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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 11 hours ago, Unyque.6189 said:

    because they have the mount already, have already completed the meta and just don't care

    They don‘t care because it isn‘t fun to participate in the meta.

    And this isn‘t just about the meta itself, but also the necessary organization due to many factors around the meta (having to join full maps, requiring joining the map minutes to hours in advance, having to rely on others knowing what they do, hoping RNG with bite/tail is good etc.)

    Why waste 2h doing something you don‘t enjoy and is frustrating, when you could do something fun instead? People will generally move to things that are rewarding for them, either lootwise or funwise. At the current state, DE is neither and a huge hassle.
    The only thing that has changed is that players aren‘t forced to do it anymore due to the egg.

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  2. 2 hours ago, mikko.4013 said:

    This is another matter.

    Those Guild leaders' behaviors were unacceptable.


    But it doesn't change the fact that many players are genuinely bad at playing the game, and they have shown no will to improve themselves. Moreover, those same players demand to win endgame events without efforts. Isn't it another form of toxicity ?


    Getting wiped because no one knew how to dodge, how to jump over a shockwave, how to cc, or HOW TO READ a chat... and then, whining about the difficulty of the meta event... is very childish.


    "Casual players" and "bad players" are not the same, even though these 2 populations can overlap.


    Some ppl's bad deeds don't cancel other ppl's bad deeds.

    It‘s not another matter. The same people telling others to get good are actively trying to exclude players by tricking them, not even giving them the possibility to get good.

    And yeah, about those genuinely bad people that can‘t get better. Should they just leave the game in your opinion? I‘m pretty sure that‘s how you get a dead game, as there would be barely anyone left, just like what happened to raids, serpent‘s ire, marionette…

    Telling people to read chat is ironically funny here, as that‘s how people tricked others into empty maps.

    You know what‘s childish? Whining about other people whining & calling any valid sort of criticism „whining“. Do you know why the meta was already nerfed and adjusted? Hint: it wasn‘t the whining. It was actual stats that drove Anet to change things.

    Agree, casual players and bad players are not synonymous.
    The average player and casual player is also not synonymous. The average player has problems with the event, that is why Anet has already started adjusting it. The casual player just leaves the game, without saying a word.
    And most people that think they‘re hardcore, aren‘t. Many are just bad players getting carried by the work truly hardcore players have put in, as in the guidemakers themselves.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    Having mastered everything and being good at their stuff makes you toxic. Interesting... Go on. ^^

    Having mastered and being good at tricking the community so that they leave the map indeed makes people toxic.

    Guess i need to train more in the special forces training area to see how high I can get my people per second leaving map counter.


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  4. 6 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

    Just Soo-Won is "Dark Souls" difficulty lol, everything else isn't nearly as bad as people are saying. We've played through 2 other expansions, and lots of Living World story, so none of that stuff is a surprise.

    If Soo-Won was Dark Souls difficulty, you‘d be able to one-shot her with a min-maxxed build.

    • Haha 1
  5. I'll just say if you're unsure, give it some time before buying EoD. Changes are still coming in that may warp how EoD plays.

    There's a really easy way to show Anet which content you like and dislike.

    They look at stats and implement changes + form new content depending on those stats.

    So if you don't like certain content, the best way to confer that to Anet is to not play that content. The stats will do the rest if the majority of players agree. So if you feel Anet is pushing you away, i'd just suggest to follow that feeling and act on it.

    It worked during the push for raids and similiar content. It will work the same way again, once completion- and playrates get reviewed over time.

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  6. Will take some time until i can give an honest opinion.

    As things stand now, I‘d rate it third. There‘s currently nothing that really drives me to play. I have my turtle, my elite spec collection weapon and the new armour set I wanted. Did the story, don‘t care for the strikes.

    So there‘s achievement hunting (1AP each, lol)/ collections and open world metas left. Did all of the metas, but don‘t really see a reason to do them again, aside from fun. And to do the metas again and again I‘d have to bother with waiting and finding a map/squad that actively does the meta, as most maps are empty due to megaservers/playercap, while the metas require coordination.

    Not going to start going after the Aurene legendaries until the prize stabilizes (currently selling my things as the skins don‘t really interest me).

    So there‘s currently nothing apparent for me to chase after that I want long term. I‘m currently just chasing the last mastery points that I need, and after that idk.

    • Like 5
  7. 45 minutes ago, aceofbass.2163 said:

    Really? that's sad. And it was not in the patch notes too

    Patchnotes have the following line: Additional update notes are being finalized and will be posted here soon. 

    So maybe they will add it later.

    Update: Added the additional notes.

