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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. On 7/10/2023 at 7:41 AM, anduriell.6280 said:

    untamed needs a full rework. It makes no sense to have 3 pvp focus specializations. 


    You are wrong to think that they were designed for PvP to start with....instead PvP is the main game mode where pet doesn't completely suck....everywhere else is smokescale or GTFO 

    • Confused 1
  2. I am not thief player and fighting thieves is never fun or enjoyable but thieves and rangers are basically the only thing you can actually kill in a straight fight in wvw still....and with the OP being a willbender...most likely a cele willy. Everything is a cele willy these days...minus rangers, thieves and mesmers....the only professions not requiring multiple sources of damage to bring down 

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  3. 4 hours ago, floppypuppy.5789 said:

    Probably the wrong place to ask that question since this forum is 99% only-roamers. 

    An active GvG discord would be your best bet to find people who critically experiment and analyze, if you can find one.

    Yeah...I can see that from the amount of kid emojis....despite power dmg nerfs and their cele immortal carebear bunker jokes...there are people who still die to rangers in a straight 1vs1...which is the only scenario ranger does decent enough to be worth logging on. To answer the OP, just go metabattle and then play 1 week in T1.....every winning zerg is like 30% scrappers, 25% hfb, 15% tempest , 10% necros of all sorts and remaining 10% renegades/vindicators ...and yeah "roaming meta" is again scrappers, with occasional holosmith, cele willies , shadow thieves with speedy gonzales build or sword22222222 build and ofc cele herpes supported by tempest...fewer cata, few nerfs and carebears went back cele renegade,willy banger.

    Oh yeah....no gank team uses rangers, unless it's some tryhard band of douches healing a silly sic em soulbeast...and yeah you can still make mad some kids with your druid bunker or tower sic'em...basically you better pray for hammer soulbeast to be somehow decent frontline....for couple of months ofc before it get nerfed for doing too much of the only thing he does...damage...then it's all back to scrapper meta...the end

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  4. I am expecting sword to be shipped with lower numbers come August...you can do good dmg without going completely glass...and that's something Anet hates to see on a class like ranger

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  5. 1 hour ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    So I should be depressed and overly negative? Got it.

    Staff: WvW support Druid, Condi roamer Druid
    Dagger: Condi DPS Soulbeast, Hybrid DPS Soulbeast
    Hammer: Power DPS Untamed

    Staff : you are tripping ..not even in T5 wvw you see requested support druids lol - like 40% zerg is scrappers, 30% scourge/reaper/harbringer, 20% firebarnd and 10% tempest, like..only a madman would drop any of the builds I have mentioned for a druid in a zerg....you're tripping bad to think that. No aoe stability, no damage pressure...weak to CC...and people can have everything by using a scrapper, because it's broken OP alongside harbinger giving out all boons like candies and firebrand covering those little weakness left, then add tempest for perma aura spam and heal.....where does druid even fits into this?

    Dagger...ok PvE and Open world...everything goes there...even playing naked with a mace would bring results

    Hammer....again PvE open world

    So let me correct myself...subpar options outside PvE and fringe gameplay in the middle of nowhere like staff condi druid...I hate to be that guy but...somebody must wake you up to reality :  there are 0...zero....I have said ZEEERROOOOOO players using any of the builds you mention

    People are not being negative for the sake of it...it's because there is nothing even to suggest anything different could happen, ranger has been the same mediocre duellist with mediocre dmg that dies almost instantly to any +1 since 2013. With the occasional flare-up builds ...which then get nerfed in the space of a few months

    • Confused 3
  6. 10 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Mace can be a defensive weapon, as much as a shield can be an offensive weapon if you are creative enough.

    Ranger elite weapons don't have a great track record....actually they are some of the worst elite weapons in the game. Staff, dagger mh and hammer are awful compares to say shield, shortbow and greatsword on revenant or greatsword, torch and pistol on necro. 

    You'd have to be a pretty optimistic and disillusioned individual to even think that mace/mace will be anything but another subpar option for rangers.....defensive? Ranged aoe?....naahh...nothing of that sort. 

