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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. @Lumikki.1725 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:Gameplay wise they do, but players that don‘t purchase stuff in the Blizzard Store don‘t have access to those items.No, they don't because if you can buy anyting from item shop with real life money that puts players in same game in different situation by providing any benefit, then it's not anymore mountly payment system game. It's item shop game with montly item shop payment plan system. Because item shops put always players in different situation, by players real life money.

    I guess I‘ll stop here. I‘m honestly not sure what you‘re trying to argue about here.Fact is, WoW has both a subscription system and an item shop.

  2. @Lumikki.1725 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:WoW, FFXIV and ESO (optional sub) have both systems though. They each have a sub system combined with a shop.

    More and more games are using the cash shop + season pass (Basically a optional seasonal sub) system. It‘s pretty often both systems.No they don't really have both. Item shop is item shop, even if they sell mothly benefits. It's just basicly steady continues money use with item shop benefits. More like money spending plan system for item shop. You pay steady this amount and you get these benefits. Like I already sayed, they can't be in same game without destrying others positive side.

    But they do, though.Let‘s take WoW for example. You need to pay a sub, to play the game (ignoring the trial version).But it also has a cash shop with helmets, mounts, pets, toys, bundles and game services (char boosts, appearance change etc.)

    How does WoW not have both systems? A sub and a cash shop?

    Does EVERY player who playes same game pay exacly same amount of money and get same benefits. And I mean everyone.Montly payment system exists ONLY if every players pays same amount of money and they all get exactly same benefits.

    Gameplay wise they do, but players that don‘t purchase stuff in the Blizzard Store don‘t have access to those items, even though they pay the same sub.

  3. @Lumikki.1725 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:WoW, FFXIV and ESO (optional sub) have both systems though. They each have a sub system combined with a shop.

    More and more games are using the cash shop + season pass (Basically a optional seasonal sub) system. It‘s pretty often both systems.No they don't really have both. Item shop is item shop, even if they sell mothly benefits. It's just basicly steady continues money use with item shop benefits. More like money spending plan system for item shop. You pay steady this amount and you get these benefits. Like I already sayed, they can't be in same game without destrying others positive side.

    But they do, though.Let‘s take WoW for example. You need to pay a sub, to play the game (ignoring the trial version).But it also has a cash shop with helmets, mounts, pets, toys, bundles and game services (char boosts, appearance change etc.)

    How does WoW not have both systems? A sub and a cash shop?

  4. @"Lumikki.1725" said:To make this clear.

    Company has to always make a choise between monthly payment or item shop system. Both of them have they own positive and negative side. If they are both in the same game, then one system will destroy others positive side. What means it's one or other, but never both.

    Positive effect of item shops is that they can get bigger income and can also provide F2P side.Positive effect of monthly payment is that everyting is always already inside the game world and players "wealth" in the real world doesn't affect the game world.

    WoW, FFXIV and ESO (optional sub) have both systems though. They each have a sub system combined with a shop.

    More and more games are using the cash shop + season pass (Basically a optional seasonal sub) system. It‘s pretty often both systems.

  5. If you‘re not planning to build any legendaries anymore and don‘t want some of the unique mystic forge skins it is a blessing in disguise.Free log in gold is pretty nice.I welcome our MC manipulating TP overlords! Make the prices surge even higher!

  6. @Sheader.6827 said:

    @Sheader.6827 said:lol here we go again.

    What is the point of "achievements"? What does achievement mean? Definition: "a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage."Is an achievement supposed to be "oh just go murder 2000 random mobs on the map" like in BDO? Consuming a few hundred items? The more this mentality is pushed the less achievements feel like you actually achieved something. Its not an achievement, you achieved nothing but "don't put strike missions into achievs, cuz actually achieving something is terrible."

    Achievements are OPTIONAL, for those players who are WILLING to jump out of their shadow and do something to earn their rewards. Giving achievements the kindergarden treatment because a portion of the playerbase is too afraid to give an effort under the excuse "its not fun, and I am casual", but keep complaining that the rewards are unattainable is ruining the impact of getting those achievements in the first place.

    Everyone is missing the point why achievements are there in the first place. Doing trivial errands across the map is no achievement, and shouldn't be treated as such.

