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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. You're supposed to go PvP for prestige not for gold like you'd supposed to go WvW because you enjoy large format fights and finally PvE because you enjoy grinding or whatever. It's ok more than ok to give some form of PvP currency which is highly lucrative like memory of battles are in WvW but...right now the gold rewards in PvP are just too much for simply joining ....you are not supposed to get any pips if you lose in case they'd leave the current system. In an ideal world gold rewards should go to AT, making it a larger instance for starter but at the same time keeping rewards away from bots and farmers : gold rewards should increase as an incentive but yeah...gold rewards should be removed from Ranked. Ranked should not even have a leaderboard : It's a random game mode
  2. It's really stupid design hands down....this kind of philosophy only attracts individuals who couldn't care less about competition, PvP and just waste other people time . Rewarding people for losing makes absolutely no sense, getting better should be your reward and if you can't stand that...then don't go PvP it's that simple You should go PvP because you enjoy fighting other players first of all...not because of the reward itself, how can you expect the gamemode to work when you invite that kind of ideology?
  3. I've seen soulbeast doin 1 shot a while back heard they can still do. There is a reason why it was getting hit first. Nec is not completely defenseless, but it can be kited, it has weaknesses its far from as op as people say i get sick of folks saying its op and we do use dodge. **Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.Putrid Explosion: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.8 in PvP only.Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only. This is so far what we got. Yes, and those changes are hilariously insignificant. There is more prob to come. Hopefully they don-t take bad advice and gut the class. Reaper needs to hit really hard since its so slow and vulnerable to ccs and lich form needs to just be deleted and power added to the undeath. I-d rather not have a 150 sec cd slow travel time and 7k dmg and 150 sec cd. Eh I don't agree with this at all. A stupid reaper will blow his defensive CDs to protect against CC instantly, but trust me reaper is fine against CC unless the enemy class has more than 3 that can be used in rapid succession. Also, reaper is....not really slow. Shroud 2 is only on a....8s? 10s? cd and it covers a lot of ground, also destroys projectiles (so projectile related CC is useless against it) and does a nice sizable chunk of damage. As well, Reapers in general have access to a lot of chill, which is one of the strongest conditions in the game (does what cripple does while ALSO slows down the time ticking of cooldowns). To top it off (kinda), their chill lasts a fair amount of time so they don't have to use it back to back. Then lets also add on the auto damage it has per hit (3k+) as well as a trait that, if i'm not mistaken, grants them permanent quickness so long as they're in Shroud. EDIT: Sorry, Death's charge has a 6s cd.DOUBLE EDIT: This, also, is using Marauder's amulet and not berserker, as well as not using spite and instead running the build that uses Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper It has its downsides. If he blows his skills in hte wrong moment thats his own fault but what about soulbeast sic em with mobility combined with dmg and sustain? There are some classes with far more mobility and nec is more like guardian levels of mobility, which is very slow. Ever wonder why nec take runes for swiftness? its because they are so slow, its hard to keep up. Chill is a cc not mobility and yes nec has some good cc, because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to close gaps. Real massive mobility is like thief and rev who can teleport willy nilly and reset. Nec cannot do that for instance. Chill is strong but some classes can still burst pretty hard. There is a reason reaper was less successfull in the past: Damage was literally too high for every class combined with mobility, which is why nec life was hard, a important history lesson for ANET that nec are more successful now because of the dmg nerfs. Also it wouldn't be scary if reaper did no damage. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadowshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirsthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Charge or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm orhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Necro is as slow than guardian..no slower" This is more mobility than elementalist...mesmer unless these two use Lightning flash+Ride the lightning and mesmer with Blink+Jaunt to run away; continuing ; this is more mobility than guardian by far and against a ranger specced for mobility with dunno..soulbeast GS+bird swoop, on a flat panel a scourge for example can use wurm/sand_swell + speed of shadows under the effects of runes of speed and easily catch up with the ranger without even trying...average ranger that's it but again those are not recognised as people are just pissed at how they fall to simplistic tactics employed by below average players to start with....let alone by an experienced player on ranger With only 40 hrs on necro, I am already duelling people that would require much more effort if using some other class...against typical ranger I just tap once or twice and kill them Let's stop here but yeah...the bias on this forum is like painfully obvious ...."as slow as guardian"...give me a kitten break Poor ele...with those unjustified low starting stats...and then overbuffed necro, it was an easy choice after years of struggle...dropped the first for the latter, there is nothing absoulutely nothing to justify current state of ele if I start using a necro, which is far stronger than what the biased criers on the forum would let you believe ...far stronger and for a fraction of the effort P.S Really I have no agenda against the class it's mostly the playersbase behind it , after trying "seriously" the class myself I just want necro mains to finally close the "water gates" and stop the wolf's tears...it's pathetic at this point You need to run away and CC em and stun em. They have limited stab. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror ..limited stab on a 21s CD... instead this is limited stability : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Strength_of_the_Pack!%22 or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_of_Earth Where is the nerf to shroud generation? Where is the nerf to blood and death lines? I have already said that necro main must stop acting like they are some defenseless kittens when that role is reserved to eles https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirst ......the movement speed buffs work regardless of you having a dagger, you just need to be above 75% HP....which is eazy on a core necro especially Soulbeast here..soulbeast there...where are all these threatening soulbeast killing everything in sight with their mighty sic'em build? A new player reading this forum would think that this magical beast Soulbeast dominates PvP by killing everything and that ranked matches are like 2-3 soulbeast per match.....where actually the opposite happens when ranked full of builds like this : But this is the present not the past as you talk about rangers like it's still 2018 : Moa Stance got hard nerfed - Unblockable trait removed - Sic'em dmg nerfed( regardless of what other says..the facts are what count) - Pet swap removed and overall sustain in PvP nerfed by over 66% from protection uptime to regen and stability uptime ( Dokyak stance from 30 to 60s CD), maybe it'd be time for GW2 players to admit that 80% of the times they lose....they get outplayed All I complained about necro was the Lich auto dmg and Reaper's onslaught dmg modifiers, than I even removed that complain and merely wish for the Lich auto dmg to be reduced, they can move the dmg to other skills I wouldn't care, not once I asked for necro to be hardnerfed or removed from existence out of spite...on the contrary of people getting sniped by Timmy who is hiding with his bow due to their own carelessness. I get so pissed because if I can kill your average ranger with a class I merely played "seriously" for 40 hrs then I ask myself what all the fuss is about in reality, this goes for every other class : go play the class you whine about against DECENT players and then come back here. I went and played necro, recognized its strengths and weaknesses, nobody said that necro is invincible but it's nowhere close to weak as many would like you to believe on the other hand, ranger is nowhere as overwhelming as criers would like you to believe at least in PvP. And it's not only ranger that I play as I stated hundreds of time already, I spent thousand of hrs on ele, guardian and warrior...I have been since launch, did you try to play mesmer vs decent players? Yeah the staff ambush was kitten , as boonbeast was and not once I said ....I am not some biased kitten : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56636/balance-discussion-moa-stance-needs-some-changes/p1 Made similar threads about druids, fire core eles, guardian, warriors...etc etc....I don't have any agenda, I want people to admit that every defeat is not due to some OP build they face, most