    This is what mace/mace will look like on ranger:

    1) Plain mace AA with 1 stack of bleeding 

    2) Grant 1s protection if hit enemy

    3) Smash ground for 2 stacks bleeding

    4) 2s cast animation knock down

    5) Root ranger, gives 1 stack aegis around you

    We all know that I won't be that much off the mark, it has been almost 10 years since HoT and not once I have seen the ranger community building anything staple around an elite weapon. It has always been GS, longbow and axe since the beginning of time.

    The ranger community hasn't got a main dev playing the class and giving crazy idea during balance and design discussions. There is nobody vouching for rangers to add skills that do 10 things at the same time on a 5-10s CD to a new elite weapon. The truth is everybody including you...know that mace/mace will be kitten/average as every ranger elite weapon up to now

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  7. 15 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

    It definitely was for mention however that Renegade wasn't overperforming for the reasons that people though. After shaving the damage (Which was needed by 2020 rule) rune of speed still made them untouchable, they shaved the sustain, still untouchable. Nerfed Rune of speed? Then all of the sudden it's out of the meta. The sustain didn't need to be touched which hurt core in the end.

    I can understand why they took away the 2 stack overtime from Inspiring Reinforcement but the initial stab should have remained 2 seconds since it takes that long for the stability to kick in, right now you can't outplay people properly because it's so unreliable if you use it at the right time. It's not the only thing they broke about road either by the way, the AOE is not even at player level anymore, you can't projectile finish with it unless you shoot at an angle relative to the AOE.

    Then we don't talk about Forced Engagement unnecessary changes while I do which they'd fix hammer skill 2 inconsistencies.

    Somehow you'd think a spec with pulsing stability, dmg reduction skills, anti projectile  bubble on heal....would be considered OP by normal standards. A build that can duel, support and teamfight....a tournament won by using 3 variants of the same spec....you'd think that would be considered OP and needing nerfs. I mean majority of  GW2 players and tournament players especially only use the most overperfroming builds at all times.....and when 1 x class represents 5 x players out of 10 at a final....you'd think people would admit the spec is OP...

  8. You will see plenty of dagger main hand or sword Untamed roamers in the coming months and of that, you can be certain. Condi/Power for dagger main hand as it deals both with the teleport ambush and full power for Sword...can't go wrong 

  9. 15 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    Yeah I found it works very well on my vindi support build, it will be better than tempest at countering ranged, you gain a lot of damage with the shortbow while sacrificing nothing. You can also trait into condi, play a slightly more selfish line for battle scare, and basically just auto attack from dome for bleed+health+condi clense, saving energy to heal with the dome (for unblockables) or keep the dome up longer. Its such a troll, I use to do it on renegade before vindi expantion.


    I killed multiple rangers/deadeyes, and took next to no damage.

    You present the perfect analysis for the devs to read and apply the necessary changes:


    you gain a lot of damage with the shortbow while sacrificing nothing


    just auto attack from dome for bleed+health+condi clense, saving energy to heal with the dome

    I can't believe that Rev players expect to keep the status quo..you know already that nerfs will come fast

    • Confused 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, Marckan.9526 said:

    You wouldn't need to remove them, just change how they work.


    All I'm saying is that the weapon of the Untamed feels better to play when played on the other specs, and this cant be right.


    What if Rifle was played best on Daredevil instead of Deadeye, would you not speak up then?

    You want to use hammer solely as DPS, but it's not a DPS focused weapon, it's build around Untamed for CC and DPS, only used differently on soulbeast and druid. The Ambush skills are great as they are and actually the new GM Trait - Let Loose, greatly benefits Untamed, as a 15s CD for ambush skills has always been way too long...way too long, and now the GM new version benefits rangers across all gamemodes and not only PvE...it was an amazing change and I don't play Untamed now without that trait.

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  11. 13 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    I'm mostly talking about competitive here but we have to keep in mind that Blood moon gives double bleeds in PvE.  It may also be benching 42k because of how Jacranda root is currently working. 

    Also, Eclipse has way higher dmg/durations in PvE than it does competitive.  

    Which raises the other question of if they probably just balanced DPS druid around PvE and left competitive out to dry, since they seem hell bent on pushing support Druid there.  

    For now as long as Jacranda root works the way it does I can work around it.  If they 'fix' that then condi druid will be a pretty lost cause in high level competitive play (I used to play immob Druid in plat and do a lot, lot of WvW roaming).  At that point it is proabably wise to draw the line on how much more support this game will get from me.  

