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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. A reaper froze me in place. I stayed there for what felt like an eternity. I saw the stars flutter across the awe inspiring night sky as I slowly slumber. I dreamt.
  2. Nice vid! Pistols alongside of Sword/Sword felt like one of the better options. You make wvw roaming look fun 😄
  3. I find the detonate feature to be redundant. It should either do a hefty amount of damage to the target on detonation or the knockback should just happen automatically when (or if) it hits the target. There's just no reason for us to detonate it ever. Cast #5 for the burns and never detonate it will always yield more dps... because the condi damage procs only if it pierces.
  4. There's NOTHING wrong with having admirer's.......
  5. What might save Hammer is the barrier buff it got. I've already had a few clutch plays thanks to the barrier. In fact it has made me more self-concious when I decide to use it. When it hits 3 people it's quite nice.
  6. Awkward uno reverse card you pulled out lmao... First of all 5man queues DID help for a multitude of reasons. For starters you don't have premades going against a full team of soloQ players. If you were paying attention to all the QQ threads, that was the #1 reason it was removed. Secondly premades don't need to wait 10+ minutes for a game. Imagine this, 5 players, each of them waiting for 10+ minutes as matchmaking attempts to shuffle rating appropriate players to go against the 5man. Right when it fails to find another premade team, a second premade team queues... matchmaking shuffles the player pool yet again. What you get is longer queue times for both the solo and premade groups. I could go on but this pointless conversation isn't worth it. Premades are removed. Queues have gotten better with the exception of all the plat2+ players. That's what this conversation is about. Now go ahead. Defend your reason as to why removing Plat2 collaborative duoQ players, of which could farm Gold1 pugs, wouldn't help matchmaking. I would say the words "I'll wait" but there's no point. You're were never favored in this conversation.
  7. Oh there's already a thread about removing duoQ... I'll just bump it because it's going to be the same ol' conversation. DuoQ needs to be removed completely or repaired because duoQ averaging ratings in Plat1+ matches is just broken.
  8. Increasing queue times for Plat division and higher would be a nice start. If you're anywhere between Plat1 and 1800 rating, you should be playing against plat1 or 1800 rating players exclusively... if you can only queue after hours then it looks like you'll be waiting for a long time. Fix#2: Remove duo queue.
  9. You can use Pistol#4 twice before #4 goes on cd entirely. I'm including the second ammo as well. Edit: Using Exploitation & Seperation sigils, I've seen just 1 ammo do upwards of 7.4k damage. If it isn't more than Trueshot then the damage is extremely close.
  10. What other OH is there for damage? In PvP I can tell you that Pistol/Pistol is going to be the meta for every condi guard spec, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If you're power bursts then you're not going to take mainhand Pistol anyways because it's not great for raw damage.. BUT you can take offhand pistol just fine. If there is any kind of gripes for Pistol#3, it's the fact that Zeal's trait Symbolic Power royally sucks. It's not worth stacking symbols unless a person goes AFK.
  11. You could have 100 billion pvp players in this game but if they are all Silver 2 players, then it doesn't mean jack. Player quality had been an issue for a very long time. There just isn't enough plat players in this game.
  12. (sPvP) I respect your input but that is only true if you are Condi Guard. If power bursts, Scepter outdamages Mainhand Pistol by a lot and Scepter#3's CC is eons more helpful than Pistol#3. That said a lot of guardians don't like Scepter and will never touch it for whatever reason. I personally prefer Scepter/Pistol & Sword/Sword.
  13. These are the current channel phases of pistol. 1st channel: Quick double press on #5 for a fast fire knockback on who ever it hits first in its Line of Sight (pet, clone, etc) 2nd channel: Press #5 once, press again once you hear the second 'whistle' sound to have it ignore everyone except the target you are looking at. 3rd channel: Press #5 once, it will automatically fire when it finishes the full cycle. THEN press it a second time when you THINK it is at the right area to land the knockback. The 3rd channel's 2x burn damage only happens if the projectile passes through your target. It will definitely cause 2x burning on every target it passes through. Odds are your target will only get knocked back without the burst burning because it does not get pierced by the orb itself. I really like the mechanics of these except the third channel will be used seldomly for burn guards who will NEVER detonate it because you would want the orb to actually pierce the target you are on, to give it the burn spike. So detonating it would be meaningless if you want to deal any kind of Burn damage to not just the target you are on but to every person it pierces. It just isn't worth sweating on trying to detonate the orb right when you see it pierce... it's too much of a mechanical hassle for such a small reward. I would like to see some form of raw power damage (higher than just 9 damage...) on the final channel when you detonate the #3 correctly. That would give it a reward for channeling it fully and detonating it on the target properly.
  14. This is what, the 3rd Beta weekend Anet has released and they still haven't fixed the "exploit"? It's not even an exploit. They left the door wide open and told everyone to, "Enter with your non-beta characters but you can change into your beta characters once your inside... much as how you can change classes during AT." I don't recall Anet telling players to not do it. It's a feature, not a bug.
  15. Charging up Pistol#5 doesn't feel worth it for me. I've been spamming Pistol#5 in melee range to basically have a near guarantee knockback because that feels more fluid, rotation wise. Moving while channeling is still a huge plus. My most favorite is Pistol#4. It out damages LB#2 Trueshot in some cases. I'm running it on my Valk build in sPvP and it is just shredding.
  16. Except that's only true after placements. During placements, it's a different story. A Plat2+ rank player can literally make a new account and have a higher chance to be on the same team as a monthly winning player/players. Even if that person is duoing. It doesn't happen all the time but it was most noticeable over the summer.
  17. That's not 100% true. People were never interested in GW2 PvP lol. It has been the same outdated stale gamemode for years.
  18. My biggest take is how a player can literally AFK for dozens of games back to back without consequences because our report system is basically non-existent.
  19. I find it comical that off-hand pistol will already be eons better than Torch. IF torch is supposed to be a "hybrid condi/power burst weapon"... then it fails miserably in doing that. Torch is such an outdated forgetful weapon, with a TERRIBLE tracking Torch#4 throw....(not counting Willbender can't even use Torch#5) that no one is even asking for buffs because at this point, most Guards don't even want buffs for it lol. We threw the towel YEARS ago. Just give us pistol so we can forget Torch ever existed.
  20. Lol no offense taken. I only added that portion because there's a lot of newer players joining the game. There are probably other items in my Stephen King novel of a post that are for sure irrelevant but what's the fun in that? Sometimes players appreciate context and their interests don't have to align with yours. But hey if you subscribe and follow, I'll talk about my morning routine of mirror gazing for 15minutes prior to queueing. If you're lucky, I may even tell you what my favorite color is 🤌
  21. Pretty much this. I finished Placements and ended up in a low elo of 1200 rating and climbed to Plat 1550+. Got my alt account to Plat too... all soloQ during "peak" hours (5:00pm CST - 10:00pm CST). All I do in my games is literally farm low elo players or surprise Plat players with my big D damage. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't but my losses is less than a third of my wins. AFK's will definitely happen but a lot of players between Bronze1 and Gold2 don't care a lot about GW2 PvP. They just queue for the rewards.
  22. Stronghold anything needs to be out of this discussion until they rework the map... Add 10v10 Guild vs Guild. Offseason should just be 3v3 or 4v4 team deathmatchs. Remove 2v2 and never add 1v1 unless you love warrior/cata/rangers owning everyone.
  23. When i logout, I can see what you mean it is indeed light text. I tried to copy-paste in an attempt to reset the font/color but it looks the same. That's so very strange.... thanks for the heads up though!!
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