    That's like saying a mob is more than one unit because it says so in the dictionary. Mob has a different deifintion in games. If you're going ot apply dictionary definitions to everything in games, you'll not do so well.

    The point isn't hard or easy. The point is change. This is a change. I don't like the change I speak out against it. Enough people don't like the change, Anet will change it. It really is that simple. I never said don't have a category for strike mission achievements. Go for it.

    I said don't change already existing achievement types to have something new that might put off people and we've seen a fair few people put off by it.

    Not to mention that "achieving something" is still completely arbitrary and personal. "Effort", "Skill", "Courage" are not really measurable and differ from person to person.

    But if we follow his definition there would be pretty much no achievements at all. How is doing Strike Missions or Raids an achievement at all? Doing trivial instances where your personal skill doesn't matter as much as the group skill is not achievement-worthy at all, you didn't achieve anything, you just killed a monster in a videogame, and you weren't even able to do it alone. Doing content the way it is supposed to be done is not an achievement, and shouldn't be treated as such.It would be only achievement-worthy if you were the best at something like an Olympic medalists.

    So, yeah. Either we use the achievement system already being used in multiple games, just like in GW2, where it is more of a progression-check tool, or we go all the way to "true" achievements. Stuff like "worlds"-best, where your own skill is tested against everyone else, nothing silly like "killed a SM boss", or "cleared a Raid with no deaths".

    Giving achievements out any other way is missing the point of why achievements are there in the first place and how devs of multiple games have implemented them ;-)

    Killing your first raid boss is an achievement. It tells you "you are on your way to master coordination with your team and defeat a mechanically complex boss." Especially in GW2 which ever more so incentivizes solo play. Defeating something that requires more of you than just mashing the boss harder across the head could be considered an achievement by today's standards, especially if you play in a group. Raids and strikes challenge your own skill plus your skill to work with you team in various ways.Achievements should be there to challenge you, not to set you up for an hour long farming run.

    Except that‘s completely arbitrary. Killing your first monster in the game could be an achievement. It tells you „you are on the way to master this game‘s combat system by understanding the way your skills work“.You could phrase pretty much any action like that. It‘s not an achievement, just a progression check tool multiple games use nowadays.

    So no, I don‘t think killing your first raid boss is achievement worthy. Plenty of people are able to do that, you‘re not achieving anything, unless you think bringing down a hp bar the same way everyone else does it is worthy of people singing praises of you, especially when it‘s bound more to group skill and not individual skill, like at the Olympics.After all, Achievements should be there to challenge you, not to set you up for an hour long farming run (raid wing clear) ;-).

    But I‘m okay with the current system, since it is only a progression tracker called „achievements“, just like in several other games.

  7. @Vayne.8563 said:

    @"Sheader.6827" said:lol here we go again.

    What is the point of "achievements"? What does achievement mean? Definition: "a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage."Is an achievement supposed to be "oh just go murder 2000 random mobs on the map" like in BDO? Consuming a few hundred items? The more this mentality is pushed the less achievements feel like you actually achieved something. Its not an achievement, you achieved nothing but "don't put strike missions into achievs, cuz actually achieving something is terrible."

    Achievements are OPTIONAL, for those players who are WILLING to jump out of their shadow and do something to earn their rewards. Giving achievements the kindergarden treatment because a portion of the playerbase is too afraid to give an effort under the excuse "its not fun, and I am casual", but keep complaining that the rewards are unattainable is ruining the impact of getting those achievements in the first place.

    Everyone is missing the point why achievements are there in the first place. Doing trivial errands across the map is no achievement, and shouldn't be treated as such.

    That's like saying a mob is more than one unit because it says so in the dictionary. Mob has a different deifintion in games. If you're going ot apply dictionary definitions to everything in games, you'll not do so well.

    The point isn't hard or easy. The point is change. This is a change. I don't like the change I speak out against it. Enough people don't like the change, Anet will change it. It really is that simple. I never said don't have a category for strike mission achievements. Go for it.

    I said don't change already existing achievement types to have something new that might put off people and we've seen a fair few people put off by it.

    Not to mention that "achieving something" is still completely arbitrary and personal. "Effort", "Skill", "Courage" are not really measurable and differ from person to person.