    It would lead to complaints down the road, in competitive settings those 2x traits are supposed to add a tad of pressure to an overall support spec, which now can be played: a condi support druid is entirely possible and will be very competitive- a natural convergence with Eclipse on a point is not something you want to be hit with while you're fighting other people, and the ranger will still be able to disappear after winning the team fight. I have tried this combo in PvP and things died much faster than anticipated or even foreseen. I find it's fine like that, better to start a little and add later if needed...than going the other way around

    Now it's blood Moon that much better to take in PvP compared to Druidic clarity?...In most case absolutely not but where allowed( you face power oriented enemies) , it will be a no brainer and it will add up quickly with specific CC specs..I wouldn't scoff at a constant 4-5 bleed stacks applied in aoe range, it adds up greatly for when Natural Convergence is ready

  12. 3 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    We did have that balance actually. People essentially led to the deletion of our amulets to lock us into certain roles and screamed for our specs to do something else . Tempest used to do all healing and no damage but people said it healed too much. Weaver used to to be all condi and health, but had an issue with surviving against Power, people said it did do much condi damage and wanted it to be toned down while upping its sustain. Core Ele, once the D/D cele terror was dead, didn't do toooo much except for FA. But through the years each new spec took over FA in a new way. People complained about that as well.

    Honestly, this is not to insult you Trevor, but what do YOU and other people want from Ele? You wanted sustain, hated it, you wanted damage, hated it. What DO you want the class to do so Anet doesn't keep just flip flopping every year or every other year? (Even though Anet hasn't proved they could balance well anyways.) Admittedly, I'm attempting to pick at your brain at this point to understand your ideal vision for Ele.

    You will never find that type of answer by asking players on the forum as you will always receive a biased opinion from their perspective. What you can do instead is look into the mirror and ask yourself a set of simple questions:

    1.  Do I think is fun and engaging to fight me on ele?
    2. Is it ok for me to be playing in such a wasteful way and still come out on top?

    I see eles going: conjurer earth shield into arcane shield into fortified earth into Obsidian flesh into mist form (in some instances) into another arcane shield then back to 2nd conjure earth shield...all the while pushing forward condi PBaoe targets in a 240-360 radius...don't you think there is something wrong with that? I am asking this as somebody who played ele for thousand of hours and everybody knows it



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  13. 30 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Ele's op, catalyst is op, rangers op, untamed op, Firebrand op, scrappers op, dd's op, DE's op, harbingers op, vinds op etc etc this is just the classes that have had nerf threads I've seen in last month or so lmao, what in the game isn't op? ....the classes/specs/builds no one plays cuz their either weak or unfun, tes let's make all classes feel like those.

    The 90% of nerf threads are just copium for people when they lose a fight and can be easily recognized by the simple contest used without explanation: "Profession X is broken/OP please nerf". It's one thing to just claim a profession is OP and another it's to explain what makes it OP at a certain point in time...nerfs are supposed to tone down builds...no deleting them...never, ever have I asked to remove specs/elites, and always targeted specific trait/skills by comparing them to something similar. To attach a condition like bleeding to an auto-attack it's fine...nobody will die suddenly to even a full stack of bleeding, always enough time to cleanse it...now what you don't do as a dev is to attach the most powerful conditions that stack in intensity, to a freaking auto-attack...that's complete lack of common sense

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  14. 13 minutes ago, Marckan.9526 said:

    I fully agree that it should first and foremost be fun to play, that is why I'm proposing changes!

    I love the idea of smacking people with CC which in turn empower some other skills- but in its current form it just feels horrible to play towards this synergy in hammer as you need to unleash between EVERY skill!

    How is it that Untamed's hammer is now the most clunky feeling hammer on ranger? C'mon this madness has to end!

    Not all specs are designed to be played in the same way: Soulbeast is clearly the DPS elite for ranger whereas Untamed is the bruiser, supposed to be in the thick of battle and where alternating between CC and dmg comes in full play at high levels. Additionally, now there is a "hammer druid" and people will realize it in due time, which makes great use of the entirety of the CC variant of the hammer, to an amazing degree.

