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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @Tekoneiric.6817 said:Seeing some defeated players on Verdant Brink gave me an idea for novelty signs. Ones that say:

    Rest In PeaceNo LoiteringBad Spot To AFKDefeated Players Will Be IgnoredBroken Event

    if these were implemented, i can already see it: someone will make a thread raging about how someone is being disrespectful by putting a sign on top of their corpse

    but yeah i wouldn't mind it if these were put in the game but there will be some people who'd hate it

  2. @Danikat.8537 said:

    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:It's almost always the 'Module:' line, if that's included.

    Otherwise, you have to go through the body of the 'Crash Details' to look for 3rd-party programs that may be causing issues, or other things that might be amiss.

    So it's a matter of knowing what should be there, or what is normal for the game and then looking for anything which isn't?

    sometimes what shouldn't be there can also appear as well. such as in that case with ASProxy64.dll --> this is not a library/dll (dynamic link library) that normally ships/packaged with windows nor gw2. if you have a very intrusive application or service (services are applications that run hidden from the user and work on a system-level) installed somehow things like that can happen.

    How do you learn that, other than comparing a lot of crash reports? To me the name 'module' doesn't suggest anything wrong, so without knowing that only shows up when there's a problem with it I don't know how you'd identify it as the cause as opposed to just another of many, many details in the list.

    the libraries or dlls that gw2 primarily call/rely on are mostly found in bin64 other libraries for example, will come from your graphics card drivers which directx9 will look for when trying to display the game for you. if the crash report is not the cause of a library/dll/another_application then Module may report Gw2-64.exe on itself or may be left blank -- if in the case it's a GPU driver issue, then it may be named something like atidxx64.dll for AMD or start with something like NVxx for Nvidia -- google will be the most helpful in this case for you to better understand.

    "module" in the first section of the crash report simply implies what or which thing is the suspect of the issue. it can be better read as "Crashed due to/because of this thing: " instead of "Module: " ..

    the name module itself doesn't suggest anything at all if it's without context.

  3. @Angelweave.1856 said:So if you don't run reshade it does nothing

    never tried it myself but basing on the github information, it supposedly allows you to choose between dxvk and d912pxy or the default dx9 and optionally if you want to run reshade as well regardless of the prior choice but i could be wrong.

    still, it's from the d912pxy dev so it should be something

  4. @Joote.4081 said:I remember when the game first launched and those new areas were over run with players and the excitement was high. It's a shame to now see them so deserted. It happens with the majority of mmo's. If only they could come up with something to revitalise those starting/low level area's.

    They are giving out level up scrolls with new players aren't they?

    for gw2 atleast, the starter areas are decently populated rarely deserted if you play during peak hours on your server's region (NA/EU)

    in other MMORPGs there's no reason to go back to starter areas because all of the rewards you get aren't relevant to your level (even if that particular MMO has level scaling), in gw2 everything you get minus the map completion reward is sort of adjusted to your level

    but yeah players get level 80 boost ticket if they buy the expansion pack

  5. @KelyNeli.4516 said:

    @"Astralporing.1957" said:On the other hand, in truth FF XIV's glamour wardrobe system is vastly inferior to GW2's one. And by saying "vastly" i mean exactly that - FF XIV's system, compared to what we have here, is
    primitive and limited. I'd love to have in FF XIV something that would be even half as good as the wardrobe here.

    Idk when you played ffxiv the last time but nope.Ffxiv has a wardobe with 12 slots, that allows you to create 12 different looks you want to apply on gear, it cost you nothing and you could change your look to a preset you made in few clicks.

    the only thing gw2 has over ff14 is the dye system when it comes to transmuting (gw2) vs glamour (ff14). we have a wider variety of colours to choose from and multiple dye channels on most gear (though there are times the dye channels are badly placed on some equipment and outfits)

  6. @"Eraden.8740" said:I have no plans on doing fractals and the only infusions I would really be interested in are the ones with an additional stat. All of those are gaudy as hell with all manner of weird lighting effects.