    But if we follow his definition there would be pretty much no achievements at all. How is doing Strike Missions or Raids an achievement at all? Doing trivial instances where your personal skill doesn't matter as much as the group skill is not achievement-worthy at all, you didn't achieve anything, you just killed a monster in a videogame, and you weren't even able to do it alone. Doing content the way it is supposed to be done is not an achievement, and shouldn't be treated as such.It would be only achievement-worthy if you were the best at something like an Olympic medalists.

    So, yeah. Either we use the achievement system already being used in multiple games, just like in GW2, where it is more of a progression-check tool, or we go all the way to "true" achievements. Stuff like "worlds"-best, where your own skill is tested against everyone else, nothing silly like "killed a SM boss", or "cleared a Raid with no deaths".

    Giving achievements out any other way is missing the point of why achievements are there in the first place and how devs of multiple games have implemented them ;-)

  8. @Fenom.9457 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:I like the way they subtly hinted at them pre HoT. Giving Marjory her sisters‘ greatsword -> Reaper, giving Braham Eir‘s longbow -> Dragonhunter.If they‘re doing the same thing again, there may already be hints of Necro getting a shield and Guardian an off-hand sword.

    I know jhavi has a shield but where did a guard have offhand sword?

    The prominent guardian boss at the end of the Darkrime Delves mission in Visions of the Past, see my other post.

    ! Almorra

  9. @"Brycar.2651" said:How about a short story where your character is captured and weaponless? During the break out the only weapon available to her is (insert new xpac elite weapon.). The whole escape story is a tutorial on the new weapon. At the end she hands it back to the owner.“Thanks for letting me barrow that. It was different but I think I would like to learn more about how to use it better ...”.“Keep it, your earned it”

    It would be the same short story for all characters. The weapon available changes based on the character’s profession.

    I guess it would be time to call upon the might of the Legendary Prisoner again then (as a revenant)!


  10. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:I like the way they subtly hinted at them pre HoT. Giving Marjory her sisters‘ greatsword -> Reaper, giving Braham Eir‘s longbow -> Dragonhunter.If they‘re doing the same thing again, there may already be hints of Necro getting a shield and Guardian an off-hand sword.

    I liked that, too.

    Out of interest: where do you get the idea from that necro might get shield and guardian offhand sword?

    Necro shield from Jhavi, she uses one in the promotional pictures and the Icebrood Saga trailer (also used it back in the past, when she wasn‘t a major story character). When fighting Drakkar on Bjora Marches she is using a focus to channel and shield us, so she‘ll most likely switch to shield in a future story mission.

    Guardian offhand sword is used in Visions of the Past by a certain prominent character, using a spoiler thingie in case you haven‘t played it.

    ! While fighting Almorra, she starts out using an offhand shield. If you look closely, she will change her offhand to another sword after a while, dual wielding swords. My guess is the next Guardian especc will be based on that, a „speedy“ guardian.

  11. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Good luck finding a specific term for the map and story content, since Anet uses the term "Living World" as a blanket label.Because open world is just a term for a persistent world. If there's no definition, how can things like E-speccs be only open world content?

    You did say to use Anet's definition and then failed to provide one

    Okay, I failed to provide one, because Anet only has the "Living World" term. Guess E-speccs only belong to WvW, since there's no term for open world.

    Except Fractals haven't had less releases than raids in total.

    Let's check our wonderful release page again,
    since Raids started with Heart of Thorns we got 7 Raid wings. In the same time frame we got 6 Fractals. So Fractals did have less releases than Raids. That's a fact.So I'm not sure what you are on about here, the content WITH the difficulty tiers got less releases, and has been in a longer content drought, than the content WITHOUT them. This is an undisputed fact, trying to say that a fact is wrong makes no real sense.

    Sure,They got big overhauls, fractal selection and scaling reworks with HoTChaos IslesNightmareThaumanova reworkedShattered ObservatoryTwilight OasisDeepstoneSiren's reef + Mistlock instability revamp

    Next you're going to say is "a rework doesn't count" as content.

    The timeframe thing only went so far because you failed to give a time frame each time I asked.

    I did give a time frame the first time, in fact in my first post.

    and again here:

    Ah yes, all the times I've asked you for a specific time frame for "only OW content" you mentioned, but you kept answering with

    "content that had no development on PVP, WVW, Fractals or Raids. (6 months)", completely ignoring Strike Missions that were released during that period, which are not OW content.

