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Everything posted by Luna.6203

  1. Offcourse it is! I would not dare to compare pve heal but lets see heal in WvW.. Heal is nerfed to ground in spvp. Yes weaver is good support. Its bit different kind of support and i we can argue which one is better. I personally swap from core support do dps if i have supp weaver in group.
  2. Support is only as strong as team mates he/she supports. Support alone is useless. Healing is nerfed to the groud in spvp. Your amulet is basically 500 vita and 500 healing.. Any further nerf to support or healing and i bet supports would disappear. and whole spvp will be just zerg fest.. If thats what you want.. i personally play support and i wish i could play firebrand instead of core. BTW weaver is also great support. But i think guardian is more popular overall than ele. Also enemy teams matter.. how good they are, how they can focus target.. Support is actually squishy as f. if you focus properly support can survive max few seconds with CDs. If enemy team is bad without focus (most of cases) and you have good team mates around u are practially invincible. I agree if one team has support and other don't.. Most likely one with support wins. BUT there is nothing wrong or OP about it. Its hows mmos works. In any other mmos ive played healers are even stronger in pvp.
  3. DH is extremely squishy. But if played properly you can deal huge damage almost like harbinger autoattack !!
  4. You know everytime i see article that starts with "scientists have discovered" without telling you which scientists. I already know its all s****d joke. Even though this is not an article, its ment to be joke and all you want to insult me but not directly so scientists said... It was first tought crossing my mind when i started read your comment and lets just say your comment fulfilled my expectation. I bet every player who main guardian at some point going to try willbender at pvp and your comment insult them all. Be careful there.. Anyway... Your goal in spvp is to (mostly) hold points. With your team mates probably at middle and you can do so much better as support. Or duel for far/close point and there are still better duelist for that. Matching usually puts same class on opposing teams. Lets say one have core support guardian and other one willbender.. guess who most likely wins..
  5. Im surprised how people still talk about willbender even though there are stronger picks at least in spvp. I started spvp as willy and its good now no doubt about it. For damage and kills top stat yeah but really its not what carry groups towards win. Also players who know how to kite / avoid initial willbender burst its easy to kill them.. By playing it i learned how to avoid them and now for example with ranger its meme spec that cant even touch me. Problem is nooby people usually stand still in willbender flames and eat all damage. But sure nerf it whatever... I think they reduce immobilize on advancing strike from 2s to 1s. And maybe lower damage coefficient on his key zerg abilities. so it wont be that bursty. But i doubt they increase cooldowns on virtues cuz willbender is all about them. And some of you remember where willbender was before patch where they reduce cooldowns on virtues.
  6. -- Update -- So im not sure if this thread is still actual but i made experimental celestial version and its extremly strong. Furthermore mutch more fun to me than power version. I just made it up like two days ago so i/you might find some improvements. So far i like it much more than power variant and i just wanted to let you know before you spend gold. This is probably better. Even though OP was asking preferably for power build. Gear is ofc full celestial. Armour runes still defender. Weapons sword/sword (this is not ideal for sustain but i just like dual sword) - I tested to keep offhand sword empty so i can use torch on both swaps. But like advancing strike too much for that πŸ˜‰ On swap scepter/torch. (You can disengage with F2 and spam scepter 1 to heal up, you can even root enemy while doing so, and torch just deal nice condi dmg) -- i would say weapons are completely optional since you have all power/condi/heal. Everything works .. more or less . And for weapon sigils definitely pick Sigil of smoldering on each weapon set. Second sigil is optional. I have sigil of accuracy on swords and rune of cleansing on scepter. Build: virtues 3-2-1 radiance 1-2-3 willbender 3-2-2 (Holy reckoning allow you to self stack 25 mights which greatly increase both power and condi dmg + fury.) Heal skill: thanks to extra healing from celestial shelter heals over 5k (~5,2) plus extra heals from 2 sec blocks. I found it nice alternative over litany. Utillity skills: Purging Flames, Advance!, -- 3th is optional -- extra sunbreak stand your ground or signet or spirit weapon. I feel like it doesnt matter. Pick what you like or whats good for specific situation. Elite skill: apart from feel my wrath and renewed focus signet of courage actually provide pretty decent extra heal for soling. And that's it. This is probably 1st time that i really enjoy willbender in pve.
