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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @AliamRationem.5172 said:There is a word for content that offers no challenge: Boring!


    if they made story encounters offer absolutely 0 challenge, and you can clear fights by just standing still and spamming 1, then i'd rather they just gave us the old cutscenes from the 10-80 story or just gave us a movie like scene (like that living world season 1 recap from the NPC) for each new expansion and each new living world season then dump us into the new open world zone when it's done.

    playing a game with 0 challenge to me is more of a waste of time... i'd rather just be watching an equivalent cutscene or fmv with my character in it. atleast my character can do cooler stuff or movement not possible in-game in a pre-rendered video or cutscene

  2. it's been discussed soo many times in so many threads, if you searched you'd find all the varying opinions of the forumers here.


    personally i don't care what arenanet does to mounts for free-to-play players. likely, they wouldn't do anything. but i think maybe it's a good idea to make the warclaw something free-to-play players can unlock once they can do WvW so brings more players to the game mode. they still need to level to 80 and get exotics to join WvW properly and then work on the warclaw unlock -- it's only fair that people work for something before they get rewarded

    doesnt mean that they are free-to-play that they should get more stuff for free

  3. @"brokenrabbit.6538" said:You can add non-Steam games to the Steam launcher. I don't see what the big deal is.

    the big deal for a lot of people is beyond just wanting to launch it from steam and having a fancy chat/friends overlay.

    people not from NA/EU want to be able to pay in their local currency so any currency that isn't EURO or US DOLLAR and steam provides that because each steam account is localised. another reason is potential regional pricing -- this is the regional pricing for Guild Wars 1 -- see how GW1 Trilogy costs 30 dollars in the states while it costs half/nearly half of that like 15~17 dollars for countries like Peru, Philippine, Thailand, etc. though ArenaNet could do a 180 on regional pricing and make it so it's the same price everywhere, but still being able to pay in local currency is a big deal to people not from NA/EU -- not to mention being able to pay without a credit card by buying steam wallet prepaid cards or by selling skins/marketplace items you earn from other games

    people don't want to lose 1~8 years worth of progress because they can't continue their main on steam. if these people want to support or keep supporting ArenaNet better they have to suffer with the current payment methods where in some places like brazil gives hefty fees for charging with an international credit card -- with steam they can do it without suffering excess charges on their bank accounts

  4. @Hannelore.8153 said:

    @"Endless Soul.5178" said:Yeah.... no.

    Get your flesh fetish elsewhere.

    Most the people saying 'no' have very selfish and biased reasons. "I don't want to see girls in bras" Or they resort to attacking people as perverts with no information. Its not about you, get over yourself. Meanwhile, there are literally armor pieces in the game that are SKIMPIER than the default bra on females. But thats not actually the point. Lets not forget, there are people that play male characters. Stop trying to make this about sexism or sexual desire in general. Its a game. What about all the players that play charr? Are they into bestiality because they want their charr to be topless? And people who play sylvari must get off to plants. Get over your white knighting, its actually pointless here. Its a fantasy MMO. If it really bothers you to see someones pixels with no shirt, then you have problems you need to solve IRL. Also, your logic is really bad. Nonexistent even.

    This is the best post on these forums. If only more players thought this way.


    it's the same thing for people who are against swimsuits and other "non-immersive" or "skimpy" armour sets/outfits, their logic is just bad.. let the players wear what or how they want to wear things. you can already be as bright as a christmas tree ingame so why can't one be barechested? or wear something more modern/unique/non-fantasy?

    also a hide chest/pants/shoes/etc. or a "skimpy" armour/outfit isn't like those vermillion wings or other glowy parts that actually affect another player negatively by giving them machine/performance lag

    if anything, less clothes == less stuff to render on your screen. if an armour or outfit or wardrobe (hide piece) setting offends you, turn down "Character Model Quality" to Lowest and turn on standard models for everything.

  5. @GaijinGuy.8476 said:

    @"Exillian.8127" said:You can try using exitlag,wtfast, kill ping. I have used exitlag and killping. They stop the lags.

