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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    @JTGuevara.9018 said:Yes! Finally someone said it!

    The lighting in this game is very oppressing at times. My eyes get tired after a while. The flashiness in some of these skins is
    gaudy and over the top, it's ridiculous. Ad Infinitum is the most obnoxious and my most
    back item in this game.

    Have you disabled postprocessing? Try it in off and you will have less impact of all particle effects including how it handle lights and things like fog, clouds, smoke etc which can become annoying with small snowflakes or ash particles that move around in screen.

    The major issue isn't as much as player gear that have some shine on it, but the environment (effects) that add a lot moving object on screen that over time can become tiring on eye and brain.

    the bloom effect and tinting that goes with the Post Processing settings is really bad sometimes (depends on area/zone - sometimes its nice sometimes it's annoying) it's much better to just disable it and run a shader/filter like ReShade to provide the bloom and other effects the ingame setting provides

    but yeah it still doesn't solve the issue that some equipment players wear are just way too shiny especially those dyed in Permafrost or Scorched while having a glow effect -- they don't bother my eyes but in my opinion they just don't blend well with most of the environments of the game (well maybe in certain shiny places like Tarir or something but not everywhere else)

  2. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sandokhan.4913 said:Ok, ANET, you got me excited for about 15 seconds. Why the HELL can´t we use our existing accounts on Steam?

    Steam takes a 30% cut. Why exactly would Arenanet be willing to forfeit that revenue on existing accounts?

    @Sandokhan.4913 said:I don´t spend any money on GW2 as it is. I WOULD if I could use my Steam wallet.

    So, you would suddenly spend money on a game which you saw no reason to in any way spend money on so far? I'm sure you would. /s

    I SURE would. I play this thing since beta. If I didn´t like the game I wouldn´t be playing, would I?I´ll admit I don´t play as much as I´d like, due to work, family, children and so on, but I still love GW2 and play it as often as I can.I didn´t spend money on the game not because I saw no reason. Far from it. I have a TON of stuff I wish I could, but GW2 is pretty much my only non Steam game.

    If I could use steam wallet to buy stuff, I would certainly make things easier, since all my games are Steam and I pretty much always have balance.

    ...but instead of transferring cash into steam, you can simply buy gems in gw2. I don't see where that sudden change would be supposed to come from. This really seems like a made up "I'd totally pay you anet!" bait for the sake of being addicted to steam launcher and just adding a game to the list.

    for some people buying gems via gw2 (paypal/creditcard) and paying with us dollars/euro makes it cost more on top of the exchange rate. i am also aware that paypal has the option to charge in your local currency but that still doesn't match steam wallet's availability (can top up via local credit card, gift cards, bank transfer, atm, convenience store payments, buy/selling on the steam market earns you wallet cash, etc.)

    steam wallet on the other hand with or without regional pricing in effect will charge you in your local currency (safer, no excess charges from banks, etc.) based on your account region -- this alone already makes it easier than gw2's current payment methods (and yes paysafecard - the third payment option, is not as widely available as steam gift cards.. infact i've never seen a physical one, only digital codes sold online)

    for the sake of being addicted to steam launcher and just adding a game to the list.

    for others like me, it's not about the steam launcher, or having the overlay (infact i hate the steam overlay) ... it's more about being able to spend money on gw2's cash shop easier and "cheaper"

  3. @"innos.9376" said:Another idea that I want to propose is if possible: the ability to config different key binds profiles for each class in the game given that many people play a lot of different characters that may require to be changing key binds for optimal rotation.would this be possible??

    it is very much possible to implement this ingame. like how SWTOR does, in the folder where it keeps the configs, there's also a file there that has references to each account you've logged into and each character on that account where each character has a UI setting and keybind setting pointed to it (both of which also stored locally)

    as for whether the devs would implement this? i can't say probably unlikely since what we have now works for majority of the players. -- for more opinions or discussions related to this specific topic visit this recent thread about it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/73381/please-make-keybinds-unique-to-each-characters-thanks

  4. @Zahld.4956 said:to assist in new gameplay mechanics.