times they get outplayed I've played ranger core with axe/axe might not be master of it but enough to know sustain tools. I'm just saying its kinda biased when rangers were capable of doing those kinda things. As for shroud regen and blood n all: I'd like to see numbers first by nec experts who know more than i. I dislike lich form because its unhealthy for nec since its limited use and it creates a lot of drama with very high dmg and slow projectiles, and i'd prefer if dmg was elsewhere. As for reaper shroud degen: I dunno if thats a good idea considering that would hurt sustain and dmg at the same time. I know reaper is very tanky and can hit real hard, but its already got a 7 sec cd or was it 8? i forget and it can be degened by kiting. Also even though eles have weaknesses they have their strengths look at weavers man, they were some of the better successful builds for SPVP for roaming, more so than core and tempest. What you mean to say is they are squishy and are in melee mode, which is kinda dumb considering they are such squishy class. Also this problem of nec folks are having is newer considering it used to be far less noticed before dmg nerfs and i'm worrying about over nerfing considering core is the one known more for being tankier right now. I fear over nerfing because nec has suffered the brunt force for years, which is why fellow nec are defensive. Can't we instead improve upon first core eles which have issues with survival first and mes? mes and thieves used to counter nec pretty hard due to mobility and their illusions and CC and burst. I've heard from some say nec is pretty balanced, and it was pretty well balanced by the fact that it had its weaknesses and its strengths but if you wittle down its strengths too much and all you got is weaknesses, you end up with a class with its fingers filed to the bone and kneecap it. I've seen thief players the best ones on video i've seen sindrener play who is pretty well famous i've asked him to even teach me some stuff on thief. I've seen deadeye what it can do and i've seen videos of soulbeast in WVW using merge form and using its ability in the past to 1 shot peeps with GS and run away. I've seen people in the ranger subforum talk about LB2 and i've defended ranger by saying things like: Its counterable, so i know some stuff about ranger too. The point is: Yes nec has stuff to escape, but there are still classes faster than them out there and those stuff some have cds. Spectral walk is 30 sec it says and it does have stab but so what? wurm can be killed. Nec literally waddles around if you have no spectral walk and wurm. Because a class is doin well don't mean you should nerf the one thats doing good because there are classes doing bad. The whole nerf will just kill the game. That's why all my nerf threads are targeted at specific traits/utilities and not the whole class/spec like many other folks do which ends up draining the game of its population. So far it seems @CMC is balancing following suggestions from MAT players, while not ideal it's still much better than listening to the forum crowd...ideally there would be no official forum like it was for GW1. Professions should be balanced around the average skill level but still given the tools to excel when mastered in their own right, so far this seems to be true for most professions but others like elementalist....add an unnecessary level of complexity for the sake of it , you don't get rewarded for overcoming that complexity, you just get to perfom as other professions used at average level...and I will not accept that because this is something which was added recently to the class. Before average players could run d/d cele and masters of the class could use FA ele...everybody was happy but now.....after 7k hrs Anet expects me, while playing ele, to put great effort beating even average players on other professions ...I say screw that! I won't! Like @"Grimjack.8130" stated : "you need to look 30s in the future to win on weaver".......like hell I would while somebody else is having similar or better results by pressing 2-3 buttons off CD ! This is not balancing..this is BS number crunching : they just increase CD till people drop skills/elites or utilities from their gameplay , when something is deemed too strong for healthy gameplay it should be changed in functionality while maintaining usefulness but that's ofc too hard..so they take the lazy way out...always. Take : Obsidian flesh , from 30s CD to 40s CD then to channel then to 60s CD on a weapon skill...what the actual......maybe you could have changed the functionality to something like : "redirect next fatal dmg to its source - 30s CD" . This overnerfing happens because this playerbase is afraid of challenges and so they will demand the removal of any challenge and when there is nothing else that challenges them....nerfs will knock at their door too...overnerfing and the death of the game I kinda wish they would lower the cd on lightning flash and the other teleport for eles. Since they are squishy unlike nec they depend on getting away. Nec is like it is on mobility because its super tanky and it would be broken if it had mobility like thief, but ele kinda is hard to survive if they don't have a lotta mobility and stuff to add sustain to protect. It's not just the mobility which is lacking....even if you try to set up combos, you have to deal with absurd after cast and cast times on sword if using a weaver.-staff ele is just so kitten.....skills like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eruption are so trash in this time and age of the game, but you also have skills like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Tooth People are using ele like a wannabe thief right now...minus the stealth and mobility....it's BS, this is a design issue not a numbers problem. I made a thread before weaver got released where I pleaded with Anet to avoid adding another melee weapon to ele after warhorn...but they went and added another melee weapon to the class...so people are forced to invest in tankiness to stay alive and Anet goes and starts the nerfing ....right on schedule. I gave up on the class, it's really not worth the stress, transferred everything on the necro and I don't regret it....really a shame after the time and effort spent on ele Well there are casts and sorta channel effects buncha weird stuff combined in melee, which for a class that is as squishy as ele is like jumping into a lion pit, you just know its going to go wrong. I always did notice something odd about ele, because in pve there isn't the same issues. When i'm using D/D for instance, which is highly risky, its less a issue due to knowing that i can just use my mobility to escape. It just seems antithetical to use melee in SPVP on ele. I think also some delay might be that you need to literally place the tooth over the area but am i misunderstanding? i'm no master of ele by any means, i just play cause i love the class.I have no hope for the class ...simply putting, no balance dev actually mains it in game, if you don't actually play actively and simply rely on "feedback" from different sources...there is no hope for any significant positive change....just look how fast they are in applying 50%+ nerfs on utilities and dmg...following the..."feedback" while you have skills on ele which have not be touched since launch : Frozen gust - Flamewall - Warhorn etc etc etc
  4. Necro minions which are utility are far better than non-meta pets..it's that bad, most of them have absurd cast time for abysmal levels of dmg...it's like beta weekend pre-release status levels of dmg and cast time, it would require a truck load of buffs to convince rangers in dropping meta pets (smokescale-gazelle-bristleback-birds-tiger-jacaranda) for the rest and with Anet track record I wouldn't bet on that...it's why people wishing for a pet specialization would end up seeing a garbage tier elite...because the pet mechanic is garbage and only 6-7 pets out of 50 are worth using in any competitive setting
  5. I've seen soulbeast doin 1 shot a while back heard they can still do. There is a reason why it was getting hit first. Nec is not completely defenseless, but it can be kited, it has weaknesses its far from as op as people say i get sick of folks saying its op and we do use dodge. **Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.Putrid Explosion: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.8 in PvP only.Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only. This is so far what we got. Yes, and those changes are hilariously insignificant. There is more prob to come. Hopefully they don-t take bad advice and gut the class. Reaper needs to hit really hard since its so slow and vulnerable to ccs and lich form needs to just be deleted and power added to the undeath. I-d rather not have a 150 sec cd slow travel time and 7k dmg and 150 sec cd. Eh I don't agree with this at all. A stupid reaper will blow his defensive CDs to protect against CC instantly, but trust me reaper is fine against CC unless the enemy class has more than 3 that can be used in rapid succession. Also, reaper is....not really slow. Shroud 2 is only on a....8s? 10s? cd and it covers a lot of ground, also destroys projectiles (so projectile related CC is useless against it) and does a nice sizable chunk of damage. As well, Reapers in general have access to a lot of chill, which is one of the strongest conditions in the game (does what cripple does while ALSO slows down the time ticking of cooldowns). To top it off (kinda), their chill lasts a fair amount of time so they don't have to use it back to back. Then lets also add on the auto damage it has per hit (3k+) as well as a trait that, if i'm not mistaken, grants them permanent quickness so long as they're in Shroud. EDIT: Sorry, Death's charge has a 6s cd.DOUBLE EDIT: This, also, is using Marauder's amulet and not berserker, as well as not using spite and instead running the build that uses Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper It has its downsides. If he blows his skills in hte wrong moment thats his own fault but what about soulbeast sic em with mobility combined with dmg and sustain? There are some classes with far more mobility and nec is more like guardian levels of mobility, which is very slow. Ever wonder why nec take runes for swiftness? its because they are so slow, its hard to keep up. Chill is a cc not mobility and yes nec has some good cc, because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to close gaps. Real massive mobility is like thief and rev who can teleport willy nilly and reset. Nec cannot do that for instance. Chill is strong but some classes can still burst pretty hard. There is a reason reaper was less successfull in the past: Damage was literally too high for every class combined with mobility, which is why nec life was hard, a important history lesson for ANET that nec are more successful now because of the dmg nerfs. Also it wouldn't be scary if reaper did no damage. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadowshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirsthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Charge or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm orhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Necro is as slow than guardian..no slower" This is more mobility than elementalist...mesmer unless these two use Lightning flash+Ride the lightning and mesmer with Blink+Jaunt to run away; continuing ; this is more mobility than guardian by far and against a ranger specced for mobility with dunno..soulbeast GS+bird swoop, on a flat panel a scourge for example can use wurm/sand_swell + speed of shadows under the effects of runes of speed and easily catch up with the ranger without even trying...average ranger that's it but again those are not recognised as people are just pissed at how they fall to simplistic tactics employed by below average players to start with....let alone by an experienced player on ranger With only 40 hrs on necro, I am already duelling people that would require much more effort if using some other class...against typical ranger I just tap once or twice and kill them Let's stop here but yeah...the bias on this forum is like painfully obvious ...."as slow as guardian"...give me a kitten break Poor ele...with those unjustified low starting stats...and then overbuffed necro, it was an easy choice after years of struggle...dropped the first for the latter, there is nothing absoulutely nothing to justify current state of ele if I start using a necro, which is far stronger than what the biased criers on the forum would let you believe ...far stronger and for a fraction of the effort P.S Really I have no agenda against the class it's mostly the playersbase behind it , after trying "seriously" the class myself I just want necro mains to finally close the "water gates" and stop the wolf's tears...it's pathetic at this point You need to run away and CC em and stun em. They have limited stab. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror ..limited stab on a 21s CD... instead this is limited stability : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Strength_of_the_Pack!%22 or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_of_Earth Where is the nerf to shroud generation? Where is the nerf to blood and death lines? I have already said that necro main must stop acting like they are some defenseless kittens when that role is reserved to eles https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirst ......the movement speed buffs work regardless of you having a dagger, you just need to be above 75% HP....which is eazy on a core necro especially Soulbeast here..soulbeast there...where are all these threatening soulbeast killing everything in sight with their mighty sic'em build? A new player reading this forum would think that this magical beast Soulbeast dominates PvP by killing everything and that ranked matches are like 2-3 soulbeast per match.....where actually the opposite happens when ranked full of builds like this : But this is the present not the past as you talk about rangers like it's still 2018 : Moa Stance got hard nerfed - Unblockable trait removed - Sic'em dmg nerfed( regardless of what other says..the facts are what count) - Pet swap removed and overall sustain in PvP nerfed by over 66% from protection uptime to regen and stability uptime ( Dokyak stance from 30 to 60s CD), maybe it'd be time for GW2 players to admit that 80% of the times they lose....they get outplayed All I complained about necro was the Lich auto dmg and Reaper's onslaught dmg modifiers, than I even removed that complain and merely wish for the Lich auto dmg to be reduced, they can move the dmg to other skills I wouldn't care, not once I asked for necro to be hardnerfed or removed from existence out of spite...on the contrary of people getting sniped by Timmy who is hiding with his bow due to their own carelessness. I get so pissed because if I can kill your average ranger with a class I merely played "seriously" for 40 hrs then I ask myself what all the fuss is about in reality, this goes for every other class : go play the class you whine about against DECENT players and then come back here. I went and played necro, recognized its strengths and weaknesses, nobody said that necro is invincible but it's nowhere close to weak as many would like you to believe on the other hand, ranger is nowhere as overwhelming as criers would like you to believe at least in PvP. And it's not only ranger that I play as I stated hundreds of time already, I spent thousand of hrs on ele, guardian and warrior...I have been since launch, did you try to play mesmer vs decent players? Yeah the staff ambush was kitten , as boonbeast was and not once I said ....I am not some biased kitten : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56636/balance-discussion-moa-stance-needs-some-changes/p1 Made similar threads about druids, fire core eles, guardian, warriors...etc etc....I don't have any agenda, I want people to admit that every defeat is not due to some OP build they face, most times they get outplayed I've played ranger core with axe/axe might not be master of it but enough to know sustain tools. I'm just saying its kinda biased when rangers were capable of doing those kinda things. As for shroud regen and blood n all: I'd like to see numbers first by nec experts who know more than i. I dislike lich form because its unhealthy for nec since its limited use and it creates a lot of drama with very high dmg and slow projectiles, and i'd prefer if dmg was elsewhere. As for reaper shroud degen: I dunno if thats a good idea considering that would hurt sustain and dmg at the same time. I know reaper is very tanky and can hit real hard, but its already got a 7 sec cd or was it 8? i forget and it can be degened by kiting. Also even though eles have weaknesses they have their strengths look at weavers man, they were some of the better successful builds for SPVP for roaming, more so than core and tempest. What you mean to say is they are squishy and are in melee mode, which is kinda dumb considering they are such squishy class. Also this problem of nec folks are having is newer considering it used to be far less noticed before dmg nerfs and i'm worrying about over nerfing considering core is the one known more for being tankier right now. I fear over nerfing because nec has suffered the brunt force for years, which is why fellow nec are defensive. Can't we instead improve upon first core eles which have issues with survival first and mes? mes and thieves used to counter nec pretty hard due to mobility and their illusions and CC and burst. I've heard from some say nec is pretty balanced, and it was pretty well balanced by the fact that it had its weaknesses and its strengths but if you wittle down its strengths too much and all you got is weaknesses, you end up with a class with its fingers filed to the bone and kneecap it. I've seen thief players the best ones on video i've seen sindrener play who is pretty well famous i've asked him to even teach me some stuff on thief. I've seen deadeye what it can do and i've seen videos of soulbeast in WVW using merge form and using its ability in the past to 1 shot peeps with GS and run away. I've seen people in the ranger subforum talk about LB2 and i've defended ranger by saying things like: Its counterable, so i know some stuff about ranger too. The point is: Yes nec has stuff to escape, but there are still classes faster than them out there and those stuff some have cds. Spectral walk is 30 sec it says and it does have stab but so what? wurm can be killed. Nec literally waddles around if you have no spectral walk and wurm. Because a class is doin well don't mean you should nerf the one thats doing good because there are classes doing bad. The whole nerf will just kill the game. That's why all my nerf threads are targeted at specific traits/utilities and not the whole class/spec like many other folks