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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 3 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    For me, the problem is rather that Anet does not manage to continue content in general. I mean, even the story is so wishy-washy and has so many plot holes.
    Anet is not good at creating content and taking it further. With EOD, they will continue to reinvent OW and instanced content 100% sure and then leave those inventions to the side. 

    Anet would simply have to start to develop something continuously and not just neglect when a bit backlash comes, which will always come no matter what you do uu.


    I mean, sure, I'd like to see more raids. I wish for a lot. Including, for example, that they find back to their old style and raids, fractals and OW are again bearable playable and not that everything must be an explosion of effects.

    But I don't believe that there will be anything, just like I gave up believing that dungeons will be touched again. Or that Anet will stop making clothing sets instead of armor sets.

    But that's why I understand the raiders here who don't want their content to be changed in any way. Because we know what Anet sees as a "change" and what you want as easy-mode, can backfire with Anet's idea very quickly if you look at past projects of Anet that they have "reworked".

    The content for this "5%" of players could be ruined, which would then drive these people out of the game completely. While for PVE'ler nothing changes.
    And that's just it. You have 97% of the game to yourselves. Why compete with 1% of the game, with the raids, only because you feel excluded from one thing, the legy armor? How old is GW2 now? 9 years? You got along 9 years without Legy armor and its advantages. So why this selfishness over one thing?

    Not sure how some kind of "easy-mode" would remove/ruin the current raids. It wouldn't change the current raids but it would give Anet an opportunity to create content for a higher % of players, which would then make it feasible to also reuse content that gets played by more and is then sustainable. Anet didn't stop developing raids due to backlash. They simply weren't sustainable with their small population.

    That's why they're reinventing raids with strikes. Similiar to how all the other MMORPGs that focus on raiding have their raids in various difficulties, they're now trying the same with strikes in EoD.

    Not sure how 97% of the game is for the "yourselves" (who are you including in this "yourselves"? Every non-raider? So PvP, WvW, OW etc. players?). Your percentages don't make any sense, unless you see it as "raiding and everything else". And even then it's sketchy. (I'm not even sure why you incorporated some of your subjective feelings about story in your first paragraph, when this has been about the sustainability of raids).

    This isn't about selfishness at all. Anet obviously can't afford to develop more raids in their current state. You're trying to make every non-raider the scapegoat, just like in your first post on the topic, but they aren't at fault for why raids are the way they are and not being developed anymore. You can point your finger in the direction of every non-raider all you want, but that won't bring the unsustainable raids back. How selfish is it to want more content that can't even pay for itself?


    Scapegoating others, that don't even touch raids, for the decline of raids isn't constructive at all for raids. I'd even say it is one of the reasons why raids are practically discontinued and replaced by strikes. Anet has noticed raids are unapproachable by the average player, that's why they've started with strikes. Strikes are to raids what Fractals are to dungeons. I'm just wondering why it took them this long. Another question is if it would be viable to revive the current raid format with changes (easy mode or something else), or if it is just not worth it at all, just like dungeons. 

    • Confused 3
  2. 19 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    Thats the thing with the Forum-community.

    You read your stuff here and think everyone thinks that way. I personally don't know any raider who would have something against an easy-mode far away from the strikes, against an outsource of the legy-armor ect.

    I mean, what do you think if everyone starting GW2 would think if he read the forum or reddit would be meaningful to the whole game community? No one would touch the game after reading stuff here.

    But think what you want, you do anyway ^^.

    Yeah, that is the thing with the Forum-community. Both this forum as well as reddit have a very vocal minority of usual suspects that are against any suggestion to make raids more available to the average player.

    Too bad Anet apparently listened to those, and instead of doing something about raids themselves, they just put them on the back burner in favour of strikes. Kind of like raids aren't salvagable anymore, after Andrew Gray made his post talking about the small audience raids attract.

    I mean, you can also continue believing in raids being fine the way they are. Thing is, I don't see any new raid wings in the future.

    Edit: Saw your edit about you being an average player. If you raid, you aren't one, since the average player doesn't even touch raids. The average player also does 10x less dmg than some of the actual hardcore players (not the ones here that count themselves to be in the same group but aren't). Anet stated so themselves about the dmg discrepancy.

    "And if not, you just stop and do something else, it's that simple." That's what the average player already does with raids. That's why raids are in their current situation of not being developed. If you want more raids, raids have to change (basically what Anet is trying with Strikes). If you're fine with never getting another raid, then be my guest.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    Exactly. So why all this fuss?

    Strikes are the easy version of raids, and even this is to hard for the forum-community ...

    The problem here is that the average player doesn't play raids (and it wouldn't even be a surprise if this extents to strikes to me). It isn't just the forum-community or whomever you want to use as your scapegoat.

    Raids will continue to exist in their sorry state, because parts of its own community don't want changes but complain about the lack of new raids at the same time. Well, they reap what they sow.

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  4. GS is really nice, dodges seem nice (especially the healing/barrier one) aside from some animation bugs and maybe numbers (only tested in WvW so far).

    Alliance is kind of lackluster imo, could also be me since I haven't had enough time yet.

  5. It's strange how it says "the baseline profession skill True Nature has been replaced with Energy Meld", when the baseline skill is actually called Ancient Echo, while True Nature is one of the Herald skills.

    (The profession pics do make it look real)

    Guess we'll see soon enough, though.

    • Like 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Final Fantasy 8 came out in 1999. Gunbreaker in FF14 is not the first iteration of that concept.

