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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. @Henry.5713 said:Add alternative vegan versions of all of the food, utility items and potions.

    I wonder if Iboga, Jacaranda, Choya and other plant based species would be fine to eat from a vegan perspective.I guess not, since they‘re technically animals and plants at the same time (or just sentient plants?).

    Still, I‘d think it would be hard being vegan in GW2 with all the sentient plants around.Just imagine being a Sylvari and seeing plants all around you, the equivalent for humans would be a landscape of non-sentient flesh growths :D(And what would a vegan-equivalent be from a Sylvari perspective? No plant-based products, only animal-based ones?)

    My guess is sentiency would play a huge role in Tyria if you‘d want to be something similiar to an ideological vegan in the real world.

  2. @coso.9173 said:oh so the jade sea is inside the continent?

    I‘d even say it is part of the continent, similiar to Antarctica, but instead of ice we have jade.I wonder how deep the jadefication is, if it reaches the tectonic plates of Tyria or not. If it doesn‘t, I‘d say the frozen Jade Sea would be more similiar to an ice shelf (and therefore not part of the continent). We could name the frozen part the Jade Shelf, while, the thawed part remains the Jade Sea.

  3. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    @Vyriis.6258 said:Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

    We do channel Joko as Legendary Prisoner during the story, while he‘s still around. A legend doesn‘t have to be dead to be channeled.

    Revenants do not commune with the dead, they commune with fully sentient echoes of legendary figures.The entity the echo came from can be dead or alive. In the case of Joko we don‘t commune with the currently active Joko walking around Tyria, but an echo of his former self as a prisoner.

    The Legends we use on a daily bases are not simple echos, but the legends themselves. During the point in the story where we do channel Joko it is still unknown whether he'd broken out of the prison before or after we had, but that doesn't change the fact that we only channel him long enough for him to say "Release me!". This is either because it's just an echo or because he's still alive. Mallyx has a voice line "You can't hold me forever!" which implies he is bound to us. The voice lines of all the legends thus far tell that they know they are already dead; this is because we are binding their spirits themselves, not echos.

    If it were merely echos we were channeling it would be the same situation as with Joko where we'd only get voice lines from the time in which the echo is being channeled from. Or at best spurts of their power during what ever echo we could find while they were in the mists (Which would limit us to Mallyx during his time in the Realm of torment and Shiro during his time as an Envoy). If it were also as simple as channeling echos to rein in a legends power why is it Anet decided to go with Kalla as the legend for PoF? Why not just channel the echo of Balthazar to fight Balthazar with? Or any of the gods for that matter; Grenth (Ice) or Lyssa (Water) would have been good choices as well. Why not channel Malandru to fight Mordrimoth with during HoT? Because we can't simply channel echos and expect nearly as much power as we get from them. It also wasn't until after we defeated Balthazar and Joko that people started thinking of them as legends to channel simply because that's how it works; they need to be dead and have their spiritual forms residing in the mists.

    However, all of that aside, neither of us can really say how exactly Revenants channel their power for sure as it's not specifically stated anywhere how our powers work. Given what we know about the mists via fractals, though, we can say for sure that echos within the mists simply repeat themselves, they do not change. Thus it's harder to believe we can pull any substantial power, or hold any sort of conversation, with mere echos.

    • "The Mists remember what came before, and
      echoes of those who left an especially powerful imprint on the world of Tyria
      can still be found there.A revenant
      calls upon these legendary historical figures
      , bringing them back into action to enhance the revenant’s own abilities and power."
    • "A revenant’s legends are
      not merely echoes of the past but are fully sentient
      , with opinions and personalities of their own."

    Not merely echoes, but still, in fact, echoes, as sentient as they may be.Both quotes state they are echoes of those who left an imprint on Tyria.Imprints of their legend the Mists recorded that are still able to form thoughts and have a personality.

    Why can't we channel the gods? We barely know anything about them or their "legends". There's a reason many revenants went a scholarly route to unlock hidden powers by studying the legends of old.Why Kalla? Her legend was written down, we know what she did and how she did it. Gorea Halfcut even tells us she's "learning" to invoke Kalla. That's why she knows so much about Kalla, she's learning about every aspect of her to discover new powers.

    Like I've said, they are sentient echoes. We don't commune with the actual entity, but a sentient echo version that was imprinted in the mists during a notable event.We channel Joko's former self that was still a prisoner, an imprint in the Mists, hence the name "Legendary Prisoner Stance".

    We don't channel Joko that is still walking on Tyria.It isn't the "Legendary King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, the Scourge of Vabbi, Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, Joko the Transcendent, and Joko the Eternal Monarch of All Stance", or simply "Legendary Lich Stance".

    The reason you can't channel the gods (Balthazar and Abbadon) is because if a god falls, or dies or even exists within the mists themselves they are part of the mists. They don't make ripples no matter what it is they do; Or how they do it. When they die they return to the mists and become one with the mists as its stated in the lore, the reason being that one can-not channel them is because they wish not to be channeled. There is only one, ever present version of the gods and they are the determining factor of who can utilize their font of power. A revenant channeling the power of the six would basically be a dervish, as that was dervishes did and the reason their order fell apart and fell to darkness was because the Six began to stop answering their calls. So they turned to Joko and well.... the rest you can discover in the joko fractal.

    Everything is a part of the Mists.I doubt the reason one can not channel a god is because they don't wish to be channeled. Mallyx's echo doesn't wish to be channeled/is offended when mortals borrow the power, yet revenant still do that.

    If you think back to Season 1, we would have gotten the "Fall of Abaddon Fractal", if Evon would have won. I'm pretty sure Abaddon himself would have been part of the fractal, so the Mists do remember. So there being "only one, ever present version of the gods" isn't something I buy into. I'd want an Arenanet quote on that, as both Wiki's (which are also player-made and sometimes contain wrong information) don't mention anything about it.

    Nonetheless, Balthazar's "light was dimmed" by the others of The Six, he was no longer part of The Six. He probably lost his divinity when the others opposed and chained him in the Mists, the reason why he needed the power of a Bloodstone.

    "Despite Balthazar's death, some of his magic survived within Aurene and made his recovered greatsword perceive him through her."~ Toward the bottom of the wiki. It covers events pretty well
    Arena-net went through some pretty big hoops to really show-case that balthazar was consumed fully by the dragons; So likely Aurene is the only part of him remaining and as far as I recall I believe that might be a case as to why he can't be channeled. Same with Abbadon due to kormir, likely the only being we'd be able to channel who'd give us the feeling of him would be aurene (Unlikely as we have glint) or his replacement, whomever and whatever that is.

    The difference between Mallyx and The six is mallyx is like an Ant in the face of the six; He is just some demon who exists in the mists and reforms when beaten so likely he is alive in the mists somewhere. Trapped in the realm of torment; Likely I believe he can be channeled as he really Isn't that powerful I mean a weaker hero of tyria clapped him with a band of mercenaries in nightfall so he really isn't that strong. Plus the six have "left" meaning likely they have moved through the mists and are now elsewhere, as mist beings they dont leave echos. The Echo of shiro we have for example is an echo of mortal/empowered shiro which is why the jade is there, The full power shiro the envoy/abbadon puppet we don't channel as he is a mist being. Likely its why we don't channel a few other note-worthy characters like Razah whom was born within the mists, much like the six.

    It doesn't matter that Balthazar's magic was consumed by Kralkatorrik and Aurene. This isn't about channeling the current Balthazar, but echoes, imprints the Mists recorded of him. Revenant's don't channel the entities directly, but echoes.

    Mallyx isn't just "some demon". If Mallyx were, the Mists wouldn't have recorded an echo that revenants can channel. A weaker hero of Tyria with his band and a blind lady in tow also clapped Abaddon with his divinity still in tact, the same can't be said about Balthazar. I also don't want your headcanon, I want actual quotes.