    And when you finally do, you make a typo, I actually went by that timeframe looking up the releases with the Warclaw, and instead of looking what went wrong, you just went ahead and told me I'm looking at the wrong timeframe, when it was you who was at fault.

    If you can't tell an obvious typo and resort to kindergarten level arguments it's not my fault. But at this point I simply think you are trolling and you only post to harass, attack and belittle others.

    And that from someone that didn't give a straight answer, instead kept stringing me along through this tedious discussion for some reason, and is now even using ad hominem attacks.Who's attacking and belittling others by calling them a troll repeatedly, or calling an argument "kindergarden-level"?

    I was simply using the timeframe you gave me after a long time of pointless arguing, and after answering to that timeframe, you didn't even bother to check why I could have misunderstood your post. And know you're calling it "kindergarten-level" argument, even though that "simple typo" was the reason I went through the releases page again and again, trying to understand. Thanks for wasting my time.

    You weren't the first one that attacked my person or belittled me in this thread either, wether it be presumed skill, experience or behaviour, just because I have a different opinion on why raids didn't have a bigger audience. I got baited good into way too many off-topic things. And getting hooked back in by another attack on my person. There's no reasoning with people here. I'm actually done with this.

  12. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Notice the "in a group of up to ten players"? GROUP.

    Well up to ten also includes one. They could've said 5 to 10 to make either a dungeon or a Raid in terms of population but they did not because clearly some of the Strike Missions are designed to be playable by a single person. It would be weird to make that phrase without the word "group" though. Do note that for example the definition for Raids is content aimed for exactly 10 players:

    Raids are 10-player, instanced, elite dungeon content that's a challenge unlike anything we've previously released in Guild Wars 2.But that's really grasping at straws here.

    Yep, you're really grasping at straws here. Sorry, You may like it or not, but Strike Missions are group content, unless you somehow think you can make a group with yourself, or see yourself as a 1-man group.

    When I mention OW-content, I've always been referring to the open world content of the non-competitive modes.You said to use Anet's definition

    Good luck finding a specific term for the map and story content, since Anet uses the term "Living World" as a blanket label. But then again, yes, please use Anet labels where they provide them, for example Shiverpeaks as a Strike Mission.

    Easy, just use Anets definition of what is OW and Story content.

    That was the only I could find as "official" as possible. I don't think there is an "official" definition of open world out there, other than the one I posted.

    Because open world is just a term for a persistent world. If there's no definition, how can things like E-speccs be only open world content?

    That's adorable. If the report feature was working I'd report your post for harassment at this point as you've been trolling for quite a while.As for owning up to my mistakes you made a mistake of saying that Fractals didn't have less content releases than Raids and never owned up to it. At least I made a simple typo, not provided a terrible argument like yours

    Except Fractals haven't had less releases than raids in total. I've also mentioned the fact that Siren's Reef is most likely at fault, and that fractals are still on Anets plan.At this point I think you're quite honestly trolling, your definitions of some stuff like E-Speccs only being "OW/WvW" content are nothing short of trolling.The timeframe thing only went so far because you failed to give a time frame each time I asked. And when you finally do, you make a typo, I actually went by that timeframe looking up the releases with the Warclaw, and instead of looking what went wrong, you just went ahead and told me I'm looking at the wrong timeframe, when it was you who was at fault.I've been wondering for a while if you're just acting like that to toment me.And at this point I'm not even sure if it was actually a typo, or a way to just aggravate me even more, since it was the first time you gave me an actual timeframe after stringing me along for countless posts.

  13. @Asum.4960 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:@Asum.4960If you really think the target of build templates were casual players, it exposes how clueless you are about casual players and what they buy.The system was supposed to replace Arc, that's why Delta had to stop developing Arc. I've not seen many casual players use Arc.How bad the system is doesn't actually change who the target audience was.

    It does change your narrative though that catering to Raiders clearly isn't worthwhile -> see missing revenue from "Templates", when the only people who benefit from the system are casual single game mode players (who don't need to buy any more), while hardcore players and especially Raiders got screwed hard by the system.

    What a system is "supposed" to do doesn't matter if the actual design goes completely counter to that, and I never said casuals bought into the system either, quite the opposite, just that they were the only ones catered to with it.

    Cater: provide with what is needed or required.Did casuals need or require templates? No.Did raiders need or require them? Given that many used Arc, I guess they did.

