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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. This may be an unnecessary reply to an irrelevant change of subject but... I want to add that Anet nerfed Firebrand in the biggest gamemode it has been OP in, which was WvW. Their nerfs has laughably indirectly effected sPvP.... because they didn't separate the FB changes at all in these gamemodes..... They're playing catchup without knowing why Firebrand was strong in sPvP from the beginning.... They are attempting to buff Firebrand in sPvP but have improved things that have 0 reason to improve. Done nothing to address quickness, which FB currently has very little of in sPvP. (IIR they increased some page's channel cast time.. like...why..?) Done nothing to improve Page count. We literally need +5 additional pages to make it FEEL like it's pre-nerf 2022 Tomb changes. Done nothing to improve individual self-healing....They destroyed Firebrand self-sustains back in mid 2020. Yea sure Firebrand WAS op in sPvP but not nearly as OP in WvW. Yet when Firebrand was getting nerf.. after nerf.. after nerf..... due to WvW prowess..... it still got nerfed in sPvP EVEN WHEN Firebrand was considered a wood tier trash spec. This is Anet logic.
  2. Anet nerfing something that also effects every other build variant? That doesn't sound like Anet logic at all!! /s
  3. I have dark mode enables but I can still read it on my phone. Also, how did you get your text to be black? @Random Weird Guy.3528 Did you copy the text from elsewhere then pasta'd it in the thread?
  4. It sure got you vested in it. Perhaps I should have emphasized this more in my OP.
  5. What is it with your posts that has an absurd amount of assumptions to them. Circle the first three letters of that word. By the way gg 2minutes ago. Figured the score would be closer but guess yalls thief wasn't thiefing very well.
  6. Honestly, they should just do what has been working for the last 11 years. Conquest works the way it is because people can rotate around the map intelligently. 2v2/3v3 should have two different mini (250 radius) nodes to contest. Thieves can finally be useful by being able to backcap these nodes to gain points. Years ago I proposed a 3v3v3 gamemode..... I wish we had gotten that instead of Stronghold.
  7. Add as much wood as you can! I want the fire to be visible for miles!
  8. Rank queue. No one here is talking about coordinated teams in AT/mAT. Collect baron titles? Why do you ask, are people buying? Because I can meme and grind out Baron titles all day on any account.... it isn't difficult. It's not a secret that nayaiS.6041 is my alt. The character name literally says, Saiyans Alt, lol. And it's a 7year old account too. Also my 1 and only alt.... though, I'm thinking of getting an EU account to play with a few friends there.
  9. [sPvP] I will say that hybrid form of condi/power bursts doesn't work in any shape or form and I don't see a "condi meta" forming anytime soon. This has a lot to do with the amount of individual cleanses each class has. That said, off-hand pistol power oriented damage feels awesome while mainhand pistol is a tossup. Mainhand pistol has 1 good damage skill.... that's the only saving grace.
  10. Flamestrike used to be OP against builds that can't handle that kind of condi burst pressure from a simplistic-braindead auto..... but, it has been reduced to a side--node occurrence. It's still very simplistic mind you, but that simplicity has been limited to one area of 0 mobility (to an extent).
  11. rip. My selective bias was showing again. :p! (edited OP)
  12. Respectfully, these are terrible changes that wouldn't impact DH at all. If you don't want ToF to be casted while being CC'd then what you're really asking is to not have Aegis on an instant cast trap (we have 2 instant cast traps, of which 1 is meta and 1 is not taken by most DH guards). You're obviously still CC''d inside a parameter damaging trap regardless.... assuming this is what you meant by "changes to ToF". Most Guards use ToF offensively not defensively.