    Understand that Ambush skills are the main thing for Untamed and asking to remove them would be the equivalent of asking to remove the druidic form or pet merge

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  15. Ambush skills are the main source of sustain on Untamed, only source of Life steal which bypass enemy toughness//boons and only source of boon removal on ranger so...categorically NOOOOO to all those in favour...no chance whatsoever, like there are the game modes that people enjoy to play and not everything is a DPS race

    • Thanks 2
  16. 10 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

    I mean, not gonna lie, but you people start to notice problems that are months if not years old like condi AA spammers.
    One way or another: nerf condies, nerf boons, nerf defenses uptime (enough of these 80% time of no interaction bs builds), delete teefs from game.
    A lot of problems will get fixed.

    What are you saying? People have made dozen of threads asking to nerf condis since 2014, after the ill-thought change of Jon Peters, to change some condis to stack in intensity from duration, I don't even know what they were thinking by changing burning and confusion to stack in intensity...then add torment..and what worst adding torment to freaking auto-attack...really mind-blowing BS thinking.

    And no....I rarely see an extreme amount of thief nerf threads outside wvw and for "unknown reason", thief always get nerfed in the space of few months...like 2-3 months, a new thief build get nerfed...by contrast necro and revs take years before serious nerfs are applied...it's easier to nerf a class like thief with little impact in pve ..compared to necro, which is played by even my dog at this point, that must be the reasoning behind thief quick nerfing and "I will drag my feets" approach to necro balancing

    • Haha 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Imperial.8471 said:

    And you also have people who have objective feedback and see the design flaws of the patch for what they are.

    F5 block on Virtuoso is to compensate the absence of clones as decoy defense and fodder from other Mesmer specs. Removing it from WvW and PvP was probably justified, but in PvE ? Virtuoso is now super frail with very little defense. Against a group of trash mobs it can easily get downed if they don't perfectly line up for its piercing attacks. So what's the point of the game modes split ? And also, blocking was all that skill did. That and abysmal damage. When they removed the block, they just removed the block, they didn't bother replace it with something else. That is objectively lazy balancing

    On the other hand you have the alacrity on Bladesworn. I love my heal bladesworn, and the last patch left it one of the last healers who doesn't sacrifice its healing for boon uptime. But 18s of alacrity on draggon trigger with my harrier gear ? I can say it is too much and should be nerfed. That's being objective

    And the forums are full of this. People pointing out not how their favorite class should be made OP, but how the balance patch destroyed important mechanics, forced poorly designed new mechanics instead (active boon generation on reactive healing skills), and made some classes, if still viable, just awful and unfun to play with way worse button spamming than ever before. And THAT is feedback Anet should listen too. Should have listened too before going through with the update. And will probably just ignore despite specifically asking for our feedback

    I am sorry for those few honest mesmer players...but you can blame those "individuals" who cried blood for months to get distortion on Virtuoso when it was completely unnecessary and those same people, rather than ask for less access to distortion ... went with the usual:" L2P noob, virtuoso is fine"

  18. 2 hours ago, GetFoxxed.9478 said:

    Mirage dodge nerf in PvE was not necessary. Same for Virtuoso F5 nerf.

    The dodge nerf was certainly wrong, nobody can claim otherwise. What should have been nerfed are traits like Infinite Horizon, which made Mirages a royal pain in the kitten to fight to a point where people were simply quitting the game and the same devs called Mirage design...kitten. The same devs who made the spec, called it kitten design. Mirage became a groundbreaking issue when mirage players started to use IH, which was not part of the original Mirage meta at launch. 

    Many players, me included, suggested to nerf Mirage in a proper way by hitting the actual issues like Infinite Horizon for starters and ofc....GW2 players being GW2 players, rather than getting behind and suggest proper nerfs to Mirage, they decided to call names and belittle anybody who would suggest nerfs to an OP spec.

    Gutting specs is never the correct way to achieve balance and more people should be mindful of that, at the same time, more people should be self-reflecting, less egotistical and humble. Any person with a minimum of common sense, can go and see when something is clearly overperforming, then show some honesty and clearly indicate what needs fixing while maintaining the fun and viability of a spec.