    you can get the wvw infusions they also give +5 to stats while having no visual effects like the fractal ones (difference being wvw infusions give bonus damage to guards and stuff, while fractal infusions give agony resist)


  7. @Hoover.6394 said:

    @Hoover.6394 said:Was super excited to see the name from the update notes this morning, those the skin was disappointing. For me it doesn’t look like a oriental dragon at all, more like some weird dog/goat dragon from the NeverEnding story...

    it's like they slapped a dog's head on the skyscale's neck, added some fake mane extensions on the neck and called it a day lol

    It’s we just focus on the skin’s look itself...Look at the skin closely, it actually got a lot of details, the hair is not poorly done, the paws looks good and tails too.

    I think my biggest problem with it now is mostly it’s face, it’s looks a lot more like a goat than a dog, a dog would be so much better, but a goat face with that evil eyes (why gave him an evil vertical pupil eyes) it not that cute.

    And these horn design just make it look even more like a goat, maybe it’s the intention to make it a little devilish? But then I’m struggle to decide if the skin should be cute or creepy, I rather it get a simply wolf face with a deer/ox horn

    actually i saw the other thread here about the dye channels for this specific mount and yeah after a good dye job, the mount itself becomes more tolerable. it's still not my type but it looks a lot better with a proper recolour :)

    the said topic:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/124059/anyone-knows-what-are-the-dye-channels-for-the-new-skyscale

  8. @artcreator.4859 said:I think all the movement stuff is pretty much done, the only other things are making flight mounts(skyscale) more accessable and building maps around it, or water oriented movement.

    hmm for movement yes something water oriented or maybe climbing/scaling up walls/tall objects (without a mount) kinda like in breath of the wild

    otherwise yeah most of the movement stuff is already covered on the masteries we have currently

  9. @XenoSpyro.1780 said:

    @KrHome.1920 said:Why do you think the game would run better with DX12?Because it does already. Use the wrapper from Megai's Github. Slightly higher framerate during high activity areas, higher average framerate, much less stutter from turning.

    imagine, if only the game rendered/used it (directx12) natively instead of being a translation layer... you'd get even more performance (varies) because no overhead! :)

  10. @"Hesione.9412" said:When my client crashes, as it does infrequently, I just do the send error report and leave it at that. The reason is that I find the list of lines impossible to interpret.

    However, that can be done, see https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1422718/#Comment_1422718

    How can you pick the specific line in the crash dump that points to the problem (in this case, dll)?

    This would be useful to me for the next time the client crashes - again, which it does sometimes but not often.

    if you join dev/modding/tech-savvy communities like on discord or reddit (one example is VKx, where development of DXVK and VKD3D is usually discussed, can google if you curious what they are) you'll learn how to do this -- so like usually when your application breaks or crashes people will ask you to copy and paste the error message or post the logfile. if in case there was no logfile and/or there was no error message, people usually ask you to reproduce your crash while having logging enabled. ( it can be done with GW2 too, see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments#-log )

    people then ask you to post the error message or the whole log online, usually if it's too long people ask you to use something like https://pastebin.com and just giving people the link to your paste, with that, people can review your error message or log and find out where in the application's usually routine did it fail or what caused it to fail and then give you possible solutions to resolve your issue.

    it depends on the application or library but in a lot of cases the error message or logfile can be understood even if you aren't an IT person. GW2's error message is very user friendly in comparison to other games/apps and as with the thread you linked in your OP, in that example i quote a portion of what the OP there said:

    The stuff in the text field under it:

    --> Crash <--Exception: c0000417

    App: Gw2-64.exePid: 18724BaseAddr: 00007FF6EF250000ProgramId: 101Build: 111959Module: ASProxy64.dllWhen: 2021-02-24T06:05:17Z 2021-02-24T15:05:17+09:00Uptime: 0 days 0:00:03Flags: 0DumpFile: Crash.dmp

    this may appear as non-sense do you but if you read each line, the first (and most important) part of the error message says --> Crash <-- we can then imply that the application crashed. ---> App: Gw2-64.exe means this is the application that crashed. now the next few lines wont be of value to the typical computer user but head down a few lines and you'll come across -- Module: ASProxy64.dll -- this implies what caused the crash, it can either be a builtin or external library or another application that runs alongside the game. the sections below --> Crash <-- such as --> System <-- and --> System Memory <-- and so on will not be as important but will/may provide relevant supporting information but in this case you can ignore it as it's not a memory issue for example but rather a library/dll issue.

    you can then google: "GW2-64.exe crashes with ASProxy64.dll at 3 seconds after startup" or simply "ASProxy64.dll game crash" to find similar examples online where people may have had the same issue as you even if it's in another game but the solution could work for you since it's a similar library/dependency that caused the crash.

    now not every error message can be as informative as GW2's many applications just simply throw a message which includes a random memory address (like a hexadecimal string or jumble of letters and numbers if you may) and the line of code where the error occurs or which library caused the crash, in which cased you can just google the whole error message if it's short enough or generate a log file and share it online where people can pinpoint what and where it goes wrong in the application.

  11. @"Oxstar.7643" said:I doubt we need an instanced training area.

    one thing i wish they'd add to the starter zones, though not really an instanced area is a "CC-this-thing corner" with a chest on it kinda like the "dodge-the-spikes corner" with a chest on it. it wont be part of map completion, it would be super optional but it's a very small mini tutorial that could entice players to do it as soon as they can or come back for it later because it's a chest they haven't opened before. a tool tip popup would appear just like the one on the dodge-the-spikes informing the player for the first time how to get to the chest.

    it can be as simple as a stone pedestal (breakable object with a CC breakbar) with a chest on top that you have to use CC skills/abilities on in order to get the chest down and opened. maybe it's a good and friendly way to introduce breakbars and CC abilities to new players that in the future level 80 content they'd do, they'll get reminded of this "breakbar"

  12. if the maps/zones in EoD are going to be bigger than PoF's then maybe they can possibly do an open sea/ocean zone? with many small~medium sized islands spread apart for fighting inland and an expansive underwater area (as with the other suggestions above)

    there's a big patch of water (unending ocean) between tyria and cantha so somewhere there maybe.

    and then they could probably add a few ships (1 to 3, not more than 5) circling/patrolling around the map which you can board or take over/whatever kinda like that airship your story/quest friends are in that goes in circles in Dragonfall which you can board if you have a skyscale but this time it's boats/ships

  13. since you're on a windows laptop, have you tried checking what kind of trackpad comes with your laptop? (you can check from the manufacturer's website)

    reason i asked is because some laptops come with touchpads/trackpads that offer special functions like gestures if the additional software and drivers for it are installed, like the Synaptics Touch Pad series (can google if you want) -- there could be other devices which offer the same features on your laptop but that's the only one i am aware of. maybe you just need to install the additional software to gain the functionality you're looking for.

    as for GW2 adding a "gestures" feature i doubt that's something they'd consider. the mac GW2 client having gestures is because the said gestures are probably available on an OS/driver level (meaning every app is affected if/when allowed) and may not be necessarily be a mac GW2 client feature -- anet just needed to add a toggle to allow it to pass through to the client -- the windows GW2 client cannot possibly implement this feasibly unless you want ArenaNet to write third party software to interface with your mouse/touchpad driver an effort which i think they would rather not do nor spare resources for as that involves testing hardware and software with the many different track/touchpads available on non-mac laptops

