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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. I doubt we're getting a Cantha themed legend, we already have Shiro for that.

    Nonetheless I hope it is an "evil" legend, or at least somewhat chaotic aligned, since we currently have 4 good and 2 evil legends, to restore balance.

    If it had to be Cantha, then maybe one of the other Envoys?

    • Herald Demrikov - Sword
    • Emissary Heleyne - Staff
    • Messenger Vetaura - Scythe (So Staff in GW2)
    • Courier Torivos could give us a MH axe and we could learn more about why he became an Envoy. I doubt it, since it would be another "human" legend though.

    Non-Canthans that fit the bill would be (my opinion)

    • Svanir / Nornbear - Makes sense with the current IBS, his "legend" is big enough to have spawned an entire cult of Jormag worshippers
    • Balthazar - Legendary God stance, obvious why he would have "legend"-status

    (Please no Togo, he's just part of Shiro's legend. I'd rather have a Joke-legendary Naga elementalist - Lispy Stinkface.)

  2. New especcs (and an interesting legend for Revs)

    New customization (faces, hairstyles, horns and finally body sliders please)

    explorable Cantha slums/undercity

    explorable Echovald Forest with Warden

    New system similiar to HoT masteries (gliding etc.) and PoF (mounts). System could be housing

    Stuff for WvW (new maps, finally Alliances?)

    More massive events with massive amounts of players, this is a MMORPG, after all, not a Lobby-Multiplayer RPG ;)

  3. @Astyrah.4015 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:TIL FFXIV, ESO, GW2 and PSO2 are on Steam because they‘re unable to gain new players and are soon going to die.Technically speaking the start of development of a game is the beginning of the end ;)

    Thanks and best regards.

    HEY! you forgot Eve Online, BDO (despite being p2w), Albion Online, SWTOR, New World (lol at this but it's not even released yet so Dead on Arrival?)... and the not-so-mmorpgs: Destiny 2, Path of Exile and Warframe, etc. etc. etc.

    yep, all dying and ghost towns

    Sorry for that. I didn‘t want to clutter my comment with all those „dying“ games, just a select few.There are way too many to mention, we’d better build a graveyard ;)

  4. @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    1. Give charr the option to stand up straight, and disgard their four-leg run if they want? Again WoW did it with orcs....

    Just NOT upright/straight charr! Charr are charr, not humanoids!

    There used to be a lot of upright Charr in GW1.They generally were casters. With the Flame Legion back as allies it would make sense to see more upright charr.


  5. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    @Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

    Can you give me a source for the numbers. I find it is helpful to have all the data when talking about things.

    Has the numbers. Yes its still considered a "healthy" game by current standards. But the player base logs in to do things like dailies instead of play the game for extended sessions (self included). Just look at the subscriber to daily player ratio and those "daily players" have a good amount of pop-in players.

    Lol. There's a lot of guessing and misinformation on that site. "Estimate this, due to sentiment that"; not exactly overwhelmingly trustworthy.

    Not to mention how Wildstar is still in the list with 13250 players.

  6. Sandswept Isles: Didn't like it at first because I dislike Asura/inquest stories, but when I had to farm diffluorite I realized how much I've skipped the first time around. It became my favourite map. It contains hidden things like the wyvern boss and one of the best utility items (the personal port one).

    Bjora Marches: Light Puzzles, Drakkar and the general story direction. Many dark undertones with NPCs giving up and jumping off of ledges etc.

  7. @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Iron Marches, because the meta event never works.Domain of Kourna and Siren's Landing share 2nd place.

    Is it eternally stuck or just never works? Because if it's eternally stuck, i know the reason for that. It's the same reason most of the events are stuck in iron marches, the AFK farmers.

    It does sometimes work after a new map instance is created, like on patch day.But the NPCs you have to protect during the Meta chain event "Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops" are stuck/bugged most of the time.

  8. @"Clyan.1593" said:"I grinded the same content for hundreds of hours and so this thing / skin / pizza has prestige value.""I went to the military, so the next generation has to too."

    Oh no! ...Anyway:By lowering the requirements the acquisition of these skins actually have become way more attractive and therefor can draw in much more people into wvw, a mode devoid of new content and anything interesting. I have some long time achievements myself, and I don't bother if other people can get them for less work. That's not what it's about and if you don't understand that I can't help it but you're a sad sorry person.

    Basically a „but muh prestige“ thread. The change is fine, let‘s hope it draws in more players that want the tentacle chest. Since there are so many players that like shiny stuff, I bet there are some that will get lured into WvW.

  9. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"battledrone.8315" said:

    lets see , wow did exceptionally well, as long as they stuck to the formula. when they CHANGED it, the game went south.same with CoX, villain side was just more of the same. STOs "expansions" added new features and new races, while increasing difficulty slightly.dont know about FF, since i never made i past lvl 20. SWTOR expansions did have higher difficulty, but they also have increased level cap and other newfeatures to help the casuals.

