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Everything posted by Kalavier.1097

  1. Indeed, it's kinda (crudely) like the Imperium from 40k lol. Extremely xenophobic culture and religion, but with little backstabbing or infighting. Break religion, you simply get killed. IIRC anet stated or implied the Toxic Krait are all considered enemies of the regular Krait, to be killed on sight?
  2. Just wanted to reply to these things. First off, the gods have rarely stepped in directly to actually be involved in things since abaddon was imprisoned, even when he was at risk of breaking out they basically shrugged and went "You got this guys, we'll be over here". The gods going "Hey we are trying to find a new world for you guys" would, at worst, encourage apathy and lack of action. Why really bother trying to solve the elder dragon issue when the gods are going to save us humans right? It also assumes that they have already found a world when the void crisis came, or had directly contact/way of knowing it was happening. IIRC, the whole Void crisis was a relatively short period of time. Given how there aren't any Order of Whispers agents throughout the Elona core maps, and also "Spy organizations fighting in the background" wouldn't be very obvious anyway. It wasn't a major plot detail but a side one.
  3. Anet also has explicitly had only one "pure evil" race, that being the Krait. And they also explicitly stated that was purely because their government and culture purges all other thoughts and their children are never allowed to see any outside views.
  4. You can have people who do certain "vampiric" things, but it'd be well, just that. You wouldn't be a proper "typical" vampire who can't go into the sun or requires blood to survive. Just more of using blood to boost your magical power and such.
  5. Vampires are giant non-sapient bat like creatures, and otherwise just a style of blood magic(that seems partially inspired by said beasts) You won't find anybody melting in the sun or requiring blood to survive though.
  6. They did make a number of Sentinels use the related outfit after it was released, so there is precident.
  7. I noticed the other day in wardrobe there are a few unique variants of weapons from various sets for the Spear that were only available as PVP unlocks. With Spear now being a major weapon it'd be nice to see those variants added to the PVE cultural vendors or some other way of obtaining them.
  8. Skritt are also used to "Non-verbal" communication, in a way, so it may be something they figured out together and benefits them both.
  9. Also Tyranids are sometimes a side threat with something else appearing. As for Kryptis, they do mention that Eparch had actually blocked dreams and such from Tyria and maybe other realms from coming into Nayos. Sadly, it's only brought up once early on when you arrive.
  10. He's kinda done this stuff before. Anyway, Guild wars two runs off the typical "Common" language. For example, there is references to Norn or Asura language specifics, or "old Canthan" languages. IIRC kurzick and Luxon as well. But they teach and share a basic common language across the board. I'd assume sign language is a universal one, or that Charr have one for battle use when they must be silent and Gladium simply adapted that for general use? Skritt we know the "Common" tongue is actually their second language and they have trouble with it due to their natural form of communication. Charr also at times are described as having trouble understanding humans because the tone frequencies can fall into a spot of their hearing that makes it hard to hear. I figure it's an official/known sign language, but one we haven't had to deal with as we haven't run into mute or deaf characters before.
  11. Another thing is, like for example Flame Legion. What happened? We kept killing the aggressive, nasty people in charge, and bled their forces down over the years. This meant that eventually, The next person in line/capable of taking over went "Well, I don't agree with what those guys do and want peace." We killed or weakened the "evil" side of it to the point the "good" side seized control and started changing things. Nightmare Court is another example. The aggressive factions got recruited into the Toxic alliance after the top leadership was killed off or weakened. Then Mordremoth weakened the Sylvari race as a whole briefly. Faolian died, and the basically only remaining Duchess left? Her stance was "Let's not constantly make ourselves known. Let's not go the path that risks pissing off the major nations around us who can easily wipe us out." And the main portion of the court left is subdued and more reclusive now.
  12. But there aren't jokes at "Every step of the way" Nor was GW1 ultra serious all the time. The characters in both games are believable and people, but they are, by their literal nature, different games. One is an RPG first, the other is an MMO first.
  13. There is dialogue by one of the Kodan settlements (the warclaw training area) between an Asura and the Kodan, where he's trying to explain the benefits of using them. "You can travel to the fishing hut instantly!" "What about the far lodge/hunting town?" "I believe we set up a waypoint at that location too." Something like that. So in terms of "In universe" It'd be something they actively setup and install, which would probably only happen in verdant brink after the events of HoT really with the dangers of the jungle and all.
  14. I mean, any race with consistent settlements will literally have all of these things. Farms, food storage, food gathering. Even the Skritt do that. This isn't a "Human" thing, it's a civilization thing. A civilization must be able to feed it's population and protect them.
