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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @Ben K.6238 said:Bad pings are only caused by something other than server proximity when the server is actually close. Australia, NZ, and SEA are a very long way from the US servers - western Australia is actually pretty close to the other side of the planet. In the best-case scenario, you can get about 180-200 ms from New Zealand, which has widespread fibreoptic coverage and two high-speed cables to the US West Coast. Everywhere else in the region would be looking at 200-300ms, best case. You can't increase the speed of light with a different ISP.

    I'm one of the lucky ones on around 200ms,

    The servers are in the east coast -- iirc in Ashburn, VA. if the servers were anywhere in the west coast, expect your 200ms ping to go down to 155~180ms range same goes for the rest of OCE and SEA better pings if the servers were in the west coast

  2. @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @"Ultramex.1506" said:People just need to get better, no! I'm not saying this as an elite, but someone who is willing to learn from past mistake to improve, dumbing everything down further won't encourage growth.Having trouble beating an enemy? See what you did wrong and learn the enemy attack pattern, for example: smokescale! Either block or double evade and when it use smoke just lure it out!Although i must say, enemies in HoT are easier with range than melee, except for that frog which has been nerfed

    There is a large segment of the populace (large, not majority..) that likes to be able to stand still in the game in the middle of areas with enemy creatures without dying while they [fill in blank with alt-tab, message friends, check map etc]

    People attach a large significant to dying in game. Because of course reasons.

    There are complaints about the aggro range in PoF maps....

    It truly seems as if people only want to auto attack and not worry about mechanics or focus.

    They just want to move on to the next area.

    PoF aggro range is a bit of pet peeve of mine. It's not at all about difficulty. It's that you can never get out of combat in PoF. There's always another stupid sand eel or forged sniper 2000 units away that for some reason decided it wants to come after you. I don't want things "easier", but I also don't want to be forced to fight 20 mobs due to chain aggro every time I stop to harvest a node!

    I mean I get it. But being an old school RPG player I am conditioned to go to a town or outpost if I want a break..

    Even as an old school RPG player, I never had a constant, continual string of fighting without even a small break. I'm not talking about sorting through the loot and such. Just one fight after another fight after another fight after another fight after..... Not in my RPG experience.

    But do you remember being able to just sit in the map, outside of a town or outpost, and do nothing?

    Maybe I just played bad ones lmao..

    I am not trying to besmirch people for their thoughts... And maybe it has come across like that, it’s just cities, waypoints, etc are there for breaks...

    i played lots of ragnarok online, you can definitely find a safe spot or corner somewhere out in the openworld or in a dungeon where you can sit down to regen your HP and SP (if you were solo and weren't a healer or didn't have a healer party mate) this is also a good time to take a short, 5 to 10minutes break from playing.

    there was still danger though, since mob spawns aren't fixed to a location (the spawns are fixed in number but can spawn anywhere/randomly in the whole map or a wide/predefined area), they weren't anchored to their spawns like in modern mmorpgs (they can freely roam or walk around once spawned), and a few can teleport as part of their idle so there will still be a chance some monster would walk up to you while your character was resting/regen-ing.

  3. @lil muffin.1250 said:

    @lil muffin.1250 said:Furries are a large popu.ation of people who enjoy playing cute animal like races.

    IMO, this is what helps GW2 stand out from the rest of the genre: the decisions to not be like every other MMORPG.

    who cares.. what you think the game needs more players.and actually one of the critics this games gets often is it has ugly races.

    tbh GW2's races are fine, they aren't ugly they're unique. my only real complaint is how asura and female humans have long necks (well this is mostly for asura just a lil bit for f human)

    i came from Final Fantasy 14 before i played Guild Wars 2, and while i miss having Miqo'te and Lalafell around and while they're really really nice to look at, they're pretty much just "human + something" like, "human + horns n scales" for Au Ra. even the newly added Hrothgar is prety much just a feline faced bulky male human (kinda like if you put a charr face on human/norn male) that isn't bad ofcourse and it makes it easier to add a new race and rigging armour sets is easy but it's sorta lazy.

