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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 2 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

    Ah yes... upvotes... defo proves who is right and whos not /s

    I'm not really surprising of your mesmer hate posts, after I'v farmed you that many times I would hate mesmer too

    There are so so so many mesmer running around like headless chickens, spamming distortion off CD using then either torch or decoy...PU kitten and what more...I am afraid you will have to identify yourself better, I don't have a list of all hamsters running around on their virtuoso, chrono bunker or core condi. I MANAGE TO KILL SOME OF THEM BY MASSIVELY OUTPLAYING THEM DESPITE ALL THE CHEESE CARRY THEY HAVE....AMAZING HOW THEY LOSE EVEN ON MESMERS... but yeah....it's overall a losing battle against distortion spam, reflect on dodge, stealth...and some even use double MoA form...lol killing those ones it's even funnier.....what impresses me the most about the GW2 playerbase is...FOTM class always happen to be the most skilled....last post here, I am wasting time anyway. I look at PvP...or even wvw, you see dozen of mesmers ...or yes those must be such skilled players...so many of them...and they are all so skilled


    • Confused 8
  2. 2 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    Couple of reasons:

    1) EOD power creep. Try chasing a cele harbringer or smtn similar with a sword melee. 

    2) Scepter. It just does everything that sword can, but does it better. 

    3) lack of mobility/sticking power/range. Thats self-explanatory.  

    Pretty much this...

    Everything right got speedy gonzalez speed while pewpew huge condi burst from 1200 range......sword weaver decent in a small scale with support but awful as a roamer, you literally have zero chance to catch up with anything. Although the condi burst of a sword weaver still remains a scary encounter for any melee spec so there is that... I still play it where it's safe to do so

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  3. On 5/7/2023 at 6:26 PM, Invoker.5462 said:

    All classes seem to have had their hour of fame.

    But ele and necro have always had a place in all aspects of the game. At no point would wonder if a necro or an ele will be a useless addition to a group.

    Unfortunately, not everyone has picked these two classes.
    In fact, a human elementalist would have been the most likely to stick around the longest. As the human has the best camera angle, and elementalism has never suffered an identity crisis in any part of the game. 

    They would have saved a lot of production money had they removed professions and races and had the human elementalist the only playable thing in the game. It seems as though this profession is used as a benchmark for every other profession, and has recieved the largest number of minor tweaks throughout the years.

    The necro, in a similar vein, has always been a safe bet. You'd be safe in your assumption that a group of necros and ele's could get through 100% of the content in gw2 without much of a struggle.

    Unfortunately i mained warrior and engineer, and have been constantly cut down from being a fan boy to completely and totally pessimistic about class balance for this game.

    Never fixate yourself on a single class...never do that brother! The only reason why I am still here it's because I have 2 x more mains to jump on when the dry spell for ele starts, and this period of time with the dev team, it must have been the longest period of time when ele has been left in a playable state, aka enjoyable to use. Catalyst brought back more than half the ele players you see now, you wouldn't see nearly as many eles now in PvP and WvW before cata and, the scepter rework. Before cata and scepter rework you wouldn't see even a single ele in Monthly tournaments

    • Confused 1
  4. On 11/3/2022 at 7:24 PM, Horace.3184 said:



    It's not a matter of learing how to play.  Seriously, why do players treat these poorly developed games like there's some grand secret scheme one must learn in order to PvP well...  You're putting on gear, buffs and clicking actions....it's not rocket science.  Every player is going to come across the same material in game and can craft/farm ascension or legendary.  Meta Builds are based on somebody elses thoughts, so they're posted online but you're better off experimenting for yourself.


    With 'OP' classes (excluding the weakest, Neco), "bullet proofing", stuns, roots, knockdowns, pulls. lanches, etc...  Toss in the players who are using a hacker tool to walk around immune to all damage or jacking up their power attribute to 9999 and you have a mess that'll you'll get caught up in if you're one of the players who are playing without cheating.


    You can do everything right on your own meta build and witness yourself not even scratching another player, even with a 3+k power attribute and you have to go with power because conditional damage is a joke.  It's implemented in the game wrong and players in WvW can just cleanse it...or not.  Some players just ignore conditional damage, especially coming from a Necro's marks because marks are useless...just like the trait that gives health bassed on a percentage of conditional damage (Necro); the healing is so low, it's non-existent, thus wasting a trait spot.  Yeah, the Necro is that bad compared to other classes.


    Bottomline,  you can be great on a particular class but it's going to come down to the "OP" and the cheaters.  They will always win and that's why GW2 has the worst PvP/WvW ever made.


    Hell, just today I seen another player in WvW dancing around immune to everything.  A small Zerg was trying to take them down but they kept dancing and jumping around immune to all damage and then they vanished....re-appeared and continued dancing while immune to all damage.  Then just for the fun of it, they blew up another player with one hit.  Glad I was on the wall at the time because cheaters completely kill any little ounce of fun you might have been having and with things so messed up with classes and balance, fun is hard to come by.


