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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Consider this dmg coefficient.....https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Clawshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soul_Spiral None of the high dmg hitting skills of ranger has the same high power coefficient as the example of skills above:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maul_(ranger_greatsword_skill)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Backstab Look at thief and ranger...without damage multipliers they would hit like a wet noodle, fascinating how the vast majority of dmg multipliers require specific situations and fulfil predetermined requirements to be active...still a single ghastly_Claws can eat 70% of my DPS ele build for example in a single instance...but somehow that's balanced compared to ranger and thief I can almost laugh at while using the same DPS build.........
  2. ^This...the older your account and the harder you get punished for losing an unwinnable match...ofc I would leave and like me, I suspect many others left
  3. There isnt a solution for low playerbase. Youre always playing with the next best player available. Doesnt matter if youre 200elo apart, it simply means theres NOBODY from 1800-1600 there. Also, Leaderboards NEVER produce actual tournament winner in nr1 spots.Its always a reliable, bit cheezy, soloq hero that climbs the ladder playing ladder strats, where as the organized team players usually place in middle of top spots.So dont lose nerves over who gets nr1 tittle if we all know the best player is like on spot nr20. Only thing they can do is maybe lower legendary tier, but its just cosmetic change. P.S.Some matches arent meant to be winnable.The wurms tryharding and going 68-0 in 3v3 also isnt fun for long. Its actually more stressfull, grindy and stupid cheezy and is just stat padding.Play the game how u enjoy it and stop when ur not having fun anymore. The solution would be to make players get better on their own terms...and not trying to climb the ladder while surfing on somebody else wave but that again would go against the "everybody a winner" mentality instilled by Anet since season 4 after the cries of players incapable of rising through the ranks with their own effort. They changed the MMR to the current one where new players start at 1200 after the tears of players who would start and finish in Bronze during season 1 to 3....that's your reason behind low playerbase
  4. This especially well said! Personally and I can imagine many other like-minded people have stopped PvP due to this, the more I was going up in rank and the more duo I would meet in the opposite team... sometimes 2x duo and the game would still punish me with -22 pts for losing ...no point in keeping up with that charade
  5. Core ranger is not overshadowed by Soulbeast, going BM with soulbeast is not really a choice for optimal balance between sustain and damage. I don't fully disagree with you about NM but at the same time...I wouldn't know what to buff, looking at the traits individually every single NM trait is good : A ) 1-1/2-2 for Power build/duellistB ) 2-3-2 for more Supportish builds with healing power investmentC ) 3-3-3 Full support build I like core ranger, my favourite duellist build is MM-WS-BM is one of the strongest builds in the game from PvE to WvW passing through PvP where Soulbeast is more susceptible to nerfs and that's why it relatively sucks in PvP compared to WvW Druid.....I'd only remove AS or greatly reduce it, one trait that can make Druid strong and useful for everybody in all game modes: Nature Blessing - decrease pet offensive stats by 90% and increase them by 90% and become immune to dmg, will later make a thread about this suggestion, this trait would allow for a strong support druid incapable of tanking with DPS pets like in the past and this time usable in WvW. Hmmm...I could settle for a Shapeshifter elite with hammer yes, it could become a little of everything but not excel at anything sort of gamestyle....we'll see what the future holds
  6. I mean it's known knowledge that CMC takes balance decisions directly from a discord server that is mostly of former ESL players. I think he also looks at the forums to guage a broader audience, but to your point he already does this. He LOOKS at AT's and MAT's as a way to evaluate builds, and this is even stated in the Pre-Patch Notes... So no it's not preferable if this is the state of the game after a year of this behavior. Like i always say, just because you are good at a game, does not make you qualified to balance one. You'd rather balance the game around individuals who get killed by a warhorn dps tempest? Specifically they make a whole thread about Lightning orb...this is the kind of people who come on the forum and you expect the game to be balanced around them and then you complain about the build diversity...seriously? Build diversity is not destroyed at the top where only a handful of builds manage to achieve something....build diversity is destroyed at the bottom where you have players who don't even know where the dodge button is and rely on the FOTM cheese to facetank everything then come whining on the forum when they get steamrolled by somebody who managed to kill them while using a not FOTM build... Just look at this forum....-"nerf healing power coefficients"...say those who play stealth spamming clown builds, it's not like Healing power nerf would affect them-"reintroduce dmg to cc skills"....say those playing CC spamming clown builds-"cut cleanse".,..say those running some condi cheese spamming build.... How can this forum be considered any better than the people on discord?....to me it looks much worst I mean, its no different on discord.Y the ranger wants ranger buffedX the thief wants thief buffedZ the rev says rev is fine and people are just badIndeed but...so far the nerfs have been far less destructive than in the past when Anet was seriously taking into consideration this circus of a forum...you'd still have your mesmer if they'd have listened to players like @Helseth and not the clowns on the forum, they'd have nerfed the right things...rather than the common butchering as the only thing left to please the angry mob
  7. Can do the same on any professions.....a jigsaw of all the times ..you look cool, the main difference here...the reaper is against organized groups.....