    i think having an instructional video that pops-up when you click a hint/tutorial bubble on your UI is a much easier solution and significantly less work to implement when the goal is to teach a new mechanic or gameplay feature.⇓because this:⇓@Zahld.4956 said:The flight distance could be limited by map size, time or radius from player location if wanted. This creature could also have some sort of third person flight shooter mechanic to add some shooter type of mechanic to the game. This creature cold fly around like a drone for racing, retrieving, flight combat or any other number of gameplay types.When a player is finished with the creatures usage, the player would fly back to where it was released to be docked and switched back to player character usage.This is a free flight gameplay mechanic that would not allow players to play in free flight without bypassing other content currently available in the game.

    i have a feeling it's going to be buggy as hell if they ever tried to do something like this, if it's even worth the dev time at all.

    or we can use the existing tips/hints that popup when they introduce something new

  5. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @MokahTGS.7850 said:I do not think that this is an adequate or even a good idea. The guild halls are for groups...yes you can customize them...yes you could do a 1 person guild...but that is ot what they are for and there is lots that is missing.

    Good thing you can be in more than just your 1-person bank storage guild. ;)

    @"Astyrah.4015" said:the only thing that's bad about using guild halls as personal housing is that guild halls are too huge for 1 person.

    While I agree, it also gives great opportunities for decoration. And certain guild hall spots even contain spaces that can be used as a "house". :)

    Don't get me wrong, I am not against player housing. I just don't find it an urgent request due to what we already have. (Of course I would totally buy a house, too, if it's cool - give me my mansion! :p )

    yeah housing would be great, i wish gw2 had housing but i understand it's not something the devs wish to prioritise plus we've survived without housing for so long, so we'd be fine if EoD didnt have player housing for Cantha

  6. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"Sobx.1758" said:What even is "mio"?

    tbh i've been following this thread just reading the conversations and barely have an idea what a mio is. i just assumed the poster meant "million" but was too lazy to spell it out or even find sources/data for his claims.

    How else would you abbreviate million then?
    already means thousand, so you can't go for that.

    usually i've seen/read, in english atleast, "m" used for million or simply write million like what some replies here have done.


    i don't speak spanish for mil to be a thousand for me so it does not apply to me -- though i do know it means a thousand in that language

  7. @Mortifera.6138 said:Everyone knows we need more hairstyles.

    The last time we received them, we got African hairstyles before the Elonian expansion.

    Can we at least get East Asian hairstyles for Catha? I know the guys like spikes and bangs, and the traditional women like pins (kind of like what Marjory has).

    Anyone for Canthan hairstyles?

    i think it's a given (to expect) if we go by the pattern set by PoF (and them not releasing a single character customization option since then)

    im all for Asian/Canthan styles for character creation but not just for humans or norn -- it has to be for all races (there's still so much they can do for all races in terms of style/customisation even if humans and by extent norn have it easier when it comes to the devs creating/imagining new styles)

  8. wikipedia is surprisingly good in showing abbreviations if you search directly there, it's always worth the try, it works more often than notquote just for the ping :-)

    yup! btw we're off topic and as fun to read as this whole thread is, i think the argument is going nowhere and has gone from talking about not lowering hot difficulty to APs-playtime-sales and what have you lol

  9. @WorldofBay.8160 said:

    @"Sobx.1758" said:What even is "mio"?

    tbh i've been following this thread just reading the conversations and barely have an idea what a mio is. i just assumed the poster meant "million" but was too lazy to spell it out or even find sources/data for his claims.

    a mio is a million (in german)

    Thanks! well that's a TIL for me for someone who has 0% german (unless you count knowing two words: danke and bitte)

    @WorldofBay.8160 said:

    wikipedia says it on the disambiguation page which you should have read when you provide a wikipedia link:

    Mio., official German abbreviation for "million(s)"

    that Wikipedia link i provided didn't have a disambiguation on it on top of the page or anywhere in the whole page (see attached) and i clicked it straight from google search results instead of using wikipedia to search for it -nor- does searching for mio in google would yield the german for "million" unless you probably use google translate or have german google.com (which you have to go out of your way to do if you don't have a german IP address)


    but yeah thanks for the heads up and the little lesson! :)

  10. @"Sobx.1758" said:What even is "mio"?

    tbh i've been following this thread just reading the conversations and barely have an idea what a mio is. i just assumed the poster meant "million" but was too lazy to spell it out or even find sources/data for his claims.

    but yeah i did a google search (some results about what a mio could be):https://www.michigan.org/city/miohttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mio-https://www.makeitmio.comhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaha_Mio

  11. @Obfuscate.6430 said:Guild Halls are not the same as personal housing.

    the only thing that's bad about using guild halls as personal housing is that guild halls are too huge for 1 person.

    they're even too huge for a small-ish guild with less than 20 members. -- for small sized guilds i prefer a small fort/castle type guild hall with less useless wide-empty spaces.

