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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 17 hours ago, Esorono.1039 said:

    Some people like Animal Crossing, others like Dark Souls. An Animal Crossing fan would not enjoy it if it suddenly became Dark Souls and vice versa

    While true, there's also a huge difference between games like Animal Crossing or Soulsborne and MMORPGs.

    If you were to play Soulsborne like some people play MMORPGs, by min-maxxing & watching guides left and right, you'd end up with a game where bosses would just get 1/2-hit.
    The beauty of playing a game like Dark Souls & Animal Crossing comes from being able to go in blind & not having to know stuff. It's the reverse for some MMORPG content where you're expected to know stuff from the get-go, even when attempting something for the first time, because your group demands it.

    So in a way, the whole Soulsborne series is a whole lot easier than MMORPGs if you were to put in the same amount of research into it.

    Also funny to see the same people, once again, bickering amongst themselves & targeting the  "casual"-boogeyman using the same old tired rhetoric, spreading toxicity & hijacking yet another forum thread. Guess things never change with you guys 😅

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  2. The only statements we have about the average player is that he does 10x less damage and is here because of the story.


    "We generally try and make the story content be approachable to the average player, because that’s why people are here and what they’re playing."

    "The challenge is that the skill disparity between average players and hardcore players is extreme. We’re talking about ten times damage output. You can’t necessarily put a DPS check that the average player is going to be able to overcome without making the fight entirely trivialized for the hardcore." - https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring

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  3. Seems to me that the option will just be default checked / on for new players, but it will still be able to be unchecked to switch back to DX9 for now.

    "As a note, existing players who are not participating in the DX11 beta will not be automatically opted-in on May 10, but if you’d like to start using DX11 you can enable it from the graphics settings menu."

    "In the long run, we plan to deprecate DX9 support and move to making DX11 the default graphics setting for all players (new and veteran alike)."


    Depending on what "deprecated" means for Anet, it will also still be available in the future. Deprecation shouldn't normally mean removal.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

    legendary armor is prestige and shouldn’t be rewarded for doing events in Queensdale.

    Instead is should be awarded for afking in WvW and occasionally flipping a camp or helping a dolyak 😅

    Such a prestigious thing 😂

    Anyways, not going to start a discussion with you, you've already hijacked the thread plenty with your arbitrary narrow minded gamemode discussion.

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  5. 19 hours ago, jcH.7109 said:

    I want raids to become popular so that Anet will make more new raids. Cantha raids would be dope.

    GL with that.
    I somehow doubt people being “afraid of raids” is the main cause for raids being unpopular though. I’d even go as far as saying that bringing in all of the actual “afraid of raiding” people into raiding wouldn’t be enough.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, mikko.4013 said:

    Once again, my statement is : "Many bad players don't know the basic mechanics of this game, and don't want to impove. That is one of the reasons why people fail DE's meta. Whining about it is useless, self-improvement is a solution."

    I‘m just quoting this as it seems to be the core of your responses and I don‘t think there’s any merit to respond to the other parts, as we’ll just restate our positions over and over again until one of us gets bored (which is me in this case).

    I’ll just post my own statement:

    ”The DE meta it too hard for the average player. Players will not adapt, they’ll just start ignoring the meta. The solution to this debacle: Anet will either change it based on their stats, or leave it to die based on their stats, just like the other, similiar content that was left to die in the past. People will complain either way.

    Whining about the complaints on the forum is useless and doesn’t improve the situation.”

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  7. 1 hour ago, mikko.4013 said:

    Are you taking this criticism personally ? Because it wasn't meant to hurt your feelings.

    Not really, I‘ve got my egg and turtle in the first release week. I don‘t care about the meta, as it isn‘t fun to me in its current state. I‘ll simply continue to ignore it, that‘s the best way to show Anet what my opinion on this matter is.

    If rightly pointing out how people are abusing others over the meta makes you this hurt, i‘m not sure who‘s feelings are hurt here though.

    This isn‘t me being emotional about it in any way, people are actually turning toxic due to how the meta is constructed, so I‘m pointing it out. The meta actually is making people do toxic things ingame, as seen by the actions of that person I‘ve linked earlier.

    Your overblown reaction towards me for stating the obvious, that Anet is already adjusting the meta towards the average player, and will continue to do so if their stats tell them, is also ironically funny.

    You‘re very adamant about telling everyone here how others should play. That they should get better. Guess what? It doesn‘t matter what you want others to do.
    The masses will still play the way they want.

    Most don’t even visit social media and will never read your post. And Anet will accomodate to the stats of the players actually playing. Neither your opinion, nor mine alone matters here.

    If the average player deems the meta to be too hard, it will not get played. The stats will show that. And at the current rate, the DE meta seems to be going the same way as raids, marionette, serpent‘s ire etc. if no adjustments are made.
    Somehow i doubt Anet is going to let it go that easily, as it is the finale to the ED story.

    You however seem to have a problem with all the „whining“ that is going on on the forums and just add to it. It‘s like you‘re on social media for the first time. You can‘t stop the complaining by complaining yourself.

    I‘d also like to underline that the turtle 🥚 isn‘t only part of the meta anymore, you can get it without it, so I‘m not sure what you‘re on about. The 🥚 bears no particular relevance in the meta anymore.

    In the end this will just go by like a storm. Unhappy complaints from both sides now, Anet will either change the meta or keep it the way it is, more complaints from both sides resulting in an event that either gets played or completely ignored. Complaints will die down until the next thing that gets complained about comes.

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