    The "Fall of Abaddon"-Fractal we never got still implies they do leave echoes.

    This is true, it implies. But it doesn't exist so its not cannon; I recall reading that the Six don't leave echo's while divine or in divine form. Abbadon likely wasn't what the Fractal would be about it would likely be about the main head of the cult who followed him; Following the events of the crystal desert being turned from the crystal sea which was the product of Balth and Abba fighting. That was indeed a momentous occasion and worthy of being recorded by the mists; But Abbadon ceased to be when kormir consumed him and his essence lives on in her. Like-wise Aurene consumed Abbadon and as the lore has stated ED>Gods which is why the six fled with their tails between their legs; Also Kralk DESTROYED some of the god realms and among them was The fissure of WoE which is now directly tied to tyria. Its not head-cannon when the lore you seek and the excuses you seek don't exist.

    The elections did happen. They're canon, and so are Evon's promises of research into the fractals:

    You "recall reading the Six don't leave echo's" but where are the quotes?The Fractal definately would have been about Abaddon. It was called Fall of Abaddon, not "Some cultist of Abaddon, without Abaddon".
    Note: This fractal will cover the original fall of Abaddon that took place prior to the events of Guild Wars 1.

    "The protomatter that makes up the Mists strains toward creation, often spawning demonic creations in nightmarish forms. Not all creatures from the Mists are demonic, however. When the Mists come into contact with a suitable human template, for example, it can copy that form, creating a sentient entity with humanoid appearance and an almost human mind.

    Razah is one such creation. It has sprung into being a fully-formed adult. It has the knowledge and capabilities of a human, but lacks common sense. As a result, it asks odd questions about human emotions, contemplates human motivations, and attempts to duplicate human mannerisms. Razah is a contradiction: more than human in some ways, and less than human in others. It needs an identity, a personality, and a purpose. Hopefully, it will find its purpose by working with a hero. Otherwise, it could degenerate into an abomination as monstrous and inhuman as its demonic brethren." ~ One of the Direct Quotes dealing with Razah

    The Mists creates stuff, we know that. Everything is made by the Mists. Razah is only special to Tyria, but not to the Mists.

    • "They are the source of all good and evil, of all matter and knowledge. It is said that all forms of life, no matter how simple or complex, can trace their origins back to this one place."

    Razah was born within the mists, and Abbadon took great interest in him because as it states within the quest he did not leave an echo. He was very much like the Six and it perplexed abbadon because everything he knew up until that point was called into question. This leads one to believe that the Six may in their own way be Echos of what once was a person; But is no longer. I actually believe the Six are the Ideal or the Ideals of people who once existed so each of these (If you know warhammer lore) are thought forms given manifest. It would explain their sudden appearance from no where, to where even humans have no record of when they first made contact with the human species. It also makes sense as to why they might not leave an echo for they themselves ARE an echo; Granted this does confirm maybe that we could in theory channel them. But Mallyx was indeed not the strongest demon in Abbadons bag of tricks, he was merely cunning and the real reason that we can channel him is that while we destroyed his physical embodiment we did not destroy him. His essence lingered on and reformed, the mission even brings up how even though he is defeated he is not gone forever. Likely he is in the realm of torment and is stuck there due to his master being gone and kormir likely shutting the way, Its possible he simply is biding his time. The only demon not connected to the mists was Kanaxai whom seemed to be far more of a powerhouse than Mallyx, heck even Varesh was more powerful than mallyx and Abbadon was weak when we fought him. His power restrained and us blessed by ALL SIX GODS to make us immune to his taint, the six literally made it so he couldn't just blow us up from orbit and without their blessing he likely would of one shot us.

    I want a quote for "Razah doesn't leave an echo".It also seems you don't get what Anet meant by "Echo". Those echoes a revenant channels are only created when something notable happens and the Mists create an imprint of it, so that the event may be recalled by connecting to the Mists.

    Varesh stronger lorewise than Mallyx? Please. I actually can't take you serious. But go ahead, show me your references where Arenanet states that.The same goes for Kanaxai. Give me quotes where Mallyx and Kanaxai were compared in power by Arenanet.

    He was stronger than the weakened balth that we fought, that is for sure. to be honest I don't have a concrete answer for you because A-net frankly refuses to give any, the abbadon fractal would be enlightening for the lore. But as stated it does not exist nor according to them will ever exist and as such that means for now its not cannon; So that fractal can't be used as a reference point. Plus that was going to happen and come out LONG before the revenant was really concrete and before they likely settled on making an expansion. (They were dead set on never doing expansions, living world was the way... sadly it did not go the way they planned). Regardless I doubt balthazar or the Six will be channeled legends for us on the strict basis that Balth himself was and is a boss in guild wars 2. Likely they wont let us have him due to that alone. As for the rest... well I think we will see the six down the road and that might be why we can't have them. I think honestly the likely hood of an expansion exploring the god realms and what it means to be a god, their origins and so on is very likely now that guild wars utopia has been made cannon via the guild wars 20th anniversary art-book. In which we again hear of the Old gods, true gods, ancient gods and so on. (One of which is Abbadons predecessor and presumably where he got his power from to begin with.)

    Everything about your "God's don't have echoes" headcanon is made up. Please, I beg you, give me concrete evidence. That's all I'm asking for, not paragraphs rambling about nothing.Clearly friend its you who doesn't know what they are talking about, All this hype of balth and for what? A greatsword and his animations with fire damage, if you want to be a guardian its there mate? Nothing stopping you. As much as I think it might be neat I REALLY DOUBT a character who died recently will be a legend, because if indeed those characters are up for grabs than there are several who likely will come infront of balth. Besides that whats to stop us from channeling dead elder dragons? Do they go to the mists? Oh thats right we have no freaking clue what happens when they die, not truly. Just like the gods. So your head-cannon is just as much head-cannon as "mine" is when it comes right down to it. We dont know. They've never come out and said either way and all we are doing is arguing because neither will budge, Like I said above Ill look for where I heard that quote. And Ill take screenshots if I find anything when that book arrives; However Im not about to argue with a self-important know it all who claims to have all this insight.

    "After Balthazar's death, Kralkatorrik and Aurene absorbed the former god's rampant magic, which consisted of the magic of the Maguuma Bloodstone as well as some of the magic of Primordus and Jormag. Newly empowered, the Crystal Dragon flew across the desert once again, carving a new Dragonbrand in his wake."

    You really don't get what the echoes actually are. That you still think the absorption of Balthazars magic by Kralkatorrik and Aurene actually matter to the Mists in terms of what it imprints and what a revenant can channel tells me that.

    It's strange for me to see that you correctly understand the legends and echoes in terms of Shiro, his legend being about the Jade Wind that completely changed Cantha and Ventari, where the Tablet plays a bigger role than the centaur himself, as it guided an entire race, yet you don't get how the echo would work for Balthazar, by saying that the absorption has a significance to his past legend.You even said something about The Six possibly being echoes themselves (how did that theory even start???), when there has to be a central event of significance for the Mists to imprint it.

    I also don't care if Balthazar is the legend, another one of The Six or if it is Asgeir or Svanir, Torivos, Kanaxai (unlikely, unless Anet explores his connection to the Mists), Varesh, the Naga priestess that saved her race, or anyone else for that matter (aside from Togo, as I don't think we'll get another Human from Cantha which would indeed be boring).If i'd had to take a guess, Svanir and the legend of the Nornbear is the most likely candidate for the next legend. He had a huge impact on Norn society, being the one responsible for the creation of the Sons of Svanir due to his legend.

    I was merely stating that Balthazar is a possibility. He's even more likely now after his death, since the Zaishen are on our side now and will share stories that were passed down for generations. They must know more than many, they even knew about Lazarus being Balthazar before it was revealed to us (Zaishen disguised as white mantle, see Bloodstone Fen cinematics). To channel a legend you'll have to know about their past deeds and a significant event they were a key part in, after all.