  12. i'd wish to have the option to have all my characters listed as a text / list on the left or right side of the screen to make it easier to select if you have more than 8 or 10 characters something like:

    ーCharactersー・Name01 Lv 80 Mesmer・Name02 Lv 80 Thief・Name03 Lv 80 Revenant・Name04 Lv 01 Necromancer

    (instead of a scrolling thumbnail row at the bottom)

    and of course the ability to sort manually or automatic (name, last played, profession, race)

  13. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"Astyrah.4015" said:and that's why i said there will never be a situation where everyone will win when it comes to things like these... someone will always be mad/angry/triggered because of something

    And I don't see how anyone would have felt negative emotions, if invisible shoes had been introduced as a toggle to begin with (instead of an pointlessly rare drop).

    Unless you count those people that just feel happy when others can't have what they want.I don't count those.

    oh we had a little misunderstanding.. i was pertaining more to the hide chest/legs (be it a toggle or a skin you can transmute) not invisible shoes..

    people would always find something to complain about -- like if it was a toggle: "it ruins my immersion" or "i hate seeing people playing a video game and their character is naked" or "it's not realistic to fight naked" etc etc.

    or if it was a skin to transmute you'd have people complaining: "it's too rare" or "it's too expensive" etc etc.

    hence why i said you can never please everyone

  14. @wilykcat.5864 said:Are these ranked?

    there's no ranking or leaderboards for fractals but you do have fractal levels (determines which fractal scales you, yourself can select), agony resistance (limits which scale you can go the highest) and various killproofs (used by pickup groups to determine if you're on the same level of play)

  15. @Khisanth.2948 said:It depends. You can't buy crowbars for VB either but it is easy enough to get more than you will need. On the other hand for DF it looks like you need to participate in nearly everything just to get enough keys to open all the chests.

    Drizzlewood's mix of event and vendor is probably best though or maybe it is because you can loot the chests for events without participating.

    you're right lol tbh i have so many crowbars for VB that i don't even know how i got that much and that's just doing the map casually over time

  16. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @GW Noob.6038 said:I really couldn't care less about any new elite specializations. The only thing I'd be interested in seeing in a new expansion is a very large number of QoL improvements to the game.

    While I agree that there are many, many improvements that need to be made, I don't think that an expansion is the correct vehicle to release them. /shrug

    ...and why not?

    In my opinion....

    ...by definition, an "expansion" expands the current content. It ought to be new material. Making improvements to existing content is not expanding anything.

    same here. there's so many QoL requests hoping/wishing to get implemented and a lot of those don't even need the that much work or the dev time required of an expansion. while we do get some QoL fixes&tweaks here and there but they are few and far in between when we could get so much more if they were easy to implement while the harder-to-do ones can come with the new expansion

  17. @Atomos.7593 said:I always wondered why you can't do this too, since you can do it in a lot of other MMORPGs. I'm guessing one reason is GW2 was also designed as a competitive game so the devs wanted to make the UI and combat system the same for everyone as much as is possible. I personally don't think this would cause any problems and I think it would be a nice feature to have.

    i dont know if there was any official statement on why it's the way it is but i always thought it's because they went for action-tab hybrid leaning a bit close to action combat rather than go for a traditional tab target game where you had multiple hotbars and multiple skills.

    and yeah i believe some few years ago they were trying to push gw2 spvp as an e-sport but it didnt go so well so there's that too: can't have multiple hotbars and lots of fiddling around on a fast paced ~ competitive game but you can atleast rebind on your keyboard. but yeah that e-sports thing never took off

  18. @Chronos.7296 said:Before, It was not possible, but since many years have passed, I ask again if it's still not possible or it has changed.

    Depending of this, I might come back and play again. This was my personal main reason I stopped playing.

    Thank you :)

    you still can't -- your weapon skills are fixed as 1 to 5 but you can rebind your 1 to 5 to change them.

    your utilities (6~9) can be switched around and can rebind them on the keyboard as well

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