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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Soon you will all join us ...in Limbo.....one patch at time.....and there we will dance.......dance ....for the eternity
  2. lol that's exactly what I mean. The idea that "You have to be squishy if you want to deal a lot damage" is somehow foreign to Guardian players. Says a lot about this past year's Guardian balance tbh. Saying the exact opposite without any explanation is no argument Nah I've been seeing oldschool power burst core in ATs lately. They still work fine. It's not that power burst was ever bad, it's that burn builds were able to be tweaked in such a way that they had similar damage output to power bust but also 4x the sustain factor. Burn on Guards is fine. You guys just aren't used to dealing realistic in-line damage output. You're used to outputting this tremendously high pressure where 2 stacks of AoE burn that hits 5 targets can chunk 70% off everyone's life bar. It has made you desensitized to what balanced damage output is supposed to feel like. Actually no - when you have one skill that does burst damage per weapon swap and the rest is symbols no one will ever stay in, control effects and support skills you have no way of bursting someone down - this is the reason why Guards swapped to Burn DH right after symbols were nerfed into uselessness. We have GS 2 & 3, Sword 3, LB 3, Mace 3, Hammer 2, rest doesn‘t contribute whatsoever to bursting someone down.I like seeing Burn DH gone, but we have to admit that Power Guards are big jokes with 11K HP, bad tooltip numbers and extreme low mobility to land skills. Whoever loses a 1v1 to a Power Guard in this meta should consider to change the game mode Also no, in fact I haven‘t played burn DH a single time the last 2 seasons, so your „you guys are desensitized“ doesn‘t really make sense. I say power damage on Guard is garbage, because it actually is when 4/5 of your skills are support skills, control effects or avoidable by walking for a quarter second in case of symbols Nothing you mentioned at all is even a typical burst. I'm not talking about node hold symbol fbs, I'm talking about Power Core Burst Guards. You know, when a bunch of kitten stacked together that when executed correctly, lands a burst similar to a berserker/eagle sic em soulbeast with one wolf pack stated for damage:Select target in the team fightPrime Focus 5Hit target with Focus 4Land your Scepter 2 - If not using Scepter skip to 5Swap to GS and begin cast animation of GS 4, then use JI to target in team fightAs animation on GS 4 finishes under the target, Focus 5 will explode dealing damage, right as you are using GS 2 spin to win ^ This build still works. People just weren't using it because FB was OP for awhile and then the OP swapped to Core burns & supports and DH. I didn't say Power Burst Core was OP, I said it still works fine in a balanced way. Although it isn't a big fat side node beast, it is a powerful team fighter and + while with supports. I'll say it again, Guardian players are complaining right now because they've been riding the OP top 3 meta train for a very very very long time at this point. Time to experience some good old fashioned middle tiered balance like the rest of us. So let me get this right. You have a 4 second countdown, from outside line of sight (since you mentioned focus 4). You burn your 45s stunbreak to port mid gs4, wait for the aftercast to try and stay inside someone's hitbox for 3.75 seconds without swiftness with a skill that slows you down by 50%? Did I get that right? Yeah ok bud. Apparently you weren't around for the first 8 years of Guild Wars 2 when everyone was running Core Burst Guardian. Apparently you weren't around since after they removed agility sigil. The one thing that has carried power guard since its introduction. You're clueless about dps guard. There are power builds that work, gs is not one of them. Actually DPS core guardian was a thing from launch till...the nerfs to righteous instincts and Glacial Heart plus dmg nerf to Mighty blow then we had DPS trap Dragon Hunter, been playing guardian since then and not once I seen the need to slot agility sigil as the initial burst was high enough and pre-cast+teleport was still good thx to Pre nerf Monk's Focus. I can see people using Agility on hammer builds and yet that was not the reason for the downfall of dps guardian which is still good anyway now after the Feb patch last year
  3. Got you covered! here a small glimpse of what heavy nerfs look like: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twist_of_Fatehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Blast + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Electric_Discharge (killed scepter ele FA)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Wave (downgraded staff ele from B to D )https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invigorating_Strikes (the removal of stability downgraded the spec from A to C)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meteor_Shower + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lava_Font (killed staff ele)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Monk%27s_Focus (killed guardian sustain as bruiser )https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Might_Makes_Right (killed warrior sustain for most part) These are example of nerfs I don't agree with 'cause rather than fixing anything..they simply deleted entire specs from the game, forcing people away from weapon sets and utilities now deemed pointless to even add on the skillbar, believe me when I say that most of you have no idea what a heavy nerf looks like...lucky you
  4. sounds like rev main upset that their skills might have actual cooldowns.Btw, if someone were to ask me whats the cooldown on Phase Traversal I would take a guess 15-20s, the fact that skills like this were getting away with kitten 5s cd is the reason why rev is played by the best and why the best tend to win. As for the general feedback.Most damage skills lost ~30-33% dmgMost sustain lost ~ 25% output.On top of that CC no longer does damage, so overall damage went down closer to ~35-40% while sustain went down much less, instead off removing healing amulets, just nerf the actual passive sustain, its not just supports that heal too much. Everyone does, I as a berk amulet roamer shouldnt be able to heal close to 300k SELF HEALING in a match. Just my thoughts. If you're healing for 300K with a berseker amulet during a match, it means ..nobody targeting you and the match being played will most likely end 500 to 100 for your side. Did I sign up for a MMO or Call of Duty Fantasy warfare?...I don't know what you guys want at this point....one button=kill? headshot and killstrike?