    I actually tried the free trial for 3 days and am now thinking about getting it permanently. Is was nice having 160 ping compared to 250+. What is weird though is a few years back I never really had such issues will input lag due to ping. What happened?

    an advise for you: try to stick to one good node/server if you're going to VPN. don't actively shuffle nodes/entry points or frequently alternate between VPN and your native ISP. reason being you might get caught in ArenaNet's random security sweeps. and having a login from your home location and then another login from halfway across the world (due to VPN) can be flagged by the system as "compromised". if that does happen you'll get the error code 3023 when logging in and you'll be temporarily locked out of your account until you contact support to get it back up (it's not a ban just a preventive measure against hacking).

    so yeah stick to one VPN service and don't change nodes/servers (or on/off your vpn) often when playing or logging in and you'll be fine. find a good route with ExitLag for example and try to stick with it.

  6. @Hannelore.8153 said:Something genuinely pretty to wear so players have an option to create character styles other than HyperSpike McBladeFist.

    don't you forget about LEDdy McGlowshow!!!

    but seriously yeah,

    @Shiyo.3578 said:Wishlist: Yukata, Kimono, and other asian-themed SKINS(not outfits) as well as some asian themed hair styles.

    simple armour sets/skins would be nice to have. asian themed sets/skins of Japanese/Chinese/Mongolian origin would be nice (..did cantha have any Korean references?)

    we got some nice desert themed gear with Path of FIre's spearmarshal and elonian sets and some desert-tomb-fantasy things with the funerary sets

  7. @"Danikat.8537" said:This might sound like a stupid question but what's the alternative?

    I've never played a game which handled guilds differently,

    exactly. in most cases guilds are just extended parties. unless they implement Guild vs Guild type-Pvp there isn't much to guilds beyond having a persistent online/offline list of people outside of your friends-list to which you can chat/socialise/do content with outside of parties/squads/lfg/discord.

    even modern games like Final Fantasy 14, atleast as far back as stormblood (not sure about shadow bringers), the most "guild-y activity" you can do as a guild is to do guild crafting together in the guild's workshop.

    in older games like Ragnarok Online, you had War of Emperium where in order to get your guild hall (they usually refer to it as castle or agit), you had to fight other guilds who owned it and then defend it until war time is over -- that is something very very guild-ish to do ( which also is very "Guild Wars-ish" )

  8. @"misterman.1530" said:

    Character Model Quality
    — Controls the number of of high-quality character models that may be displayed.Drop-down options include "Lowest", "Low", "Medium", "High", and "Highest". See the gallery below for a visual representation of the generic standard models enabled with the lowest settings.

    doesnt remove infusions nor does it remove horrendous glowing wings or led or flaming back pieces

  9. @Uptownsage.1927 said:guild chat, or is it just the time?

    both. a lot of people talk in their guilds (assuming their guilds are active in chat and that they don't use discord to completely replace the guild chat)... as for time, try hanging out earlier like just after dinner EST -- also on a weekday, people have work the following day so they wont stay up so late (depends on the person and his/her work though) -- weekends are more populated in general ... people still talk in /map and RP is pretty active in /say and custom emotes when you happen to run into one (most often in DR).

    as for location try alternating between Lion's Arch and Divinity's Reach

  10. @Sileeent.5861 said:I think I can speak for a lot of players who are upset about infusion effects.I want to make it clear that I don't want it removed from the game!

    However, I want an enhanced options menu that allow me to control which effects are visible to me and how many stacks of them I can see per character.It's time for such a quality-of-life feature, please do something!

    you are not alone. a setting to show/hide infusions and backpieces of other players (selectable: self/party/squad/all) is something i'd really want ingame

  11. @Asturias.1064 said:New races could start at Lion's Arch.

    not viable because gendarran fields, lornar's pass and bloodtide coast which are directly linked to it are level 25~ and level 45~ zones a level 2 character straight out of tutorial would get one shotted (or two shotted) by anything -- and assuming they only have the new expansion (EoD without PoF and HoT) they wont have mounts either to help soak up damage.... soo yeah bad idea to throw newly created characters of any race to lion's arch.