    You were the one saying gods can't be legends by bringing in lore, that as far as I'm concerned I've never seen stated by Arenanet anywhere, about the Mists not being able to reconstruct the actions of The Six.And for some reason you want to spin this around by saying I want one of The Six as a legend, when that has never been the case.

    I give up. The difference between your headcanon and what you call out as my "headcanon" is that everything I've said is stated in Arenanet's own blogs and lore and isn't unfounded, as I've always backed up my claims with the sources.

  4. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    @Vyriis.6258 said:Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

    We do channel Joko as Legendary Prisoner during the story, while he‘s still around. A legend doesn‘t have to be dead to be channeled.

    Revenants do not commune with the dead, they commune with fully sentient echoes of legendary figures.The entity the echo came from can be dead or alive. In the case of Joko we don‘t commune with the currently active Joko walking around Tyria, but an echo of his former self as a prisoner.

    The Legends we use on a daily bases are not simple echos, but the legends themselves. During the point in the story where we do channel Joko it is still unknown whether he'd broken out of the prison before or after we had, but that doesn't change the fact that we only channel him long enough for him to say "Release me!". This is either because it's just an echo or because he's still alive. Mallyx has a voice line "You can't hold me forever!" which implies he is bound to us. The voice lines of all the legends thus far tell that they know they are already dead; this is because we are binding their spirits themselves, not echos.

    If it were merely echos we were channeling it would be the same situation as with Joko where we'd only get voice lines from the time in which the echo is being channeled from. Or at best spurts of their power during what ever echo we could find while they were in the mists (Which would limit us to Mallyx during his time in the Realm of torment and Shiro during his time as an Envoy). If it were also as simple as channeling echos to rein in a legends power why is it Anet decided to go with Kalla as the legend for PoF? Why not just channel the echo of Balthazar to fight Balthazar with? Or any of the gods for that matter; Grenth (Ice) or Lyssa (Water) would have been good choices as well. Why not channel Malandru to fight Mordrimoth with during HoT? Because we can't simply channel echos and expect nearly as much power as we get from them. It also wasn't until after we defeated Balthazar and Joko that people started thinking of them as legends to channel simply because that's how it works; they need to be dead and have their spiritual forms residing in the mists.

    However, all of that aside, neither of us can really say how exactly Revenants channel their power for sure as it's not specifically stated anywhere how our powers work. Given what we know about the mists via fractals, though, we can say for sure that echos within the mists simply repeat themselves, they do not change. Thus it's harder to believe we can pull any substantial power, or hold any sort of conversation, with mere echos.

    • "The Mists remember what came before, and
      echoes of those who left an especially powerful imprint on the world of Tyria
      can still be found there.A revenant
      calls upon these legendary historical figures
      , bringing them back into action to enhance the revenant’s own abilities and power."
    • "A revenant’s legends are
      not merely echoes of the past but are fully sentient
      , with opinions and personalities of their own."

    Not merely echoes, but still, in fact, echoes, as sentient as they may be.Both quotes state they are echoes of those who left an imprint on Tyria.Imprints of their legend the Mists recorded that are still able to form thoughts and have a personality.

    Why can't we channel the gods? We barely know anything about them or their "legends". There's a reason many revenants went a scholarly route to unlock hidden powers by studying the legends of old.Why Kalla? Her legend was written down, we know what she did and how she did it. Gorea Halfcut even tells us she's "learning" to invoke Kalla. That's why she knows so much about Kalla, she's learning about every aspect of her to discover new powers.

    Like I've said, they are sentient echoes. We don't commune with the actual entity, but a sentient echo version that was imprinted in the mists during a notable event.We channel Joko's former self that was still a prisoner, an imprint in the Mists, hence the name "Legendary Prisoner Stance".

    We don't channel Joko that is still walking on Tyria.It isn't the "Legendary King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, the Scourge of Vabbi, Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, Joko the Transcendent, and Joko the Eternal Monarch of All Stance", or simply "Legendary Lich Stance".

    The reason you can't channel the gods (Balthazar and Abbadon) is because if a god falls, or dies or even exists within the mists themselves they are part of the mists. They don't make ripples no matter what it is they do; Or how they do it. When they die they return to the mists and become one with the mists as its stated in the lore, the reason being that one can-not channel them is because they wish not to be channeled. There is only one, ever present version of the gods and they are the determining factor of who can utilize their font of power. A revenant channeling the power of the six would basically be a dervish, as that was dervishes did and the reason their order fell apart and fell to darkness was because the Six began to stop answering their calls. So they turned to Joko and well.... the rest you can discover in the joko fractal.

    Everything is a part of the Mists.I doubt the reason one can not channel a god is because they don't wish to be channeled. Mallyx's echo doesn't wish to be channeled/is offended when mortals borrow the power, yet revenant still do that.

    If you think back to Season 1, we would have gotten the "Fall of Abaddon Fractal", if Evon would have won. I'm pretty sure Abaddon himself would have been part of the fractal, so the Mists do remember. So there being "only one, ever present version of the gods" isn't something I buy into. I'd want an Arenanet quote on that, as both Wiki's (which are also player-made and sometimes contain wrong information) don't mention anything about it.

    Nonetheless, Balthazar's "light was dimmed" by the others of The Six, he was no longer part of The Six. He probably lost his divinity when the others opposed and chained him in the Mists, the reason why he needed the power of a Bloodstone.

    "Despite Balthazar's death, some of his magic survived within Aurene and made his recovered greatsword perceive him through her."~ Toward the bottom of the wiki. It covers events pretty well
    Arena-net went through some pretty big hoops to really show-case that balthazar was consumed fully by the dragons; So likely Aurene is the only part of him remaining and as far as I recall I believe that might be a case as to why he can't be channeled. Same with Abbadon due to kormir, likely the only being we'd be able to channel who'd give us the feeling of him would be aurene (Unlikely as we have glint) or his replacement, whomever and whatever that is.

    The difference between Mallyx and The six is mallyx is like an Ant in the face of the six; He is just some demon who exists in the mists and reforms when beaten so likely he is alive in the mists somewhere. Trapped in the realm of torment; Likely I believe he can be channeled as he really Isn't that powerful I mean a weaker hero of tyria clapped him with a band of mercenaries in nightfall so he really isn't that strong. Plus the six have "left" meaning likely they have moved through the mists and are now elsewhere, as mist beings they dont leave echos. The Echo of shiro we have for example is an echo of mortal/empowered shiro which is why the jade is there, The full power shiro the envoy/abbadon puppet we don't channel as he is a mist being. Likely its why we don't channel a few other note-worthy characters like Razah whom was born within the mists, much like the six.

    It doesn't matter that Balthazar's magic was consumed by Kralkatorrik and Aurene. This isn't about channeling the current Balthazar, but echoes, imprints the Mists recorded of him. Revenant's don't channel the entities directly, but echoes.

    Mallyx isn't just "some demon". If Mallyx were, the Mists wouldn't have recorded an echo that revenants can channel. A weaker hero of Tyria with his band and a blind lady in tow also clapped Abaddon with his divinity still in tact, the same can't be said about Balthazar. I also don't want your headcanon, I want actual quotes.

    The "Fall of Abaddon"-Fractal we never got still implies they do leave echoes.

    This is true, it implies. But it doesn't exist so its not cannon; I recall reading that the Six don't leave echo's while divine or in divine form. Abbadon likely wasn't what the Fractal would be about it would likely be about the main head of the cult who followed him; Following the events of the crystal desert being turned from the crystal sea which was the product of Balth and Abba fighting. That was indeed a momentous occasion and worthy of being recorded by the mists; But Abbadon ceased to be when kormir consumed him and his essence lives on in her. Like-wise Aurene consumed Abbadon and as the lore has stated ED>Gods which is why the six fled with their tails between their legs; Also Kralk DESTROYED some of the god realms and among them was The fissure of WoE which is now directly tied to tyria. Its not head-cannon when the lore you seek and the excuses you seek don't exist.