  13. Garbage tier specs: 1.) Mechanist - Basically negative 2 people on any given team. They do everything wrong. 2.) Firebrand - Will always be replaced by Core Guard Supp because it's still better. 3.) Druid - Pigeonholed into some weird side-node condi bunker that isn't better than other sidenoder specs. 4.) Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists. If you're not a necro, czerk, or specter and you play a condi build, add yourself to the list DH got so many buffs all at once that Anet didn't consider just.... how bad other specs already were. (or how bad the playerbase actually are). There is an absurd amount of baddies running condi XYZ builds not knowing a DH can literally go Hunter's Fortification to counter their already-meme condi spec. Honestly... players need to stop running condi and learn a power build even IF they have to go more bunker oriented for a sense of security. I'm not talking to players who are already Plat... it's everyone else who hasn't got a clue. Sometimes dual cleanse sigils is enough to counter your meme condi build. Thoughts on DH as a Guard main: ....I don't like DH Trap Aegis spam. For a number of reasons. It's fun rn because it's meme and maybe there's a place for... that kind of solo-node "War 2.0", slow mobility playstyle, but no one asked for it. A lot of us DH players were accustomed to reactive traps that gave superspeed, enabling DH to kite (longbow oriented), whose positioning awareness playstyle actually had a skill ceiling; yet, anyone can now spam traps and gain value. And this is coming from a Guard main that never liked Longbow.....I applaud the Devs for Hammer changes ❤️ /endvent
  14. Hey, I'm just a casual tryhard G3/Plat1 Guardian main here. Stay awhile and listen. For your scenario#1 You HAVE to dodge ASAP when you initially hear or see the animation of the trap trigger. Trap animation and sound are very telegraphed and it IS possible to dodge 100% of the time the moment you activate a DH trap randomly. If you have trouble with immediately reacting to dodge a trap, I recommend practicing (preferably with a friend in 1v1 custom duel servers) to improve your reaction speed. (if you don't have dodge second nature, I recommend you keybinding your dodge button near a finger such as "c" key or "v" key (or both, like how I have it because I have butter fingers). Play 100 pvp games to engrave the knew keybindings to muscle memory. For the average player this is just half a seasons worth of games. Scenario#2 If you're fighting a DH that is condi oriented, it's not the best matchup for an Engi unless you're Holo.... but that's neither here nor there. The #1 tool Engi Scrapper/Holo has is MOBILITY. You, hilariously, run circles around a DH.. all day, throughout the entire match. All a DH has is Judges Intervention, F2, and maybe sword/sword shadowsteps. Even with these tools you out run them. Especially if you have >>superspeed<<. Just spam Nades at range and never be near melee range unless you have a stun + gyro burst shenanigans. Bait out the DH's F3 up until he uses Renewed Focus... then burst him after that ends. Save Elixir S as the last resort. When you use it, the DH is either at 20% during this time for you to come up with a final burst on him or it's time for you to run run run. There's nothing wrong with paying it safe and LoS'ing his Longbow (if he's using it). To be honest most Engi's don't even bother with a decently good DH. They just rotate against easier targets, like a mesmer, or necro, or literally any other class that doesn't have an obnoxious amount of blocks. You can certainly be a better 1v1 player against a DH but fighting a DH 1v1 should NOT be your main priority ever.
  15. This week's forum posts are extra spicy. @Azure The Heartless.3261 I saved a seat for you. 🍿
  16. The last time there was a change to LB's damage was in February of 2020 and it was a nerf lol. I've attempted to pull Scrappers/Holo's into my ToF and guess what... it fails. Because it is very telegraphed and these Plat Engi players I go up against are actually good. The toxic Aegis trap spamming, 0 mobility, node camping DH build plays like a side-noder Warrior except DH has more hard counters. The LB DH burst build variant plays like a roamer except Engi Holo/Scrapper does that role better. I'm trying to find where this QQ is coming from and.... some one listed Judges Intervention Lol. The mods needs to change the thread name to, "Issues with DH in Low Gold Rank".
  17. Unranked is meant for testing builds and overall memes lol... No one should take Unranked games seriously.
  18. Who cares about destroying afk players in the pit? 🤣💀💀 Imagine using the pit as a measurement of skill.
  19. Out of all the complaints, i'm surprised Judges Intervention is one of them lol. Some DH's dont even take Longbow or Judges... If you nerf Guard's main engagement skill then go ahead and nerf Necro's disengagement worm port too or is that not the same? Maybe you just don't want the incredibly SLOW DH spec to catch up to anyone at all? Trust me it isn't Judges that is killing yall <gold1 players. It's the fact you don't know how to counter a very telegraphed, 0 defensive Longbow weapon. You see them precast trueshot, you dodge even IF they waste a port to get in your face when using it. The cast time never changes.
  20. I feel Plat players should play with other Plat players. Also don't immediately assume one class or spec takes "so much more time to use" vs another class or spec. Again, that's a fallacy.
  21. Either you play a class with 100% efficiency or you don't. Pro gamers in Plat2 don't sweat harder for playing the piano class Cata any more than they would if they were playing Guardian... because they already play these specs to their efficiency. Labeling a player "not as good because the class is easier" is such a huge fallacy....
  22. I know a few Engi mains in Plat2 that would disagree with you.
  23. I whole heartedly disagree with this comment and absolutely loath the subject... of which, there is no correct answer because class difficult IS the way that it is and is not changeable. What is fact: We HAVE classes that state they are "Easy" or "Difficult" in the character creation page. This isn't changing anytime soon, or ever. If the AT Meta consisted of only "difficult" classes... because they are "hard to use, therefore they should be better than every other class"... then what is the point of even having other classes in PvP? If that's the case then let's just have a full roster of Elementalists (which we have had, and it was a joke of a meta). This is a very dumb subject unless we're asking Anet to increase difficulty of every single class and update their character info page but that is never going to happen. Also the most difficult class for Guard is probably Firebrand and I refuse to be pigeonholed into playing that spec 100% of the time.
  24. The build certainly plays itself that's for sure. I certainly can't argue the amount of forum grievances that symbolic healing build brought lol. I'm still bitter about the build removal though. Almost as bitter as the removal of trapper runes.
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