  14. @Touchme.1097 said:Dear Anet,I am pointing you in the direction of a change into how leveling currently works when interacting with POI, vistas, doing hearts, discovering maps and killing monsters.I find it very annoying when leveling up with friends to slow myself down to let them catch up with me because I am a very fast paced player and I get things done quick.Can you change the way players experience leveling by sharing the contribution in a map when they are both on the same instance of the same map?This way leveling with friends would feel much more enjoyable and less frustrating and selfish as it is now. At the moment every contribution to map and hearts is totally individual even when partying with friends and it doesn't feel right to me.Regards

    disagree with most except for hearts. game is fine as it is, but i suppose they could change hearts completion just a little bit by making progress on it shared amongst the party members only if they are within range/scope of the heart (discovery and progress of the heart completion wont happen if you aren't within it's range/scope)

  15. GW2's business model is actually very fair, no--> it's really good for it's playerbase. it doesnt demand much of your money (you just really have to buy the expansion get the "full" version of the game and that's it), you get every DLC (living world season) for free provided you login once on the weeks/months it is relevant -- if you miss a DLC/season you can farm gold and use that to pay for it via gems or buy the whole pack for full or discounted (on anniversary or just random sales) price some other time when you've recovered from spending your budget for gaming.

    regularly recurring sales for bag slots, bank tabs, and material storage which you can then pay for with converted gold or gems you bought directly and once purchased are yours/unlocked for as long as the servers are live. no subscription required.

    there's just no other mmorpg right now that offers the same business model with all the QoL/convenience, decent~really good combat system and horizontal progression all while not periodically reminding or giving you subtle hints to open your wallet.

  16. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:About it being "cheaper" -steam takes money from anet, anet doesn't like losing money, so maybe it still wouldn't really be cheaper.and about anet losing money, it's money they didnt have to begin with if steam takes 30% cut from sales then better 70% goes to arenanet than nothing at all. i don't see arenanet losing in anyway here

    You don't? If they let the old accounts join the steam then they lose
    the steam cut
    from all of those players they previously didn't. Then they're taking a gamble if you'll actually increase the playerbase that will spend and cover for that loss, aye?

    not really going to argue after this but sure they lose a cut. but
    people who are currently playing also currently do not "pay" and just convert gold to gems to buy for the most part. by giving a new payment method via steam wallet, losses aside, they may actually make "paying" customers out of those gold to gem people if they have access to a much more convenient and "cheaper" payment method.

    Even if the people buying gems with gold they are still paid gems.Someone have paid for them and put them into the gem pool by trading gems for gold.

    And when you use them in the store they go poof so all new gems in the pool have to be bought with cold hard cash.

    Thats why we see gem to gold conversion go up and up untill people put more real life cash down to exchange for gold.

    yup i am aware of that. it's also why if the game comes out on steam and offers more payment options on top of what arenanet already offers via steam wallet, then some people who werent buying gems directly before, may even consider doing so if paying for gems become cheaper or easier/convenient -- this doesnt mean they'll want to right away or become direct paying customers once it becomes clear (or not) that you can buy gems with steam wallet just that the option will be there and they can avail of that -- more people can potentially contribute to the gem pool.

    besides there wont be stopping people who want to spend via the steam wallet as long as many gemstore items are giftable even if they can't use their old account over, there will eventually be guides on how to spend by using an alt gw2 steam account and what not -- from buying gems and gifting it to your main -to- buying gems converting it to gold and mailing it to your main (assuming they bought an expansion key via steam to unlock restrictions) there's also the possibility of people actually abandoning their main account and starting over in steam if they havent gotten far enough in their non-steam arenanet account.


    Really, I insist, the only current one is shadow abyss and it cost ~135g, wow! just WOW !

    yes please. i also want another black dye, something that's darker than shadow abyss but also removes gloss (more like matte black but darker than SA)

    don't know how they'll call it though.... Absolute Abyss Dye? Infinity Black Dye? Void Dye? okay i ran out of creative ways to name it lol

  18. @Sindrela.1846 said:

    @Sindrela.1846 said:if you go dell, dont get a H series

    just tried one, it ran game beautifully, but omg the fans get loud and the little fans + small case = kitten it gets hot

    i think the OP is going for a desktop though but yeah laptops are usually plagued by thermal issues so the solution is aggressive cooling, which almost always results in loud fans and what not.

