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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @"Cynder.2509" said:I experience this multiple times a day that people just harass me by following/chasing me or obnoxiously standing beside me every time I try to move places or constantly run me over which all makes me very uncomfortable.It even goes as far that I get harrassment texts sent through other mediums aside from the game because I blocked them.This game has sadly become very stressing for since about 3 years because these days people only care about showing off everything and judge those (like me) who don't show off even though when having all that legendary and prestigious kitten such as legendary armor, weapons, backpacks, raid skins, titles and more. I hate to always have to justify myself to everyone only because I'm not an obnoxious showoff like them and actually care about other aspects of the game such as the lore that every character has a backstory and also an appearance fitting to their stories instead of clustering characters in such obnoxious effects. It seems like nobody of fellow veterans who are playing for 8 years (such as myself) here is playing for fun anymore...I don't know but it really makes me anxious and insecure about myself and I tend to get panic attacks nearly every time.I just wish for a proper report option for harassment and a away to keep those people away and to never come across them ever again once I blocked them at least.Also I wish for a proper report function for lfg so that I can report slurs or sexual stuff in lfg descriptions because in the recent time this has become a big problem.Nearly every kitten time I take a look into lfg I see kitten like that and it makes me really think what this community has become.

    they may be "attracted" to you because of various things like how you look, where you afk, or people you associate with.... you can try changing your routine (if you always hanged around DR/LA, change cities) or try changing your wardrobe style (if you have a theme to go with, you can surely find another look that conforms) basically if you "stood out" from the rest, try "blending in" and see if they stop.

    block, report (where applicable) and move on.

  2. @"Deadly Moonshiner.1354" said:Just seen a mesmer called Dulfy from The Descendents Of Gwen [Gwen] guild at Drizzlewood meta (EU). Few of us greeted her, but no response.

    So, is Dulfy back or it is some imposter?

    well it does look like one of her characters ( based on one of the last posts on her site http://dulfy.net/2019/03/05/gw2-defiant-glass-weapon-skins-gallery/ )

    it could be her or an impostor, who knows? but regardless we should just respect her/their right to privacy and she/anyone isn't required to reply if they don't want to be disturbed or talked to for whatever reasons. let's just hope that maybe she'll make a comeback one day -- her guides were one of the best.

  3. @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    • Story progress should probably be account based (other than the PS) since the episodes are repeatable anyway maybe not for this suggestion. some episodes like in season 2 or HoT give black lion keys see: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Chest_Key#Rewarded_by while some give craftable collection things for free (like those Auric Weapons) 

       @Einlanzer.1627 said:80 levels feels like far too many. Imagine if the game had the exact same stat spread and took roughly the same amount of time to reach the cap, but that was compressed to 40 or 50 levels instead of 80 regarding levels, the 80 levels we have now is fine, though you can even compress it to a max of 20 like in gw1 and it'll still be ok with the horizontal gearing/progression gw2 uses (well, as mentioned by @Randulf.7614 , things like dynamic events and personal story might break lol) @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    • LW1 still not being present in the game in any significant form is a huge issue with a presumed influx of new players that will be forced to skip all the content that introduced most the major characters and so forth. It's hard for me to understand how they have not figured out a simpler way to do at least parts of it in 6 years. this i agree with. i had a friend (who only played gw2 for the story until PoF) who was like, "who are these people? why are we friends?" when they started Season 2 a few days after finishing the personal story.. i was like "weren't they mentioned in the Season 1 recap?" and they were like "oh... oh yeah for like a few seconds.. uhhh". the season 1 recap could be better, either in the form of a better video/flashback or something interactive like a special instance and you view memories of what happened during season 1 per episode by interacting with a hologram version of a significant NPC/character/object of that event all within the aforementioned special instance.
  4. @"shawnps.5061" said:It seems the bobblehead trolling is getting worse. I've stopped doing the cache keepers in drizzlewood because someone regularly drops a bobblehead novelty in the middle of the chests. It's now happening on drizzlewood section completions with the lord chests. Of course there is no way to know who dropped it so it can't be reported, and while it's trolling, it's not a violation of gameplay. It just sucks and takes away from map events. Wouldn't a straightforward solution be to prevent novelties from being placed within a certain radius of interactive map items like chests? That way those that enjoy novelties can continue to do so but it would eliminate the enjoyment some folks get from tricking people into clicking on them.

