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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 7 minutes ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

    >Revenant greatsword

    Certified Forums moment

    Anybody who has been playing this game long enough and visited the forum enough times will know that no amount of belittling, emojis or whatever flies in your boat....ever stops the nerfs. In the near future: necro pistol, revenant shortbow and greatsword will see nerfs no doubt. Now that every revenant build will make use of those weapons sets...everything will become too obvious to ignore and the same story goes with Necro pistol and torch. Eventually, a MAT will be won and then the nerfs will start raining.

    And no, I don't expect necro or rev players to run to this thread and show their support, that kind of honesty and self-judgement simply doesn't exist anymore in a MMO community, this one at least...on the contrary, I am expecting loads more rev mains like you with such comments...followed by the rest leaving emojis or other silly comments....like that will change anything in the end.

    I am only pointing out the obvious..the nerfs will come and you should have no doubts about that, just a matter of time


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  2. 8 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    There should be a big red light & siren in the Arenanet office that goes off whenever someone in the forum agrees with Arheundel so they can be sure to know that something is seriously going wrong with their game, so they can immediately drop what they are doing to go hotfix the issue. 

    The vast majority of players care not about general balance and only agree on Nerfs when it's convenient for them. The same people who want scepter fire auto-attack nerfed may be well-playing something broken of similar status like Torment on auto-attack, things like harbinger pistol are not less broken than scepter ele, just different beast

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  3. Here hoping for a future when these weapons: Necro torch and pistol, Revenant greatsword and shortbow  get logically toned down invoking the most obvious common sense.

    With all eyes on ele, I fear these two will fly just under the radar and keep their bloated set-up for months to come. As I have mentioned, they all have one thing in common:  Torment. There is not only ele out there, these torment spamming abominations that require detailed kiting and timing to take head-on, while them, on the other hand, just press 111111 or 2-3 off CD to apply pressure. This is something I hope will be kept in mind for the next round of nerfs.

    P.S - It has taken me a good 5-10m to bring down first a scourge and then a harbinger using pistol/torch...I was on zerker amulet with scholar runes and not once I seen those 2 - necros using the dodge button, took a full frontal burst and kept moving forward as if nothing happened, a combination of the rabid amulet and bloated design, and now with access to ranged CC/pressure applying torment in stacks..in a matter of secs. 

    , Honestly, I'd rather keep my sanity and stop even approaching PvP at all if changes are not applied before August...that in itself would be my silver lining

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  4. On 6/28/2023 at 9:57 PM, GetFoxxed.9478 said:

    Exactly. What even is the point of art, coding, creative and other teams doing their best if balance team will turn all of their effort to dust by making stuff unenjoyable?

    I'd say that every sane person on the planet, working on a balance team...would go and ignore 95% of the forum "feedback", I would not want to play any game where the devs actually listen to blatantly biased and uncaring individuals, I can't imagine a reality where any dev actually listen an implement class changes based on say mesmer forum feedback....we'd have something like perma distortion/block teleporting God spamming 10 stacks of torment/confusion on auto-attacks from 1200 range..

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  5. On 6/30/2023 at 10:27 AM, SlayerXX.7138 said:

    The people on the forums often act out of self interest and have no concern for general balance. Also their solutions are often times worse then the problem they want to solve. Especially with the grieve avalanche that happens, feedback becomes worse by the second.
    Example there was someone on the thief forum who skipped math in high school, complaining that deatheye will struggle with quickness. Turns out 1 cantrip on berserker gear is all we need, but that comment was upvoted all the same.
    Alac on druid was way to tight, good that it gets buffed. The general feedback on druid seems to be: No alac on avatar, No alac on utilities. Great? Staff is of the table thanks to weapon mastery. Where to put it? Every solution I can think up would have an equal number of people complain all the same, or would make druid broken.

    I get that people need to rant. I too am baffled by a couple of changes. If people just vomit feedback out, don't be surprised that 2 balance guys don't engage with everything.

    Thumps up! Someone has the guts to say the truth!

    GW2 players want always balance to go their way.....mesmers crying that virtuoso block got nerfed....necro crying that scourge got nerfed...and so on. People talk only out of self-interest, have no clue or care for general balance and are only interested in their daily endorphin dose by playing Rambo and winning on their FOTM-broken OP spec.


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  6. You should not be able to DPS people to death with the auto-attack.... by spamming the most OP conditions like Burning and Torment. How does it make sense to balance the game with something like this : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fragmentation_Shot when you go and then add https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vicious_Shot , can you spot the difference in terms of dmg, CMC?

    Bleeding - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bleeding


    Torment -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Torment

    Burning - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning

    Really to be considered balanced, skills like Fragmentation shot should have 5 stacks of bleeding  ...not a single one, to make things even 

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  7. 10 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

    Can you elborate as to why hammer and mainhand dagger are bad in pve?

