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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @"Sobx.1758" said:About it being "cheaper" -steam takes money from anet, anet doesn't like losing money, so maybe it still wouldn't really be cheaper.

    about it being cheaper i meant, not having to deal with exchange rates and charges some banks put on you if you buy something not in your local currency -- buying something online in your local currency is almost always much "cheaper" in a sense

    and about anet losing money, it's money they didnt have to begin with if steam takes 30% cut from sales then better 70% goes to arenanet than nothing at all. i don't see arenanet losing in anyway here

    but yeah, given how there's been no new info regarding being able to link steam accounts and existing arenanet accounts (like if they changed their mind or they still firm on their decision) -or- even anything about the steam release at all, like no release date even or anything, my fallback is getting an alt account on steam when it comes out and gifting my main account gemstore stuff from that. so when/if the steam version does come out i'll have it my way still (hopefully)

  2. @"Veprovina.4876" said:But it's only on the client side so idk how Anet seees those. It looks pretty harmless (and creepy on the video lol).

    i wouldn't do it still... i mean i don't mind it if there's a mod out there that changes assets but it's a risky thing to do since it's covered in here:https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/ ---- section 2.f

    like yeah, mod the game if you wish but just dont go around bragging that you did or even stream/post online about since that's a sure way to get a warning or even get banned if ArenaNet ever sees it and then traces it to your account which they usually do if it's on youtube or any other popular social media

  3. @"NEOCROM.8957" said:Just a small question. Are graphics mods allowed? If yes, any advices on a good mod?

    by this you mean "mods" as in post-processing/layers/rendering (reshade,dxvk,vkbasalt,d912proxy,etc.)??? or graphics mods such as replacing assets/arts (making armour higher poly/higher res/texture packs/etc.)??

    if it's the former, yes they are allowed afaik -- if it's the latter i think it crosses the line on Anet's terms of service about modifying the client and im not aware of any mods/modpacks that are in circulation (if they exist at all).

  4. @"firedragon.8953" said:If anything, staying in "regular" armor makes you stand out more. haha

    this. lol i tend to notice more the people who tastefully put together the stuff available ingame or sometimes mixed with the old gemstore armour sets without flashy infusions than the ones who stack every possible effects/infusions with every possible flaming/shining thing from the gemstore/achievements/etc.

    sure i'd "see" the shiny people right away from the get-go but but i usually pay them no attention but then if i spot a well-put-together wardrobe from a player with the "regular" stuff (yeah sometimes you really see them stand out or "shine" amongst the visual noise), sometimes i tend to zoom a bit just to see what kind of transmog they got going there.

  5. @"Yasai.3549" said:No, only for one reason : A profession doesn't have to do it all.

    The whole Profession - traits - skills system we have in place right now is kinda the entire base problem with our PvE Raid and Fractal Meta tbh.I'm quite happy that Gw2 allows all Profession to play multiple roles, but when a single Profession, or a couple of Professions start "doing it all", it will start strangulating and choking out build diversity.

    Guardian is a good example of this : They can do good DPS, they can Support, and they are meta picks which are highly sought after.Mesmer is another one, having dominated the PvE scene for almost the entirety of Gw2's lifespan, and even with the heavy handed nerfs to SoI which clipped their wings a little, they are still a popular choice, and in some cases, unrivalled picks for Raids.

    With that in mind, I don't feel like people should start wanting or asking for their favourite Profession to start being able to "do it all" because it will end up with one of two results :

    1. It turns out pretty weak, and people wonder why the heck was a DPS focused Profession given a Support Espec for no reason
    2. It turns out pretty busted, everyone plays a single Profession, and then build diversity is just thrown out the window again.

    Let Thief just be Thief, let them deal damage, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a Profession just doing damage.No one has to multi-role in this game, and this game doesn't even have a set-in-stone role system in the first place.

    this. i'd rather thief just do damage, really good damage that it's top dps choice in pve gamemodes.. reason being, thief is a selfish class and doesn't really bring anything unique (anything the thief can share or do, other specs or classes can do/provide way way better) to the party other than it's own damage. so it has to be really good at the only thing it can really do.

    if it in fact does get some supportive (or support+dps) elite spec i just hope it'd be something that makes it a viable alternative to the current meta -- all for more build diversity.