    while not a "fix", you can try binding a key to "Target: Next Ally" and stand next to the chest keep pressing it til your target focuses on the chest, then press F / use -- that should help you go around the trolling and carry on with your business

    (this also works for food and 2~3 banners stacked on top of each other and you being unable to use one or the other)

  5. @"Hellissane.3041" said:I want to play GW2, but i definitely don't want to play the "old and broken" GW2. So i'm kinda stuck on being unable to decide - thats why i need your opinion on the points from the original post. :)

    to sum it up, especially if you took a peek on to that catchup website, there's been a lot of QoL (quality of life) changes/fixes to GW2 that makes it a much better game to play than what it was during launch. lots of convenience fixes.

  6. @Hellissane.3041 said:

    I dint consider the thread done, as nobody still commented on structured pvp. But so far PvE/WvW seems promising.

    from the limited information i gather from complaints and posts here made by people who pvp, it seems there's a botting and cheater (ability hacks) issue in pvp recently. now i have no idea how often you'd meet these types but they seem to be confined to pvp only, pve doesn't have them but i do hear wvw has them in very very small numbers but nothing that'd have an impact on wvw.

  7. @TristisOris.2165 said:

    @maddoctor.2738 said:if it works on PC, then it can work on the new consoles.it doesn't work that way.

    i think he meant hardware-wise the ps5 meets or exceeds GW2's requirements to run on a machine. ofcourse you just can't slap gw2-64.exe on a ps5 and run it. completely different OS, environment, apis.

    gw2 source needs to be re-compiled into ps5 binaries. the assets can remain the same. -- doing all of these whether worth it or not, is another thing entirely.(i honestly wouldn't mind a console version, even if i have no plans of getting a ps5 at all, especially if it means we may finally get proper controller support for pc gw2)

  8. @"Hellissane.3041" said:Please do advice me honestly how those changed, if at all, since I've been away.The Good

    • Daily activities - I really loved the fact that the game has a solid, but balanced, amount of daily things that could be done and be worth while. Back then that was 1-2 hours of daily achievements, jumping puzzles, once per day dungeon awards, etc. dailies are still here 
    • Large array of Jumping puzzles - enjoyable by itself to speedrun, the daily rewards were just a motivation to do them on a daily basis. Especially fun in WvW where often you'd fight with someone on the platforms. depending on when you left, there's a chunk of new jumping puzzles for you to do. 
    • Guild events - my memory is fuzzy about this one, but at some point guilds could do some kind of weekly(?) events together that yielded unique rewards.
    • Legendaries - When nothing else left to do, these always kept one busy. still the same for these two 
    • Gems - And the gem shop was full with fun things. 100 gems were fairly easily acquired. Everyone had different methods of obtaining gold for gems, but lets say normal resource farm and selling to TP. Buying jems would yield 100 gems per 1-3 hours of farming. I.e. any gem shop item is just 1-2 days of farm.

    as of this writing, gold > gems are more expensive now about 38~42 gold for 100 gems depending on time and how the exchange rate was affected by the recent gem sales and gem > gold conversions 


