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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 24 minutes ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

    What I said was giving that one to males AND a different one to females. Right now we have that hairstyle for females.

    What you're saying here makes no sense, since the males ALREADY have this "sangtu"-hairstyle.


    You previously said this:

    On 12/2/2021 at 5:59 PM, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

    give that hairstyle to males and a similar one to females.

    Which is how it is at the moment.  The male characters have the sangtu hairstyle, while the female characters have a similiar one that looks like the sangtu hairstyle.

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  2. 1 hour ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

    No one would have been offended or at least negatively surprised if they had just done it right: give that hairstyle to males and a similar one to females. 

    They did give the hairstyle to males. It has even been pointed out multiple times in this very thread. I guess wolves are just better than humans 😅.

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  3. Not sure if it is a bug, but being able to cancel the dodge effect at the end of a dodge is weird. E.g. weapon swapping/riposting shadows at the right time will cancel the dodge damage/heal.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

    I know that it's just a game, but if I had an Asian background, specifically if I was Korean, while I probably wouldn't be offended, I would still wonder wth? If I was a Korean man, then it would definitely irk me, given that the style isn't also available for use with male characters.

    Small correction: it is available for male characters. OP just didn‘t look good enough for it (3rd one):


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  5. I feel the Kurzick/blue side of alliance is really good against condi (mostly due to Tree Song being spammable).

    I find the heal (the healskill, not overall sustain) on alliance really underwhelming on both sides. Easily interruptable, doesn‘t heal a lot, heals in ticks and locks you out of doing anything else, since it is a channel.

    I know the heal is low because the cd is low, but I‘d rather have a bigger, shared heal (as in luxon and kurzick go on same cd) with a higher cd.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

    This is a videogame.

    This is pretty much it.
    Maybe someone likes that hairstyle on their female toon, even if it historically has been only used by men in the real world. The more variety is allowed in customization, the better in my opinion.

    Videogames get things wrong. I mean, how often have you seen the terminology of Alpha-Wolves used in games to determine the strongest wolf in a pack, when that isn‘t a thing for real life wolfpacks?
    Same thing here with the hair. But if the mistake nets us more customization, I‘ll just see it as a net positive.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I'm hoping that's intentional, because it's a way of having artificial hair colours without using a gem store kit. If you want your character to have green hair, or purple or whatever you've got the option right away, without having to spend gems for it. 

    Although it doesn't show in the preview window, so I'm not sure how many people will notice beyond this initial period when they're new and lots of people are trying them out. If I wasn't looking for that style for my character I might not preview it and would never notice the colour change.

    I think you‘ve misunderstood me. I‘m not talking about gear changing the colour, but the accessory colours in a makeup kit. (Unless i‘m completely wrong here and gear does actually change it, haven‘t tried yet)

    So you‘ll have to use a makeup kit either way to change hair color, you just have less colour options with one specific hairstyle.


    I‘m talking about the 2nd hairstyle from here:


    The 3rd one uses the hair colour as main color, and then accessory colour for highlights.

    The 2nd one just uses accessory colour as main hair colour.


    Link to customization options (hair colour and accessory colour distinction)


    Edit: someone made a reddit post about the thing i mean


  8. 2 hours ago, Batel.9206 said:

    No, they added free character creation options for humans (and humans only) with Path of Fire. They were gorgeous, by the way - all the faces and hairstyles were beautifully unique. Other races haven't gotten new faces/hairstyles in years, in character creation or otherwise.

    Not completely true (the human only part). Charr actually did get new stuff post PoF. Since it didn‘t come with an expansion, but with a LW update it is often forgotten.



    March 6, 2018 game update introduced additional free default hairstyle, female face option and several horn options for charr.

    Six new, exclusive eye colors, one new female charr face, one new charr hairstyle, several new charr horns from "Living World Season 4 Episode 2: A Bug in the System," and other charr horn options have been added


    As for the new hair: I hope some of them get a texture update. They currently seem low quality (and for some reason one of the female human ones changes color with accessoire colour instead of hair colour)

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  9. 2 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

    OP was only giving their opinion and the reason for their opinion on the matter of Pre-purchases, no one was forced to agree and comply, nor was anyone shamed into doing so.  OP only gave advice on the matter, advice other people would have to go out of their way to read this thread to even know about.

    And I was only giving my opinion regarding their opinion. OP isn‘t forced to agree and comply. I only gave advice on the matter.