  6. @Hesione.9412 said:Thank you both for your helpful comments. With all the glitzy particle effects on wings, influsions, etc, can reshade tone that down, or does it make those effects even glitzier?

    yw, as for your follow up question: some of the shaders/effects allow for negative values in their settings haven't tried but that in theory wont tone it down but help make certain colours or effects more... bland? but yeah you really have to play around with the configuration and read the relevant documentation for each shader effect when doing your own preset. generally reshade is used to make things look prettier (it's subjective: some want sharper details, vibrant colours, more shiny, etc. etc. when they do their own post processing) so having it do the opposite is i guess possible to a certain but limited extent but you wont be able to turn off gw2's shiny shiny that way

  7. @Hesione.9412 said:I see Reshade mentioned quite a bit here, normally in conjunction with another topic such as infusions etc being too glowy and the dx12 modification.

    I tried the dx12 modification and saw no improvement. But I am running ReActif and Arcdps.

    Is Reshade play nice with those two? Should I bother given that I had no noticeable impact from the dx12 interpreter? I have post-processing permanently turned off just to try and save my eyesight.

    ReShade is a post-processing layer that runs on top of the render that you can tweak. an analogy i can think of yet not a perfect one is when you put filters on your camera app on your phone to make stuff look nicer or crazier.

    pros? stuff will look prettier if you configure it properly and use the right combination of shaders

    cons? it's mostly GPU reliant so if you put something really beautiful but likewise very heavy on resources, your fps will tank if your GPU can't keep up with it. CPU-wise it's mostly just to load the shaders and the configs for them. oh and depending on what you run alongside it, it can cause crashes since like ArcDPS, it's also a .dll hook

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  8. @"Ailuro.2780" said:

    1. Introduce a tab for guild search OR a location in town where there's a building that you can speak to an NPC or on a board that lets you search for a guild.
    2. Provide the option for a guild to be public or private to show up in a guild search bar in the guild panel.

    this is something i kind-of want as well. in-game, we already have a Contacts & LFG > Guild Recruitment > Guild Plaza section for guild recruitment and looking-for-guild people. --- but being able to set your guild's profile as "public" and have it show up on a "guild board" in every major town/city ingame would be a nice QoL. not everyday or every time you play you'd have a recruiter shouting in /map and not every time you'll have a guild recruitment party/ad in LFG, also not everyone checks the forums and not everyone is part of the GW2 discord and the reddit subs so having more ingame ways to search for a guild and apply for one even if the recruiters/officers are currently offline would be nice.

    as for the search function, i'd rather not have the it in the guild tab itself though. i'd rather have it all on a "guild board" that way it's sort of it's own thing and the devs wouldn't have to touch the guild interface/ui lest something may break or bug out lol

  9. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @MokahTGS.7850 said:Did not suggest skipping content for mounts. I advised that they are important for current gameplay and should not be ignored.

    Sorry, I disagree. All core content can be completed without mounts. They are not important for current gameplay, unless you are talking about the later LS chapters. True, that mounts are a QoL improvement in core maps, but they aren't necessary.

    right here with you. in my opinion, mounts spoil the experience of core tyria and are only required on PoF going forwards (and would likely be optional starting from the new expansion, EoD, as mounts will no longer be the defining mastery for it just like gliding was HoT's)

    sure it may make HoT a little harder (especially TD) but it will also make you learn to play better and be better aware of your environment instead of just brute-forcing your way forward with a mount ignoring everything.

    edit: but yeah... i guess, if the OP doesn't want to bother with story continuity then it's their loss, but also their gain in terms of mobility.

  10. @Davidm.2419 said:Do you think guild wars 2 will be on playstation 4 and nintendo switch

    switch? unlikely. ps4? not likely either (unlikely because they'll need to rewrite the engine and optimise it for the ps4)

    GW2 for the new xbox and ps5? unlikely as well unless arenanet wants to invest on out-sourcing a company to do the porting to console. hardware-wise the new xb and ps5 probably outperforms the typical super-budget/entry level gaming pc setup

  11. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @Astyrah.4015 said:eventually as time passes there will be less and less machines that are dx12 incompatible.