    RWBY came out in 2013 (I think). But even among cartoons, RWBY isn't the first one to use that concept.

    2005's Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's also introduced a system with magic-filled cartridges enhancing their weaponry. There possibly are even older cartoons using that concept.

    FF8 didn‘t use magic-filled cartridges afaik, that‘s why I was referring to Gunbreakers.

    If you‘re strictly looking for gunblades, as in no magic enhancing stuff, you don‘t even have to look into cartoons. The real world has examples of the gunblade concept long before FF was a thing.

    A belgian gunblade: 


    A cutlass pistol: 


    A sword pistol: 



    Even weirder combinations of weapons that aren‘t only a mix of gun & blade: 


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  7. 3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    As far as I am aware, they did create the concept of swords using magically imbued bullets/cartridges.

    Those are nothing like Bayonets or those ugly pistols with dagger blades bolted onto them.

    While it isn‘t a game, RWBY already used that concept before Shadowbringers and the Gunbreaker came out.

    More specifically, Weiss‘ weapon Myrtenaster uses cartridges filled with special dust to enhance the weapon‘s abilities.

    What I’m saying is I don‘t know where the concept was first introduced, but it wasn‘t FFXIV.

  8. I love E-specs, they give me new ways to play my mains and potentially make me want to play other classes due to the new flavour they give already existing classes.

    Back when I played WoW and similiar MMORPGs I always hated how the only way to freshen up a class was to rework existing classes. A class could end up feeling completely different after an expansion due to reworks just to change things up. Those reworks gave the classes new stuff, but also took away things/skills forever.

    With E-specs you get to keep the class and also have the possibility to play/experience it in a new way (I‘m aware that Anet sometimes does rework old traitlines that are problematic etc., but it‘s not a regular thing).

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, AintGold.5128 said:

    Little offtopic but can someone tell me name of chest, gloves, leggins and shoulders? (Tho I think legginds and shoulders are T3 heavy armor for charr but I'm not sure)

    Seems everyone skipped you for some reason. If you mean the Charr from the renegade video: Everything but helmet and boots is T3 heavy. Boots seem to be T2 and helmet is obviously the Renegade‘s Casque.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    I'm not against it. I explained clearly what my issue is with putting fishing as primary expansion feature into the spotlight.

    You might want to rain back your raid hate though because it is clouding your judgement and arguments. We know how little resources raids took up. No point in making up stuff on your part. We also know what other content was released with HoT which was significantly larger than EoD currently seems to be (be it mastery lines, new tech, firest time implementation of elites, etc.).

    Raids were niche content which got some advertisement pre HoT. Fishing is niche content which is sold as main feature.

    I'm not hating on raids, I'm just comparing fishing to raids, as both content  types fill the same niche on their respective expansions: a feature that will be popular with their own niche.

    Your subjective feelings for raids and for fishing are clouding your judgement as you're heavily downplaying what resources raids took up and exaggerating the ones fishing is getting.

    Raids were sold as a main feature for HoT, just like fishing is for EoD currently, no need to downplay it. Fishing at its current state has had less advertisement than raids before their respectice expansion release.

    They're just the same: niche content for a few players.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


    Raids did not:

    - make up the majority of promotional material pre expansion launch, neither did they take up this amount of resources

    - were not a central design aspect or corner stone for the expansion. They were a new type of niche content, exactly what fishing SHOULD have been


    Unless you want to tell me that raids took up the majority of promotional materials for HoT, which they did not.


    That's just it, fishing SHOULD have been what raids were content wise, yet it is not.


    For a niche content, they took plenty or resources. Legendary armour that took forever, sound department, animators etc. had to be included. Already sounds more than what they showed with fishing and the few collections on stream. It got a trailer just like fishing, its own page on the selling/promotional page etc.

    Oh well, not that it matters if you agree, since you are vehemently against it. Fishing just fills the same type of niche raids did back then, most likely even a bigger niche.

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


    Except raids were not the main attraction of HoT, nor were adventures.

    Adventures no, but raids were on the promotional pages. Fishing and raids seem to take a similiar spot. Also tying legendary armour to raids, it was definitely a main attraction of HoT.

    HoT: https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/#raids

    EoD: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/end-of-dragons/ 

    So yes, both are very similiar. A side activity for a few players 😉

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  13. The gauntlet is basically the only actual solo content (apart from gimmicky adventures and mount races) in this game. It is great content, but there‘s just so few of it.

    I wish we had more of that type of content not bound to a festival and with more reasons to repeat it.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Embered.5089 said:

    Like I said, it's unlocked in my bank wardrobe. I have it. But when I try to transmute it, it's unavailable.

    Edit: ooOOOhhh... i get it. It finally clicked. Right, what I unlocked was the helmet skin, not the aquabreather skin. Sadness. Okay, thanks.

    You're welcome. It being an actual headpiece and not a underwater one is certainly confusing 😅.

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  15. 14 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Finally, the only times I ever was linked it. It was some repost with no source.


    What is the armor type for that post anyway? Pistol warrior has obviously Draconic but I can't spot this one from the top of my head.

    I'm really not sure myself.

    My best guess is that the headpiece is the new specialization collection piece.

    Gauntlets look similiar to bounty-hunter https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bounty_Hunter's_armor_(heavy)

    The rest is really hard to recognize in this silhouette, could be a completely new set (just like Harbinger and Virtuoso?).

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