  8. I mean it's known knowledge that CMC takes balance decisions directly from a discord server that is mostly of former ESL players. I think he also looks at the forums to guage a broader audience, but to your point he already does this. He LOOKS at AT's and MAT's as a way to evaluate builds, and this is even stated in the Pre-Patch Notes... So no it's not preferable if this is the state of the game after a year of this behavior. Like i always say, just because you are good at a game, does not make you qualified to balance one. You'd rather balance the game around individuals who get killed by a warhorn dps tempest? Specifically they make a whole thread about Lightning orb...this is the kind of people who come on the forum and you expect the game to be balanced around them and then you complain about the build diversity...seriously? Build diversity is not destroyed at the top where only a handful of builds manage to achieve something....build diversity is destroyed at the bottom where you have players who don't even know where the dodge button is and rely on the FOTM cheese to facetank everything then come whining on the forum when they get steamrolled by somebody who managed to kill them while using a not FOTM build... Just look at this forum....-"nerf healing power coefficients"...say those who play stealth spamming clown builds, it's not like Healing power nerf would affect them-"reintroduce dmg to cc skills"....say those playing CC spamming clown builds-"cut cleanse".,..say those running some condi cheese spamming build.... How can this forum be considered any better than the people on discord?....to me it looks much worst
  9. WvW is full to the brink with necros, thieves, heralds and renegade....they are like 2-3 necro per meter/square now on the entire map. The vast majority of them are super trash and thus ranger is pretty effective against that.....the main reason why ranger get hated on is that WvW full of necros and thieves and both are vulnerable to ranged dmg at which ranger excel when played well. A single well played ele is like the death of your average ranger, but again ele are like white flies compared to necros so....that I hope explains why you see so many ranger nerf thread even though the class is nothing special on average Corrosive Poison Cloud is death to the average ranger player in WvW...The majority of necros are just drones pressing F1 off cd and then 5-4, then they backpedal while never pressing the dodge button...I manage to kill necros in wvw even on core ele..that should tell you everything about the state of wvw in terms of average skill level...and you expect them to know how to use poison cloud...c'mon
  10. Effectively balance becomes worst every time the balance team listens to the forum rather than these selected individuals at the very least these individuals have tried all professions against actual decent players and not potatoes or golems , for how questionable their judgement may be...it's still preferable to those who barely play a single spec from a single class and dare to talk about balance
  11. WvW is full to the brink with necros, thieves, heralds and renegade....they are like 2-3 necro per meter/square now on the entire map. The vast majority of them are super trash and thus ranger is pretty effective against that.....the main reason why ranger get hated on is that WvW full of necros and thieves and both are vulnerable to ranged dmg at which ranger excel when played well. A single well played ele is like the death of your average ranger, but again ele are like white flies compared to necros so....that I hope explains why you see so many ranger nerf thread even though the class is nothing special on average
  12. Thief and mesmer do not need damage buffs, especially before dealing with SA and IH
  13. Without forgetting nerfs to shadow art..."nerf the scaling with healing power" ...sure...we do that after reworking defensive skills across the board and overall : 1) Specs become "problematic" when a team wins official tournaments while running 3 iterations of the same class or when your typical PvP match comprise of 5 players out of 10 running same class2) Specs are not problamatic because some forum overlord lost his duel in the arena3) The GW2 community started the whole circle jerk of amulet removal, you all started this circus out of convenience :https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103077/remove-knights-amulet and similar threads ; you all cried and cried until the specs you were losing to got removed...now people cry wolf...because their favourite build/class is being touched as well, it only hurts when it burns you am I right? Said years ago and will say it again : nerfs will eventually get back at you,and right now you're asking to nerf bruiser because of support specs...eventually "your class" would get nerfed even if it doesn't rely on healing power trust me
  14. And what do you know, here it is: Hybrid mirage/chrono is what works the best at say 70/30 power/condi ratio. The basic mistake of many mesmers is to focus on condi damage which these days can be relatively speaking easily dealt with, also the easiest mesmers to deal with are the staff campers which makes beating them a trivial matter because that's a less aggressive playstyle and makes it easier to avoid shatters when you see them coming from a mile away Honestly, when roaming the more power damage you do..the better the results on any class...except condi DH, core condi necro and condi herald I am not mesmer main, I just meet some good ones from time to time. Not a faceroll roaming class and neither a trash one, really ....you can make work anything in WvW with dedication ...as long as you remind yourself that regardless of your skill level, you will lose some...you'll be