  4. @"Imba.9451" said:I bought the anniversary thingy, but I noticed some packpack/glider-combos to be missing from the selection screen. (For example spellforged)Will this EVER be upgraded to represent the backpacks and gliders that are included in the game after 8 years(wich, considering this was sold for the 8th anniversary, makes sense to me), or rather not?

    they do seem to update it. the lightbinder combo which was released in late 2019 is part of it. the spellforged stuff is relatively new so maybe next year it'll be included

  5. @otto.5684 said:Also, white mantle. Not a single strong mob, but combined between the mesmers and sorcs they are harder than most mob combination in HoT. Branded in groups can also be a pain to fight.

    i hate fighting white mantle. not because they're hard but because they're soo annoying... but still, i don't want them nerfed they serve their purpose and makes destroying their order in the season 3 story much much more fulfilling

  6. @Levinus.6532 said:Hello! I'm kinda new to this kind of thing where you write stuff in some website where you share ideas etc etc.

    hi OP! welcome to the forums. as @"Eekasqueak.7850" said, being a game with 5 races, having a human-centric class would be a little off. also "priests" are also mostly a human thing lore/npc-wise, "Priest of Balthazar", "Priestess of Dwayna".. whereas other races has something like Raven Shaman or Wolf Shaman for norn for example.

    your profession/class concept shows the effort you poured into it but you missed these small details. unless perhaps you change it so if you're a norn for example, instead of human gods it'll be the spirits of the wild.

  7. @Harak.8397 said:On the subject of playable Skritt. Each skritt player would in actuality control a group of 5 skritts just so they know by which end to hold a sword and what to do with it. When you lose 20% of your health, a skritt goes down along with one of your skills and so on until all are downed. ;)

    make it into a pseudo-RTS 1 skritt for example corresponds to weapon skill 1 and utility 6, the other skritt is ws2 and u7, and so on, as for the order and who is assigned to who just let the skritts decide upon it.

  8. you can request for it on this thread again. but there's no guarantee it'll appear as soon as you think (especially that it just came off sale)https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again-merged#latest

    oh and they do read it (and just because they do read it doesn't mean they have to reply and acknowledge each suggestion), if you're wondering see: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1287401/#Comment_1287401

    @Tyler Bearce.3427 said:Hi everyone, I'm one of the curators of the gemstore and I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know that we do actually read through these posts periodically.

  9. @"TristisOris.2165" said:same, already in options.

    currently you can't disable squad nameplates. sure there's an option for "Show All Player Names" but once you join a squad they are forced on regardless of settings. assuming you had character limit to lowest and effects LOD, try turning the checkbox off then run any full meta or worldboss then try leaving the squad mid-event, see the difference. nameplates contribute to machine lag (not network lag)

  10. @lil muffin.1250 said:BUT if they were just sub races of current ones we wouldnt need that.

    not sure if i understand you but by "sub race" you mean something npc-only? like those mordrem-ised sylvari? these are pretty easy to implement if so. but if you want a playable race there's a lot of work even for a "sub race" so it will be unlikely (not saying impossible just a lot of work).

    @lil muffin.1250 said:also add Largos

    they already exist right?

    EDIT: gave it another read, for a sub race, well, the devs can just increase the "option"-choices for races. like give humans a skin-type setting to get the

    @lil muffin.1250 said:humans of utopia with maybe a mechanical twist.

    or more body-types and faces for charr

    @lil muffin.1250 said:charr that are softer and cuter and smaller

  11. the stacking meta is fine, in my opinion it's lazy and nonstrategic yes, but it works.

    few possible ways they can do to remove the stacking meta is to make so boons are shared within screen/camera range of the caster and affect the whole party. heals can be left as-is. make the bosses have frequent random aoes of various distances including around the flanks of the boss and around the 1700~1200 range this will add danger to both melee and ranged classes. give more bosses mechanics that encourage the party to spread out more often or kite around. and finally buff the baseline dps of more ranged weapons/builds/traits to be closer in gap to melee dps but not on par

  12. @Tyncale.1629 said:

    @"Reirli.3817" said:I think they should include warclaw in PvE more, making it where warclaw move slower than raptor normally but move faster than raptor on rough terrain like steep hills (something raptors and beetles aren't good at) it'll be good for running through steep hills, additionally give warclaw a momentary superspeed skill. Would be a fun addition!

    i think the jackal doesnt have this issue.

    I must be doing something wrong with the Jackal, it gets stuck on boulders that my raptor would easily jump over. It seems it can barely negotiate any height at all. It is impossible to gain height during one of its jumps, right?

    yeah that's why i said "i think" :P .. boulders and stumps yeah probably if your approach after blinking is not over the obstacle (like you didnt jump before blinking) but steep inclines are not really an issue iirc but i should go unlazy myself and test to be sure.

    edit:both raptor and jackal didnt have any issues crossing/climbing decently steep inclines in kessex if you used a jumping dash on either and used a good approach angle. you can get stuck if you approached the incline and collided with a _/ ͞ face of the hill.. that said, the warclaw can be like the OP's idea, can be a tanky mount (since it has armour plates?) or can be a rental mount for new players like that other thread about how to make new players not feel left out if they don't have a mount


  13. another pointless idea (because we have waypoints and mounts): public transportation. classic mmorpg feels. i enjoyed boat rides in ff11 and the airship rides in ragnarok online.

    we can have an underground subway in kaineng city if it's big enough in gw2's representation ( since kaineng is supposed to cover nearly 1/3 of cantha https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Cantha_unexplored_map.jpg ).