    Did Anet design the templates to sell them? I guess, that would be logical, unless they intentionally created a shit system.Who are the people that would buy templates? The casuals that don't really care about builds, or the ones that already used a 3rd party addon to get that functionality?

    The system was designed with people that change builds often in mind.That casual players can now use the system, therefore "benefiting" because they didn't use Arc before, so they effectively gained a functionality, doesn't change the target group of build templates.

    That the system was designed badly and therefore did badly revenue wise enforces my narrative, since the system only catered to the target group. There's no revenue to gain from people that don't care about the product, which are the people that don't change builds regularly.

    Non-target group --> didn't buy them because they didn't need them, gained a benefit of extra equipment template and build bank + 2 build templates that used to be locked to content

    Target group -> didn't buy the system because it is shit.

    End result: Currently a wasted system. Anet is trying again with the legendary armoury. Maybe there to salvage that trainwreck of a system.

  14. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Your own timeframe you posted "From June 2019 to February 2019 we got only OW content"

    The time frame I gave was June 2019 to February 2020. Warclaw was released on March 2019 which is before June 2019... not sure what's going on here. Why are you going backwards?

    Finally the Timeframe. June 2019 to February 2020. 8 months, let's see what I find there. I still see Festivals, PvP (Auric Span), Strike Missions. Tough luck, those aren't OW content or story content.

    Also you posted that timeframe for the first time (even though it still contains non OW content), your old timeframe (which included the WvW mount release) in your post is still there. Why are you pretending you said something different? Own up to your mistakes, you clearly said

    From June 2019 to February 2019 we got only OW content, and the Strikes, which I added in my original quote SEPARATELY for a reason, which you always seemed to remove from your own quotes to suit your agenda.

    Your own timeframe you posted "From June 2019 to February 2019 we got only OW content"

    Same here...

    Same here...

    .How easy it is doesn't matter, it is still Strike Mission content, and therefore group content.

    Strike Missions are 1-10 player squad-based PvE instancesNotice the number 1 there. Anet's definition says that Strike Missions are for 1 to 10 players, therefore those made for 1 person are not essentially "group content". Saying that Strike Missions are group content contradicts Anet's definition. Not sure why you do this but you do you.

    You know the text in the wiki is player made and not official, don't you? They still call Forging Steel a Strike Mission, even though Anet never called it that, at least they mention it under Notes.

    But you can just look at the same link you posted, they mention the official description"Tackle these challenging boss encounters in a group of up to ten players, either as a pre-formed squad or in a public mode anyone can join."Notice the "in a group of up to ten players"? GROUP.

    Yep, you're just saying it is OW/WvW content because of the place where you unlock it, not where you can actually actively use it, just to suit your agenda.

    You and I have a different opinion of what content is and I assume to you everything a developer creates is "content". I don't, only what I can actively play I consider it content. Skins, outfits, even MOUNTS and E-SPECS are not actual content, you don't "play" them, you "use" them. Which leaves us with their acquisition method to classify them. Just like you say I'm using my definition to suit my agenda, you are using yours to push yours. There isn't much to be said on that subject, since we simply disagree on the definition of what "content" is.

    Pretty much, we just disagree here. Like I said, any further discussion here is meaningless.

    Easy, just use Anets definition of what is OW and Story content. They even see Festivals as Festivals, instead of something else.

    You mean this one:

    An open world, also known as a persistent world, is a game world that continues to exist and change even after a user has exited it, and is open to all players.Isn't that Anet's definition of Open World? So in that case everything that is not "persistent" (so, instanced) is not open world. Content that is persistent is Open World. So I guess WVW is also Open World by the official definition. I learned something new.

    That's the player wiki again. But if you want to use that definition, yes WvW has a persistent world, or an open world in technical terms.The aerodrome would also be considered an open world map.That also means that story content isn't technically open world content, since it doesn't happen in a persistent world, the same as Strike Missions, every Festival Arena, things like celestial challenge, some adventures etc.It's always nice to learn something new, isn't it?

    WvW isn't however part of the "Living World", Arenanet's official term for updates related to episodes. Those come with a variety of content, which include the new map as its open world content.

    When I mention OW-content, I've always been referring to the open world content of the non-competitive modes.So Core Tyria, HoT, PoF, LS (and VotP, though we only have a Hub map).