    Unless you‘re somehow against people voicing their opinion, I‘m not sure what your post is about, as it does not add anything to the relevant topic of pre-purchasing, nor does it make sense, as this forum is a place of open discussion.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Zera Allimatti.2541 said:

    I'm not saying don't buy the expansion, I'm saying don't let ArenaNet get into the habit of releasing an unfinished game by giving them money for an unfinished product months in advance.

    Give ArenaNet your money when they actually deserve it (at release), not months beforehand. If you MUST do it to get your pre-purchase bonus items, then do it the day before release. It's still technically a pre-purchase so they must honor the items.

    Or we could just let people do what they want with their own money, as it is their money, not yours.

    If you don't think Anet does deserve the prepurchase money, then don't prepurchase it. But leave the money of others out of it. It isn't yours, it's theirs.

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  11.  I'll just quote myself from the other thread to share my thoughts. Maybe it is a bit too bright? Not sure though.

    The first video seems to only show the Jade Sea in a darker / nightish light.

    There are greener tones in WP's gameplay video (I do miss the white stuff in GW2).


    8 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

    Well, the mined jade does look similiar to the jade on the surface to me from GW1 (Reference: https://windyweather.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/gw_factions_0019.jpg)

    It did get a blue hue on maps with night time, or the deeper you went e.g. in The Deep.

    So maybe it'll change the same in GW2, blueish hue during night time.


    Another reference video from WP (Starts approx 17:30)



  12. 5 hours ago, Mantrix.8329 said:

    Comparison of current Jade vs new mined blocks of Jade:
    Solid Ocean Jade

    New mined Jade I
    New mined Jade II

    Well, the mined jade does look similiar to the jade on the surface to me from GW1 (Reference: https://windyweather.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/gw_factions_0019.jpg)

    It did get a blue hue on maps with night time, or the deeper you went e.g. in The Deep.

    So maybe it'll change the same in GW2, blueish hue during night time.


    Another reference video from WP (Starts approx 17:30)


  13. 1 hour ago, Pirogen.9561 said:

    Can't find the post, but I do remember, that one of the devs basicaly said that such a small number of players do raids, that they(devs) don't know if they should invest much(if anything) into raids.

    Raids cost a lot of money to develop, and then only a very small number of players do it. So why bother? Better to invest into content that most players enjoy.

    Here it is.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Alaia Skyhawk.5064 said:

    Honestly, if they were going to put anything in the game then this would probably serve the purpose. He was in GW1 in the Battle Isles. Keep the /bow emote ready, and you could use a stopwatch to time yourself and end your DPS after X number of seconds and he would give you a rundown. Put him in the GH as something you can enable/disable in the arena, or even stick him in the PvP lobby.



  15. Quote

    Through this method, more players can engage with the content we build at a difficulty level they feel is comfortable.


    Any End of Dragons Strike Missions you complete will reward currency to be spent on Strike Mission-specific rewards, including any unique drops from the Strike Missions.


    Normal difficulty Strike Missions are intended to be an entry point into the world of 10-player content in Guild Wars 2. 

    Seems to me they‘re really pushing accessibility this time around (complete 180 degree direction change from raids initially).

    From the 2nd quote it seems like you‘ll be able to get any reward you want, even if you‘re only able to do the easiest strike in EoD. Over time you‘ll get enough currency, without having to do the strikes/difficulties you dislike.

    Good to see Anet trying to reach more players with more difficulty options, as that has been a problem in the past with this type of content.
    DRMs were a start to introduce more people to instanced group content, this seems to be the next step.

    Overall a step in the right direction. Hopefully the normal modes are actually more accessible to the broader community.

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  16. 14 hours ago, notebene.3190 said:

    I like IBS (that never sounds right), but am also probably one of the few people that likes the DRM mechanic. It was probably a lot to have 'nothing' but DRMs back-to-back for awhile, but the idea, mechanics, scaling, etc is rather nice. I hope they revisit the mechanic to sneak things in from time to time, be it a part of a LW story or a Current Event or something else. It was a neat way to tell a story, have a fight. Great queueing mechanism too (instead of staring at a party finder waiting for others to show up). Just start playing, if you are alone, so be it, if you get 4 more, all the more fun.

    I agree with this.

    I dislike DRMs because they feel like playing the same thing over and over again due to their similiar structure (Preevents -> Escort/defense event -> boss). The environment may change, but the basics, as well as the enemy variety is mostly the same.

    The underlying idea of instanced content that scales to player amount (besides preevents) however might set a precedent for future/EoD content that functions the same. The need to wait for a group to form / remaining players to join for current instanced content is a pain point for some players that would rather just go in and play. Playing > Waiting.

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