  7. Just generic comment to show support of idea change sound of scepter 1 with something more silent.
  8. I think this is because arenanet wont allow new eod profession be that bad. So they emergently boosted it with little bit of overshoot. Btw looking at your avatar image (spellbreaker). At start of path for fire expansion spellbreaker was GOD in spvp. I know it. It was my main back then. And look where is spellbreaker now.. I bet willbender will end up same.. Itll just takes some time. Actually I liked weak version of willy.. Nobody was playing that. I felt so unique special snowflake ;). Now every team has one with two harbingers supported by core guard. Pff..
  9. Until all people get their legendary armour. Spvp in gw2 won't die.
  10. Except willbender was one of the worst if not worst eod pvp specialization at start..
  11. I would implement surrender button or even automatically end match when: -> One team have more than lets say ~150-200+ points than other team. or -> When one team have afk player. This should not even start. Sure u are not losing rating but u are thrown into total garbage match and more you try and dont afk longer it takes to end it. Also its extremely unfair when there is duo on one team usually bunker support like core guard with something like necro. While other doesnt have that. While assembling match composition. Duo query wait until there is an another duo query and put them in match on opposing teams. This does not guarantee both sides gets support but most likely yes. Btw Im reporting afk players all time over years and nothing really happening to these people, you can see them other day / other week afking in another match.. sad.. there should be proper punishment.
  12. Glad it helped. this power variant rely more on litany heal skill and damage so yeah valor is way to survive. But in situation where sustain is not needed i prefer to swap to virtues version. It might be even better with celestial.. going for power condi hybrid + vitality toughness + all healing mentioned above amplified and more boon duration.. Unfortunately i don't have celestial and i don't want to invest into it right now .. working on finishing legendary armour this season than i give it try.
  13. Im not saying im somehow experienced with guardian but i have willy build that works great. Gear: marauder/dragon (preferably go for dragon but i still use about 4 pieces of marauder) - marauder gives more crit wherase dragon gives more crit damage. (in both cases you have extra hp amplified by 10% from armour rune) armour runes: superior rune of defender - 10% hp + heal on block (aegis) + toughness and healing You should have about 20k hp base. (btw in cantha - jade bot + jade tech defensive protocol. Stack these for hard bosses/events) weapons: 1) greatsword (resolution symbol) 2) sword (fury symbol) /sword - (but if you need extra survivability swap off-hand sword for focus) weapon sigils: - sigil of force - sigil of accuracy if you have lot of dragon gear - alternatively sigil of energy, sigil of rage build: willbender: 3 - 3 - 2 radiance: 3 - 3 - 3 now there is choice: virtues 1 - 2 - 3 OR valor 2 - 2 - 2 (valor gives you more survivability but overall virtues is better for utilities) heal skill: litany of wrath (with meditation trail line incredibly strong heal basically 100% health for 6 sec every 20 sec) utility skills: - with meditation: 1) roiling light or stand your ground - stunbreak 2) judge intervention - can be used as secondary stun break - (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury) 3) smite condition - condi cleanse - (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury) - with virtues: F3 is stunbreak, F2 condi cleanse so you have many options open 1) advance! - extra aegis and speed (i found it really handy for open world) 2) judge intervention (still good if you want to quickly port between enemies or boss push you away or stuns you - this happening to me a lot but roiling light might be better option) 3) any signet or sword of justice or stand your ground or whatever you want elite skill: renewed focus for survivability (meditation skill if traited gives small heal + fury) otherwise feel my wrath. So: - all F1, F2, F3 generates frames that heal you. (more enemies in flames more heals) - after using F2 hits will heal you. - after using F3 which grants aegis - block will heal you. - meditation skills if traited heal you - you can use heal food + your standard heal skill (litany of wrath) Thats lot of healing! perma resolution, lot of protection you are tough, you can block, you are mobile so you can avoid a lot of stuff on ground. Still when i want solo something hard i rather swap to condi firebrand. Disclaimer: I dont guarantee success nor fun - your experience may varies. This is what im using - not saying its best in any way - Im playing guardian since EoD so you might find some improvements or something completely different and better. P.S. If you want give me example what you want solo and i can try it and let you know.