    91.63% of users on Steam have a DirectX 12 enabled GPU, which isn't surprising given how old a GPU must be (pre-2010 for NVIDIA, pre-2012 for AMD) to not support DirectX 12. Maybe a great percentage of Guild Wars 2 players have machines from before 2010 and can't use DirectX 12, who knows.

    i mean if you're using a pre-2010 computer for gw2 you're really making it hard for yourself and probably play with less than ideal fps unless it's a top of the line i5 or i7 (1st gen) but even then i'd see instances these cpus would struggle. core tyria, pvp and pve instances (fractals/dungeons) might be possible but PoF, wvw and open world metas would probably be very unpleasant.

    but yeah exactly what i was saying, as seen on steam hardware surveys (sample size of a million or more), time will come everyone will have a dx12 compatible machine, even if it's a simple iGPU from intel -- which by the way has a performance line now, under Intel Iris XE -- so future-proofing your game to optimise and make use of newer hardware can also be considered a QoL update for the playerbase.

  12. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @Veprovina.4876 said:DX12 isn't going to magically fix the performance problems.

    It won't fix specific performance problems, but it will fix other performance problems. This is very easily seen when using the dx2py mod.

    isn't going to do anything except alienate people with lower hardware specs

    Because for some reason we can't have toggles right? Most directx 12 games out there are also supporting directx 11, when directx 11 was new, games supported both it and directx 10, same with 9 and 10.

    Not sure why having multiple rendering pipelines is such an alien concept on these forums. It has been done since the early days of 3D computer graphics. Those that have the hardware will take adventage of it, those who don't, will see no difference. Most of the work for the content creators, 3D models, textures, animations, music, sound, gameplay is not gonna be affected in any meaningful way.

    adding to this, majority of end-users (your typical person who uses a computer for work/gaming/school) tend to not care for their machines -- software+hardware -- as much as a power user would do, so eventually stuff would break or stop working and many people just opt to replace their hardware/computer with a newer one.

    eventually as time passes there will be less and less machines that are dx12 incompatible.

    also, it's not as if releasing a client with dx12 support would mean the old dx9 client would suddenly not work or stop being supported. of course they'd keep it for legacy purposes either temporary or permanently. many games such as wow/ff14/etc. allow (or used to allow, since iirc ff14 dropped 32bit and dx9 but other games still kept the option for older rendering) you to switch back in-case you play on older hardware. there will be no alienating based on hardware specification.

    personally i'd rather if they released a client with better multi-threading support and using dx11 render for rendering (instead of dx12) for gw2 as it's been out longer so in theory there will be more documentation and experience with regards to coding for it - plus most drivers and gpus out now are already well optimised for it.

  13. @"ollbirtan.2915" said:and yet there are still some demanding bikinis and other 'Korean cliche' items. Hope this day will never come.

    i think the rationality behind that is "since you put so many immersion breaking christmas-lights armour, why not put something completely out of setting/theme?"

    personally i'd tolerate those cliche stuff since they tend to not glow or shine or come with light effects at all

  14. small, but useful QoL would be:

    a quickslot / quickuse section in the inventory/bag UI, like maybe on top of the shared slots, say 2 slots initially (and then you can buy more via gems or gold or whatever currency or free if possible) where you can put consumable items or anything applicable that you can use on demand via a hotkey you can bind in options.

    these slots are not real slots and will just point to an item/consumable in your inventory kind of like how putting items into your hotbar in other rpgs/mmorpgs work.

    useful for consumables like food and utilities or things like the prototype position rewinder/gadgetry or lounge passes -- it would be nice to be able to refresh food/utility buffs (if you forgot to beforehand) in the middle of battle while remaining focused on the fight

  15. @Raizel.1839 said:

    @"Arheundel.6451" said:Companies like Square Enix can release class info 2 years before the actual expansion drop, Anet instead can release a teaser...of a teaser and after one year no more info. What about?

    1)Concept art of new elites? - They are already set in stone now, at the very least you can indicate what each new elite will focus..we don't even need gameplay video

    2)Hint for new features....alliances? legendary armor?

    3)Location of the new expansion like possible locations?


    After one whole year not even a single new info....

    How do you know the elites are set in stone? I believe this game has had major profession overhauls mere months before a release. I know it has happened in other MMO’s.

    It was stated by Anet, new Elites will be part of EoD, it's on wiki and there's a link proof.

    It's confirmed that there will be new elite specializations.But it's not "set in stone" what they will be like, what weapons they will get, which type of utility skills they receive or which roles they aim to fill.