    The elections did happen. They're canon, and so are Evon's promises of research into the fractals:https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/july-23-2013/

    You "recall reading the Six don't leave echo's" but where are the quotes?The Fractal definately would have been about Abaddon. It was called Fall of Abaddon, not "Some cultist of Abaddon, without Abaddon".https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cutthroat_PoliticsNote: This fractal will cover the original fall of Abaddon that took place prior to the events of Guild Wars 1.

    "The protomatter that makes up the Mists strains toward creation, often spawning demonic creations in nightmarish forms. Not all creatures from the Mists are demonic, however. When the Mists come into contact with a suitable human template, for example, it can copy that form, creating a sentient entity with humanoid appearance and an almost human mind.

    Razah is one such creation. It has sprung into being a fully-formed adult. It has the knowledge and capabilities of a human, but lacks common sense. As a result, it asks odd questions about human emotions, contemplates human motivations, and attempts to duplicate human mannerisms. Razah is a contradiction: more than human in some ways, and less than human in others. It needs an identity, a personality, and a purpose. Hopefully, it will find its purpose by working with a hero. Otherwise, it could degenerate into an abomination as monstrous and inhuman as its demonic brethren." ~ One of the Direct Quotes dealing with Razah

    The Mists creates stuff, we know that. Everything is made by the Mists. Razah is only special to Tyria, but not to the Mists.


    • "They are the source of all good and evil, of all matter and knowledge. It is said that all forms of life, no matter how simple or complex, can trace their origins back to this one place."

    Razah was born within the mists, and Abbadon took great interest in him because as it states within the quest he did not leave an echo. He was very much like the Six and it perplexed abbadon because everything he knew up until that point was called into question. This leads one to believe that the Six may in their own way be Echos of what once was a person; But is no longer. I actually believe the Six are the Ideal or the Ideals of people who once existed so each of these (If you know warhammer lore) are thought forms given manifest. It would explain their sudden appearance from no where, to where even humans have no record of when they first made contact with the human species. It also makes sense as to why they might not leave an echo for they themselves ARE an echo; Granted this does confirm maybe that we could in theory channel them. But Mallyx was indeed not the strongest demon in Abbadons bag of tricks, he was merely cunning and the real reason that we can channel him is that while we destroyed his physical embodiment we did not destroy him. His essence lingered on and reformed, the mission even brings up how even though he is defeated he is not gone forever. Likely he is in the realm of torment and is stuck there due to his master being gone and kormir likely shutting the way, Its possible he simply is biding his time. The only demon not connected to the mists was Kanaxai whom seemed to be far more of a powerhouse than Mallyx, heck even Varesh was more powerful than mallyx and Abbadon was weak when we fought him. His power restrained and us blessed by ALL SIX GODS to make us immune to his taint, the six literally made it so he couldn't just blow us up from orbit and without their blessing he likely would of one shot us.

    I want a quote for "Razah doesn't leave an echo".It also seems you don't get what Anet meant by "Echo". Those echoes a revenant channels are only created when something notable happens and the Mists create an imprint of it, so that the event may be recalled by connecting to the Mists.

    Varesh stronger lorewise than Mallyx? Please. I actually can't take you serious. But go ahead, show me your references where Arenanet states that.The same goes for Kanaxai. Give me quotes where Mallyx and Kanaxai were compared in power by Arenanet.

    He was stronger than the weakened balth that we fought, that is for sure. to be honest I don't have a concrete answer for you because A-net frankly refuses to give any, the abbadon fractal would be enlightening for the lore. But as stated it does not exist nor according to them will ever exist and as such that means for now its not cannon; So that fractal can't be used as a reference point. Plus that was going to happen and come out LONG before the revenant was really concrete and before they likely settled on making an expansion. (They were dead set on never doing expansions, living world was the way... sadly it did not go the way they planned)

    Everything about your "God's don't have echoes" headcanon is made up. Please, I beg you, give me concrete evidence. That's all I'm asking for, not paragraphs rambling about nothing.

  5. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    @Vyriis.6258 said:Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

    We do channel Joko as Legendary Prisoner during the story, while he‘s still around. A legend doesn‘t have to be dead to be channeled.

    Revenants do not commune with the dead, they commune with fully sentient echoes of legendary figures.The entity the echo came from can be dead or alive. In the case of Joko we don‘t commune with the currently active Joko walking around Tyria, but an echo of his former self as a prisoner.

    The Legends we use on a daily bases are not simple echos, but the legends themselves. During the point in the story where we do channel Joko it is still unknown whether he'd broken out of the prison before or after we had, but that doesn't change the fact that we only channel him long enough for him to say "Release me!". This is either because it's just an echo or because he's still alive. Mallyx has a voice line "You can't hold me forever!" which implies he is bound to us. The voice lines of all the legends thus far tell that they know they are already dead; this is because we are binding their spirits themselves, not echos.

    If it were merely echos we were channeling it would be the same situation as with Joko where we'd only get voice lines from the time in which the echo is being channeled from. Or at best spurts of their power during what ever echo we could find while they were in the mists (Which would limit us to Mallyx during his time in the Realm of torment and Shiro during his time as an Envoy). If it were also as simple as channeling echos to rein in a legends power why is it Anet decided to go with Kalla as the legend for PoF? Why not just channel the echo of Balthazar to fight Balthazar with? Or any of the gods for that matter; Grenth (Ice) or Lyssa (Water) would have been good choices as well. Why not channel Malandru to fight Mordrimoth with during HoT? Because we can't simply channel echos and expect nearly as much power as we get from them. It also wasn't until after we defeated Balthazar and Joko that people started thinking of them as legends to channel simply because that's how it works; they need to be dead and have their spiritual forms residing in the mists.

    However, all of that aside, neither of us can really say how exactly Revenants channel their power for sure as it's not specifically stated anywhere how our powers work. Given what we know about the mists via fractals, though, we can say for sure that echos within the mists simply repeat themselves, they do not change. Thus it's harder to believe we can pull any substantial power, or hold any sort of conversation, with mere echos.

    • "The Mists remember what came before, and
      echoes of those who left an especially powerful imprint on the world of Tyria
      can still be found there.A revenant
      calls upon these legendary historical figures
      , bringing them back into action to enhance the revenant’s own abilities and power."
    • "A revenant’s legends are
      not merely echoes of the past but are fully sentient
      , with opinions and personalities of their own."

    Not merely echoes, but still, in fact, echoes, as sentient as they may be.Both quotes state they are echoes of those who left an imprint on Tyria.Imprints of their legend the Mists recorded that are still able to form thoughts and have a personality.

    Why can't we channel the gods? We barely know anything about them or their "legends". There's a reason many revenants went a scholarly route to unlock hidden powers by studying the legends of old.Why Kalla? Her legend was written down, we know what she did and how she did it. Gorea Halfcut even tells us she's "learning" to invoke Kalla. That's why she knows so much about Kalla, she's learning about every aspect of her to discover new powers.

    Like I've said, they are sentient echoes. We don't commune with the actual entity, but a sentient echo version that was imprinted in the mists during a notable event.We channel Joko's former self that was still a prisoner, an imprint in the Mists, hence the name "Legendary Prisoner Stance".

    We don't channel Joko that is still walking on Tyria.It isn't the "Legendary King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, the Scourge of Vabbi, Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, Joko the Transcendent, and Joko the Eternal Monarch of All Stance", or simply "Legendary Lich Stance".