    Didnt lose wow so many players because they removed basically all build variety and tried to make it extremely casual friendly?Every expansion simplified things.Gw2 lost almost all players 2months into the game. Release was riddled with bugs. Every 2nd event was stuck and there was basically no endgame.

    It can't get more casual than WoW Vanilla/Classic.You are able to kill Onyxia with a completely naked Raidgroup using a hunter pet as tank.

    WoW actually peaked with WotLK. There wasn't really build variety, since meta builds didn't really allow for it.

    Required massive attunement processes to even enter that. 40man raids meant organizing those many people required a set schedule and everything, Dungeons could take 3h+ to complete. Wouldnt call that casual friendly. Raids were easy compared to todays standards but guide websites werent that common back then and time investment required was still huge.

    Most of those factors are not created by the game, but by the players.The vanilla raids are so easy that you don't even need the organization of 40man groups.Anything can take 3h+ to complete if players are bad, take a look at Arah during release, when players didn't skip and didn't get the game mechanics. I wouldn't call that casual friendly, either.

    I'd call the Classic raids/dungeons way more casual friendly than anything that has been released in the last 10 years in terms of MMORPGs ¯\
    /¯End game raiding (referring to mythic) in WoW nowadays is the least casual friendly it has ever been.

    How is massive attunement process created by the players and not by the game? Or requireing 40people. Casual and easy have nothing in common. Something can be hard and casual friendly. Casual != bad player. This gets mixed up a lot. Just because someone cant spend 2h+ uninterrupted doesnt mean such a player is unable to learn or use a braindead open world build. There is however a crowd that identifies themselves as casuals but in reality just hate learning or thinking as a whole. There are people playing with whatever dropped for their characters while they have 1k+ h spend ingame. Thats just not a matter of casual or hardcore, they are just bad. Other mmos solved this issue with just not having bad drops. System in gw2 allows for the most useless combinations. Could potentially be solved with a gearcheck so you could at least try to give tips but there are still some players against it for some reason.

    Almost nobody saw the last raid tier in classic. Thats why it was the first raid of wotlk. Wasted assets if below 1% even entered it. Way fewer actually killed bosses in there. Was crazy expensive to open it or it required a massive reputation grind. The dungeon i have in mind is just super long. 16bosses... people spend 4h+ in there without really wiping. it wasnt even a maxlevel dungeon. Mythic+ raiding is not the same as classic raiding. classic had just one difficulty and getting 40 players together was hard when a mistake made by a single person could wipe the entire raid.

    I never said casual players are bad, just that there were a lot of bad players during vanilla due to lack of knowledge on how to play.You could see keyboard turners everywhere, and many used useless equipment, since they didn‘t know better.

    You never actually required 40 people to raid, that was just the maximum Groupsize that could enter Raids back then. With good players, no matter if „casuals“ or „hardcores“ or „regulars“ you could easily clear raids. I mean, even Onyxia was cleared by a full naked raidgroup with a pet tank.

    Almost nobody saw Naxx in vanilla because BC was releasing close to Naxx release, so most didn‘t bother with it, since their stats would be invalidated.Yeah, Mythic raiding isn‘t the same as classic, it is less casual, since WoW actually became less casual in endgame raiding, not more casual. That‘s my point. You can‘t get more casual than classic/vanilla.

    Attunements were only a problem due to lack of knowledge, as you can see nowadays during classic.

    I still stand by the point that classic is way more casual friendly than anything that has released in the last 10 years. I bet Naxx will also just be PuG‘d to death.

  10. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"battledrone.8315" said:

    lets see , wow did exceptionally well, as long as they stuck to the formula. when they CHANGED it, the game went south.same with CoX, villain side was just more of the same. STOs "expansions" added new features and new races, while increasing difficulty slightly.dont know about FF, since i never made i past lvl 20. SWTOR expansions did have higher difficulty, but they also have increased level cap and other newfeatures to help the casuals.

    Didnt lose wow so many players because they removed basically all build variety and tried to make it extremely casual friendly?Every expansion simplified things.Gw2 lost almost all players 2months into the game. Release was riddled with bugs. Every 2nd event was stuck and there was basically no endgame.

    It can't get more casual than WoW Vanilla/Classic.You are able to kill Onyxia with a completely naked Raidgroup using a hunter pet as tank.

    WoW actually peaked with WotLK. There wasn't really build variety, since meta builds didn't really allow for it.

    Required massive attunement processes to even enter that. 40man raids meant organizing those many people required a set schedule and everything, Dungeons could take 3h+ to complete. Wouldnt call that casual friendly. Raids were easy compared to todays standards but guide websites werent that common back then and time investment required was still huge.

    Most of those factors are not created by the game, but by the players.The vanilla raids are so easy that you don't even need the organization of 40man groups.Anything can take 3h+ to complete if players are bad, take a look at Arah during release, when players didn't skip and didn't get the game mechanics. I wouldn't call that casual friendly, either.

