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Everything posted by Turial.1293

  1. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Favor_of_the_Festival What to do with Favors? Once you have the sovereign skins, the tonics, the minis - assuming you want those... What is left? Bundles of loot from treasure hunt can be used and consumed, it's not much but it is something. Festival tokens have tons of uses and even after all that they can still be used for currency conversions (for an awful amount) but what about favors? Once you have acquired all the skins, the only use appears to be Drooburt and his junk items. Would there be much point left to the future festivals once you have gotten those skins? Would it be worth doing the daily or logging in during the festival? Personally I think Favors need more uses, I would settle for a single use that allows us to convert them into something we can profit from. It would hardly break the bank.
  2. Finishers are meh. In PvP, maybe but we all know that game mode has been left aside for a long time. In WvW, you would be lucky to have the time to use one. In PvE, useless and a pain. Can you imagine having saved up about 50 wardrobe unlocks and not getting gemstore skins but instead finishers or mail carriers? Omg that would be hilarious if it wasn't infuriating.
  3. You are looking at it from a purely base stat decision which is why you are wrong. They are more powerful because a legendary has multiple factors of use. Look at it this way; if we both owned the exact same car, identical.... except mine can transform into a plane and fly off. It might have the same speed but it becomes more powerful due to scope of what it can do. This is what you are failing to comprehend.
  4. Dawdler is totally in the right. If you have an ascended greatsword with X stat and you are in a raid then that is the only stat you have. If your team asks you to run Y stat you can't do that without carrying multiple weapons around all the time, hoping that they don't ask for a stat you don't have otherwise you have to go use mats and time to craft it. On the other hand if someone has a legendary it takes them 3 seconds to convert it and they are good to go. Do they do more damage than you, no but they are immediately more useful because of that convenience.
  5. Then you waste your gold sir. Absolutely. Remind me not to come to you for financial advice.
  6. So you think players should just be able to buy their legendary weapons and armour? Ooh not a popular take there. It's absolutely fair to have to work for the most powerful pieces of gear, no game should be pay2win. They learned from gen1 how easy it was to exploit because people had those weapons within weeks of the game launch. Account binding gen2 onwards was and is the best choice though I will admit some of the grind is ridiculous like funerary essences can burn for all I care, I'll never make another gen2, that's for sure.
  7. You think people who trade legendaries waste their gold on the trading post? Lol, they do not sir.
  8. That's a whole lotta words to say you support botting.
  9. As you say "you don't know how much it is being done" and communication is key. Lip service to say they are doing it is one thing but as players we don't see that. We only have their word to go on but I wouldn imagine that since it is getting worse they don't have the resources right now. My solution is based around screwing the lazy players/bots and not implement any sort of band-aid solution that hurts genuine players. It's usually what happens in online games. Oh I totally agree with you, the defenders of this seem to believe that it somehow doesn't affect them which is absurd but it's ironic that they insist on telling other players to mind their business when they can't stop themselves from butting in to defend it lol. As for pvp, I don't care for it and general consensus is that neither does Anet.
  10. You are right that it has gotten worse recently. If you look way back to the core game, there just wasn't anything worth farming/botting back then but now there is so many places to generate tons of income that it just makes sense for some people. It's still not as woeful as other games but it does not give a good look for the game either. With the last year surrounding covid and layoffs, that was likely a big factor in affecting what could be done. The only real solution that I can see is to remove loot from the areas that people are farming, every time a spot appears to farm, they nerf the loot there. A genuine player will almsot never notice the change in loot and it would only affect afk players or bots. Changing how loot works as an overall system affects genuine players and modifying events is unlikely or tricky to do, at least if they just modify the loot tables of specific farming spots then that would be much more effective in my opinion. As for bots that teleport around the place... that's just not an issue that has been solved yet 😞 in any game. Thankfully GW2 has the least amount of bots and afk players in all the games I played though it is absolutely on the rise and Anet will need to combat it sooner or later.
  11. Bots = bad There is not really a discussion to be had on that and even if you disagreed it would be against the ToS so it's a moot argument. But back on track, afk farming is really not healthy for the game. This is a story as old as there is online games, we know it causes damage from multiple angles. It doesn't leave a good impression to see the playerbase afk in 1 spot. Other players may feel that it's not worth playing because those people can get 2x, 5x, 100x the profit for a fraction of the time they spend online. Some may even think those players are all bots (impossible to tell). They may just be put off the game because what's the point? The player leaves, anet no longer have them as a source of revenue. The afk people generate enough mats and gold to either flood the market or as some point out convert that gold into legendaries extremely quickly. Those players don't leave a game that lets them generate gold infinitely and easily, they can convert all their gold to gems to buy everything in the gem store. Ergo, anet makes zero revenue from these players despite what the defenders here may try to convince you. It hurts the economy and well-being of the game immensely. I agree with the comment that "only people who do it are the ones defending it" because really why would anyone who does do it ever try to say it's bad. It's how they make gold in game so why would they nerf their own source of income. Totally illogical. I'm not gonna get into the nitty-gritty of how much gold or what it specifically affects on the TP because it's a domino effect and one some of us have seen for decades in games before Guild Wars. The fact is, it looks terrible and ultimately affects the economy of every player who does not partake in afk farming. However............................ The real problem is lack of communication. Until Anet make a firm definite statement on this it will always be a grey area and that is the issue. Players really don't know if it is ok or not and therein lies the problem with this problem. If we knew one way or the other then players who were upset/confused/curious by it could be pointed to a direct statement. I like that someone defending the afk farmers alluded to the idea of "if you can't beat them, join them" and that's a grand idea. If every player just stops playing and instead afk farms then Anet will most certainly be forced to take a stance.
  12. And that is great for you but in comparison with other sales it is atrocious and I'm not sure if you noticed the title of this thread is not "The sales are great" it's "Why are the account upgrade sales so bad compared to previous anni sales and even march sale? [Merged]".
  13. Might want to read the forums my friend, many people are not happy with this lacklustre sale (all of the days). If you are happy then good for you but other people exist.
  14. Time to check "sales" ~~~ Today is 20% off lootbox keys and ZERO discount on overly expensive mount skins. Zero... Like what is even the point? What are you guys doing? Who approved these "sales"? Also I hope that whoever put together the 9th bday present has been reprimanded.
  15. Would love to know what sort of bug it was.
  16. Just because you say NO loud enough does not make it true. Your posts are reaching troll status. Please offer some additional discussion besides screaming no all the time.
  17. I would question why you feel the need to attack strangers on a forum though, this is about guild wars so try to keep it on topic. The JP is badly designed, not everyone can get around it nor do they want to cheat their way through it via mesmers or other means. It will be unlikely they will remove it from the meta for this but people are allowed to voice their discontent and should not be mocked for it. If you completed the JP then kudos, move on. Why are you here to mock others?
  18. I left a comment as I am allowed to like everyone, nothing in it was a rage despite your attempt to paint it as one. You just dislike what I wrote. Well tough luck is all I can say. You are just going to having to agree to disagree.
  19. There is a difference between dodging and not engaging. You are currently raging and I don't see the point to engage when you have nothing valid to add to the conversation. You seem to want to take, take, take. Not something I am interested in.
  20. Just because I disagree with your arrogance doesn't make me a hypocrite but nice try. Who is pretending? It IS wrong to mock the disabled and a few people here need to be better people. Then you misunderstood my post entirely.
  21. Also, you seem to equate disagreeing with you as entitlement. I worked for every copper I made in the game. I also never said anything about all of the content, that was you.
  22. Just your opinion man. I said it is shameful to mock the disabled but if you are totally ok with doing that well that's on you, isn't it?
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