    I mean, it's 11 months later. If the specs are still completely in flux and nothing is yet decided, it speaks volumes about the horrifying nightmare that is GW2 development right now

    Then again if that was the case it'd greatly surprise me from any other studio BUT Anet

    that level of sheer managerial ineptitude is what I've come to expect as the default here

    I'm still questioning why we stick with it instead of leaving for good, GW2 have really something special to be able to keep people despite the current management, what a shame its current state...

    can't speak for others but for me it's because no other currently running MMORPG has a business model as "fair" as GW2's while offering nice combat and no gear treadmill (horizontal progression) and the game doesnt force me to do certain content (with the exception of legendaries but even then these are optional if you wanna be BiS, ascended would do)

    that said, ArenaNet could improve on doing more marketing of the game (and it's upcoming expansion, like giving us more info and teasers) and player communication at the very least... in other games, devs and their player communities communicate closely regarding feedback when it comes to game features and balancing game systems/mechanics -- wish that were the case with GW2 and ArenaNet

    that said the game is still great just that it could do/be more than what it is

  16. @"MarkVonPlay.7391" said:GW1 and GW2 are two completely different games. I think both games can exist co-existent.It would be nice to see Guild Wars with modern DirectX 12 and Raytracing. It also would be great to see a new campaign. There is so much landscape, that isn't explored

    I'm sad to see, that World of Warcraft is still in development and get new campaigns and GW1 not. Please Arenanet: Give GW1 new life.

    there was a person in reddit who posted about remaking ascalon pre-searing in unreal engine. maybe you wanna check it out.


    don't know what became of it or if they (author) still work on it ( i can imagine it abandoned ) but it is something...

  17. @Bellbirds.1679 said:@"Fallesafe.5932" Your argument is non-sensical. "This restaurant used to serve really delicious and interesting burgers, but now all they make tastes exactly like McDonalds." "How is that bad? They're marketing to people who like burgers lol." How does being the same as every other MMO bring in players? MMO players who want this experience will either a) have a game that fills this role already or b) be split between hundreds of different MMOs that are all that same, leaving GW2 with a sliver of the market. An MMORPG that is both excellent AND different will command much more traffic and the market audience because you will have people who both make it their 'main' and people who play it alongside their 'main' because it is /different/ from it. Not to mention that being different and breaking MMO tropes was a BIG part of GW2s marketing, and it WORKED, while they stuck to it. Do you think GW2 would have succeeded as long as it has if it was another WOW/Aion/etc clone, if it offered nothing different?

    Also, read the comments of the other players in this thread. Are they not MMO players? Am /I/ not an MMO player? Clearly many real live MMO players don't want GW2 to be another gaudy clone.

    one thing i like about FF14 is that there's no over-the-top/outrageously shiny stuff. everything in the game (even if it has glow effects) fits the whole aesthetic and environment (immersion breaking mounts and other stuff aside --- but still everything fits well almost as if "most" of what they put in the game was well thought of with regards to how well it'd fit in-game)

    wish GW2 would follow the same art direction (not necessarily the same art style mind you)

  18. @AliamRationem.5172 said:For my part, I agree that the wardrobe system is too restrictive for most players due to transmute charge requirements.

    yeah if you don't PvP or WvW or level 10 story keyfarm or make lotsa characters you'll eventually run out of transmutes with no reliable, consistent way to replenish other than what @maddoctor.2738 mentioned above.

    @AliamRationem.5172 said:I think I would prefer it if they could create a system for cosmetic templates (armory possibly?). Instead of using a transmute charge to apply individual skins, players would use a single transmute charge to create or edit a cosmetic template.

    i'd like it if they did it like SWTOR where you have like 3 or 5 template tabs available for wardrobe/transmog then you could buy additional tabs if you needed more. for each tab you can set what gear you want to "wear" and when you click save/apply it charges you the ingame currency each time for any modification.

    for gw2 they can make tabs cost gems or golds or transmute charges (like 10? per tab?) and have transmute charges used for each item/equipment slot you want to modify the look of.

  19. @Redfeather.6401 said:In order for it to be both fun and fair if the trash mobs...

    1. ... have knockdown skills then I would like a skill warm up bar for them.
    2. ... have immunity/evasion phases then I would like a way to interrupt them.

    this. i also prefer HoT openworld difficulty for the new expansion and would like interesting trash mob abilities but only if they are well telegraphed/indicated/etc.

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