    The Bad

    • Complete lack of profession balance - here were always these 1-2 classes that completely couldn't do anything in one of the game play modes(PvE dungeons, structured PvP, WvW) and also 1-2 classes that completely dominated outperformed the others. there's a viable build for every profession for PvE atleast. with ArcDPS around, you wont be kicked for being a "non-meta build" if you do good and can be kicked for being a "meta build" if you perform very poorly/terribad For the 1 year of my gameplay i remember the ranger to completely absent in higher ranked structured PvP or WvW roam. The few rangers that attempted it were prey to be immediately attacked. Or the elementalist, being the worst for dungeons, as he had quite low damage and many people outright shooed elementalists from their parties.The fact that ANet added insane balance patches that completely shifted the "1-2" meta didn't help, things were going from one extreme to another.In PvP the appearance of "sky" maps also didn't help where people build their characters entirely for the single purpose to push you off the edge. And naturally some professions were better at that than others.WvW Lag and "Haste" - this was an often occurrence during WvW in the busy hours of the day. When commanders gather dozens of people under them and multiple commanders clash the game would lag very badly, people scatter due to the lag the game would try to compensate the it, causing normal attacks and npc guards to have 2-5 times normal movement and attack rate and you'd literally suicide if you try to attack a npc-guarded camp during a server haste.Lack of structured PvP variety and competitiveness - back when i played it was only 1 game mode with variations on the side things that could the main goal. It had more limited cusomization than WvW/PvE - all your gear was 1 amulet with set stats. The lack of rewards didn't help - none of the achievements had rewards iirc. Many people didn't find it fun and it showed. I remember reaching top 100 EU leaderboard without even trying - was just messing around with random groups. I quit it myself not long after. no comment about pvp/wvw since i barely touch those. 
    • Too easy PvE - back then there was only 3 things to do in PvE - world, dungeons and fractals non of which was challenging. People even soloed Dungeons. And i've literally made a all-dungeon(every single in the game) run in a single day. The only "challenging" PvE was to farm legendaries. there's raids and strikes now. 
    • PvE lag - it was rare enough, but very nasty when it happened in the wrong time. If you were in a dungeon, you literally had to quit the run and wait for the lag go away. Which could take minutes or hours. still here and much worse on Season 4 and Icebrood zones until they fix it (which they mentioned they're working on it) 
    • Empty servers during the quiet hours - want to do a dungeon in 8 AM? Sorry, no people around to do that.
    • Unstable economy - Temporary content completely disallowed the economy to be stable. The even the most common resources jumped up and down in prices 2-6 times with every appearance/disappearance of some temploary content. Not to mention that items of past events were tradable, but unavailable outside of trading and they gained ridiculous prices after a time. Also the meta changes in professions every 3 months didn't help when you have to spend a week to reequip a single of your N characters with new sigils or even a entirely new gear. For me that was the last straw when i quit the game. I waited for Halloween items and waited patiently for Halloween to reappear only to realize the items are not returning and just jumped 4 times in price in TP. megaservers fix these issues. basically your server only matters for WvW now, anywhere else, pvp/pve/openworld only being in NA or EU makes a difference. 

    Please do give your opinion. How did those things change and should i consider coming back. give GW2 another try, you wont lose anything by coming back anyway :) if you don't feel like sticking around after returning that's fine too, but now's a good time to catch up with the new expansion coming in about a year from now ~ 

  9. @kingofdeath.4920 said:I also heard there's new game mode call strikes mission. Is it fun to do that or not

    fun is subjective. for some easy and being able to do whatever or come as whatever and still clear is fun, for some challenging content is fun and trivial stuff is boring.

    there are only 2 strikes as of this writing that require you to actually know whats going on to not die/fail it. they are harder but can be cheesed if your group knows the tricks and may require certain builds to be present for the group to have an easier time.

    all the other strikes are fairly/relatively easy when compared and are pretty much doable with any class/build and player skill level.

  10. @Jilora.9524 said:As for TP these would be like 1c as I bet we all have a little hoard just in case and no one even newish players have difficulty in acquiring these as the drop rates are way higher then release so new players can catch up

    i think so too, but even then 1 or 3 copper per piece price is still better than 0 ... or better yet just make it so NPC would take them for copper (much faster to sell too)

  11. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @"Astyrah.4015" said:im all for a Guild Wars 3 -- one that doesn't invalidate any progress done in Guild Wars 2 -- all while having a new engine (with updated assets), new campaign ("full game" length and not "expansion"/"dlc" length), new game modes (or revamped WvW), new races and new professions

    That was the hope we GW1 players had when GW2 was announced. Tough luck, we got a completely different game instead.

    So, do I want a GW3? - Not as as long as the suggested and welcome changes can instead be implemented into GW2.

    tbh im fine with just keeping GW2 and not having a GW3 at all. i only said that if a GW3 is announced/likely but as it is right now it's too early to tell and may not even happen at all (as i mentioned in my original comment). MMORPGs, assuming they don't run out of money, tend to have a long service life, so GW2 can keep on going with just updates to content/expansions and maybe better rendering/optimisation.

  12. @"jokke.6239" said:I haven't played Guild Wars 1, so maybe i'm wrong,

    this should give you an idea: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Timeline

    Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall happened nearly simultaneously see year 1072 and year 1075

    so your story if you started at Cantha (Factions) what you're doing is happening at the same time as players who started their story in Ascalon (Prophecies) and all 3 campaigns connected to Eye of the North expansion which happened in 1078, hence BlackLotus calling EotN a "true expansion" the first three GW1 games were basically 3 stories happening at nearly the same time

  13. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @Astyrah.4015 said:Tengu used to have history in Cantha so they should be ok too...