    If you can come up with a term that only relates to the open world content of non-competitive modes, feel free to share it, but even then things like the Aerodrome would count towards it, even though it is closely tied to raids, as a hub.

  15. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Warclaw mount is not content for you, I get it.

    The Warclaw was added in March 2019, which is after June 2019 so not sure why you bring that up.

    Your own timeframe you posted "From June 2019 to February 2019 we got only OW content"

    We also only got 1 LS release there.

    Where? You've confused the scope and time frame now.

    Your own timeframe you posted "From June 2019 to February 2019 we got only OW content"So the War Eternal release.

    January had Siren's reef,June had Ahdashim.

    Yes, both in 2019.


    Completely ignoring that Strike Missions are their own gamemode

    They are their own game mode. Already explained that part multiple times.

    Great that we can agree.

    and calling them "story" content

    Shiverpeak Pass "strike mission" is story content. Solo friendly experience. Same with the latest two Strike Missions. Fraenir is doable solo, although it might take some extra work. The Kodan, Boneskinner and Whisper of Jormag are the only true group content in Strike Missions so far.

    No, it is Strike mission content. How easy it is doesn't matter, it is still Strike Mission content, and therefore group content.You're just adding arbitrary definitions of what does and what doesn't count, but it still won't change that Shiverpeak Pass is a Strike Mission.

    is just like calling E-speccs only OW content.

    quote for reference:

    Mounts are OW content, E-specs are also OW content, are they acquired inside Fractals, Raids or PVP?

    As far as content goes, E-Specs are acquired and trained in the OW (and WVW) and that's it. I wonder how to unlock E-Specs in a Fractal, if you can point me there.

    Yep, you're just saying it is OW/WvW content because of the place where you unlock it, not where you can actually actively use it, just to suit your agenda.Like I've said before, no reason to discuss this further.

    Sorry, but it's like I said before, your definition of what is OW and story content is arbitrary.

    Your is too. So you should respond to what's objective instead of bringing your own bias in the discussion. An opinion versus an opinion won't really lead anywhere. But you do have objective questions to answer, which you ignored.

    Easy, just use Anets definition of what is OW and Story content. They even see Festivals as Festivals, instead of something else.

    As to your other question: Fractals have been getting more attention than raids, they even have a future if we believe Anet. A whole new quality tier was even introduced just for them.My guess as to why we haven't had a fractal for a long time? The response to Siren's Reef from the community. Anet also acknowledged they want to spend more focus and attention on fractals.Andrew Gray also never mentioned fractals have a small audience, that was something he only mentioned for raids. So maybe the difficulty tiers seem to work to create an audience for that type of content? It doesn't seem Fractal negligence was due to population size, whereas raids definately have a population problem, like Andew mentioned, and why they need a bridge like Strike Missions.He even mentions a big gap between raids and other endgame content. Fractals don't seem to have that gap, thanks to the tiered system.Still, I think more people would play fractals if the whole agony system wouldn't exist, unrelated to that.

  16. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:The person I've seen gloating has been you about your raid experience and training. But I guess it takes one to know one.

    It's called giving context as to where ones experience comes from. If me having experience with this content and training new players and pointing this out, as to give credence to my opinion, is gloating, sure I was gloating.

    Context and experience is also why I kept recommending you actually play the content you are giving advice on. As it stands right now, you have absolutely no clue how or what it's like as a new players getting into raids, by your own admission. Seems strange to me to give advice and criticize others while lacking that experience.

    I couldn't hold my promise to not engage again.

    This wasn't about why raiders left the gamemode, this was about why raids didn't attract more people. Your context and experience don't matter there, since you're only seeing why raiders are leaving, not why your so called "sideliners" aren't playing the content.

    New players that go raiding are already part of the raiding community. Also, what own admission? I've raided before, determined they aren't fun in their current state, and stopped playing them. The problem is that people don't even START with raids. If you can't see that, sure, keep on to that "experience" shield, that doesn't actually help, when the problem is to get "sideliners" into the gamemode. Your experience only helps when people are already starting with raids, or currently raiding, not for bringing in new people that didn't decide to raid yet.