fine I don't think @"Yoci.2481" was born yesterday on a Mesmer, and neither were most of the people here, your little montage and build are not as strong an argument as you think because it completely misses the point. The problem is not the build or how Yoci plays it or whatever. Yes, you can "make it work". But making it work 99% of the time means everyone else can just mow you over without even trying and you get to pick up the trash scraps of players who literally have no idea how to play. If you come across anyone half decent, you have no means to attack them or defend yourself because mesmers are just that nerfed. Yes i can break my fingers to kill a noob in WvW, but a decent player will press 3 buttons and i just won't have anything against that. Sligh exageration, but the point is made. And the point is that Mesmer, compared to other professions, just isn't at their level currently, no matter how good you play it.If I may....given my experience with ele, the following video may explain why changes will elude mesmer for the foreseeable future: I remember the era of tempest first and weaver later from RAID, an ele was on the nerf chop list basically every other patch for a good year (before starting with PvP/WvW nerfs); Anet tends to nerf meta professions non stop for months sometimes or years when unlucky. Not saying is a good reason or even if it's the real one,just making an observation based on personal experience ( air tempest and general staff DPS dps was nerfed due to RAID, to this day both remain nerfed )
  15. A 1000 healing power turns anything and I mean anything into a bunker which is not let's say suitable for a capture point game mode, at this point the most logical option is to remove the 1000 healing power option and forces people into dmg oriented build, and this increase the pace of the game mode both for spectators and the players. It's also wrong to think that bunker gameplay should not be allowed in an MMO, players should be free to play the way they want and if they want to be an "unkillable" tank ...so be it but and a big BUt here, this bunker option should come at the cost of dmg and support to allies Players should be free to play a bunker if they choose to do so but they shouldn't be able to support others or do an amazing amount of damage, that support option should come from specific traits at the cost of any extreme bunkering choice at the same time you can't afford to go and nerf self-sustain of professions capable of support because that would affect everything else on the class If you nerf the self-sustain of the class with respect to its support option...how are you supposed to play its DPS options? Now what I think it's happening is that Anet has finally realized the game was not designed for extreme support since they opted for a no trinity MMO thus giving strong self-sustain to each profession for making them self-sufficient, They then decided to go back on their original plan and add support options on top of this self-sustain and ofc that backfired as we can all see. At this point I came to the conclusion that removing amulets and stats is preferable to further nerf self-sustain , if you keep nerfing self-sustain to allow support ...then you won't be able to play anything else but support because you won't have the self-sustain to play a DPS, it is that simple On the other hand, buffing dmg up to a point where it can effectively counter the combo of self-sustain + support will lead us to a path where one shot builds will destroy everything but a handful of builds, that also won't work out well in the end My solution would be to divide self-sustain skill/trait from healing other skill/trait : -remove the AoE aspect of a skill and make it affect only the user-create a skill or trait that heals only allies but not the user
  16. The fact that access to stability was greatly reduced as a consequence is not mentioned in this thread. Any damage added back to knockdown and kickback will require a buff to stability across the board
  17. Hybrid mirage/chrono is what works the best at say 70/30 power/condi ratio. The basic mistake of many mesmers is to focus on condi damage which these days can be relatively speaking easily dealt with, also the easiest mesmers to deal with are the staff campers which makes beating them a trivial matter because that's a less aggressive playstyle and makes it easier to avoid shatters when you see them coming from a mile away Honestly, when roaming the more power damage you do..the better the results on any class...except condi DH, core condi necro and condi herald I am not mesmer main, I just meet some good ones from time to time. Not a faceroll roaming class and neither a trash one, really ....you can make work anything in WvW with dedication ...as long as you remind yourself that regardless of your skill level, you will lose some...you'll be fine
  18. Killshot comes pretty close in one shot potential, glass soulbeast vs glass berseker...the ranger must be extra careful not be one shotted himself, otherwise glass DH and DE can hit pretty hard from distance too, not one shot meme like soulbeast glass but nothing to laugh at either can't soulbeast still stack 25 might in wvw? Absolutely yes, I do run oneshot soulbeast with MM-BM and full zerk weapon-armor and accessory : sic'em + Signet of the Hunt and zephyr's quickness + ofc One wolf pack. A very fun one-trick pony build, tends to die often but can take out important targets during small skirmishes or disorganized pug zergfests. Killshot warriors are scary because by comparison they can have more "safety nets" with endure pain+defiant stance, a well played ranger can still come on top but....a well played killshot warrior while being considered a meme even more than oneshot sb, should not be taken lightly...the moment you do so and you receive a 10k killshot while you're running You don't even need to run a Memeshot build. If the opposing Ranger isn't running Memebeast a warrior can trade blow for blow with Volley vs Rapid Fire and come out on top with a higher health percentage while running Marauder Gear and Durability Runes. Done it plenty of times. Now a full Memebeast build can delete a Memeshot/Memeflame warrior before the warrior can get an F1 off.If you mean to say that rifle deal more dmg than longbow without any special add-on than yeah I'd say so....longbow is more versatile though