    I'd call the Classic raids/dungeons way more casual friendly than anything that has been released in the last 10 years in terms of MMORPGs ¯\(ツ)/¯End game raiding (referring to mythic) in WoW nowadays is the least casual friendly it has ever been.

  11. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"battledrone.8315" said:

    lets see , wow did exceptionally well, as long as they stuck to the formula. when they CHANGED it, the game went south.same with CoX, villain side was just more of the same. STOs "expansions" added new features and new races, while increasing difficulty slightly.dont know about FF, since i never made i past lvl 20. SWTOR expansions did have higher difficulty, but they also have increased level cap and other newfeatures to help the casuals.

    Didnt lose wow so many players because they removed basically all build variety and tried to make it extremely casual friendly?Every expansion simplified things.Gw2 lost almost all players 2months into the game. Release was riddled with bugs. Every 2nd event was stuck and there was basically no endgame.

    It can't get more casual than WoW Vanilla/Classic.You are able to kill Onyxia with a completely naked Raidgroup using a hunter pet as tank.

    WoW actually peaked with WotLK. There wasn't really build variety, since meta builds didn't really allow for it.

  12. @SexyMofo.8923 said:Wrong. His personality didn’t carry him in this game.

    @SexyMofo.8923 said:I guess all the GW2 streamers must have horribly, boring personalities then.

    @SexyMofo.8923 said:He will soon figure out that he’s losing viewers because of how boring it is to stream the game.

    Many of the more successful streamers have their viewerships because they are interesting themselves and don‘t need a game to carry them.

    Seems like it. Can't say any of the current GW2 streamers managed to hold my attention for a long time, and apparently it's the same for many others.Meanwhile you have streamers like Sodapoppin, XQC, Lirik, Summit, Quin69 etc. that can play whatever they want and they will still manage to get plenty of viewers, because they're just entertaining without a game needing to carry them.

    Wrong. It did. In fact it also boosted the streams of other GW2 streamers, because his community that is there because of his personality were interested to see more of GW2.

    Unless you think 10k+ average core viewers is a small amount. His personality carried the viewership of the whole GW2 Twitch section.

    Well, since he wasn‘t planning to stay for a long time, GW2 on Twitch will go back to being only W H OMEGALUL streamers that are carried by the game.

  13. @Ooops.8694 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:Who are you trying to fool here? Do you really want to pretend that people would rather play hard maps than free loot ones? LULWNo, most people are actually stupid and prefer the free loot map... for a few weeks. Then they just leave and play something else, because there's nothing to do anymore and it became boring. That getting the difficulty just right is the most important thing in any game should be known for years...Speaking of:@Raknar.4735 said:Fun fact: It doesn't matter what you subjectively percieve about HoT and PoF, Anet ultimately have the stats.Yes, Anet has the stats and numbers to base their decisions on. And HoT was so badly received that they decided to do another expansion 2 years later, while that expansion was so great they continued to... wait, i was told to not feed the trolls.

    If the content is enjoyable by most people, doesn‘t that mean Anet got the difficulty right?

    I still see plenty of people do AB meta, Gerent, Pinata, Doppelganger, Deathbranded Shatterer, Drakkar and the newest addition Drizzlewood. Most of those have been out for more than a few weeks and are still completed daily. Easy free loot content that‘s still alive after years.

    You want harder content, I‘ll just repeat what somebody else already said in this thread:You are not entitled to something only because you want it.

    Anet decides with their stats. Also, falling back to ad-hominem attacks by calling the majority stupid, because they like a different kind of content, or me a troll is nothing short of petty.

  14. @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:GW2 is harder than Soulsborne games. There, I said it!

    Except for very few bosses, Dark Souls games and Bloodborne aren't even hard.On the other hand, if it wasn't for the rampant AoE spam of
    bosses and their inflated HP bars, GW2 wouldn't be hard either.It's just sad that the mechanically interesting bosses are generally the easier ones, while the "hard" ones just dominate players with cheapness.

    Yep. There aren‘t many bosses I would consider hard, and it also depends on weapon choice.If I had to list the hardest ones for me from all FromSoftware Soulsborne games they would be (in no order):

    OrphanMariaFriede (not really hard, just long)Nameless KingRaimeArtorias (debatable, just personal beef)OnS (Patience game)Manaeaters

    Compared to them GW2 has more of a bullet hell approach in boss design. You also don‘t find many „one-shot“ mechanics in Soulsborne bossfights and most of them are extremely telegraphed (unless it‘s gravity like Bed of Chaos).

    The orphan of kos wouldn't be even half as bad if it wasn't pumped full of health. I can't say what boss was the most difficult, but the most annoying was all the bosses that summon enemies and the worst of them was Elana, squalid queen. Not really a one-shot when you get gangbanged to death against a wall, but close enough.

    Pumped full of health is a good description for every BB boss :DYeah, Elana was annoying, but I didn't mind the 3 skele-summon. Velstadt summon hovewer was pretty annoying!

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