    @Amawyn.1925 said:why would u buy a cpu that came out 7 years ago? makes no sense.

    i mean if budget is an issue, i guess the old top of the line i5's and i7's would still deliver good gw2 performance.

    @"ForgottenGold.2306" said:I’m going to be updating my husband’s GW2 computer build, and I’m not sure what the most meaningful update might be. If my memory serves me, the CPU is most important on GW2, above the GPU. That said the motherboard on this build is a limiting factor for upgrading the CPU, so I may have to upgrade that as well, and I may also update the CPU cooler to a beQuiet, budget allowing.

    Any thoughts? What are the most important things to update?

    it would be helpful for the others trying to respond here if you post your current system specs so people can see what/which parts are recommended for upgrade

    H series is a desktop, part of there alienware .. suffers from lack of cooling on cpu and case is to small for airflow. just sent one back :)

    oh didnt know, for desktops i usually opt to just build your own. so i have no idea about the branded/built units lol good to know though :)

  19. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:About it being "cheaper" -steam takes money from anet, anet doesn't like losing money, so maybe it still wouldn't really be cheaper.and about anet losing money, it's money they didnt have to begin with if steam takes 30% cut from sales then better 70% goes to arenanet than nothing at all. i don't see arenanet losing in anyway here

    You don't? If they let the old accounts join the steam then they lose
    the steam cut
    from all of those players they previously didn't. Then they're taking a gamble if you'll actually increase the playerbase that will spend and cover for that loss, aye?

    not really going to argue after this but sure they lose a cut. but
    people who are currently playing also currently do not "pay" and just convert gold to gems to buy for the most part. by giving a new payment method via steam wallet, losses aside, they may actually make "paying" customers out of those gold to gem people if they have access to a much more convenient and "cheaper" payment method.

    These are some bold assumptions based on nothing. I don't see why people that are already mainly/only going gold>gem road would sudenly start paying just because they were on steam. This seems to be simply wrong.

    i didnt say they would. i said they may. so no one would suddenly start buying gems/pay. but yeah let's just agree to disagree with each other.

  20. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:About it being "cheaper" -steam takes money from anet, anet doesn't like losing money, so maybe it still wouldn't really be cheaper.and about anet losing money, it's money they didnt have to begin with if steam takes 30% cut from sales then better 70% goes to arenanet than nothing at all. i don't see arenanet losing in anyway here

    You don't? If they let the old accounts join the steam then they lose
    the steam cut
    from all of those players they previously didn't. Then they're taking a gamble if you'll actually increase the playerbase that will spend and cover for that loss, aye?

    not really going to argue after this but sure they lose a cut. but some people who are currently playing also currently do not "pay" and just convert gold to gems to buy for the most part. by giving a new payment method via steam wallet, losses aside, they may actually make "paying" customers out of those gold to gem people if they have access to a much more convenient and "cheaper" payment method.

  21. @Sindrela.1846 said:if you go dell, dont get a H series

    just tried one, it ran game beautifully, but omg the fans get loud and the little fans + small case = kitten it gets hot

    i think the OP is going for a desktop though but yeah laptops are usually plagued by thermal issues so the solution is aggressive cooling, which almost always results in loud fans and what not.

    @Amawyn.1925 said:why would u buy a cpu that came out 7 years ago? makes no sense.

    i mean if budget is an issue, i guess the old top of the line i5's and i7's would still deliver good gw2 performance.

    @"ForgottenGold.2306" said:I’m going to be updating my husband’s GW2 computer build, and I’m not sure what the most meaningful update might be. If my memory serves me, the CPU is most important on GW2, above the GPU. That said the motherboard on this build is a limiting factor for upgrading the CPU, so I may have to upgrade that as well, and I may also update the CPU cooler to a beQuiet, budget allowing.


    Any thoughts? What are the most important things to update?

    it would be helpful for the others trying to respond here if you post your current system specs so people can see what/which parts are recommended for upgrade

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