  15. Unless JW changed the Titan Lore, Titans are both creations of the foundry of failed creations, and a mist species in conflict with the Mursaat as I recall.
  16. I think a good way to see it is, do we see npcs using it, and is it in a stable area (as we know, the Asura were keen to keep the waypoint system stable and functional). Meaning it's likely we have waypoints at Ascalon settlement, but we wouldn't have a waypoint in a Centaur camp or in HoT jungle.
  17. I would point out that technically, the Asura waypoint was likely not there the entire year and only was setup when the Asura made a base camp there with the gate.
  18. Could be that when he came out, he went straight for the bloodstone, and hadn't heard of Xera's death? They weren't getting along perfectly and Xera sounds like she got the fake relic and immediately went to her castle.
  19. Don't forget that technically, they can export stone and ore from the quarries at Ebonhawke. They give Ebonhawke food or other supplies, they get the stone, they turn and sell the stone to, for example, the Asura for building a new lab somewhere, etc.
  20. Yeah... equating the Ghosts issue to Centaurs is an interesting one, since Centaurs is his big focus for Kryta going forward? 😄
  21. Kryta also has a Navy, yet we never see it ingame. L:ion's Arch has ships for each Captain, yet we've only seen two (counting the MP map). They also have an extensive ocean fleet, yet we only see it once around Claw Island. IIRC, after the illusion breaks there is a portal effect under the watchknight? Might be wrong but since Mesmers are heavily involved in the Pavilion I just figure they get ported out, repaired of any damage dealt and then portaled back in. Even then, it holds a very scary implication for warfare if used to full potentional. Ambush a wandering Centaur group (assuming Centaurs rally behind a new war leader and charge). Kill them all, duplicate their appearances onto watchknights. Watchknights return to the base, wander around, then start attacking. Chaos. Or simply disguise themselves as humans and use them to make Seraph squads look bigger. Or just include several into each Seraph deployment as we have the range from the giant ones to human-sized ones.
  22. This is pretty much it. We know Skyscales will see drastic changes depending on diet as they grow up, but patterns are likely just regional for them. Likewise probably for changes that are physical but not extreme or magical based. Like the broad-horn bull is probably just that... a fat skyscale. Where as the Canthan skyscales developed into the leaner bodytype.
  23. Man, it's almost like you are cherry picking examples from literally the start of personal story when the Seraph are at one of their lowest points, and absolutely ignoring that we know there are various seraph types of soldiers, including royal guards and an entire unit dedicated to being deployed at Ebonhawke. And you are not even bothering to move an inch to think about the Seraph as of now, who have watchknights deploying alongside squads, they have airships, and they now have full support and aren't being sabotaged constantly by having their routes constantly being sold to the enemy. Literally the first two points are EXPLICITLY CAUSED BY THE WHITE MANTLE SABOTAGE THAT IS DEALT WITH MOSTLY AFTER CAUDECUS IS PLACED IN "House arrest" BY BEING A GUEST AT JENNAH'S HOME, post Caudecus manor story dungeon. The Seraph don't only have basic sword and shield soldiers. The Seraph have access to horses as mounts and beasts of burden pulling carriages or wagons. The idea of Cavalry isn't foreign to them. Hell, an insult about Centaurs is that Horses are for riding, not talking. So yes, it's entirely plausible the Seraph at full strength would have Cavalry mounted on horses, if not raptors and other mounts now as well. Confirmed? No, but it's incredibly within reason. And even outside that speculation, you cannot use start of personal story Seraph at all to try to discuss what they may have available now, well beyond the personal story troubles. edit; Also Seraph captain isn't like a RL army captain, A Seraph captain is in charge of a region's operations. It's almost more like a general in a basic sort of sense? Like Logan was the Captain in charge of DR, while another was in charge of all of Kessex Hills, etc.
  24. Honestly, haven't seen many of the priests in combat if any personally. I just natively assuming monk for Dwayna priests that are explicitly acting as healers. But that's part of the whole "We see a limited view ingame of some forces" Such as Seraph Cavalry, which would be a thing as they do infact, have horses lol.
  25. The plushie set isn't "A skyscale ate enough plushies" It's the same thing as a synergetic skyscale, it's a golem constructed to a skyscales shape and abilities, but it's got a fluffy soft doll wrapped around it. basically a giant toy made by Tixx. Same as the plush raptor, turtle, jackal, etc.
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