  5. Assuming they keep the same approach of using stats and gameplay data, consider zerg gameplay primarily...and preferably ignore all the forum drama, first considering that 2/5 of a zerg is firebrand...2/4 is scrappers and 1/4 is scourge/reapers, the first balance efforts should be directed at that...rest can follow I'm 100% biased considering I main engi, with scrapper and core being my preferred two specializations, but if scrapper is nerfed in WvW then it will be a nearly dead elite spec. Outclassed as a dps and as a support in PvE. Relevant, but still outclassed in PvP (and given how freely nerfs are dished out this is subject to change within a single patch). And stripped of it's role in WvW it'll have no place to shine. What scrapper needs isn't a nerf. It needs a rework. I don't believe a small ICD on Purity of Purpose will make scrapper useless...at the very least it won't be spammed to death, I'd rather have a meta where each contributes something to the zerg instead than having an "invicible" wall pushing under heavy fire without any care in the world
  6. Assuming they keep the same approach of using stats and gameplay data, consider zerg gameplay primarily...and preferably ignore all the forum drama, first considering that 2/5 of a zerg is firebrand...2/4 is scrappers and 1/4 is scourge/reapers, the first balance efforts should be directed at that...rest can follow gotta think about the goal for balance. that's a hard one for WvW imo. there are so many differing opinions of how the game should be i would hate to see guardian nerfed in WvW just because it's popular, and to see the entire mode descend into pirate ships and clouds because melee push is no longer viable anymore. maybe I'm bias because I play warrior and like a melee push, I'm sure there are tons of deadeye and ranger players who would argue range cloud gameplay is ideal WvW. some players don't even like the idea of zergs, and think they shouldn't exist at all. i feel like what WvW should be is so much more debated than sPvP, that it's just so much harder to balance there. then you have small Vs large scale, customisable stats and all these things- and it just gets messy.The main targets would be : engineer and necromancer, both of them have been receiving nerf mostly in PvP only where other professions have seen huge meta changing in both modes......elementalist...ranger...warrior....thief...mesmer they been all nerfed in both gamemodes at 60/40 rate where necro and engi have been mostly 80/20 for PvP/WvW. I'd like to see some adjustments for engineer : Purity of Purpose needs an ICD and Necromancer for starter needs Lich Form duration reduced to 10s globaly and not just pvp while it's 20s in PvE/WvW....also they may want to look at Reaper's onslaught finally ......a trait granting 40% crit dmg for just pressing F1 where ele needs to invest 3 traits, trigger FA(if running it) and still need to crit first to reach same result....and there is also Deathly Perception granting a 39% crit chance just by pressing F1...this sort of traits allow for something like : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSQAEO0WgNYA-zVIYSUwDA-w A full soldier build with marauder burst...
  7. Assuming they keep the same approach of using stats and gameplay data, consider zerg gameplay primarily...and preferably ignore all the forum drama, first considering that 2/5 of a zerg is firebrand...2/4 is scrappers and 1/4 is scourge/reapers, the first balance efforts should be directed at that...rest can follow
  8. Symbols still do plenty of dmg on their own with zeal line....power coefficients of sword and GS are still relatively high....hammer regardless of what other say, still hits quite hard (5-6k with glacial heart) .