    So yeah Context matters, but you're using the wrong context. Your position is completely wrong and you have no clue how people that don't currently raid feel about raids. You're just arguing from the perspective of someone that is already raiding, instead of asking why people don't start raiding, yet you try your hardest to snuff out people's suggestions, when their goal is to make raiding attractive to people that haven't been to raids yet.

    So my suggestion to you: try to listen to players when they give suggestions, instead of holding on to your pride of being an experienced raider.

    At least Anet is trying that with Strike Missions, trying to get people that normally don't raid into raids, but you don't seem to get that.

    @"maddoctor.2738"From June 2019 to February 2019 we got only OW content. Sure.Warclaw mount is not content for you, I get it.We also only got 1 LS release there.January had Siren's reef,June had Ahdashim.

    So there was a 4 months gap February to May, if you ignore the addition of the Warclaw which changed WvW drastically. Hardly any of the 1+ years I've heard about.4 months, a gap that we also saw for LS in the past.

    Completely ignoring that Strike Missions are their own gamemode and calling them "story" content is just like calling E-speccs only OW content.Sorry, but it's like I said before, your definition of what is OW and story content is arbitrary. SMs are just as much instanced content as dungeons, fractals and raids.

    @Asum.4960If you really think the target of build templates were casual players, it exposes how clueless you are about casual players and what they buy.The system was supposed to replace Arc, that's why Delta had to stop developing Arc. I've not seen many casual players use Arc.How bad the system is doesn't actually change who the target audience was.

  17. @Cyninja.2954 said:Raknar gloating? Just read this thread.

    My posts are directed at those that destroyed their own content by keeping people away from said content. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.I don't celebrate it. In fact, I pity the raiders that did welcome a change, but they got brexited by the ones that didn't want change. And that is pretty unfair to those raiders.

    The person I've seen gloating has been you about your raid experience and training. But I guess it takes one to know one.

    Seems you think you know me better. Not the first time either you judged me wrongly. "Extrapolate" all you want, but you've been wrong 3/3 times about me each time we've met on the forums.

    Edit: I've quickly run overflown some old posts, and adding things like this in retrospect is petty,

    @Cyninja.2954 said:If any one has kept you from this contnet, it was hardly me. Maybe someone else, maybe you yourself. I wouldn't know, I wasn't there. All I can say is: if you were this inexperienced yet this vocal in one of my training runs, yes I would most certainly have removed you. There is only so much clueless bs one can take and it's harmful to other players in a training. But given I have never raided with you, I have no idea why others might not have wanted you around. Not my issue.

    tells me enough about your person to never consider playing with you. You're quickly to judge other players and implied others didn't want me, when you know nothing about me. I had a static and we were doing raids just fine, I just got bored and stopped doing raids.I pity anyone that has to put up with you. Neither my group, nor I could endure your for a long time. Someone that judges others without any information.So good job, you're precisely the reason why some might not even want to try out raids.

    Anyways, this is my last post on this thread. Can't say I've enjoyed interacting with you, again.

  18. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:I've answered your simple question, but you didn't bother to listen. I won't explain it again to someone that doesn't listen. But yeah, w/e you won. I admit defeat, I can't explain it to you. You've bested me.

    You didn't answer my question, yet. It's not that you cannot explain it to me, because there is nothing to explain. But your admission of defeat does mean you finally are willing to see how content with difficulty tiers had less development than content without them. Better late than never.

    Na, I'm not willing to see it that way, since it simply isn't true. But I do admit defeat, there's just no reasoning with you. Calling E-speccs OW only content was the final straw for me, after you've put words countless times into my words, just like you're doing now. It's truly a waste of time to discuss anything further with you.

    Again, still not the timeframe for "only exclusive OW content" you mentioned at the start. SMs seem to be OW content for you. But w/e. I understand, everything you don't like is just OW content.

    You should re-read that quote if you believe that. It's close to the end of the quote.

    And you still didn't answer my question, yet you want me to answer. Another reason why it just isn't of value to discuss anything further.

    Kay, there's actually only free content in GW2 after PoF, got it.

    Wait... you dispute this? Which content released after PoF did we have to
    ? And if you say anything like "gem store skins and outfits" (because I think you say those are content right?) I should remind you that we got plenty of those in Q4 2019, yet you ignored them and said the only "money maker was build templates".

