest to grant less loot, just because you can't be bothered to create your own squad.

  6. @trixantea.1230 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:According to the GW2 Wiki notes
    "There's no reference in-game that Forging Steel is a strike mission."
    .The Wiki is player-made, so they just called it a Strike Mission for convenience.

    Another argument for it not being a SM:Apart from the "Secret Lair of the Snowmen", which started out as a raid, Strike Missions tend to have "Strike Mission" in their name.

    Anet call Forging Steel a "Public Mission".

    About the Whispers Emissary Chest: I think it is fine the way it is.Forging Steel isn't a Strike Mission, there's nothing Anet needs to "fix" here.

    Most of what you say is correct but what "you think is fine the way it is" is what
    think is fine and not what everyone else thinks.Besides, many people enter this weekly mission out of obligation and this is why we see so many afk players slacking off and waiting for the others to reach the final boss.

    The two suggestion I made will not only add more daily content for players but it will also reduce the amount of afk players in this area. You can say that AFK can be kicked but the core problem is when this mission is the only one that has this isssue.

    But saying "it isn't fine" is also just what you think, not what everyone else thinks ;).There's no "obligation" to enter this mission, people do it to be rewarded. AFK leeching isn't something new, it is commonly seen in lots of open/hotjoin content.

    I'd suggest opening your own squad and kicking leechers, if you don't want any afkers, like you said yourself.I'd bet people would afk in the other SMs, too if they could through hotjoin, but most of the time hotjoin doesn't work for the other SMs.

    Your two suggestions would either just remove the extra loot from doing Forging Steel from the Emissary Chest or completely remove most of the Forging Steel mission by "only fighting the last boss".

  7. According to the GW2 Wiki notes "There's no reference in-game that Forging Steel is a strike mission.".The Wiki is player-made, so they just called it a Strike Mission for convenience.

    Some more arguments for it not being a SM:

    • Apart from the "Secret Lair of the Snowmen", which started out as a raid, Strike Missions tend to have "Strike Mission" in their name.
    • It scales with player number.

    Anet call Forging Steel a "Public Mission".https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/march-17-2020/https://guildwars2.com/en/news/designing-the-steel-warband/

    About the Whispers Emissary Chest: I think it is fine the way it is.Forging Steel isn't a Strike Mission, there's nothing Anet needs to "fix" here.

  8. @Friday.7864 said:

    @kharmin.7683 said:Thanks, @hugo.4705 While that graph is telling, it certainly isn't indicative of the entire player base, which was my earlier point about Anet having metrics.

    You don't want to see Anet's metrics.Only people who are invested into the game bother to join gw2efficiency. So the statistics we can pull from the site are actually doing you a favor.If you added every account ever made to that graph the percentages would get decimated.

    So, those statistics are the completion of the meta achievement, not the actual amount of people that play the LW episodes?Guess I do want to see Anet's metrics.

  9. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Virdo.1540 said:Its amazons first game. Lets see first if they screw up or not.No its not.

    They shipped Crucible a while ago, but it was apparently so kitten its probably the only game in history that been officially released only to go back to being closed beta.

    Breakaway canceled, Crucible back to the drawing board and New World delayed right before release for a second time. That doesn't really inspire confidence.

  10. @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:WoW and FFXIV don't need an in-house meter, even though they focus heavily on stats.(FFXIV devs are heavily against built in DPS parsers and even ban people if unofficial ones are used to shame other players)

    I don't think GW2 needs one either. We have Arc, that's enough.

    FF14 raids are literally designed around DPS checks since 2.0 but the devs think it's fair to not add a DPS meter to the game lol.

    It is fair. After all, it's the FFXIV devs' game. They get to decide what they add to the game. DPS parsers/meters are something they don't officially want in their game.

  11. That would be fun if they'd use their new names in the trading post.Crafting a collection of sceptres and renaming them into "greatsword" or other weapon types, so that the search function wouldn't work without filters could be fun.

    I'd probably end up calling things close to what they look like. "Shiny wood sword", "Ice Axe", and end up with multiple items with a different skin but the same name, since we have multiple "Ice"-axe skins in the game.

  12. @Dayra.7405 said:

    @Danikat.8537 said:As far as I can tell it's not clear if it's because the mutations which lead to horns didn't occur until after the ruminants had split off from other mammals,

    Several plant-eating Dinosaur had horns as well, e.g.:
    with his 3 horns beeing the prey of the Tyrannosaurus (no horn)

    @Danikat.8537 said:But in this case maybe a more important point is that it's very, very rare to see a dragon without horns.

    Probably, that has the same explanation as charr's horns: Artists want to make them look most dangerous giving them all possible kinds of build in weapons, but don't care much about biology/evolution :)

    Well, horns aren't a feature mutally exclusive to herbivores. The Carnotaurus would be an example from the past.

    Today we have things like the Jackson’s Chameleon, Narwhals and Cerastes cerastes, the horned desert viper.

  13. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    @Dayra.7405 said:Has to many horns, i don't like to ride a prey. (biological/evolutionary only prey's have horn, but predators have not.)

    Til that Charr are prey animals.

    Hm, the teeth are predator, the horn are prey, so they are a mixture, their ancestors must have been somewhere in the middle of the food-chain.

    Teeth and claws are predator. Anyway, we have a sample size of one, the Earth. That’s not big enough to say that predators won’t have horns on other worlds.

    Can we call the Narwhal a horned predator?

  14. According to Mike Z before his departure, swiss had to happen for world restructuring to work. Swiss released earlier this year (February 2020).

    According to the same interview „World restructuring is the paramount feature that the competitive team is working on right now.“, so unless the new director that hasn‘t been officially announced yet (speculated to be someone called John Taylor) says something different, WR is my guess.

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