  9. I am just satisfied that you consider more the actual in game development than the forum circus, glad to know you're keeping a close eye to AT matches rather than the silver/bronze soloQ "experience" on the forum
  10. ahaha that was a good times :)Auto attack and using Pi for dealing 2100-2500 crit damage + the damage of the interupt spell Maybe we should move PI , to an offensive tree , to restore its older glory ? Or does this kind of damage vs the 6th(heal)-10th(Lich-Rez) utilities spells ? That's what thieves are crying about to get back......
  11. They won't in a million years...their mess of a balance would be apparent to the whole world this time
  12. Let's see...: 1)We move Lightning rod to Master Tier from Grand Master2)We add unblockable trait3)We reduce the CD of gale and comet to something as spammable as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Head_Shot from 900 range4)We remove cast time/animation from all interrupt skills on ele....just like head shot5)We bring back the shocking aura on disable PS did they "fix" that anomaly that allow Pulmonary impact to go through stability? Did I forget anything? Yes. Disabling crit and reducing base damage by about 66% on Lightning Rod. Oh and making all those interrupt and stun skills into 0.25 second dazes instead of 3 second knockdowns or stuns. And likewise for shocking Aura. Oh and making it so if you use any of them, you disable your other skills for 5 seconds. Even with a 3 second cooldown, to say that Lightning Rod is vastly superior to Pulmonary Impact is an understatement. Lightning Rod would still be a good trait. Pulmonary Impact is still an unusable trait. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod_(trait_skill)#WvW.2CPvPIt already does negligible dmg...and that's not reason you pogchamps keep dieing..but whatever you want to believe, you'd die regardless if using LR or not ...the trait has already been nerfed 3 times now ...4 if we include the removal or shocking aura on disable, overall LR weaver already doesn't work at ToP for obvious reasons and at the level it does work......well...at that level even a core ele would work amazingly It's hitting up to 2K without any mightstacks if you're trolling around on a berserker amulet. So if you land a CC likehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Katabatic_Windyou deal 5K+ damage just for CC-ing someone. Not actually interrupting, just for landing CC. And thats why I hate this. At the very least change the damage to interrupt only. Currently it enables a degenerate playstyle of CC-spamming someone to death.Trolling around with golems or in the open arena is the best you can do with a berseker amulet...unless we see a video of you playing berseker dagger weaver against anything with a brain between the ears and I don't remember this community not calling "degenerate" anything remotely threatening on ele, be it FA...be it fire ele...be it LR.
  13. Sure! We increase headshot initiative to 8 from 4 and add a 3/4s cast time...there you can have your dmg back
  14. Let's see...: 1)We move Lightning rod to Master Tier from Grand Master2)We add unblockable trait3)We reduce the CD of gale and comet to something as spammable as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Head_Shot from 900 range4)We remove cast time/animation from all interrupt skills on ele....just like head shot5)We bring back the shocking aura on disable PS did they "fix" that anomaly that allow Pulmonary impact to go through stability? Did I forget anything? Yes. Disabling crit and reducing base damage by about 66% on Lightning Rod. Oh and making all those interrupt and stun skills into 0.25 second dazes instead of 3 second knockdowns or stuns. And likewise for shocking Aura. Oh and making it so if you use any of them, you disable your other skills for 5 seconds. Even with a 3 second cooldown, to say that Lightning Rod is vastly superior to Pulmonary Impact is an understatement. Lightning Rod would still be a good trait. Pulmonary Impact is still an unusable trait.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Rod_(trait_skill)#WvW.2CPvPIt already does negligible dmg...and that's not reason you pogchamps keep dieing..but whatever you want to believe, you'd die regardless if using LR or not ...the trait has already been nerfed 3 times now ...4 if we include the removal or shocking aura on disable, overall LR weaver already doesn't work at ToP for obvious reasons and at the level it does work......well...at that level even a core ele would work amazingly
  15. Wait, is your argument here that holosmith is allowed to have PvP builds at all? Because the actual skill you linked here, spectrum shield, isn't even used in the explosive sword build you linked. Who even uses spectrum shield in PvP?Yeah, stance soulbeast might be gone in PvP, but soulbeast in general is not. So I don't see your point here, stances are just used as much as holosmith's exceed skills, which is basically not at all. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/957829635I see plenty of soulbeasts here....The issue is not the presence of soulbeast or not...it's the skill level of the opponents, a soulbeast is good against...as far as we can see the skill level of the opponent must not be "very high" for the soulbeast to do great The skill level of those asking for nerfs on the forum...remains in question.....did you notice the spectrum shield holosmith during the finals?......I can imagine that soulbeast works at gold/silver rank
  16. It was on interrupt...like 7 years ago? But then the devs realized ele didn't have anything like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Head_Shot or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Bullet or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_Lock ....that almost insta cast at 1200 range is surely juicy...