    (you can go there already at level 2 if you're not free to play but not for story because it's not a level 1~15 zone)

  12. @"Lonami.2987" said:So you'd rather have no new playable races at all? Now that's a terrible idea.

    part of the "problem" is the way Guild Wars 2 introduced it's playable races.

    for each playable race (norn/sylvari/asura/human/charr) you have:⇒ a starter city -- complete with NPCs, voiced, and idle chatter along with story/lore related dialogue⇒ starter zone + 2~4 zones linked to it⇒ extended backstory lore+ personal story sets at level 10 & 20 (3 variants for each set) + tutorial mission⇒ cultural armour (3 tiers and 3 armour weights per tier)⇒ male+female voice acting (for personal story levels 10~20 * 3 variants, personal story level 30~80, all seasons, HoT~PoF~Icebrood Saga)⇒ male+female voice acting (for profession specific call outs, rare item finds, merchant/vendor/npcs goodbye phrase, etc. etc.)⇒ a destiny's edge member (though this is optional but all 5 original-playable races are tied to the personal story because of destiny's edge)

    --- and a few more i might've missed or forgotten ---so if you skimp on one of these for the new race, we'd inevitably get one-two-few-many threads complaining about: "this new favourite race of mine is being shortchanged! why don't we have the stuff norn/asura/human/charr/sylvari have??? why ANET why? why even make a new race if it's not complete!" 

     meanwhile look at Final Fantasy 14

    they way they setup their playable races:

    ⇒ choose your sub-race (ie. Hyur Midlander or Highlander)⇒ choose your in-game birthday⇒ choose your starter city⇒ each race has racial armour but only 1 set and you start with it equipped (as far as i remember)

    --- all races in that game can start in any of the available starting cities + starter zones, they have no race-specific personal story (the MSQ is the same for everyone and only differs based on which starting city you chose), they have no voice acting at all outside of grunts, shouts, emotes and reactionary movements (your character basically doesnt speak for the whole game), they nothing that makes a race unique or tied to the game's MSQ (main scenario quest) in a special way → everyone is just the "Warrior of Light" / "Hikari no Senshi" --- 

     see how easy it is to add a new race to another mmorpg that set itself up to make races easily added? now is FF14's way better? not really .. then is GW2's way better? also not.

    on one hand you have a game with a lore-rich playable race that you can easily attach to and immerse yourself into for RP, on the other hand you have a game where it's really easy to just add another flavour to your roster of playable races without the complexity/work_required/etc. associated with the aforementioned. both games can be lore rich it's just the manner of how it's made/presented/etc. and for GW2, it's going to be a lot of work to add another race -- if they want to do it while pleasing all fans --

  13. speaking of capes and quivers, i saw a reddit thread related to this topic.. i mean aside from wanting a simple - stylish quiver, if ArenaNet made something like this, i'd probably start using capes on my characters (i currently don't since i don't like any of the designs nor am i a fan of flames/fire/ice/glowing leds) :


    for more opinions on the design/topic see: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/itrq1s/who_else_wants_a_normal_capecloak_with_no/

    edit: and if you add a nice simple quiver to this design, it would be perfect

  14. @"Arctarius.2649" said:a condi roll can be cool

    a brawler/martial artist can be sort-of (but not really) a condi-dps type too. jabs and strikes to certain weak points/vital points can induce internal bleeding if done with intent and enough power (for example see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2579477/ ) as for how it can translate to GW2 or how to make it unique i am not sure. but bleeding, weakness, torment, and vulnerability are all something that would translate to GW2 from IRL martial arts fighting (with the intent to injure/harm your opponent rather than spar/compete for match)