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  8. Revenant


    • Added additional voice-over lines to Legendary Alliance Stance and Legendary Assassin Stance.
    • Legendary Alliance Stance: Fixed a bug in which reviving or dismounting would cause the incorrect faction to be present.
    • Balance in Discord: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to activate twice off of Energy Meld instead of a single time from Alliance Tactics.


    Update: Additional Notes:


    • Forerunner of Death: Fixed an issue in which the warning effect could be shown to allies.
    • Vassals of the Empire: Fixed an issue in which the warning effect could be shown to allies instead of the intended blue circle.
    • Saint of zu Heltzer: Fixed an issue in which the warning effect could be shown to allies instead of the intended blue circle. Removed the white indicator circle for enemies.

    Vindicator is the other elite specialization that we wanted to address in competitive modes before the next update. Eternity's Requiem was significantly out of line with other high-damaging abilities, and we've accelerated the damage falloff on consecutive hits against the same target. This will allow the skill to still maintain its wider AoE pressure while ensuring that it isn't too punishing in smaller scale engagements where all of the guaranteed hits land under the same target. Saint's Shield is another element of the vindicator that has been overperforming, particularly on the aggressive damage-oriented builds. We've brought down the base values and increased the healing contribution for both the healing and barrier component, primarily targeting the potency of this dodge when not invested into any healing power.

    • Eternity's Requiem: This skill will no longer create guaranteed impact areas underneath enemies who are in stealth. Reduced the damage falloff per additional hit from 10% to 40% in PvP and WvW. Reduced the minimum power coefficient from 0.3 to 0.1 in PvP and WvW. With these adjustments, the total power coefficient when being struck 5 times has been reduced from 3.6 to 1.82.
    • Saint's Shield: Reduced base healing and barrier from 3,099 to 1,738 in PvP and WvW. Increased healing and barrier attribute scaling from 0.5 to 1.0 in PvP and WvW.
    • Death Drop: Reduced power coefficient from 2.67 to 2.22 in WvW only.



    Full notes: 


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  9. 17 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    Perhaps I am, but that is because I have grown tired of others that do not want to improve, the ability to clear the meta is there, people have cleared it, but some people are absolutley refusing any chance possible to actually beat it by just changing some traits/gear. If every player did this, if everyone brought a good build, this meta would have a MUCH higher success chance, and then, when the meta is over, they go back to their prefered build and gear.


    But instead of doing that, they want the meta nerfed, because they do not want to put in the effort to get the new shiny thing, that is what has been starting to irk me, people just want nerfs nerfs nerfs, instead of trying to improve themselves.


    Absolutley, and then I pass that knowledge on to others seeking to improve, they know the game far better than I did at the point when I started raiding, when I got into the game, reading guides is not dangerous, they won't bite, but people refuse to for some reason, I don't get it, at all.


    And yeah, the new raiders wanted to improve, to get better at the game, and guess what they're not doing right now, complaining.

    Oh they do, they very much do, infact a large portion of Dark Souls playerbase is a "Git gud" player, because they know the only way to beat it is to get better, and if not, you just summon a player. That knows what to do, because he took the time to get better at the game.


    So to sum it up, people can EASILY improve, but they refuse to, even when it would benefit not only themselves, but the wide GW2 community. 

    Yep 0% introspection and continues his tirade against players that don’t play how he wants them to play. It baffles me how you’re not trying to improve on that. That would actually benefit the GW2 community at large.
    Only sees his perspective and other opinions are invalidated. Postures as if he helps others, when he actually doesn’t. Unironically misuses git gud, because he doesn’t get it. Doesn’t get what the Souls community is about. There’s no such thing as a “git gud” player.

    Sorry, but i just can’t 🤣 with you. And just to annoy you a little more: Nerfs are going to happen one way or the other. Anet already said as much.


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  10. 10 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

    Teapot should have seen it coming, with how he acts with some people in his community (because his job is more important than having good relationships). Personally I only know Teapot for one things "End-Game Content (PvP/WvW/Raids)" and nothing more.

    There is people to talk to some people, and others to talk to others, and frankly for Casual talking Teapot is unfortunately not the best at it.

    Yeah, someone that pushed the „furnace taken“ and „only 1 spam“ memes so far that his followers started to believe in them and it spread quickly amongst the playerbase shouldn‘t wonder why he gets backlash.

    He did a lot for GW2, but he also is partly responsible for creating the current climate and divide between „casuals“ and „hardcores“ (even though both sides are neither casual nor hardcore).

    • Like 2
  11. 20 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    See above, I tried to help, only got it thrown right back in my face, I have 0% emapthy with people who can’t complet the meta anymore.