  14. the no mounting/gliding restrictions on jumping puzzles is fine for me but invisible walls anywhere aren't. if it's the absolute border of the zone (where the zone/map literally ends and you just see an endless amount of water) they can just add a pushback system like you see in the sea/ocean parts of certain maps (like in orr, sandswept isles, etc.).

  15. @"kharmin.7683" said:Well, that shows how often I look in the LFG panel!

    yeah partly, it's underused because there wasn't a section for it before (not completely sure when they added it to LFG) and that we're never pointed to it or there's no tooltip/help thingy to tell players: "we have an in-game guild recruitment tab in the LFG menu"

    EDIT: as of this writing even the wiki isnt updated for it, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Looking_For_Group.jpg && https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Looking_For_Group#Categories

  16. @"Reirli.3817" said:I think they should include warclaw in PvE more, making it where warclaw move slower than raptor normally but move faster than raptor on rough terrain like steep hills (something raptors and beetles aren't good at) it'll be good for running through steep hills, additionally give warclaw a momentary superspeed skill. Would be a fun addition!

    i think the jackal doesnt have this issue.

    maybe make the pve warclaw tougher? can take much much more of a beating before you get dismounted compared to being on a raptor/jackal/beetle/springer

    that'd make it the "tanky" mount.

  17. @"kingofdeath.4920" said:So like is necromancer in a good spot right now in PVE and in raid ?

    it's not meta in raids or t4 fractals but it's decently accepted you just have to do decent dps so practise at the training golem (would be nice if you had ArcDPS too it helps a lot) -- read the guide for the builds to understand the rotation (why this skill goes first, what if it's on CD, the priorities, etc.)

    for raids check out:https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/necromancer/reaper/power/https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/necromancer/scourge/condition/https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/necromancer/scourge/heal/

    for fractals check out:https://discretize.eu/builds/necromancer/power-reaper

    for dungeons, openworld pve, tier 1~3 fractals: necro is more than fine :)

    for WvW and PvP i hear scourge is nice so you'll be mostly fine as necro wherever you go

  18. repeating a few suggestions from others and listing some of my own (again):

    • option for selective player effects ( self only / party only / squad only / all )
    • option to turn off name plates/name tags and health bars for squad ( party is fine )
    • option to change the crosshair (to a different shape like a cross or angle) and colour of crosshair ( red/green/blue/white/cyan/orange/etc. ) in Action Camera Mode
    • option to turn off other player's infusions and backpacks
    • option to change in-game mouse cursor to use OS cursor/gw2 cursor/custom cursor
    • a /changepose for sitting and weapon idles and/or other applicable emotes
    • option for previously viewed cutscenes to be auto-skipped ( on / off )
  19. for my main mmorpgs, i went from:ragnarok online (2005, but i still login here and there) ⇒ final fantasy 14 (2014, hw 2015) ⇒ guildwars 2 (late 2016) ⇒ FF14: Stormblood (2017) + gw2: PoF (latter part 2017 then whole of 2018) ⇒ sw: the old republic (2019) ⇒ guildwars 2 (2020) ... each one of these replaced the former except during 2017 when i juggled 14 and gw2 lol. tried lots of MMORPGs/RPGs in between these games (to list a few: Guild Wars 1, Diablo 3, ROSE, Rift, Dragon's Prophet, Icarus Online, BDO, Archeage, Skyforge, Destiny 2) but none of them were able to replace the mmos i listed above. still, guild wars 2 is the only mmorpg i kept coming back to... since i discovered it, there's just something about the game i can't explain but really draws me in and makes me want to come back if i ever leave it. it's not the horizontal progression and definitely not the fashion (im not really a fan of the shiny-glow meta) so im not sure but i am definitely hooked into gw2 one way or another. the only other non-mmorpg games i play on the side is Path of Exile and Starbound

  20. @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:Being able to flag up would be great. Honestly, the open world maps are fantastic and PvPing on them just would be an entirely different experience to WvWvW and sPvP.

    Maybe with the new expansion (presumably) being in Cantha, we would have the Kurzik and Luxon guilds move into Tyria - people could flag up as either as Kur or a Lux and go ham on the other team while flagged up and in the open world.

    It wouldn't effect anyone else. I don't think there should be penalties for killing or dying - GW2 isn't really that experience.

    Though, maybe there could be a reward track - where making a kill on the opposing faction gives you points towards a reward track.

    except that there are no more kurzicks and luxons left to fight each other. they've all since been defeated and united under one empire


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