  15. @Jagblade.4627 said:Tarnished Keys, Ornate Rusted Keys, Essence of Nightmares and Greater nightmare keys. Basically if it currently sits in your inventory and is consumed to open something in the open world, or is any sort of currency, put it in the wallet please.

    add the Aetherkeys and Noran's Chest keys to this.

    i'd argue even fractal encryption keys should go to the wallet too. and just have the Fractal Encryptions check your account wallet if you can open one -- easier too (saves you a few minutes) if you don't have enough shared inventory space and use multiple characters for fractals

  16. @"mondmadlin.5120" said:-Character Creation is a little lackluster, as a human player I am experiencing heavy same face syndrome, while we do have sliders, they are not really enough to make very unique looking faces, the nose shape is pretty much set in stone, hook noses and pointy noses for example are not really possible, among lots of other nose shapes.Generally the facial proportions like cheekbones can be changed very little, not to mention the fact that you cannot really change body proportions at all.

    Suggestion: An improved character creator would be a huge plus for current, new and returning players, especially with the new expansion. More and improved sliders give us more individuality and room for self expression which goes hand in hand with "fashion wars".

    • more sliders for all races is nice (like arm length, leg length, neck length, body mass -- to make a lean~chubby -- beyond the physique types, etc.)
    • a number/position indicator for each slider including existing ones to make it easier to save a look you like or give us a template saving feature for character creation like in FF14 or Archeage
    • for race/gender specific things: beards, makeup, hair accessories -- all seperate
    • hairstyle mirroring
    • more hair dye choices
  17. @Kodama.6453 said:Thief already has the dps spec (deadeye) and the tank spec (daredevil), what is missing is the support spec to make them viable support.

    in pve, daredevil isnt even viable as a tank at best it can just sustain itself via self-heals but in no way can it effectively tank for others. in many cases, daredevil and deadeye are both DPS specs and both lean towards power dps in pve (though you can build for condition damage in pvp)

    what thief is missing: a viable pve condition-damage spec (like how mirage was for mesmers), an aoe/largehitbox oriented dps spec, and a supportive spec (doesn't really have to be a healer, can be something like alacrity renegade -- that would also make us wanted in groups).

    @Kodama.6453 said:You might not want to play a thief as a supportive healer, but that doesn't mean no one wants to.

    it goes both ways actually, it doesn't mean that you and a chunk of the playerbase wanting a healer thief that there isn't anyone from the playerbase who wants another DPS spec (just in a different flavour to DD and DE - condi, aoe, etc.)

    personally i wont mind come the new expansion... whatever thief gets, the community would just live with it.

  18. @Randulf.7614 said:Yes it would be ncie to see ANet interact more, but they wont. They do not wish to communicate or interact extensively with the community - at least on the forums (I understand some are more open on Reddit and Discord though). That is just the way it is - sad, but they obviously have issues with the forums and the forum community.

    one would actually expect that they would interact with the community more here on the forums rather than reddit or discord (since they own/manage this space in the internet). i regularly lurk the gw2 reddit and (outside of official announcements or the like) you do see more random/casual replies by arenanet employees there than here on the forums though still not often/regular -- very seldom actually -- wish they talked and interacted with the community more

  19. dual class-ing like in GW1 is nice for build diversity and may open up more fun playstyles for all professions but it will be one hell of a nightmare to balance

    and as mentioned by DeanBB -- we already have elite specs :)

  20. i know it's fantasy and it's a game -- but if i remember my biology correctly you need to have the same amount of chromosomes (2 haploids) and your genetic material has to be compatible -- amount other things -- to properly produce an offspring and even if you manage to produce an offspring inter-species, it's most likely sterile and unable to reproduce on it's own and thus ending it's lineage before it even started.

    that said, the closest species in GW2, atleast biologically, would probably be Norn and Human (basing it purely on their physiology, appearance, etc.) kinda like how you have a Lion + Tiger = Liger hybrid (but again, it's incapable of reproducing)

    that said throwing all the science away, it'll probably look really weird to have an asura + human.... and a charr + human or norn would probably look like FF14's Hrothgar

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