  19. It would be something only accessible to core ele and the lack of it with other elites would be easily explainable lore-wise say: the focus necessary to maintain this 5th attunement is disrupted when using different techniques from elite specializations : -no additional weapon skill required-active recharge-easy to balance with numbers I'd go and use something like this :-"15s CD charging Arcane Plane: every action charge the 5th attunement by x%"- when used the 5th attunement would give a different effect based on the current attunement Fire = Incoming condition damage reduced by 22% for 5sWater = gain resistance for 2sAir = Applies pulsing blind in a 240 radius for 4sEarth = Incoming direct damage reduced by 33% for 5s Regardless of the weapon set used, a core ele would gain access to the 5th attunement which would then be disabled when you equip an elite trait line, easy, simple, and clean...they just need to copy/paste something like druid or shroud mechanic that works in a similar manner ( druid mechanic specifically )
  20. Killshot comes pretty close in one shot potential, glass soulbeast vs glass berseker...the ranger must be extra careful not be one shotted himself, otherwise glass DH and DE can hit pretty hard from distance too, not one shot meme like soulbeast glass but nothing to laugh at either can't soulbeast still stack 25 might in wvw?Is there any class that cant?Thief or Mesmer?
  21. Killshot comes pretty close in one shot potential, glass soulbeast vs glass berseker...the ranger must be extra careful not be one shotted himself, otherwise glass DH and DE can hit pretty hard from distance too, not one shot meme like soulbeast glass but nothing to laugh at either can't soulbeast still stack 25 might in wvw?Absolutely yes, I do run oneshot soulbeast with MM-BM and full zerk weapon-armor and accessory : sic'em + Signet of the Hunt and zephyr's quickness + ofc One wolf pack. A very fun one-trick pony build, tends to die often but can take out important targets during small skirmishes or disorganized pug zergfests. Killshot warriors are scary because by comparison they can have more "safety nets" with endure pain+defiant stance, a well played ranger can still come on top but....a well played killshot warrior while being considered a meme even more than oneshot sb, should not be taken lightly...the moment you do so and you receive a 10k killshot while you're running
  22. ok. none of this is really addressing what i said so i don't know what to tell you. He's pointed out to you that the ability to run away may be a bit... Overrated in the broader spectrum of combat attributes.All classes have lots of mobility options, they just aren't taken as there's better options. Here's a problem we've had discussing rangers before.Soulbeast has a burst not "high ranged damage". There's clear indicators when the damage buffs or unblockables are in play.Outside of that short window with a long cooldown, longbow's numbers are fairly meager. uhhhh with the right traitlines soulbeast actually has the highest single target burst dps in the game by a mile lol. but you do sacrifice utility and sustain for that damage. if you don’t pick said traitlines, the dmg won’t be nearly as high. What part of my statement are you disputing? i wouldn’t say longbow numbers are meager when soulbeast traits for damage. it’s possible to 100-0 squishy medium armor classes with a single RF without sicem or owp. i don’t know any other ranged weapon that can do the same .. Killshot comes pretty close in one shot potential, glass soulbeast vs glass berseker...the ranger must be extra careful not be one shotted himself, otherwise glass DH and DE can hit pretty hard from distance too, not one shot meme like soulbeast glass but nothing to laugh at either
  23. how kitten dare you not use every single defensive trait imaginable on thief.You sir are braking ToS, its clearly stated that thief in pvp is not allowed to use offensive traits! Ah yes, because thieves are totally using every defensive trait (hence why they're not using their only defensive traitline, acrobatics), and totally not using every good offensive trait available. No Crit Strikes are not good. There is a reason even when people were playing double burst core, they were not using crit strikes. Its about as useful as Illusions is on core shatter, to put it in the perspective of a class you do actually understand. U rly try to go against this anti teef nonsense, try to argue, try to explain. But u will never be succesfull vs this hating teef community, vs these fakenews. After they killed core and DD they will hate on DE now ... In every mmo the most hated class is the class which has a lot invisibility and mobilityThere is not a single profession in this game that's not hated for reason or another, every day there are couple of nerf threads or bashful post about some profession. That's the nature of MMO these days
  24. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSgEgE6ZP5u0A-w What are condis? I don't need to double tap on that fire aura or water overload or else....I just press F1...I press a button and go ultra instinct..
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