  14. I rerolled from warrior to guardian at EoD launch. And i have to say you should be grateful that guardian is only bad with one weapon. πŸ™ƒ
  15. At least it should heal now.. at the end of the day it supposed to be healing skill. It heal for 1.5k and gives you 4 sec protection + resolution.. more like poor utility skill.. And let's pretend it's utility skill so it does not interact with liberator's vow.. Nobody would ever use it.. or am i wrong ?
  16. I can confirm this.. I have same problem [Bloodstone-Charged Lava Wurm Scale] all hearts like ... [Fiery Liberator][Friend of Golems][Scouting Party Supporter][Friend of Cin Fursarai][Friend of Saidra's Haven][Enemy of the Inquest] ETC... according to ingame tooltip and wiki all should be salvageable. When i active salvage tools all these items are highlighted. Upon selecting even pop-up window says are you sure you want to salvage? But when i confirm it nothing happens. These items starts to pile up in my inventory. πŸ˜•
  17. You must be kidding me! You have no idea how long im looking for that. I feel dumb. Shame... Thanks πŸ™ƒ
  18. Sooo... It all started as ordinary gaming session with EoD story. I had no idea back then what lies ahead of me it was fun at first. After few episodes i had to teleport back to 'main land' ..to ..ehm.. do something. But EoD map is isolated from rest of gw2 maps?! What ?! Thats new to me.. Ok so i used pass key from PoF utimate edition lily of the elon. That was really clever from me right ? What could possibly go wrong ? OK when i finished kinky RP i wanted to resume EoD missions. Waypoint led me to some new portal in lion's arch. But portal is under construction, i cant use it. There are two workers.. I thought okay! Maybe i should just wait them to finish it right? RIGHT? BUT! After brief observation... NO WAY they gonna finish it EVER! One just pounding the ground infront of portal and other one just staring at him. Like seriously! Who hired these people ?! Anyway i cant figure out how to get back several nights. I was desperately gΓ–Γ–gling some informations. People were talking about some arborstone scroll. But i dont have such thing in my inventory. At this point i spend a S* amount of time to figure out how to get back its not funny anymore. So i decided to lower myself and ask here for help. ehm.. please! How do you teleport back to new EoD zones ?! Tha..cough..nks
  19. ... I think this is reason why nobody talks about it. i'm starting to see how you guys play warrior now a days. my build is old school and i heavily rely on resistance. and this is where "WHAT TF IM SUPPOSED TO DO NOW " came from. i had 100% reduction and now 0. you know it's really WTF situation for me. So my playstyle wasnt meta anyway. than why nerf it from 100% to 0 is 1st question. And 2nd question is how can you change boon effect and not touch skills with that effect. at this point i repeat my self but its broken. This is good idea: other stance enduring pain works that way. But healing signet should do something as well. maybe just remove Xcondi on use. its meh.. i didn't even realized that mending removes 5xcondi now. it used to be 2 or 3 i dont remember. But it wast that powerfull. Also im talking about instanced pvp not WvW.. both unranked and ranked. btw it's cool ranked pvp is now 2v2. no more afk and bots in 5 man team. So far all my teammates in 2v2 were playing and tried to win. hooray!