    The reason you can't channel the gods (Balthazar and Abbadon) is because if a god falls, or dies or even exists within the mists themselves they are part of the mists. They don't make ripples no matter what it is they do; Or how they do it. When they die they return to the mists and become one with the mists as its stated in the lore, the reason being that one can-not channel them is because they wish not to be channeled. There is only one, ever present version of the gods and they are the determining factor of who can utilize their font of power. A revenant channeling the power of the six would basically be a dervish, as that was dervishes did and the reason their order fell apart and fell to darkness was because the Six began to stop answering their calls. So they turned to Joko and well.... the rest you can discover in the joko fractal.

    Everything is a part of the Mists.I doubt the reason one can not channel a god is because they don't wish to be channeled. Mallyx's echo doesn't wish to be channeled/is offended when mortals borrow the power, yet revenant still do that.

    If you think back to Season 1, we would have gotten the "Fall of Abaddon Fractal", if Evon would have won. I'm pretty sure Abaddon himself would have been part of the fractal, so the Mists do remember. So there being "only one, ever present version of the gods" isn't something I buy into. I'd want an Arenanet quote on that, as both Wiki's (which are also player-made and sometimes contain wrong information) don't mention anything about it.

    Nonetheless, Balthazar's "light was dimmed" by the others of The Six, he was no longer part of The Six. He probably lost his divinity when the others opposed and chained him in the Mists, the reason why he needed the power of a Bloodstone.

    "Despite Balthazar's death, some of his magic survived within Aurene and made his recovered greatsword perceive him through her."~ Toward the bottom of the wiki. It covers events pretty well
    Arena-net went through some pretty big hoops to really show-case that balthazar was consumed fully by the dragons; So likely Aurene is the only part of him remaining and as far as I recall I believe that might be a case as to why he can't be channeled. Same with Abbadon due to kormir, likely the only being we'd be able to channel who'd give us the feeling of him would be aurene (Unlikely as we have glint) or his replacement, whomever and whatever that is.

    The difference between Mallyx and The six is mallyx is like an Ant in the face of the six; He is just some demon who exists in the mists and reforms when beaten so likely he is alive in the mists somewhere. Trapped in the realm of torment; Likely I believe he can be channeled as he really Isn't that powerful I mean a weaker hero of tyria clapped him with a band of mercenaries in nightfall so he really isn't that strong. Plus the six have "left" meaning likely they have moved through the mists and are now elsewhere, as mist beings they dont leave echos. The Echo of shiro we have for example is an echo of mortal/empowered shiro which is why the jade is there, The full power shiro the envoy/abbadon puppet we don't channel as he is a mist being. Likely its why we don't channel a few other note-worthy characters like Razah whom was born within the mists, much like the six.

    It doesn't matter that Balthazar's magic was consumed by Kralkatorrik and Aurene. This isn't about channeling the current Balthazar, but echoes, imprints the Mists recorded of him. Revenant's don't channel the entities directly, but echoes.

    Mallyx isn't just "some demon". If Mallyx were, the Mists wouldn't have recorded an echo that revenants can channel. A weaker hero of Tyria with his band and a blind lady in tow also clapped Abaddon with his divinity still in tact, the same can't be said about Balthazar. I also don't want your headcanon, I want actual quotes.

    The "Fall of Abaddon"-Fractal we never got still implies they do leave echoes.

  6. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    @Vyriis.6258 said:Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

    We do channel Joko as Legendary Prisoner during the story, while he‘s still around. A legend doesn‘t have to be dead to be channeled.

    Revenants do not commune with the dead, they commune with fully sentient echoes of legendary figures.The entity the echo came from can be dead or alive. In the case of Joko we don‘t commune with the currently active Joko walking around Tyria, but an echo of his former self as a prisoner.

    The Legends we use on a daily bases are not simple echos, but the legends themselves. During the point in the story where we do channel Joko it is still unknown whether he'd broken out of the prison before or after we had, but that doesn't change the fact that we only channel him long enough for him to say "Release me!". This is either because it's just an echo or because he's still alive. Mallyx has a voice line "You can't hold me forever!" which implies he is bound to us. The voice lines of all the legends thus far tell that they know they are already dead; this is because we are binding their spirits themselves, not echos.

    If it were merely echos we were channeling it would be the same situation as with Joko where we'd only get voice lines from the time in which the echo is being channeled from. Or at best spurts of their power during what ever echo we could find while they were in the mists (Which would limit us to Mallyx during his time in the Realm of torment and Shiro during his time as an Envoy). If it were also as simple as channeling echos to rein in a legends power why is it Anet decided to go with Kalla as the legend for PoF? Why not just channel the echo of Balthazar to fight Balthazar with? Or any of the gods for that matter; Grenth (Ice) or Lyssa (Water) would have been good choices as well. Why not channel Malandru to fight Mordrimoth with during HoT? Because we can't simply channel echos and expect nearly as much power as we get from them. It also wasn't until after we defeated Balthazar and Joko that people started thinking of them as legends to channel simply because that's how it works; they need to be dead and have their spiritual forms residing in the mists.

    However, all of that aside, neither of us can really say how exactly Revenants channel their power for sure as it's not specifically stated anywhere how our powers work. Given what we know about the mists via fractals, though, we can say for sure that echos within the mists simply repeat themselves, they do not change. Thus it's harder to believe we can pull any substantial power, or hold any sort of conversation, with mere echos.

    • "The Mists remember what came before, and
      echoes of those who left an especially powerful imprint on the world of Tyria
      can still be found there.A revenant
      calls upon these legendary historical figures
      , bringing them back into action to enhance the revenant’s own abilities and power."
    • "A revenant’s legends are
      not merely echoes of the past but are fully sentient
      , with opinions and personalities of their own."

    Not merely echoes, but still, in fact, echoes, as sentient as they may be.Both quotes state they are echoes of those who left an imprint on Tyria.Imprints of their legend the Mists recorded that are still able to form thoughts and have a personality.

    Why can't we channel the gods? We barely know anything about them or their "legends". There's a reason many revenants went a scholarly route to unlock hidden powers by studying the legends of old.Why Kalla? Her legend was written down, we know what she did and how she did it. Gorea Halfcut even tells us she's "learning" to invoke Kalla. That's why she knows so much about Kalla, she's learning about every aspect of her to discover new powers.

    Like I've said, they are sentient echoes. We don't commune with the actual entity, but a sentient echo version that was imprinted in the mists during a notable event.We channel Joko's former self that was still a prisoner, an imprint in the Mists, hence the name "Legendary Prisoner Stance".

    We don't channel Joko that is still walking on Tyria.It isn't the "Legendary King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, the Scourge of Vabbi, Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, Joko the Transcendent, and Joko the Eternal Monarch of All Stance", or simply "Legendary Lich Stance".

    The reason you can't channel the gods (Balthazar and Abbadon) is because if a god falls, or dies or even exists within the mists themselves they are part of the mists. They don't make ripples no matter what it is they do; Or how they do it. When they die they return to the mists and become one with the mists as its stated in the lore, the reason being that one can-not channel them is because they wish not to be channeled. There is only one, ever present version of the gods and they are the determining factor of who can utilize their font of power. A revenant channeling the power of the six would basically be a dervish, as that was dervishes did and the reason their order fell apart and fell to darkness was because the Six began to stop answering their calls. So they turned to Joko and well.... the rest you can discover in the joko fractal.

    Everything is a part of the Mists.I doubt the reason one can not channel a god is because they don't wish to be channeled. Mallyx's echo doesn't wish to be channeled/is offended when mortals borrow the power, yet revenant still do that.

    If you think back to Season 1, we would have gotten the "Fall of Abaddon Fractal", if Evon would have won. I'm pretty sure Abaddon himself would have been part of the fractal, so the Mists do remember. So there being "only one, ever present version of the gods" isn't something I buy into. I'd want an Arenanet quote on that, as both Wiki's (which are also player-made and sometimes contain wrong information) don't mention anything about it.