    It's not just WvW either....  I saw a player out in Drizzlwood...not going into details but lets just say, this player was doing something very fast in like 3 to 4 hits, that would normally take a small Zerg size group to do in like 30 seconds each.  Their damage was WAY beyond anything that's possible in game.  This guy/gal could have taken out a World Boss solo.


    You can ignore that and continue to dream it up as players skills (phft!) or come to terms with the fact the untouchable, unscratchable players in PvP/WvW are most likey using a cheat.  There's no class that can go immune to all damge for several minutes....  Don't even try to feed me that.


    It's just god-awful balance "managed" by less than stellar devs...the class design in GW2 is truly kitten

  5. On 6/18/2022 at 4:12 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

    You are better off playing spvp conquest if you only have war. If you can gear and play something else, ranger is probably your best pick. Its very close to warrior and has more builds you can try. Boonbeast is probably a good start, or just the one wolf pack longbow ganker build.

    Of all classes..you suggest the one that is even worst than warrior in wvw....

  6. Annoying but...it's the semi-equivalent of Tower Ranger, you won't ever see a solo roaming Gunzerker (maybe rarely)...hardly an issue for me when there are far far far more AIDS level builds, out there that on top of doing massive dmg... also have the sustain of a support build

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    The standard SB LB/GS build has:

    Energy sigil for the extra dodge

    GS4, block, as you mentioned

    GS3 evade frames

    LB3, stealth

    Smokescale smoke bomb, GS3 through for stealth, or worldly impact blast (if you really need the longer stealth)

    Smokescale smoke assault, evade frames

    Protect me, barrier

    And ofc you got a ton of CCs to cover up downtime of the above. Troll unguent is also pretty good, in case you do let dmg through.

    That build when played well is really hard to hit; when rotating the CDs well and kiting appropriately. Though of course playing it well requires skill. I'm not sure on equal skill its able to kill cele builds, but it stalemates them quite often. At least from what I've seen on duel spot and around. Its definitely one of the best roaming builds, its just hard to play well; most who play it unload with OWP+quickening zephyr and after that they are dead in 30 seconds or so.

    Cele builds in comparison are just spam skills like a bot.

    Ranger is now one if not the hardest class in this game to play well...and not because it's relatively weak..it's because everything else has been powercrept to insane levels, people got access to builds that literally play themselves...

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  8. 3 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

    Don't forget virtuoso.

    Virtuoso?...Are you joking? It's super super weak.....these players in this thread are dying to longbow rangers, you must have missed all the gank groups of rangers roaming around.....

    See?..Virtuoso got several blocks/stealth/invulnerability...while ranger got only the GS block...no way in hell that virtuoso can compete with a ranger

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  9. 19 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Hey, some players are better than others.  I'm sure you're aware that a high percentage of longbow soulbeast players don't know what to do when their opponent doesn't cooperate by eating their opener.  Is it any surprise the same players complain about condi even when it comes from builds that have essentially zero pressure from any other source?  It doesn't justify cele being OP, but like that other guy said, nerf cele and we'll be back to complaining about condi because we don't want to take sufficient cleanse on our builds.

    Show us what to do once "your opener" fails if you are that good:



    It's so good of a class and people don't know how to use it accordingly to the forum and yet....this is wvw right now:


    • Confused 3
  10. 6 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Replace "cele" with "condi" and we're back to normal.  People have been whining about this for years.  Whattya mean I can't just kill them off my opener and, if I don't, I have to actually pack some sort of cleansing on my build or I lose?  UNFAIR!

    If you'd need 3 different stats to make condition work..I doubt you'd run it in the first place. Few months after the condi rework in 2014, one of the main GW1 devs(John Peters) clearly stated that it was overperforming but nothing came out of it as all GW1 devs left. There is a reason why amulet choices like Mercenary and apothecary were removed from PvP = easy sustain while maintaining killing potential due to the condition rework, allowing tanky builds to rank up 20+ stacks of condi...effectively achieving burst dmg with none of the trade-off like low sustain with glass stats like power dmg build have. 

    This is why you run condi build.... all benefits...zero trade-off 

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  11. On 5/3/2023 at 2:51 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Yeah, Sword is essentially always going to be an RP weapon.  Not really fixable in current state of the game and to be put in the bin next to MH dagger.  

    To even begin addressing it, it needs some kind of damage mitigation ability and/or a shadow step to keep up with the mobility creep now in the game.  

    The best skill sword has right now is the unleashed ambush and that's saying a lot...

    It's great for condi builds but..if they remove the evades just to add some numbers to the power aspect then yeah...it will just end up in the trash bin alongside MH dagger

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  12. They'll better not touch the evades from sword, it's the only reason why I even bother to use a sword, it's a defensive weapon and I hope they enhance the mobility aspect as they stated rather than adding a power component and if it must be added, it must not be at the expenses of the evades components

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  13. 22 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Multishot is the same as longbow AA, so at least it's consistent. Savage slash is basically even harder hitting Maul, so probably not touching this one. Totally fine with changing Toxic shot since it's easily the worst one.