    I played Ranger, guardian, warrior and Ele for thousand and thousand of hours and not once I didn't come here to make a nerf thread when things were obviously out of hand:

    1. I made a thread to nerf Boonbeast by targeting Moa Stance: got attacked and belittled by ranger main
    2. Made a thread to nerf Druid by removing ancient seed: got attacked and belittle by ranger mains
    3. Made a thread to nerf burning on ele: got attacked by eles this time
    4. Made a thread to nerf the Rampage Elite: got attacked by wars this time
    5. Made a thread to nerf DragonHunter and trap runes: again attacked, this time by guardians

    I made a thread every time something was clearly broken and all options to try and contain it, were exhausted, only when we reached a point in time with dozen and dozen of people playing the same spec to death everywhere.

    I recognize and denounce when something is clearly overperforming, I don't laugh at people and tell them to L2P, just yesterday I made a thread to nerf ele scepter burning output...stupid design and I played ele for 10k hours now. By contrast I well remember mesmer mains telling people to L2P...L2dodge....when facing a condi mirage.....4-5 ambush attacks applying condis while the mesmer was staffing around from 1200 range, unreachable and untouchable..going stealth/distortion rotation if and when under pressure somehow, a kitten design that eventually even the devs had to admit.

    When something ger gutted, I feel sorry for that handful of honest players who asked for nerfs beforehand...but the rest..can keep crying wolf and stack sad/confuse emoji all they like

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  19. 2 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    ok but u literally said they're all a problem because of torment

    did u read ur own post buddy

    The title of the thread reads: "Weapon Mastery big oversights" and I include ofc Revenant GS: a self-functioning weapon that offers mobility, damage, and sustain. And it can be used now by other Rev specs like power herald, adding to the already bloated design and...even worst lowering the skill requirements to play power herald....the only "skilled" spec on the Revenant now

    And did you read my past comment?


    And no, I don't expect necro or rev players to run to this thread and show their support, that kind of honesty and self-judgement simply doesn't exist anymore in a MMO community, this one at least...on the contrary, I am expecting loads more rev mains like you with such comments...followed by the rest leaving emojis or other silly comments....like that will change anything in the end.

    That's all

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  20. 11 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    greatsword isn't gonna eat a nerf because of torment, of which it applies... 1 stack per auto chain and 1 stack on GS3, if and only if you're running abyssal chill

    the same is also almost certainly true of shortbow
    if either eat nerfs it'll be because of power vindi, not any condition builds

    u wild brother

    You are correct. Shortbow will see nerfs due to Vindicator, and me mentioning Greatsword is due to Power heralds, a lesser problem compared to Vindicators but that build will become relevant soon enough. Both weapon sets will see nerfs in the end because they were not designed to work with specific combinations of traits. Shortbow and GS design was/is too bloated to start with and this was never addressed...but it will now. My secret dream is that nerfs due to PvP performance will finally tone down celestial renegades shortbow  abuse in wvw...2 birds with 1 stone

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  21. 42 minutes ago, Min Min.9368 said:

    It must be years ago when you last played this game.

    What ANet is doing is not just nerfs. I believe everyone is ok with that if a balance is needed. The thing is, their patches are always KILLING few ELITE professions every year. The team already has been handling out nerf patches here and there throughout the year and still that is not enough? No sir. Wham! They will kill your favorite professions with a crippling and deadly patch once or twice a year. EVERY YEAR.

    This has been ongoing for years and I wonder which professions will be in line in2024? And how many more such high handed nerfs can players take it? This is 2023 many newer and more advanced mmos are coming up fast. Is ANet forcing loyal players to quit and go to greener pastures? Many already did that and more will follow up for sure. And for those very unhappy players waiting for the right mmos to appear, I don't know about the rest but for me, simple..  NO MORE GEM AND EXPANSION PURCHASES. Enough is enough. Period.

    You need to specify what you mean by "killing a spec", and that it's open to interpretation. GW2 players tend to say:" you killed my favourite spec" even when a game bug gets addressed. I played Ranger for 6k hours, one of my other mains and I was really bemused when Rangers players started to cry about the removal of Ancient Seed, saying..you can guess:" Anet killed my spec"...like absolute copium, that trait was pure design nightmare garbage and removing it killed druid???

    Mesmers players saying: "you killed my class" after some necessary nerfs to Mirage and Virtuoso...like it's normal going around stacking up to 15s of our immunity/block then going into stealth all the while burst/condi people from 1200 range with no scope skills with auto-homing...that's balanced and correct in a GW2 player's mind

    And like mesmers and ranger...all communities think the same, so whenever a GW2 player says:" You killed my spec"...I will take it with a grain of salt

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