    Nonetheless, Balthazar's "light was dimmed" by the others of The Six, he was no longer part of The Six. He probably lost his divinity when the others opposed and chained him in the Mists, the reason why he needed the power of a Bloodstone.

  7. @Vyriis.6258 said:

    @Vyriis.6258 said:Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

    We do channel Joko as Legendary Prisoner during the story, while he‘s still around. A legend doesn‘t have to be dead to be channeled.

    Revenants do not commune with the dead, they commune with fully sentient echoes of legendary figures.The entity the echo came from can be dead or alive. In the case of Joko we don‘t commune with the currently active Joko walking around Tyria, but an echo of his former self as a prisoner.

    The Legends we use on a daily bases are not simple echos, but the legends themselves. During the point in the story where we do channel Joko it is still unknown whether he'd broken out of the prison before or after we had, but that doesn't change the fact that we only channel him long enough for him to say "Release me!". This is either because it's just an echo or because he's still alive. Mallyx has a voice line "You can't hold me forever!" which implies he is bound to us. The voice lines of all the legends thus far tell that they know they are already dead; this is because we are binding their spirits themselves, not echos.

    If it were merely echos we were channeling it would be the same situation as with Joko where we'd only get voice lines from the time in which the echo is being channeled from. Or at best spurts of their power during what ever echo we could find while they were in the mists (Which would limit us to Mallyx during his time in the Realm of torment and Shiro during his time as an Envoy). If it were also as simple as channeling echos to rein in a legends power why is it Anet decided to go with Kalla as the legend for PoF? Why not just channel the echo of Balthazar to fight Balthazar with? Or any of the gods for that matter; Grenth (Ice) or Lyssa (Water) would have been good choices as well. Why not channel Malandru to fight Mordrimoth with during HoT? Because we can't simply channel echos and expect nearly as much power as we get from them. It also wasn't until after we defeated Balthazar and Joko that people started thinking of them as legends to channel simply because that's how it works; they need to be dead and have their spiritual forms residing in the mists.

    However, all of that aside, neither of us can really say how exactly Revenants channel their power for sure as it's not specifically stated anywhere how our powers work. Given what we know about the mists via fractals, though, we can say for sure that echos within the mists simply repeat themselves, they do not change. Thus it's harder to believe we can pull any substantial power, or hold any sort of conversation, with mere echos.


    • "The Mists remember what came before, and echoes of those who left an especially powerful imprint on the world of Tyria can still be found there.A revenant calls upon these legendary historical figures, bringing them back into action to enhance the revenant’s own abilities and power."
    • "A revenant’s legends are not merely echoes of the past but are fully sentient, with opinions and personalities of their own."

    Not merely echoes, but still, in fact, echoes, as sentient as they may be.Both quotes state they are echoes of those who left an imprint on Tyria.Imprints of their legend the Mists recorded that are still able to form thoughts and have a personality.

    Why can't we channel the gods? We barely know anything about them or their "legends". There's a reason many revenants went a scholarly route to unlock hidden powers by studying the legends of old.Why Kalla? Her legend was written down, we know what she did and how she did it. Gorea Halfcut even tells us she's "learning" to invoke Kalla. That's why she knows so much about Kalla, she's learning about every aspect of her to discover new powers.

    Like I've said, they are sentient echoes. We don't commune with the actual entity, but a sentient echo version that was imprinted in the mists during a notable event.We channel Joko's former self that was still a prisoner, an imprint in the Mists, hence the name "Legendary Prisoner Stance".

    We don't channel Joko that is still walking on Tyria.It isn't the "Legendary King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, the Scourge of Vabbi, Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, Joko the Transcendent, and Joko the Eternal Monarch of All Stance", or simply "Legendary Lich Stance".

  8. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"Virtuality.8351" said:I think the "Dark Souls" single-player-game analogue tells something.There is no Dark Souls analogy.Contrary to the claims of the masses that didn't even try to play it, Dark Souls is
    about difficulty.

    In fact, if you were to min-max Dark Souls the same way some people min-max MMORPGs / GW2 builds, there would be no difficulty left.You can 1 or 2 shot most bosses with min-maxxed builds.

    Dark Souls players that want a challenge actually create the challenge themselves, by creating their own challenges (e.g. SL1 runs, only fist runs etc.).You barely see that in MMORPGs.

  9. @"Vyriis.6258" said:Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

    We do channel Joko as Legendary Prisoner during the story, while he‘s still around. A legend doesn‘t have to be dead to be channeled.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Prisoner_Stance

    Revenants do not commune with the dead, they commune with fully sentient echoes of legendary figures.The entity the echo came from can be dead or alive. In the case of Joko we don‘t commune with the currently active Joko walking around Tyria, but an echo of his former self as a prisoner.

  10. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    @"Rukia.4802" said:1 recognized (?) pvp mode

    Let's count how much pvp content GW1 got.. with a much smaller budget and team.

    Yep, because GW 1 was designed as a PvP game. Guild Wars 2 wasn't. : Even in Guild Wars 1 developed as time progressed, the updates were more and more PvE. And didn't expect PvE to be as popular as it was, but it was undeniably what ended up driving the game. The evidence is that Anet made Guild Wars 2 about PvE predominantly. You can tell by the number of updates PvE gets by comparison.

    Anet said, before Guild Wars 2 launched that they intentionally didn't talk about PVP for the first year after the announcement to try to break people out of the idea this was a PvP based game. They said this at shows and on panels. The focus of this game was always been PvE from day one. That's why it talked on the official website about the game being a living breathing world. That's why they focused on dynamic events.

    Thats why their steam page DIRECTLY talks about competitive play and that its a competitive game?

    Sure they mention it. Just like a hotel that has tennis courts might mention them in an ad, but it doesn't make it a tennis hotel. There are four paragrpahs there, and one of them talks about competitive play which obviously from the wording covers both PvP and WvW. They're lumped in together in one paragraph. They don't even get their own seperate paragraph. Looks to me that one of the paragraphis there is about story, one is about dynamic events, one is about combat in general and one paragraph is shared between two completely different types of PvP.

    I don't know a lot of people who would argue at this point that this game is centered on PvP. Just look at the game updates Anet absolutely said what I said they said. That they didn't talk about PvP for the first year to make it clear this wasn't a PvP centric game. Because they had trouble getting people into GW 1 later on because everyone assumed it was a PvP centric game. They've never had the bulk of their devs working on PvP. And I don't know any PvPers who think they have.

    You can believe anything you want, but the evidence doesn't really support what you're implying here.

    Actually it does, you don't need a combat engine or system like they have for PvE. Simple. Dodging was made popular by guild wars 2, sure tera online and a few others tried it but not to the extent this game has. It only shines in Competitive play; Its nice in PvE but most time its stack and spank unless in raids and even then most of the time its stack and spank. The combat engine was built for PvP, E-sports was their plan in HoT and failed due to balance, WvW was their end-game mode with dungeons and fractals as well new maps being the only thing PvE had.

    Ontop of that WvW DIRECTLY effected PvE and vice versa before the mega-servers. The game was built with PvP in mind and a bunch of PvE players began whining because it was the end-game, which was back when everyone claimed it had no end-game. Now end-game PvE exists and its more niche than WvW and it still gets more content Cadence (not saying alot here). Im sorry but the evidence points to end-game anything outside of PvE maps not being the focus, be it fractals, PvP, WvW, Raiding or what have you. The game is made to sell you new maps and mastery's and it has been this way since mid way through S3 of the living world~ And from the looks of it I'd say they are turning course back around to where ALL modes are taken better care of.