  17. Let's see...: 1)We move Lightning rod to Master Tier from Grand Master2)We add unblockable trait3)We reduce the CD of gale and comet to something as spammable as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Head_Shot from 900 range4)We remove cast time/animation from all interrupt skills on ele....just like head shot5)We bring back the shocking aura on disable PS did they "fix" that anomaly that allow Pulmonary impact to go through stability? Did I forget anything?
  18. You're the one not being objective here despite all the video evidence provided, nerfing down a hydrogen bomb down to tactical nuke ...mean jack at the end of the day, we still have a weapon of mass destruction at our hands. Slaps on the wrist are slaps on the wrist and will never be considered actual nerfs , two of the videos here are after the so called nerfing patch for rev and they are teams winning with triple rev still for a total cound of 4-5 revs in a tournament final. You can keep calling me biased all you want, the evidence still points in my direction for being right and you're being...objectively wrong! The difference between an actual nerf and a slap on the wrist is that things stop being used at the top as it's always in ele case where the "meta" changes every so patches...so spare me the "you're main bias" discussion Videos and actual gameplay are subjective evidence. Patch notes are objective evidences because they actually list the change made. My point (since I can't help stressing it over and over) is that SB stance's nerf was in line with a patch that was meant to nerf boon duration, sustain and damage in competitive modes. Your point is that you think your favourite professions were hit harder than other, qualifying other profession's nerfs as "slaps on the wrist" in comparison. Nothing in your points invalidate mine. Neither your videos nor your different "empyric evidences". Because ultimately empyric evidence are just showing you a subjective image of the game resulting from a small part of the community's playtime (which is impacted by their skilllevel, mastery of their profession/game mechanisms, health, mood... etc.), far from the objective, written, fact that patch notes are. I say that you're not objective, because you lean on subjective evidences.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectrum_Shield VS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dolyak_Stance I don't see "boonbeast" anywhere in PvP, although try to remember where are these "nerfs" to holosmith ...I really fail to see the impact of these "nerfs", the build is basically still here...while stance soulbeast is gonehttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Explosive_Sword Subjective Image?....I only see reality where people instead interpret it in whichever way they like......1+1=2...no matter if other say 1+1=0
  19. Maybe in a game where "melee" specs cannot Usain bolt every 8-10s up to 1200 range most can't lol. rev, thief, engi w/ rocket boots (not common). the light armor classes have a port but after that they can't really stick to you except for mirage. Engi can play scrapper meta zerg, or prot holo AoE grenade spammer.....revs still have cancer herald, pewpew renegade, herald, ventari bunker......thieves have perma stealth, immobilize cancer DE, perma evade s/d.....on ele I can have superspeed, LF and LR if I can or FGS....necros have basically permasuperspeed if using speed runes + a dash on 8s CD.....mesmers have blink, jaunt, staff . Ranger gets loads of prominence only on the wvw forum, it get laughed at in actual game, and basically almost laughed at during AT...almost...given how the last AT saw the ranger being in perma downstate; the class is strong when used by a decent player otherwise it's the easiest class to kill after maybe pve staff ele
  20. Maybe in a game where "melee" specs cannot Usain bolt every 8-10s up to 1200 range
  21. I feel like you missed the part where I said I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias". Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile. You’re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on people’s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions! Yes, I’m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it. It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs. And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger). It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc. It's a L2P issue , the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort. The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions. If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or air condi clear boonrip Lol, thieves and rangers have nothing but mobility. Wow. I’ll go L2P then. I love the arguments on the forums xDYou should re-read my post..where I have made a comparison with current powercreep of mobility on other professions, if it's about keeping up with ranger and thief then it's not much of an issue on certain professions , ofc ranger and thief still have the slight mobility advantage that keeps them viable in wvw small scale..nothing more than that. What most of you need to do is to learn more than one profession at semi-decent level, that's what it takes to understand balance in all its entirety and not only your small biased point of view
  22. I feel like you missed the part where I said I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias". Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile. You’re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on people’s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions! Yes, I’m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it. It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs. And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger). It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc.It's a L2P issue , the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort. The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions. If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or condi clear boonrip
  23. Asking for buffs on the forum is Taboo! You will get loads of unrelated comments and mostly nerf suggestions about weaver itself.....
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