do which ends up draining the game of its population. So far it seems @CMC is balancing following suggestions from MAT players, while not ideal it's still much better than listening to the forum crowd...ideally there would be no official forum like it was for GW1. Professions should be balanced around the average skill level but still given the tools to excel when mastered in their own right, so far this seems to be true for most professions but others like elementalist....add an unnecessary level of complexity for the sake of it , you don't get rewarded for overcoming that complexity, you just get to perfom as other professions used at average level...and I will not accept that because this is something which was added recently to the class. Before average players could run d/d cele and masters of the class could use FA ele...everybody was happy but now.....after 7k hrs Anet expects me, while playing ele, to put great effort beating even average players on other professions ...I say screw that! I won't! Like @"Grimjack.8130" stated : "you need to look 30s in the future to win on weaver".......like hell I would while somebody else is having similar or better results by pressing 2-3 buttons off CD ! This is not balancing..this is BS number crunching : they just increase CD till people drop skills/elites or utilities from their gameplay , when something is deemed too strong for healthy gameplay it should be changed in functionality while maintaining usefulness but that's ofc too hard..so they take the lazy way out...always. Take : Obsidian flesh , from 30s CD to 40s CD then to channel then to 60s CD on a weapon skill...what the actual......maybe you could have changed the functionality to something like : "redirect next fatal dmg to its source - 30s CD" . This overnerfing happens because this playerbase is afraid of challenges and so they will demand the removal of any challenge and when there is nothing else that challenges them....nerfs will knock at their door too...overnerfing and the death of the game I kinda wish they would lower the cd on lightning flash and the other teleport for eles. Since they are squishy unlike nec they depend on getting away. Nec is like it is on mobility because its super tanky and it would be broken if it had mobility like thief, but ele kinda is hard to survive if they don't have a lotta mobility and stuff to add sustain to protect.It's not just the mobility which is lacking....even if you try to set up combos, you have to deal with absurd after cast and cast times on sword if using a weaver.-staff ele is just so kitten.....skills like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eruption are so trash in this time and age of the game, but you also have skills like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Tooth People are using ele like a wannabe thief right now...minus the stealth and mobility....it's BS, this is a design issue not a numbers problem. I made a thread before weaver got released where I pleaded with Anet to avoid adding another melee weapon to ele after warhorn...but they went and added another melee weapon to the class...so people are forced to invest in tankiness to stay alive and Anet goes and starts the nerfing ....right on schedule. I gave up on the class, it's really not worth the stress, transferred everything on the necro and I don't regret it....really a shame after the time and effort spent on ele
  6. **Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.Putrid Explosion: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.8 in PvP only.Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only. This is so far what we got. Yes, and those changes are hilariously insignificant. There is more prob to come. Hopefully they don-t take bad advice and gut the class. Reaper needs to hit really hard since its so slow and vulnerable to ccs and lich form needs to just be deleted and power added to the undeath. I-d rather not have a 150 sec cd slow travel time and 7k dmg and 150 sec cd. Eh I don't agree with this at all. A stupid reaper will blow his defensive CDs to protect against CC instantly, but trust me reaper is fine against CC unless the enemy class has more than 3 that can be used in rapid succession. Also, reaper is....not really slow. Shroud 2 is only on a....8s? 10s? cd and it covers a lot of ground, also destroys projectiles (so projectile related CC is useless against it) and does a nice sizable chunk of damage. As well, Reapers in general have access to a lot of chill, which is one of the strongest conditions in the game (does what cripple does while ALSO slows down the time ticking of cooldowns). To top it off (kinda), their chill lasts a fair amount of time so they don't have to use it back to back. Then lets also add on the auto damage it has per hit (3k+) as well as a trait that, if i'm not mistaken, grants them permanent quickness so long as they're in Shroud. EDIT: Sorry, Death's charge has a 6s cd.DOUBLE EDIT: This, also, is using Marauder's amulet and not berserker, as well as not using spite and instead running the build that uses Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper It has its downsides. If he blows his skills in hte wrong moment thats his own fault but what about soulbeast sic em with mobility combined with dmg and sustain? There are some classes with far more mobility and nec is more like guardian levels of mobility, which is very slow. Ever wonder why nec take runes for swiftness? its because they are so slow, its hard to keep up. Chill is a cc not mobility and yes nec has some good cc, because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to close gaps. Real massive mobility is like thief and rev who can teleport willy nilly and reset. Nec cannot do that for instance. Chill is strong but some classes can still burst pretty hard. There is a reason reaper was less successfull in the past: Damage was literally too high for every class combined with mobility, which is why nec life was hard, a important history lesson for ANET that nec are more successful now because of the dmg nerfs. Also it wouldn't be scary if reaper did no damage. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadowshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirsthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Charge or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm orhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Necro is as slow than guardian..no slower" This is more mobility than elementalist...mesmer unless these two use Lightning flash+Ride the lightning and mesmer with Blink+Jaunt to run away; continuing ; this is more mobility than guardian by far and against a ranger specced for mobility with dunno..soulbeast GS+bird swoop, on a flat panel a scourge for example can use wurm/sand_swell + speed of shadows under the effects of runes of speed and easily catch up with the ranger without even trying...average ranger that's it but again those are not recognised as people are just pissed at how they fall to simplistic tactics employed by below average players to start with....let alone by an experienced player on ranger With only 40 hrs on necro, I am already duelling people that would require much more effort if using some other class...against typical ranger I just tap once or twice and kill them Let's stop here but yeah...the bias on this forum is like painfully obvious ...."as slow as guardian"...give me a kitten break Poor ele...with those unjustified low starting stats...and then overbuffed necro, it was an easy choice after years of struggle...dropped the first for the latter, there is nothing absoulutely nothing to justify current state of ele if I start using a necro, which is far stronger than what the biased criers on the forum would let you believe ...far stronger and for a fraction of the effort P.S Really I have no agenda against the class it's mostly the playersbase behind it , after trying "seriously" the class myself I just want necro mains to finally close the "water gates" and stop the wolf's tears...it's pathetic at this point You need to run away and CC em and stun em. They have limited stab. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror ..limited stab on a 21s CD... instead this is limited stability : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Strength_of_the_Pack!