    I believe You can consider my thread an outburst due to frustration. With a cool head I went in and tried dagger untamed, hammer druid and made some positive impact. Maybe I have been too quick to judge, need more time to test, but did get some positive results with the builds I have mentioned. Will see soon how much wrong or right I am

  8. 49 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Wierd reddit has ranger as one of the most well off with the weapon unlocks lol.

    Reddit is mostly pve and I am certain, hammer soulbeast must be a blast there. Bur overall Ranger is nowhere close to warrior, renegade, necro, mesme, engineer development with this weapon master thing....the most disgusting things met yesterday in pvp: Virtuouso with shield....a trillion blocks...pure kitten.....then Vindicator with shortbow...braindead sustain meets braindead ranged damage...beatiful. And what about pistol offhand spellbreaker or hammer holosmith....yeah...

  9. 6 hours ago, BatelGeuce.3591 said:

    I don't think hammer will work without Untamed in PvE due to basic skills being subpar but it'll sure be fun to use it on SLB. Doubt we'll see any serious usage of it in instanced content though.

    On the other hand, main hand dagger on Untamed seems pretty sick and I look forward to trying it.

    Dagger on untamed is indeed very strong and deadly, and will make for a decent condi/power build, that's literally the only silver lining...untamed will become more popular come August

  10. 2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    All classes got hit and hammer wasn't very popular , so I doubt that's it.

    He plays with Blood Moon, if you add hammer then you can reach up to 9 stacks of bleeding on druid with hammer alone but....again  outside pve, hammer is useless unless paired with GS which once again carries the whole class.  I can see hammer condi druid being played as a off roamer/small group in wvw....nothing exceptional mind you, but definitely more sustain than Untamed hammer thx to druid sustain

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  11. That's my overall opinion after a few hours of beta testing......

    1. Hammer remains a garbage PvE weapon
    2. Dagger main hand remains a garbage PvE weapon
    3. Staff is barely functional on a bunker druid build and that's it

    Overall so far zero reason to spend anything on another PvE expansion, here foolishly hoping that mace/mace is anything but another PvE garbage set ... longbow/greatsword..off we go once again. 


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  12. On 6/28/2023 at 5:14 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    The Weaponmaster Training beta event for Secrets of the Obscure is open to all Guild Wars 2 players from June 29 until July 2! Try out the combat changes that are coming with SotO on August 22 and let us know what you think. You can leave your feedback for the ranger in this thread.

    Ranger weapons are too terrible to change anything, it's Greatsword or die like a dog....the whole class has been nerfed to behind garbage levels..Ranger is 100% Garbage to play overall....

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  13. 1 hour ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    power builds have less counterplay then condi builds, the fact you cant cleanse properly doesnt mean everyone else cant

    Out of 20 mesmers I face on average...2-3 will be power shatter, rest will be staff zoning PU condi spammers.

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  14. 19 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

    I'd rather play against condi specs than teleport/stealth burst specs.

    I'd rather fight a whole team of teleport/stealth burst than a single condi builds, and the reason is.....you can actually punish and kill the burst specs, because they make use of reaction skill, timing and prediction to win....they don't have OP bunker specs playing the game for them, covering a hundreds mistakes, facetanking damage without ever pressing the dodge button 

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  15. 2 hours ago, Soilder.3607 said:

    So the changes to Protective Ward that now cause it to grant Lesser Guard is actually a net buff because the damage reduction stacks with protection. The protection that Protective Ward used to give is being moved to Invigorating Bond and is going to affect allies instead of only affecting the Ranger like before. So during encounters where you are playing Heal Druid and can expect a big spike of damage to occur you can swap pets to grant Lesser Guard and then use an ability to grant protection (glyphs, stone spirit, or rely on a teammate), giving your party 66% damage reduction. That will allow a skilled druid to keep his team alive more effectively.

    Just to let you know that damage reduction stacks multiplicatively not in addition, so no it's not 66& dmg reduction

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  16. 3 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

    Lol kill the untamed pet...while the ranger ccs and kills you...and when you get the pet low they swap and use projectile denial.


    The fact that this mf just said kill the pets 🤣🤣

    If you get CCed to death by an untamed...I don't know how you even leave respawn when the opposite team has 2x chrono bunkers or catalyst with focus and earth shield or scrappers or.....everything else at the moment......

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  17. 7 minutes ago, Dantheman.3589 said:

    It’s not,

    also like I said there’s often 2-4 untameds per match.

    what you are saying is disinformation 

    I don't have much gold being now a filthy casual but I am ready to transfer 20g to you if you can stream a single match in ranked against 3-4 untamed in the opposite team and you losing against it. In addition, I will stop posting if you can do this one thing

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