    And please spare me the doom and gloom. It's not about killing the game, it's about seeing a (a rather visible) drop in revenue and then proceeding to make direction changes in the quarter after it. And the director leaving silently during that same quarter. Do note that the amount of revenue the game lost in Q4 2019 is still less than the revenue the game ended up with (lost 4k, ended up with 11k). I'm not gonna say that OW will ever kill GW2, or that it's bad for the game, it's the most widely known and played part of the game. I simply stated in my original post the huge time frames that the rest of the content in the game spent completely neglected by the developers and -ESPECIALLY- in Q4 2019 (and most of Q3 2019). The drop might've been for completely different reasons, but I can speculate given what we have that the neglect did play a role, otherwise, if everything was going well content-wise, they wouldn't have such a road map.

    But we'll know when we get the next road map.

    LS isn't actually free content, it is just given out for free when it releases, if you haven't forgotten. Gemstore skins are obviously not free content.

    Doom and gloom is just repeating what Cyninja said. All "hardcore" raiders left. There's no revenue to gain anymore, apparently. And he told me the game will not be around for long anymore, I have to take him by his word. He's an experienced raider after all that knows everything about raid decline and game decline. There's just no niche content left, only OW content.

    This will also be my last response to you, I just can't argue with someone that puts words into my mouth and thinks E-Specc are OW only content. Sorry, but that's just too much for me to handle. I've never seen anyone else make a similiar claim, many people seem to enjoy E-speccs in every gamemode, not only OW (Aside from Balance problems with new mechanics). E-speccs are a big expansion seller because you can use them in every gamemode and because they are part of every gamemode.

    So again, I don't think we can see eye to eye here, our viewpoints are just too different.

  19. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Yeah, I've given up on you. Sorry, I won't bother anymore. I'm not going to explain it again, it's just such a waste of time.

    So you admit you were wrong after all this time? Good. There is nothing to explain -again-, your explanation was countered and battered already. But if you don't have anything to actually support your argument then it means your argument is flawed. And I will say it again, you are putting way too much emphasis on agony and fail to explain the reality of Fractals having less attention than Raids even though they do have multiple difficulty tiers. You inability to answer my simple question of whether agony (and "other" fractal mechanics) leads more players away than Raid mechanics is pretty telling of your lost cause.

    I've answered your simple question, but you didn't bother to listen. I won't explain it again to someone that doesn't listen. But yeah, w/e you won. I admit defeat, I can't explain it to you. You've bested me.

    Nice, that's the link i posted originally for you to show me the time frame, but you still haven't answered me once.

    The answer is in the link and the quote you put in your previous post, it answers your question you can go re-read it if you like. Otherwise @"Cyninja.2954" pretty much covered it.

    Here you go again:

    So from August 2019 to February 2020 we didn't get any development on PVP, WVW, Fractals or Raids. (6 months)Back in August we got a single 2vs2 PVP mapPrevious non-OW content was on June 2019 (Raid) or 8 months agoIf you want to count for WVW, Warclaw was on March 2019 (11 months)Strike Missions is an entirely new "game mode" added to the game replacing both Fractals and Raids.

    Again, still not the timeframe for "only exclusive OW content" you mentioned at the start. SMs seem to be OW content for you. But w/e. I understand, everything you don't like is just OW content.

    I hope you won't need to quote it again.

    You said they're not raid/fractals/pvp content.

    Exactly because they aren't?

    Heh.Good, you win, elite speccs are OW-only content, sure. If you say so. Hope they don't release any with Cantha then, OW content only drives the game's revenue down, after all. No one needs them, they're just OW stuff.

    Except the Icebrood Saga is free for everyone that logs on. And if you for some reason didn't get them for free, just compare the prices of the IBS and the build templates.Can't buy something you've already unlocked, so I doubt it will make a huge amount of money.

    So how did Guild Wars 2 make money after the release of Path of Fire? Everything content wise after Path of Fire has been free, the game supports itself using the gem store, and to have people buying things from the gem store they need people to be playing the game. And people play the game, and then visit the gem store, if they like what the game offers as content. If said content isn't good enough (like what we got in Q4 2019) then it leads to players leaving, leading to less income from the gem store.

    Kay, there's actually only free content in GW2 after PoF, got it. You're right. OW literally killed GW2. It's so dead I can't even log in anymore. It died in Q4 2019 because nobody cares about the OW content.

    Are we done yet?

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