%22 or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_of_Earth Where is the nerf to shroud generation? Where is the nerf to blood and death lines? I have already said that necro main must stop acting like they are some defenseless kittens when that role is reserved to eles https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirst ......the movement speed buffs work regardless of you having a dagger, you just need to be above 75% HP....which is eazy on a core necro especially Soulbeast here..soulbeast there...where are all these threatening soulbeast killing everything in sight with their mighty sic'em build? A new player reading this forum would think that this magical beast Soulbeast dominates PvP by killing everything and that ranked matches are like 2-3 soulbeast per match.....where actually the opposite happens when ranked full of builds like this : But this is the present not the past as you talk about rangers like it's still 2018 : Moa Stance got hard nerfed - Unblockable trait removed - Sic'em dmg nerfed( regardless of what other says..the facts are what count) - Pet swap removed and overall sustain in PvP nerfed by over 66% from protection uptime to regen and stability uptime ( Dokyak stance from 30 to 60s CD), maybe it'd be time for GW2 players to admit that 80% of the times they lose....they get outplayed All I complained about necro was the Lich auto dmg and Reaper's onslaught dmg modifiers, than I even removed that complain and merely wish for the Lich auto dmg to be reduced, they can move the dmg to other skills I wouldn't care, not once I asked for necro to be hardnerfed or removed from existence out of spite...on the contrary of people getting sniped by Timmy who is hiding with his bow due to their own carelessness. I get so pissed because if I can kill your average ranger with a class I merely played "seriously" for 40 hrs then I ask myself what all the fuss is about in reality, this goes for every other class : go play the class you whine about against DECENT players and then come back here. I went and played necro, recognized its strengths and weaknesses, nobody said that necro is invincible but it's nowhere close to weak as many would like you to believe on the other hand, ranger is nowhere as overwhelming as criers would like you to believe at least in PvP. And it's not only ranger that I play as I stated hundreds of time already, I spent thousand of hrs on ele, guardian and warrior...I have been since launch, did you try to play mesmer vs decent players? Yeah the staff ambush was kitten , as boonbeast was and not once I said ....I am not some biased kitten : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56636/balance-discussion-moa-stance-needs-some-changes/p1 Made similar threads about druids, fire core eles, guardian, warriors...etc etc....I don't have any agenda, I want people to admit that every defeat is not due to some OP build they face, most times they get outplayed I've played ranger core with axe/axe might not be master of it but enough to know sustain tools. I'm just saying its kinda biased when rangers were capable of doing those kinda things. As for shroud regen and blood n all: I'd like to see numbers first by nec experts who know more than i. I dislike lich form because its unhealthy for nec since its limited use and it creates a lot of drama with very high dmg and slow projectiles, and i'd prefer if dmg was elsewhere. As for reaper shroud degen: I dunno if thats a good idea considering that would hurt sustain and dmg at the same time. I know reaper is very tanky and can hit real hard, but its already got a 7 sec cd or was it 8? i forget and it can be degened by kiting. Also even though eles have weaknesses they have their strengths look at weavers man, they were some of the better successful builds for SPVP for roaming, more so than core and tempest. What you mean to say is they are squishy and are in melee mode, which is kinda dumb considering they are such squishy class. Also this problem of nec folks are having is newer considering it used to be far less noticed before dmg nerfs and i'm worrying about over nerfing considering core is the one known more for being tankier right now. I fear over nerfing because nec has suffered the brunt force for years, which is why fellow nec are defensive. Can't we instead improve upon first core eles which have issues with survival first and mes? mes and thieves used to counter nec pretty hard due to mobility and their illusions and CC and burst. I've heard from some say nec is pretty balanced, and it was pretty well balanced by the fact that it had its weaknesses and its strengths but if you wittle down its strengths too much and all you got is weaknesses, you end up with a class with its fingers filed to the bone and kneecap it. I've seen thief players the best ones on video i've seen sindrener play who is pretty well famous i've asked him to even teach me some stuff on thief. I've seen deadeye what it can do and i've seen videos of soulbeast in WVW using merge form and using its ability in the past to 1 shot peeps with GS and run away. I've seen people in the ranger subforum talk about LB2 and i've defended ranger by saying things like: Its counterable, so i know some stuff about ranger too. The point is: Yes nec has stuff to escape, but there are still classes faster than them out there and those stuff some have cds. Spectral walk is 30 sec it says and it does have stab but so what? wurm can be killed. Nec literally waddles around if you have no spectral walk and wurm. Because a class is doin well don't mean you should nerf the one thats doing good because there are classes doing bad. The whole nerf will just kill the game.That's why all my nerf threads are targeted at specific traits/utilities and not the whole class/spec like many other folks do which ends up draining the game of its population. So far it seems @CMC is balancing following suggestions from MAT players, while not ideal it's still much better than listening to the forum crowd...ideally there would be no official forum like it was for GW1. Professions should be balanced around the average skill level but still given the tools to excel when mastered in their own right, so far this seems to be true for most professions but others like elementalist....add an unnecessary level of complexity for the sake of it , you don't get rewarded for overcoming that complexity, you just get to perfom as other professions used at average level...and I will not accept that because this is something which was added recently to the class. Before average players could run d/d cele and masters of the class could use FA ele...everybody was happy but now.....after 7k hrs Anet expects me, while playing ele, to put great effort beating even average players on other professions ...I say screw that! I won't! Like @"Grimjack.8130" stated : "you need to look 30s in the future to win on weaver".......like hell I would while somebody else is having similar or better results by pressing 2-3 buttons off CD ! This is not balancing..this is BS number crunching : they just increase CD till people drop skills/elites or utilities from their gameplay , when something is deemed too strong for healthy gameplay it should be changed in functionality while maintaining usefulness but that's ofc too hard..so they take the lazy way out...always. Take : Obsidian flesh , from 30s CD to 40s CD then to channel then to 60s CD on a weapon skill...what the actual......maybe you could have changed the functionality to something like : "redirect next fatal dmg to its source - 30s CD" . This overnerfing happens because this playerbase is afraid of challenges and so they will demand the removal of any challenge and when there is nothing else that challenges them....nerfs will knock at their door too...overnerfing and the death of the game
  7. **Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.Putrid Explosion: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.8 in PvP only.Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only. This is so far what we got. Yes, and those changes are hilariously insignificant. There is more prob to come. Hopefully they don-t take bad advice and gut the class. Reaper needs to hit really hard since its so slow and vulnerable to ccs and lich form needs to just be deleted and power added to the undeath. I-d rather not have a 150 sec cd slow travel time and 7k dmg and 150 sec cd. Eh I don't agree with this at all. A stupid reaper will blow his defensive CDs to protect against CC instantly, but trust me reaper is fine against CC unless the enemy class has more than 3 that can be used in rapid succession. Also, reaper is....not really slow. Shroud 2 is only on a....8s? 10s? cd and it covers a lot of ground, also destroys projectiles (so projectile related CC is useless against it) and does a nice sizable chunk of damage. As well, Reapers in general have access to a lot of chill, which is one of the strongest conditions in the game (does what cripple does while ALSO slows down the time ticking of cooldowns). To top it off (kinda), their chill lasts a fair amount of time so they don't have to use it back to back. Then lets also add on the auto damage it has per hit (3k+) as well as a trait that, if i'm not mistaken, grants them permanent quickness so long as they're in Shroud. EDIT: Sorry, Death's charge has a 6s cd.DOUBLE EDIT: This, also, is using Marauder's amulet and not berserker, as well as not using spite and instead running the build that uses Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper It has its downsides. If he blows his skills in hte wrong moment thats his own fault but what about soulbeast sic em with mobility combined with dmg and sustain? There are some classes with far more mobility and nec is more like guardian levels of mobility, which is very slow. Ever wonder why nec take runes for swiftness? its because they are so slow, its hard to keep up. Chill is a cc not mobility and yes nec has some good cc, because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to close gaps. Real massive mobility is like thief and rev who can teleport willy nilly and reset. Nec cannot do that for instance. Chill is strong but some classes can still burst pretty hard. There is a reason reaper was less successfull in the past: Damage was literally too high for every class combined with mobility, which is why nec life was hard, a important history lesson for ANET that nec are more successful now because of the dmg nerfs. Also it wouldn't be scary if reaper did no damage. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadowshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirsthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Charge or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm orhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Necro is as slow than guardian..no slower" This is more mobility than elementalist...mesmer unless these two use Lightning flash+Ride the lightning and mesmer with Blink+Jaunt to run away; continuing ; this is more mobility than guardian by far and against a ranger specced for mobility with dunno..soulbeast GS+bird swoop, on a flat panel a scourge for example can use wurm/sand_swell + speed of shadows under the effects of runes of speed and easily catch up with the ranger without even trying...average ranger that's it but again those are not recognised as people are just pissed at how they fall to simplistic tactics employed by below average players to start with....let alone by an experienced player on ranger With only 40 hrs on necro, I am already duelling people that would require much more effort if using some other class...against typical ranger I just tap once or twice and kill them Let's stop here but yeah...the bias on this forum is like painfully obvious ...."as slow as guardian"...give me a kitten break Poor ele...with those unjustified low starting stats...and then overbuffed necro, it was an easy choice after years of struggle...dropped the first for the latter, there is nothing absoulutely nothing to justify current state of ele if I start using a necro, which is far stronger than what the biased criers on the forum would let you believe ...far stronger and for a fraction of the effort P.S Really I have no agenda against the class it's mostly the playersbase behind it , after trying "seriously" the class myself I just want necro mains to finally close the "water gates" and stop the wolf's tears...it's pathetic at this point You need to run away and CC em and stun em. They have limited stab.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror ..limited stab on a 21s CD... instead this is limited stability : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Strength_of_the_Pack!%22 or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_of_Earth Where is the nerf to shroud generation? Where is the nerf to blood and death lines? I have already said that necro main must stop acting like they are some defenseless kittens when that role is reserved to eles https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirst ......the movement speed buffs work regardless of you having a dagger, you just need to be above 75% HP....which is eazy on a core necro especially Soulbeast here..soulbeast there...where are all these threatening soulbeast killing everything in sight with their mighty sic'em build? A new player reading this forum would think that this magical beast Soulbeast dominates PvP by killing everything and that ranked matches are like 2-3 soulbeast per match.....where actually the opposite happens when ranked full of builds like this : But this is the present not the past as you talk about rangers like it's still 2018 : Moa Stance got hard nerfed - Unblockable trait removed - Sic'em dmg nerfed( regardless of what other says..the facts are what count) - Pet swap removed and overall sustain in PvP nerfed by over 66% from protection uptime to regen and stability uptime ( Dokyak stance from 30 to 60s CD), maybe it'd be time for GW2 players to admit that 80% of the times they lose....they get outplayed All I complained about necro was the Lich auto dmg and Reaper's onslaught dmg modifiers, than I even removed that complain and merely wish for the Lich auto dmg to be reduced, they can move the dmg to other skills I wouldn't care, not once I asked for necro to be hardnerfed or removed from existence out of spite...on the contrary of people getting sniped by Timmy who is hiding with his bow due to their own carelessness. I get so pissed because if I can kill your average ranger with a class I merely played "seriously" for 40 hrs then I ask myself what all the fuss is about in reality, this goes for every other class : go play the class you whine about against DECENT players and then come back here. I went and played necro, recognized its strengths and weaknesses, nobody said that necro is invincible but it's nowhere close to weak as many would like you to believe on the other hand, ranger is nowhere as overwhelming as criers would like you to believe at least in PvP. And it's not only ranger that I play as I stated hundreds of time already, I spent thousand of hrs on ele, guardian and warrior...I have been since launch, did you try to play mesmer vs decent players? Yeah the staff ambush was kitten , as boonbeast was and not once I said any of that was fine ....I am not some biased kitten : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56636/balance-discussion-moa-stance-needs-some-changes/p1https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56638/main-reason-current-ele-should-not-be-buffed#latest Made similar threads about druids, fire core eles, guardian, warriors...etc etc....I don't have any agenda, I want people to admit that every defeat is not due to some OP build they face, most times they get outplayed
  8. I am tired to death of all the criers on this forum, played this class for close to 5k hours, I then jump on another class say....necro and I cream (literally) your average ranger after only using seriously necro for less than 40 hrs, I can repeat the same feat while using a guardian..or even an ele...a warrior if I remember how to play it after some months left unused. Problems arise when you face an experienced core ranger or soulbeast and even then I can stand my ground, not win maybe but not insta die either and I have far fewer hrs gameplay on these other classes and this is the problem : you must meet above average players to realized how dangerous a ranger can be but.....Other professions have builds which allow players to perform far above their actual skill level and still be a threat for experienced players. I tried a minion scourge and core necro and my day, when I though I'd day I'd survive and even turn the tables on the assailant, so where all these wolf's tears come from in reality? About pre nerf boonbeast and unblockable pre nerf sic' em ..ok I give people that, those builds were problematic but now? Negating a sic'em burst coming from your average ranger player ( one who didn't bother to count your dodges, stunbreaks and position) should be the easiest thing to do for anybody who spent at least 100 hrs in this game..not wvw...just this game "But ranger can combine dmg and sustain!...blah blah blah"...Hold it! I can do the same on other professions roaming capable : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAs2ZlVw6YWMP2IW8SvLPA-zlRQ/A-w or http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2ZlRwwYZMP2JO8PvLPA-zlTQxDA-w or http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAs+ZlFwmYVML2IeKXevaA-zlRQ/A-w or http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAw6lZwuYWMKGKOcSZPNA-w or ....so many more I am tired to post or try. So suggesting that there is some miracle build out there for rangers and others have nothing....it's a blatant lie. I am just venting atm honestly as I am generally tired of GW2 players constantly asking for nerfs while they play specs that themselves require nerfs if anything by following their same logic and yet they claim their class/build is balanced while everything else is powercrept
  9. **Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only.Putrid Explosion: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.8 in PvP only.Death Nova: Reduced the power coefficient of the Poison Nova explosion from 0.75 to 0.6 in PvP only. This is so far what we got. Yes, and those changes are hilariously insignificant. There is more prob to come. Hopefully they don-t take bad advice and gut the class. Reaper needs to hit really hard since its so slow and vulnerable to ccs and lich form needs to just be deleted and power added to the undeath. I-d rather not have a 150 sec cd slow travel time and 7k dmg and 150 sec cd. Eh I don't agree with this at all. A stupid reaper will blow his defensive CDs to protect against CC instantly, but trust me reaper is fine against CC unless the enemy class has more than 3 that can be used in rapid succession. Also, reaper is....not really slow. Shroud 2 is only on a....8s? 10s? cd and it covers a lot of ground, also destroys projectiles (so projectile related CC is useless against it) and does a nice sizable chunk of damage. As well, Reapers in general have access to a lot of chill, which is one of the strongest conditions in the game (does what cripple does while ALSO slows down the time ticking of cooldowns). To top it off (kinda), their chill lasts a fair amount of time so they don't have to use it back to back. Then lets also add on the auto damage it has per hit (3k+) as well as a trait that, if i'm not mistaken, grants them permanent quickness so long as they're in Shroud. EDIT: Sorry, Death's charge has a 6s cd.DOUBLE EDIT: This, also, is using Marauder's amulet and not berserker, as well as not using spite and instead running the build that uses Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper It has its downsides. If he blows his skills in hte wrong moment thats his own fault but what about soulbeast sic em with mobility combined with dmg and sustain? There are some classes with far more mobility and nec is more like guardian levels of mobility, which is very slow. Ever wonder why nec take runes for swiftness? its because they are so slow, its hard to keep up. Chill is a cc not mobility and yes nec has some good cc, because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to close gaps. Real massive mobility is like thief and rev who can teleport willy nilly and reset. Nec cannot do that for instance. Chill is strong but some classes can still burst pretty hard. There is a reason reaper was less successfull in the past: Damage was literally too high for every class combined with mobility, which is why nec life was hard, a important history lesson for ANET that nec are more successful now because of the dmg nerfs. Also it wouldn't be scary if reaper did no damage. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadowshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Thirsthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Charge or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm orhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Necro is as slow than guardian..no slower" This is more mobility than elementalist...mesmer unless these two use Lightning flash+Ride the lightning and mesmer with Blink+Jaunt to run away; continuing ; this is more mobility than guardian by far and against a ranger specced for mobility with dunno..soulbeast GS+bird swoop, on a flat panel a scourge for example can use wurm/sand_swell + speed of shadows under the effects of runes of speed and easily catch up with the ranger without even trying...average ranger that's it but again those are not recognised as people are just pissed at how they fall to simplistic tactics employed by below average players to start with....let alone by an experienced player on ranger With only 40 hrs on necro, I am already duelling people that would require much more effort if using some other class...against typical ranger I just tap once or twice and kill them Let's stop here but yeah...the bias on this forum is like painfully obvious ...."as slow as guardian"...give me a damn break Poor ele...with those unjustified low starting stats...and then overbuffed necro, it was an easy choice after years of struggle...dropped the first for the latter, there is nothing absoulutely nothing to justify current state of ele if I start using a necro, which is far stronger than what the biased criers on the forum would let you believe ...far stronger and for a fraction of the effort P.S Really I have no agenda against the class it's mostly the playersbase behind it , after trying "seriously" the class myself I just want necro mains to finally close the "water gates" and stop the wolf's tears...it's pathetic at this point
  10. Spoken like someone who isn’t very experienced in PvP. I’m carrying teams as hard as I can and if I can keep winning fights 1vs2 then i personally don’t deserve to lose that game or have it affect my record. I remind you I was Plat 1/2 in every season before I left and trying to push into the top 100 so ending up stuck here in Gold 1 is definitely not where I belong. As someone who picked the game back up in April after not playing since launch and solely playing and solo queueing as Mirage and Chronomancer (the consensus worst classes in the game) and was able to comfortably carry myself into Plat rather comfortably, I am 100% in my right in telling you that you are doing something wrong. My first season I was stuck in Gold as Mirage, confused like you are as to why I am not climbing. In almost every match I would have top damage and top kills. It was the season after that I learned where I was on the map and when I was there was more MUCH more important to winning a match than fragging out. That is when I climbed to Plat and stayed there pretty easily. This was also with a build that wasn't even considered meta for Mirage. The next season after that I played only as Condi Chrono, which is considered much worse than Condi Mirage (so much worse that I never once ran into another Condi Chrono that entire season). I was again able to solo queue my way to Plat and stay there very comfortably unless I experimented with new builds and would drop to Gold 3 where I would end up carrying myself back to Plat. And I know about getting bad teammates and how hard that can be. I started that Season in the top Silver 2 as I had horrible teammates where I placed in Gold 1 and then lost my first 5 games or so where the rating varies much larger. I then won around 90% of my games to Platinum. If you are a Plat player, you should feel like a raid boss until Gold 3 where players start to become somewhat decent. So yes, I understand that you can have bad players on your team. But the enemy team is just as likely to have them too. So if you are telling me that after 100 games you are in Gold 1, you are well past just having a few chunks of bad games due to bad players. You are telling me that there is something you are doing fundamentally wrong that is keeping you there. Having bad players on your team doesn't happen occasionaly, having players close to your actual rating is the rare occurance and this has been an ongoing problem since they nerfed the matchmaking system after season 3 and this is something I don't understand why it never get brought up during these conversations. From season 2 to season 3 a dev whose name I can't remember implemented a matchmaking system where you were placed in a team of players of similar rank to you : it was a fair system ....but ofc those unable to drag themself out of bronze division started to complain, there was nobody to hold their hands and win the matches for them and that's when Anet decided to revert back to average rating system which translates to "You have a high rank..so you can carry 3-4 people to victory" and the enemy team rating will based on the highest rated player of the your team....YOURSELF: Team A Team BYou- 1200 Y-500X- 300 Y-500X- 300 Y-500X- 300 Y-500X-300 Y-600 This means that even if you win vs2 or stall 3 people...your team will get farmed all over the map and you lose anyway, this is a system that screws over people with the oldest rating and the only ones benefeting from it are new players as they come by...only for them to replace the vets who left PvP out of frustration and who end up complain likewise https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm Look at the code, the minimum number of matches required for new players to join your team is a mere 500 where you already played thousand of games by that time, on average you will start losing games against opponents you could win 1vsX and hence the frustration starts I feel for the OP and maybe you had the patience to endure but not everybody does..I didn't...I decided not to stress myself over a gamemode where I fight and win/hold 2-3 opponents and meanwhile my entire team get farmed by a single individual on the other side of the map The PvP in this game started to disentegrate when they decided to make it so inclusive....forcing victories for individuals who didn't not learn yet to earn them on their own
  11. What even is the purpose of this thread? Thief lovers will say YES...the rest will say NO, each profession would have similar results......
  12. Unfounded bias right here. Why there got to be so many haters for none competitive build/class. leave my druids alone! we are few! you show one video of one fight in an organized team. show me druids taking over plat games, then you might have a point. Nothing you do or say will ever change the mind of people here, when I told you that any ranger nerf will be always welcome by this community....I wasn't kidding at all, people here are just using the word : balance as a front cover People at large hate this profession, even more when it does well and there is not a single build on ranger that will ever be consideed "skilled", never was and never will be...
  13. It also comes a time where things should be changed in functionality rather than numbers in order to maintain an abundant build diversity which contributes overall to the good health of the game and population, balance doesn't mean only wack a mole number dumpening Nerfing things down to a point where nobody uses them anywhere goes against the whole idea of playing a MMO, by all means we must always strive for balance but ...oh god this is neither a correct balance process or something worth praising
  14. Even better , just give everyone the title of God/Goddess of PvP as soon as they enter HoM
  15. Pls...we had a burst meta for few months and the same people who were crying now..were crying even then, I was playing : FA ele - "too much dmg, to fast, instant death QQ".....burst guardian -"too much dmg, can teleport from behind wall, QQ"......ranger burst -"OMFG, unblockable pewpew QQ pls nerf ty"......herald-"OMG that off hand sword dmg is too much, pls nerf QQ". When you do dmg and they die...they whineWhen you don't do dmg and they survive...they whine GW2 PvP is in complete shambles because from the start it allowed Cats and Dogs to freely enter PvP without any prior preparation differently from GW1, where to unlock competitive gamemode you had to win 25 Random Matches in a row with a ..random team, the gamemode forced you to adapt, learn what all professions could and assume different strategies. Anet is forced to adapt to the constant whining and nagging of this community, one second you whine about hammer burst from guardian and you cry yourself to sleep till Anet daddy comes and nerf the shit out of hammer burst...a second later you whine and ask for bunker guardian to be nerfed for too much sustain.
