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Everything posted by nobleboivin.4102

  1. I'd love some more npc clothes as costumes as well. It's always great to make characters look like npcs. Feels like they fit in the world
  2. A wing and glider pack that has wings and a tail. Maybe a separate adornment pack that is just a demon tail as well
  3. I'd give it a try as long as I can play Sylvari and Charr still
  4. I decided to take one of my low levels to the HOT maps to do a HP train. I've done it before and got credit for it but this time it seems I'm not getting map completion credit at all and it feels like something was snuck in. If this is a bug please address it. If it's not a bug please at least let folk know or block off level 80 maps till folk are level 80
  5. Woke up to it on their end. Has to be something on their end. Kinda reminds me of a browser webpage glitching and not dispalying properly
  6. I feel the skills at least pistol 1 is at least too slow and it's hard to keep bullets up
  7. Only thing I don't like about Ele pistol is the pistol 1 skill feels too slow of a rate of fire and it's hard to keep bullets up
  8. I feel like the weapon specialization was the fun surprise and maybe the skyscale fireball
  9. Thief: Greatsword and offhand sword Mesmer: Main hand pistol with some of the Mesmer clone effects like the dual pistol firing Ranger: Rifle Warrior: I'd say staves but we're getting that so maybe something magey kind of like those anime and street fighter with the ki blasts XD Guardian: Daggers Revenant: Rifle or main hand gun. Just another ranged in some form. Elementalist: Long bow or short bow or rifle Necromancer: rifle, bow, or mace
  10. Not so much of a QOL and more of a can we please have this next expanion/DLC? Fox pet for ranger? We got a fox themed costume, mini and everything else but not a pet for ranger ❤️
  11. Auto attack 1 animations feel like they could be smoother. I get hard hitting but it feels like too much like hitting with a hammer. All the animations seem like they just hard stop without a flow
  12. Collecting runestones does not count towards dungeon completion. Didi it a couple times already and a few others got the same bug as well. Please fix or remove from daily roster
  13. Noticing it also. A few were saying this isn't a bug. I hope not becuase it seems like a really weird harmless fix
  14. Also getting the network claim and certainly not exceeding my AA
  15. An upgrade to the Not So Secret jumping puzzle so that people with poor motor skills due to disabilities can be able to complete it. Some of the jumps are just so hard to do.
  16. Reading this makes me wish we had a lycan themed elite spec >< I know it's redundant with Norns but it'd be cool. Like a reverse soul beast. You merge with the naimal
  17. I've thought the complete opposite. Earth skills are my least fav and think look the least cool. Shock and fire are asweom but it's all subjective and folk have different likes and dislikes
  18. I think this is asked before by me even but can we please have the ability to auto sort how our characters are displayed in character select? Like instead of last played being the first that pops up, alphabetical order for example like in guild wars 1?
  19. I get that but port to friend doesn't exactly grow on trees either >< and I'm a player that has a lot of problems doing jumping problems due to coordination issues. The other 2 weeklies left for me are kind of a pain too but even aside from that. maybe throw in some jumping puzzles and mini dungeons from the base game for instance. They always seem to have the Canthan dungeons and jumping puzzles on the weeklies and dailies for me
  20. I agree with the folk who think the daily system needs more attunements. The weekly jumping puzzle this week is the new Kaening one which is a pain to do. Not every does it and the ones that do, do it either require you to have a p2f device which not everyone has, or demand gold because heaven forbid they use Mesmer portals to help others get to it. Which is something I've noticed a lot. Folk are doing fewer jumping puzzles than they used to.
  21. Would it be possible to add some invisible walls here? It certainly shouldn't be possible to fall through the map this badly. While you're at it, adjust some of the jumping parts please to make it a tad bit easier. https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/0b7e8015-ee33-4f12-8b26-10f3e3280705/dgb62nt-9380b2fe-20c7-4ab6-9d6d-d06b9f9fd17b.jpg/v1/fill/w_1115,h_717,q_70,strp/gw046_by_nobleboivin_dgb62nt-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODIzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMGI3ZTgwMTUtZWUzMy00ZjEyLThiMjYtMTBmM2UzMjgwNzA1XC9kZ2I2Mm50LTkzODBiMmZlLTIwYzctNGFiNi05ZDZkLWQwNmI5ZjlmZDE3Yi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.n0swhj9bTZiptOPomDSpaHB9-tVSNXxkX_AU3IurjmI
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