    You, as a PvE fiend who sit here and diminish the importance of competitive modes don't understand that there is a big market for PvP in mmo's. And when we go to steam there will be a pretty big fire being burnt because a lot of those people want competition. Just because you don't care/like/want or acknowledge the mode as anything more than a waste of time (guessing based on how you dismiss it) Doesn't mean everyone else does. I personally see raids and strikes, as well fractals as a waste of time as they offer no power increase for the BS that exist within those game modes. And the shenanigans and rude people who exist within them; Id rather those resources be put the work elsewhere but surprise, surprise... new fractal in sep. And fractals aren't even a focus in the game~ And haven't been for a long time.

    This game as never focused on PvP. For years and years and y ears, people in the PvP and WvW community have complained about lack of updates compared to PvE. You can try to spin this any way you like but it's just not the case. From launch, count the updates that affected each, it really is that simple.

    You may have a different opinion but the raised voices of the WvW and PvP community tell a completely different story. So does the raid community for that matter.

    Raids have been abandoned and you'll likely be hard pressed to see another one. PvE end-game is not successful here so HONESTLY looking at what A-net themselves have said, Fractals are the most succesful of the PvE end-game. So outside of living world maps/expansion maps stop developing everything else and focus there, close down those waste of space modes and roll their rewards into those two modes. Cull the player-base of the ones you dont want or care about, and just do more of the same because honestly NONE but Open world PvE have the participation to warrant existence. Even fractals likely don't have enough to really warrant development, how long has it been since we got a new one? We get one this month. How long until the next one?

    It was PvP focused, Go back and look at HoT and look at Core and how they marketed it. WvW and PvP even had their own trailers and they were talked about once they knew what they wanted to do; The combat engine was designed for it. Your opinion is wrong and willfully ignorant and Ill call you on it, Dodge rolling and the like of what we have combat wise is not needed for PvE once so ever and honestly offer WAAAY too many balancing problems for them to have willfully made the game this way. The game changed directions because of their inability and lack of drive to balance the game; E-sports is pretty dang boring when its two teams of the same class/classes duking it out because its literally more of a western stand-off than it is a sporting event.

    E-sports require variation and diversity in builds, characters and skill-sets and this game? Never has and likely never will offer or demand that. Think what you will, but I suggest we walk away from communication with one another. Im not about to conceded to your ludicrous point and you refuse to acknowledge or understand mine, there is a communication barrier and we can't co-exist because frankly Im unable to not come at you over an opinion based on a lie. So respectfully do not reply, let it go and I shall do the same and we will part with this. Or we can continue to do this for the next two weeks and argue; Im leaving that choice entirely up to you but Im not going to be as forthcoming or tolerant going forward.

    @"Rukia.4802" said:1 recognized (?) pvp mode

    Let's count how much pvp content GW1 got.. with a much smaller budget and team.

    Yep, because GW 1 was designed as a PvP game. Guild Wars 2 wasn't. : Even in Guild Wars 1 developed as time progressed, the updates were more and more PvE. And didn't expect PvE to be as popular as it was, but it was undeniably what ended up driving the game. The evidence is that Anet made Guild Wars 2 about PvE predominantly. You can tell by the number of updates PvE gets by comparison.

    Anet said, before Guild Wars 2 launched that they intentionally didn't talk about PVP for the first year after the announcement to try to break people out of the idea this was a PvP based game. They said this at shows and on panels. The focus of this game was always been PvE from day one. That's why it talked on the official website about the game being a living breathing world. That's why they focused on dynamic events.

    Thats why their steam page DIRECTLY talks about competitive play and that its a competitive game?

    Sure they mention it. Just like a hotel that has tennis courts might mention them in an ad, but it doesn't make it a tennis hotel. There are four paragrpahs there, and one of them talks about competitive play which obviously from the wording covers both PvP and WvW. They're lumped in together in one paragraph. They don't even get their own seperate paragraph. Looks to me that one of the paragraphis there is about story, one is about dynamic events, one is about combat in general and one paragraph is shared between two completely different types of PvP.

    I don't know a lot of people who would argue at this point that this game is centered on PvP. Just look at the game updates Anet absolutely said what I said they said. That they didn't talk about PvP for the first year to make it clear this wasn't a PvP centric game. Because they had trouble getting people into GW 1 later on because everyone assumed it was a PvP centric game. They've never had the bulk of their devs working on PvP. And I don't know any PvPers who think they have.

    You can believe anything you want, but the evidence doesn't really support what you're implying here.

    Actually it does, you don't need a combat engine or system like they have for PvE. Simple. Dodging was made popular by guild wars 2, sure tera online and a few others tried it but not to the extent this game has. It only shines in Competitive play; Its nice in PvE but most time its stack and spank unless in raids and even then most of the time its stack and spank. The combat engine was built for PvP, E-sports was their plan in HoT and failed due to balance, WvW was their end-game mode with dungeons and fractals as well new maps being the only thing PvE had.

    Ontop of that WvW DIRECTLY effected PvE and vice versa before the mega-servers. The game was built with PvP in mind and a bunch of PvE players began whining because it was the end-game, which was back when everyone claimed it had no end-game. Now end-game PvE exists and its more niche than WvW and it still gets more content Cadence (not saying alot here). Im sorry but the evidence points to end-game anything outside of PvE maps not being the focus, be it fractals, PvP, WvW, Raiding or what have you. The game is made to sell you new maps and mastery's and it has been this way since mid way through S3 of the living world~ And from the looks of it I'd say they are turning course back around to where ALL modes are taken better care of.

    You, as a PvE fiend who sit here and diminish the importance of competitive modes don't understand that there is a big market for PvP in mmo's. And when we go to steam there will be a pretty big fire being burnt because a lot of those people want competition. Just because you don't care/like/want or acknowledge the mode as anything more than a waste of time (guessing based on how you dismiss it) Doesn't mean everyone else does. I personally see raids and strikes, as well fractals as a waste of time as they offer no power increase for the BS that exist within those game modes. And the shenanigans and rude people who exist within them; Id rather those resources be put the work elsewhere but surprise, surprise... new fractal in sep. And fractals aren't even a focus in the game~ And haven't been for a long time.

    This game as never focused on PvP. For years and years and y ears, people in the PvP and WvW community have complained about lack of updates compared to PvE. You can try to spin this any way you like but it's just not the case. From launch, count the updates that affected each, it really is that simple.

    You may have a different opinion but the raised voices of the WvW and PvP community tell a completely different story. So does the raid community for that matter.

    Raids have been abandoned and you'll likely be hard pressed to see another one. PvE end-game is not successful here so HONESTLY looking at what A-net themselves have said, Fractals are the most succesful of the PvE end-game. So outside of living world maps/expansion maps stop developing everything else and focus there, close down those waste of space modes and roll their rewards into those two modes. Cull the player-base of the ones you dont want or care about, and just do more of the same because honestly NONE but Open world PvE have the participation to warrant existence. Even fractals likely don't have enough to really warrant development, how long has it been since we got a new one? We get one this month. How long until the next one?

    It was PvP focused, Go back and look at HoT and look at Core and how they marketed it. WvW and PvP even had their own trailers and they were talked about once they knew what they wanted to do; The combat engine was designed for it. Your opinion is wrong and willfully ignorant and Ill call you on it, Dodge rolling and the like of what we have combat wise is not needed for PvE once so ever and honestly offer WAAAY too many balancing problems for them to have willfully made the game this way. The game changed directions because of their inability and lack of drive to balance the game; E-sports is pretty dang boring when its two teams of the same class/classes duking it out because its literally more of a western stand-off than it is a sporting event.

    E-sports require variation and diversity in builds, characters and skill-sets and this game? Never has and likely never will offer or demand that. Think what you will, but I suggest we walk away from communication with one another. Im not about to conceded to your ludicrous point and you refuse to acknowledge or understand mine, there is a communication barrier and we can't co-exist because frankly Im unable to not come at you over an opinion based on a lie. So respectfully do not reply, let it go and I shall do the same and we will part with this. Or we can continue to do this for the next two weeks and argue; Im leaving that choice entirely up to you but Im not going to be as forthcoming or tolerant going forward.