  20. I definitely agree that spellbreaker can be tanky and pull decent damage. 1st problem is when you fight someone also tanky with heals and barriers. But its tanky vs tanky... draw fight. Its okay/fair enough. This is for power damage. Where you are tanky so it's not problem chase people a bit with clunky movement skills since you can sustain it and block/counter/dodge. no problem there. well still compare tanky weaver and tanky spellbreaker.. no comment.. not point of this topic anyway. plus skilled weavers are rare and in that case they are better than me anyway i guess. But when it comes to condition damage. you have low damage and no resistance. You are at position where you have to chase target to melee range with poor damage and absolutely no defence against condition damage. Before patch it was still unpromising fight. few second of condition resistance and push with poor damage and CC as best as you can, dodge crap.. one mistake and poof! you gone. But okay i had some utilities i messed up and loose/ or won ?.. great. Now i don't really understand what makes spellbreaker tanky against condition. Pls show me build or related skills i don't see any. you went from few skills with few sec immunity to 0 skills. And here is problem. Whats the point of these skills now ? what the benefit to choose these skills ? ignore non-damage effect ? Why ? Why would you chose that over skills that just remove conditions like you could before and with berserker stance and heal signet to suppress condition damage. Its gone and not even 35% replacement have been added. You have nothing now.. zero. So question is same. why skills that supposed to suppress condition damage does not doing that anymore not even by 35%. BTW. Would you use any of these skills now ? would you activate healing signed now ? Would you use one of your utility slot for berserker stance? i dont even talk about others cuz they were underperforming before. Just adjust skills that gave us resistance before to something similar or something else but something usefull. Dont let these skills rot as useless garbage in already huge arsenal of other warrior's useless skills. bit off topic: I like warrior in pve still. i like some changes like brave stride, i know peak performance still rulez but for open world, story, exploring/farming. i like brave stride a lot it's just convenient. And i like warrior in pvp until i'm taking S* amount of condition damage and there is nothing to press. So i open my build and there is nothing to choose to fix that. 8( i just don't understand how you can play warrior in competitive pvp now. Most of warriors that i met in pvp were horrible. no offence. is there any good warrior now ? is it even possible.. some miraculous build that i'm missing? maybe some good duo combo that provide warrior support ? i dont know. i really don't know. i hope it change since im looking forward to play new gw2 expansion. in worst case i can just avoid pvp but its part of game that i liked. pity. EDIT: there is lot of answers that showed up when i was typing. i think way the other warriors doing now is just focus heavily on condi clean and pure damage. i'll give it try tomorrow.
  21. When it comes to direct damage warrior is ok. Prolly not top but not worst. its balanced right.. When it comes to condition damage warrior is F* completely. i found there recent post about warrior vs condi weaver. I remember i made post about that year ago. it only gets worse since than. btw i still remember times where 50% pvp players were condition mirage. But now! healing signed -> useless. (except passive bonus) berserker stance -> useless. featherfoot grade -> useless. if revenge counter was bad trail because of all full counter dmg nerfs -> 20% damage increase from nothing is still nothing. New resistance change killed last usefull effect in that trait. But we are supposed to use magebane chain anyway so who cares right ? if you swap/change effect on certain boons. You might revisit skills with that effect and maybe rework them so they do something similar ?! Why don't we have access to new 35% condition dmg reduction instead of immunity. it's still nerf but at least something.. better than nothing. Why skills that gave use condition immunity(resistance) before dont give us at least resolution or condi. clean instead? I don't understand why almost nobody talks about it. All i see is berserker and rifle. but spellbreaker used to be good/enjoyable pvp spec. it still is but when you face heavy condition pressure.. it's just hopeless. i'm really wonder if you are going to address this or not ? you literally broke main warrior pvp utilities. Do you care ? Cuz if not . i mean i can reroll or not play right.. BUT i can't imagine being developer, fundamentally broken something and ignore it. Or am i wrong ?! im F n00b that missing something ? i'm open to suggestions from fellow warriors. just keep on mind im 100% fine when i face power based enemies. But conditions ? WHAT THE **** IM SUPPOSED TO DO ?! well shake it off still works right? but that not enough and it takes long time to recharge and often time i jump from one fight to another and cooldown is on and now what ?! im dead.. I'm sorry for rant but when i enter arena. it's like ohh there are condition based. OK im dead better luck next time. I'm like paper. i can fight rock! so condition is scissors? NO condition is like lighter! i just disappear in flame on contact. Please tell me. Do you plan to rework these skills or you'll let them rot amongst many other useless warrior skills ?
  22. I have absolutely no idea how do you suppose to survive condi burst now. A lot of warrior skills that gave you resistance are now useless? The only way to get resolution(retaliation) is through defence ? and even with it instead of die in 3 sec youll die in 4 sec. Not sure if im missing something since i came back after long pause. I've always had problem to fight against with conditions as warrior. But now i'm completely lost. I never liked rifle and after few testing i don't see difference. Feels same.. bad. basically aimed shot now have cone dmg effect ? and its swap position with volley ? That it ? dmg is same right? But i dont mind i prefer melee with warrior anyway.
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