    So you got some backlash for „trying to help“ (just using your words here, as i don‘t have any proof) and your response to that is to generalize everyone that hasn‘t completed the meta yet, instead of the few individuals that insulted you in the first place.

    I‘m not going to tell you to grow a thicker skin, as insults from either side are wrong, but maybe a bit of introspection would help. But from your behaviour i‘ve seen in this thread, i can‘t really say i empathise with you.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    You know, I don't want to generalize too unfairly, but I think this is a problem GW2 has with a lot of its content. For example, I can't count the number of times I've been unable to do anything for extremely costly seconds because I'm spammed with CC by mobs, some of it either unavoidable or requiring perfectly timed dodge to avoid. It's a real pet peeve I have with mob design in more than one game, where NPC's spamming CC is supposed to be some kind of challenge. Do Dark Souls enemies CC you at all? I'm curious, I've never been enough of a hardcore experience chaser to want to try those games.

    The best way to say it is that it is different. There are grab attacks enemies do that CC you for a prolonged time where you can‘t act, but those are deadly and shouldn‘t hit you in the first place.

    Also, every hit from enemies can potentially stagger you (mini stuns, can interrupt your attacks) depending on a value called poise and superarmour (during attacks your poise may be higher depending on your weapon so that actions may go through).

    BUT unlike GW2 and most MMORPGs attacks are not target locked, so you can potentially evade/side step everything and never get hit.

    That said, too many grouped up enemies and they can „stunlock“ you with their staggers if you‘re unlucky.

    I‘d say they‘re more fairly designed in general than the CC ping pong that sometimes happens in GW2, but there are always exceptions

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  13. 5 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    And as I have tried to help before, but only got rude replies back for my efforts, if you can’t handle the meta event, you need to get good, or else tough luck. you won’t get the turtle.

    Wonders why he gets rude replies when he tells others to git gud. Funny guy.

    Also, you‘re kinda wrong here my guy. Check this quote:

    „For now, we’re targeting changes to improve successful completion rates of theencounter. If these changes don’t have the effect we’re looking for, we'll look at further changes to the encounter or potentially offer alternative acquisition paths for the Siege Turtle collection.“

    Tough luck indeed. Seems like people will get their turtles. I‘m happy for them, as I‘ve already got mine days ago and wish others can also get the mount.


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  14. 3 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    I can't imagine hardcore players are joining the game because of a meta like this when they can play dark souls or whatever.

    Just wanted to chime in to say that unlike this meta, the souls series respects your time and mostly doesn‘t use artificial difficulty timers on their bossfights.

    What I‘m trying to say is that difficulty is handled differently in this meta and a Souls game. GW2 relies on timers / DPS in this case, it doesn‘t allow for prolonged fights. Apart from one exception, i can‘t really think of any Souls boss that requires any form of Dps threshold to beat, not even in the newest Elden Ring entry.

    It also doesn‘t help that the meta also has the biggest RNG component of other players. So since the meta requires a certain amount of dps to not fail and you can‘t carry a whole map alone with your own stats, I‘d say it is badly designed difficulty. (And this is just talking mechanic difficulty, finding a map and a squad that can possibly beat the meta, the organizational difficulty, which can amount to a huge timewaste, simply doesn‘t exist in Souls)

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  15. Love all those sweaty 1 post alt accounts coming out of the woodworks spamming the forum with the same thing over and over.

    The Meta already got nerfed once, and Anet's stats will decide if it continues to get nerfed, depending on player completion.
    Same thing goes for the turtle aquisition. It will change if stats don't reach Anet's goal, they've already posted about that.

    I doubt they want to repeat their mistake with Serpent's Ire & Marionette.

    Here, look for yourself:

    "If these changes don’t have the effect we’re looking for, we'll look at further changes to the encounter or potentially offer alternative acquisition paths for the Siege Turtle collection."

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  16. On 3/5/2022 at 8:42 AM, Virdo.1540 said:

    thanks for contributing solutions ,but it doesnt work for me ^^  might be many different ways to trigger that bug

    Removing and re-equipping the traitline made it default to red for me again, after i had the bug. Maybe that works for you.


     To add to the buglist, even if i‘m not sure if it is one: underwater dodge is kinda wonky. It channels the dodge first, then channels the damage portion, taking a really long time. On land the damage portion is instant (kinda, still interruptable for some reason) after the dodge channel.

  17. 3 hours ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

    Finally got the siege turtle and i never want to do another strike mission again. Nor do I ever want to try the meta again either.

    Same. Got my turtle some days ago, not planning to do either strike nor the meta for the foreseeable future. Spending time looking for groups that can successfully do that stuff just isn't fun to me.

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