    You've said it yourself. For many many years now, the main focus of development has been story, meta events, dynamic events, and the occasional fractal. That's pretty much it. But back in the days of Season 1 of the Living World. PvE was getting content every two weeks and all I heard, even back then, were PvPers who felt abandoned by the company. You can write as many paragraphs as you like but the PvE focus has been here since Season 1, when PvE was getting the vast majority of updates.

    Edit: Traditional end game definitions NEVER applied to this game. The game didn't launch with raids. The devs themselves said they considered the three Orr zones end game. Dungeons too were obviously end game, but it wasn't what the devs were talking about, when they talked about the game, at least not by percentage of time. In HoT, zone metas were considered end game and still probably are for most people. Raids and Fractals are the instanced end game, but this game has been focused more on the open world.

    Which simply is why its doomed to not live as long as the competition. If End of dragons doesn't do well I wont be surprised if NCsoft pulls the plug, they've done so to games more successful for less.

    In the 8 years GW2 has been alive it outlived most of its competition ¯\(ツ)

    Took NCSoft long enough to pull the plug on Wildstar and Aion is still alive with less sales.Also they only recently gave Tencent the publishing rights in China.

  11. The "singleplayer"-tag is part of the user-defined tags.Everyone can log in to Steam and define a game by the tags they wish, even if they don't fit the game. As the game hasn't released on Steam yet, not a lot of users have added their tags to the game, so some nonsensical ones can show up. I could add trading-card-game and turn-based for example.

    The tags/genres Arenanet has defined on Steam are the following: Adventure, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG.

  12. @EdwinLi.1284 said:

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:If the teaser is anything to go by, it hasn't changed one dang bit, possibly the same since pre-Winds of Change even given the purple mist mirroring Miasma.

    I still doubt Cantha will look exactly the same as GW2. The build design may stay the same but there may be expansions or renovations of certain areas since back in GW1 a lot of the City was mostly makeshift buildings in residential areas unless it was in the market locations and/or closer to the palace.

    Those designs are not built to last but to be easily replaced and repaired.

    As for the purple miasma, I still uncertain if it is really miasma or just mists painted purple for artist creativity considering how colorful they wanted the teaser trailer.

    I think the purple mist is representing the spirit realm.The Nahpui Quarter mission in GW1 was filled with purple mist, the mission you had to do to become Weh No Su.

    My guess is that the voice talking to Kuunavang has close ties to the spirit realm.

  13. @Thornwolf.9721 said:anything else and let us get a unique legend thats not just freak'n togo.

    Agree. Never understood the fascination with Togo. He‘s one of the most boring characters in the whole franchise imo.The only thing he did that made him a hero, or worthy of „legend“ status, was the treaty with the Tengu, which would give us a Legendary Negotiator Stance. (And the peace didn‘t last long, with the growing canthan xenophobia).Aside from that he’s just a side character in Shiro‘s story, a victim to grant Shiro his life back.

    Revenants aren‘t boring paperwork negotiators.

    Not to mention Togo is just another human, another canthan one, too.I don‘t think Anet is going to add another one into the legend lineup. Each legend until now has been another species.

  14. @Bast.7253 said:

    @Bast.7253 said:I think the main reason why it seems HIGHLY unlikely to be Lyssa is that she doesn't really have anything to do with Kunavang. Why would she be talking about the cycle of the elder dragons or advocating for it to Kunavang when she may very well have given Balthazar her mirror in his pursuit to kill Kralk?Kuunavang is an incredibly ancient dragon-entity whose history stretches back into the unknown past. She is essentially the Canthan version of Glint. And much like how Glint talked to the human gods, I find it almost certain the human gods talked to Kuunavang as well. Asking what does Lyssa, or any of the gods for that matter, have to do with Kuunavang is like asking what do they have to do with Glint. They would have obviously known each other. Especially when we consider that, outside of some early transfers they brought to Orr, the human gods brought most of humanity to Cantha first. They probably had some sort of deal going on so she wouldn't attack humanity.

    If Kuunavang is in any way connected to the Elder Dragons, either being related to Bubbles like Glint was to Kralk, or being a viable Elder Dragon replacement entity, Lyssa wold obviously go to her for assistance for much the same reason Balthazar went after Vlast and Aurene. If you are going to combat an Elder Dragon, having something related to said Dragon is helpful. Not to mention Kuunavang is just really powerful on her own.

    Also, the voice doesn't advocate for the cycle of Elder Dragons in the trailer.

    Lyssa just doesn't make any sense. I think people are reading too much into the purple mist. I get that she's been hinted at for quite awhile now, but I feel like they're setting that up for after this expansion. With the revised Utopia lore and this potentially revising the cycle, it may make room for the gods to reenter the picture as a whole. Lyssa potentially being the introductory character.I doubt the gods as a whole are going to renter the picture. Balthazar is dead, and we have direct confirmation that Kormir, Grenth, and Melandru, have left, and have abandoned their followers and realms, with zero suggestion there is anything else at play for them. That just leaves Lyssa and Dwayna, and we know Lyssa is up to something.

    As it stands, the Icebrood Saga is set to wrap up all the big Norn and Charr story beats, and with the Cantha expansion and LW content, that will cover the last major human kingdom on Tyria. The only thing left after Cantha is to deal with Primordus, which will probably deal with the Asura story beats, with some dwarven and skritt lore thrown in.

    All the other major and minor plot points have really been done at this point.
    • The human/centaur was is over, with a decisive win for humanity.
    • The White Mantle/bandit/sepratist storylines are wrapped up, with the Mantle being crushed, and Lazarus dead.
    • The Flame Legion plot is over, now that Efhram has brought the Flame Legion back into the greater Charr society.
    • The Charr civil war/Renegade plot is done now that Bangar has been defeated. all thats left is to do something about how the Charr leadership will go moving forward
    • Icebrood Saga is dealing with all the Asgeir/missing spirits/Svanir/tooth prophecy stuff for the Norn
    • The Sylvari had their big story with Heart of Thorns
    • Path of Fire and its LW content dealt with Elona, Joko, the Sunspears, and all that

    If they are going to do something with Lyssa its either the expansion, or the connected Canthan LW season. There just not anywhere else for it to fit in, since there's really not much left to do in the first place besides Cantha and the Primrodus/Asura stuff.

    You're right, the voice doesn't specifically mention the cycle of the elder dragons. Kunavang is insisting that mortal's lives don't have to be brilliant, hot, and then gone. The other voice implies that they do. That that mortality is necessary to make life meaningful.

    They could:
    1. Be opposing Kunavang who is actually the "enemy" here in the sense that they want to brand humanity in an effort to make them immortal.
    2. Be implying the necessity of the elder dragons and their destructive role, because it keeps them seeing the value of life.
    3. Something else entirely, and it's a different kind of immortal being. But of all the "immortal" beings we have in Cantha, Lyssa seems the least likely.

    Going from Path of Fire, where our main focus is on Balthazar, straight to Lyssa, seems equally unlikely.Also, the name of the expansion is End of Dragons and talking about the rebirth of the cycle, so it's logical to assume that what they're actually talking about in the trailer is the cycle of the elder dragons.

    And there's plenty to do with Lyssa outside of the expansion. I agree that it could come in the form of the living story afterwards, leading up to another expansion (if there is another expansion). They revised a bunch of Utopian lore in the art book and they've been pretty heavily dealing with the mists for the past two living story seasons. Plenty of opportunity for the gods to show up and for them to tie in Lyssa later on.

    Could the voice be an Envoy? Mortality is kind of their thing, without it they‘d be out of a job.My 2nd guess would have been a new Oracle of the Mists talking to Kuunavang.

    The teaser is full of purple mist. I thought that could be a connection to the spirit realm we see in Nahpui Quarters during the Weh No Su mission.

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