    Agree I'd say, I could live if at least they'd remove the ground targeting from Toxic Shot, it's literally the 2nd source of torment for ranger and it'd be great to see it improved. Definitely ok for Pve but too hard to hit anything in PvP with it, too hard if not impossible when you have literally fractions of seconds to react

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  14. 2 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:


    To be honest this sounds like a bunch of gaslighting to me, people has been complaining about boon balls and the pirate ship meta for years.  Maybe, just maybe this is their answer to that play style. I for one am glad we have it, I'm no e-specs pro but I do my thang and with the help Cele unfortunately I've found that folks get really pissed off because they can't kill you in one or two shots.

    People don't get pissed because they can't kill you...people get rightly pissed because you can kill them in return! If you want to run a super tanky build to troll people or whatever...that's fine, good for you, but that should be the end of it, you should not be able to go toe to toe and win against somebody who instead decides to invest in offensive builds to end the fight fast.

    Willbender, harbinger, catalyst...too much kittening dmg for the sustain they can have.......it's stupid design and the proof is...3/4 of people "roaming" atm are willbenders and catalysts ...coincidence? 


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  15. Maybe we can reduce the animation cast time of ambush skills from 3/4 to 1/4, it would make life easier when facing other power creep mobility meta. I am used already to timing skills on Ranger. Still, playing other professions I can't help but notice that ranger gets treated with unnecessary caution when other professions enjoy a faster APM while still maintaining an easiness of access overall.

    A 1/4 cast animation would not break the balance, or make Untamed much easier to play...but it would make it fairer to use.


    -Savage Slash

    -Toxic Shot

    Have too much of a wind-up even before the animation starts, it's like a whole 3/4s channelling on top of the animation that takes another 3/4s to finally release and hit that target (assuming  the attack does not get reflected/block when you get the wrong the timing)

  16. On 5/6/2023 at 3:18 AM, GuriGashi.5617 said:

    Moa = best bunker buster in the game


    They should keep it as it is and don‘t play Mesmer

    Funny...the same class using Moa has a meta build.....called chrono bunker...the irony....I say we need something to counter distortion

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  17. 21 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    I wanted to say several things, but apharma and agrippa literally said everything that needed to be said. Signet of humility is the natural answer to y'all degenerates getting carried by the most despicable builds (used to run it against flamethrower scrappers, back in the day). You might be forced to learn to play and that is good for you.

    Funny though....mesmer is always at the forefront of those degenerate bunch, remember condi mirage? It got called degenerate from the same devs who made it and now we have virtuoso/chrono bunker rotating distortion into stealth.....leaving very little to no room to pressure a decently played mesmer....sounds like the very definition of degenerate gameplay

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  18. On 5/2/2023 at 8:47 PM, solemn.9670 said:

    Elementalist is the ONLY thing in the game that is broken right now. This is unacceptable! Please nerf elementalist again! Then nerf it again afterward! Elementalist is the ONLY broken class in the game! It's not as if the other 8 are also broken .........





    Or this abomination of a class which promotes just 111111111111 to win (montage is pretty cool, no disrespect to the player, just... harbinger lol)

     On the other hand, while celestial harbinger is an asinine design....celestial catalyst is not much different if not worst, in than the rest, I say it as ele...cele cata is pure kitten and I believe the biggest culprit is the cele gear

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  19. On 4/29/2023 at 5:56 AM, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

    There are so many tanky players roaming. They cant be killed but will fight with their health not dropping below 75%, it just shoots back up to 100%. Or they run in, pretend to do damage, then run with aeges, barrier, invuln, and/or super healing to the nearest door that is half a map away, and make it with 10 people hitting on them. Come on, is this supposed to be fun? What is so competitive about this?

    Tanky roamers started to appear due to garbage players incapable of winning on their own or thief gank/griefing groups, thieves are more the reason why tanky builds started to appear...or even pewpew glass rangers hiding inside towers.

    You can't roam on glass builds because of thieves, mesmers and 1500 range pewpe sic'em...also because players these days won't leave home without a backup support/healer....literally I am only leaving the base on a tanky condi build now, it's the only way to kill stealth abusers, cele tanks, babysitted wannabe "roamers".

    Power builds straight don't work anymore for simple roaming......stealth builds will simply stealth and run...come back at full HP , cele builds will simply facetank all your dmg without ever pressing the dodge button and babysitted wannabe too will facetank all your dmg...while a tanky tempest/firebrand/scrapper/vindicator keeping them alive.

    As a matter of fact...I don't use glass builds at all anymore as there is no kittening point, between nerfed power dmg.... -dmg buff food, super healing, perma boon builds, even if you use full zerk/assassin burst...you see these people going back to full HP after 5s even after eating around 12k dmg in one go...and kill you with a grin plastered on their face. No no....my power builds now won't potentially oneshot anything but can still do scary bursts, while being able to withstand a tactical nuke explosion in the process.

    In general, stealth is the main culprit followed by years of powercreep balance.....power build roaming is dead and buried, especially after the direct dmg nerf from 2 years ago. I still tried to play it "fair" for years to no avail, constantly harassed by d/p thieves and cele tanks and then I gave up after realizing how devastating condi burst can be against the aforementioned kitten


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