  16. The majority of games are low ranked games. They should not be excluded either, maybe even considered first. When you kitten off your playerbase, nobody will care about the few good players. Saying something goes rampant in lower ranks does not make a build okay, when the people stop playing there. Agree about the first part, many things stayed untouched and at the same time, there were some poor decisions included. No, you cannot balance a game based on players do not have some level of knowledge. I am not saying 1800+ but p2 should be fine. MAT is just a different story. I strongly disagree. When you allow all those toxic newbie-farmers to haress lower ranks nobody should be surprised there is a population problem. I mean, this game is out for 8 years. Of course experince players are better than newbies. If you focus on balancing on lower tiers then the game will be more kitten, personal skill does not matter, and what matters are class and comp. This bad trend has been in place for a while. This is why, when I play a fresh new accout despite winning 1v1 and 1v2 at far, yet I still lost my second placement. This game has good pvp system. And if you balance according to gold1-2 players, then skill does not matter, then more and more ppl will quit. I realy dont understand your logic.... I never said only balance for lower ranks. I said include every single rating range. And ATs, if you like. If you ignore the situation in lower ranks, why would anyone be surprised about low population? Lower ranks means : they dont care or they are new or they dont understand the game, or they are just very bad mechaincally for example, click all abilities by mouse. Tell me how to balance base on these players? This will only make the game worse. Yet 90% of the players are in those rating ranges. If you have toxic builds which leads to 50% of those to quit the game, nobody will be happy. People already complain about low population, we all - and Anet first - need to start considering why that is. What do you mean by toxic builds? I think there will be more toxic builds if balance based on lower rank,. All those one-shot builds before February like FA weaver and power mesmer.All those stealth-condi builds like condi thief or - currently - burn DH (which is strong even in higher brackets, but way less prevalent).All those AI builds like MM necros. Buffing because of lower ranks might be difficult to do, but nerfing needs to be done. Otherwise it would be like doing tax regulations only for the super rich. Surprise - the people are not happy with it. Or, in our case, we have low population. based on my impression, high players do not play those builds. At least not the majority of them, The majority of them play other builds~ Brun DH should be gone in high rating matches. But trapper condi soulb~~ its also cancer~ You are mostly right (burn DH sees some play up into highest ranks), but those are - or have been - haressing lower ranks and were complained about. :smile: Those builds might not be objectively OP and have their hard counters in higher ranked play, but when they make lower ranked people abandon PVP, nobody should be surprised about the low population situation we are having. You really cant balance based on golds. Because another important part of pvp is map rotation, and know how to kite around. These has nothing to do with balance. You can. And it has. You should consider (not as your only source!) it for reasons mentioned above. I am not going to repeat myself. Just think about where this low population comes from. .... i am pretty confident that you are wrong, but do not want to waste more time on this. ok..Maybe one last note: Think about 2-3 years ago. How many low effort high reward builds you see? There is no condi druid, condi thief, trapper DH, flamethrower Scrapper. All these kitten builds emerge after the half done patch. Further dump things down, then there is no incentive to get good, because it does not matter, and the pvp will be truely dead. It's already sad to see p1 p2 games, ppl do not know how to rotate, how to kite, and tunnel vision on mid and close.... kitten, I can't stop. it is not about dumbing down the game. Nerfing toxic builds in low ranks has zero effect on the higher ranked players. Those builds simply don't work there. We need to stop only regarding the top 5% of the players for balancing. If the other 95% have no fun in PVP, we will keep our population problem. That is a major issue. Stop the chauvinism. 95% are more important than 5%. If any sports loses its playerbase, it loses all relevance. Why should Anet only cater the top 100 players, when they are the only ones left? Why should they invest any balancing effort into those 100 players, when there are 100.000 in PVE?You remove those builds and you'll teach new players that in GW2 you can do well in PvP while facetanking everything . They won't ever feel the need to dodge anything or be aware of particular builds
  17. If Anet would introduce the following change to PvP it would solve all issues! No more nerfs or buff required
  18. Because decap builds should not exist why not?( says i have to make it longer so here is more words haha)Because outplaying them may require reasoning, surely you can't expect that in game gearing more and more towards mindless button smashing
  19. You don't need to ask any question..as long as it's a ranger nerf, this community will be happy..it doesn't matter whether justified or not, it's a ranger nerf and it's enough to celebrate
  20. 'Cause the playerbase now it's a big fat meme
  21. Because GW2 players keep complaining till the builds they hate get effectively and undeniably deleted from existence so...nerfs won't do, GW2 players ask to actually delete the spec from the servers ...this is why complaints never stop
  22. Rangers get complained about cause of sickem combined with other stuff for insta kill moves and mobility and buffs, or were. Ranger still has issues, but less than it used to. Rangers a year or more ago, were god mode op able to gank people from afar in 1 hit in obscene ways with more get out of free mobility unlike nec. Even ele which has its issues i've never seen them do that before. Rangers have no insta kill...they have channel skill linked to a 60s CD elite for killing anything these days going around with roaming stats. Now I know for a fact that those killed by a sic'em ranger are : 1)Unable to remember where the dodge button is or don't know what a stunbreak is2)Players who don't know what they're up against3)Zerglings who play tough guy while having full zerk stats, having copied the build from some streamers, not realizing they're not at a level where they can roam as well with full zerk stats Yeah I faced sic'em rangers, while using necro...it was easy : dodge-dodge..snare snare and condi bomb them..dead, the vast majority of rangers in WvW are terribad, predictable and only able to go in a straight line....just like the players they can kill, only time I got killed by a ranger was when I had already 5-6 people on me and I had no CD or shroud left. I check what pet they're merged to, ha gazelle so I know exactly how they'll do after their burst fails.....a wurm was placed nicely behind them, bait Dolyak's stance then I teleport behind them and I start the condi bomb rotation; that sic'em build for maximum dmg will sacrifice almost everything for dmg....and I know that, I know the build and that's the major difference between those who win and those who cry on the forum, it's far easier to come and cry on the forum then spend the same time in game playing the class/spec you're whining about and against decent players. If rangers were god mode one year ago...what about DeadEye on which is still far easier to get away? Although you may be confused between boonbeast and sic'em who knows....And you talk about eles...guess you never faced pre-nerf arcane blast weaver FA scepter/focus when played by top player.
  23. Destroyed a boonbeast using the following build...do remember that I have 30 active hours on this classhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAYt3lNwiYJMLmJW8XevTA-w I understand the concepts, know how the opponent class works...and apply my strategy ; the boonbeast was a gold something UW roamer for those who want to know, maybe it'd be high time for people to realize that there is something called : skill level in GW2...playing a ranger or whatever, won't make you a roaming God automatically I win on ranger because I spent thousand of hrs on it, hundreds of gold and always lowered my head and go again all the times I lost, trying to understand the build I was losing to....I don't bloody waste time salt whispering anybody like others do, I just go again and again till I get better...that's why I own others on ranger, not because of the build, I can own my own builds if I use other professions no problem
  24. By the way I seriously love necro, now that I actually try hard on it..the class is amazing. What was about obsidian flesh?...Lol ..Core necro for life and power scourge put any staff ele to shame, 3x the loot bags output with 3x less effort. The shroud mechanic is great and all...just need to avoid being ganked but the wurm teleport keeps saving my life more times than it should...guess I am a natural lol
  25. You'd call boonbeast anything as long as you see a ranger...this is not 2018 and you haven't got a clue about the class overall so it's no wonders the typical necro dies to some bronze lord pewpewing from a tower. Boonbeast? mobility? dmg? Swirling axe? ....what kind of level is this? I tell you what...jump on ranger next time and come, I can play well other professions...
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