    Tengu were forcefully removed from Cantha, because the humans (or at least their emperor) were not okay with them.If Arenanet is going to even slightly touch the topic of Canthan xenophobia, Tengu will still not be welcome.

    i included them (Tengu) since they could serve as a guide at the very least but yeah, probably they would not be welcome still -- but it's probably not as bad as having Charr (not including Charr players) on the first party to arrive where they could be met with more hostility (given Charr's bad history with humans before GW2)

  14. not counting the player's race, Marjory and Kasmeer, and maybe Canach + a few Tengu NPC (any named/non named)

    since the Canthans have booted out all non-humans and being isolated for so long im pretty sure if they ever opened up again, the first party to visit should have at least 2 humans on it for peace of mind, they wouldn't know/be aware of Sylvari so Canach should be fine and Tengu used to have history in Cantha so they should be ok too... they would be pretty wary of Charr for example so maybe Rytlock can follow up later once the others have settled there and updated the region about the happenings in Tyria.

  15. having timers on non-meta non-worldboss, regular events would be hard to have on a tracker since they vary greatly per zone instance, per pre-required event cleared-time (if applicable -- also some events have no time/countdown and can stall forever unless completed), etc.

    though some events are pretty regular and occur within 10~15 minutes each time regardless if the last one failed or cleared but would still vary by zone instance.

    my suggestion is when looking out for events, have your minimap as big as you are comfortable with and zoom it out fully, that way when an event is nearby you can easily see where it is on you minimap (some events show up on the minimap far away but not on the full map)

  16. @Mindbender.9632 said:Bottles of Airship OilPile of Auric dust,

    i probably have like 2000 of these each in the bank on top of the 1000s in my material storage... no use for them since i have no interest in legendaries (don't like their looks/too shiny) and the guilds im part of are either too low or already maxed so i cant dump the stuff in the guild treasury.

    i started destroying/discarding the new ones i get... wish i could sell them all on the TP instead

  17. @Laila Lightness.8742 said:

    @"AdamWarlord.6782" said:Edit: This post is to voice a percentage of player base's opinion(may it be a minority, majority, or even just me) on HoT including mine.
    I have nothing less than love for the game Devs and the community
    . I have been playing for 2-3 years atleast, and have played some GW1 back in the day. Im not just throwing shade on the HoT content.
    I am trying to voice my opinion and my experience in a straightforward manner.

    Alright, so i just finished up my online classes and studies for my upcoming third year exams and I sit to do my daily completion of a legendary, going on for weeks now. As you can understand, i don't have more than maybe 2-3 hours to play at best. Completion of Eternity and other core legendary weapons took time, but atleast it was doable without frustration and having "fun". When it comes to HoT, I don't know what i am even doing. I am trying to go around the map 90% of the time trying not to die because the floor minion mobs are so OVERPOWERED. I have been playing the game for 2 years, and i have avoided HoT every chance i got because of the same exact reasons i am about to mention.
    1. Its very hard to see, hate the map design and how dark it is in 70% of the places.
    2. Lags way too much on my mid end laptop.
    3. Floor mobs are wayy too overpowered and feel like boss mobs.
    4. Hence because of the same reason above, VERY hard to level up the masteries.
    5. Why do masteries you ask? Because there are wayy too many hero points and other aspects of the completion of HoT, which require doing them. Which sucks.
    6. I can't Solo 50% of the hero points, being a max reaper.
    8. I actually start to rage(sorry for caps above) playing guild wars 2, which is 90% of the time fun, except when i play HoT.
    9. And due to the above reasons i mentioned above, I actually can feel better playing DARK SOULS than HoT.

    I also get why they would be reluctant to nerf the mobs more and bring some player driven balance , but atleast 50% if not more gamers are casual on gw2 and want to play not to rage but to have a good time, i don't mind taking months to get my legendary, BUT ATLEAST let the process be fun. I don't want to get grabbed by a rip off stegosaurus while i'm on my raptor and get 2 shot with 22k health. Any balance, related to player level, or player-online time based balance on mobs, a bit more lighting in HoT maps, a bit more of anything. I get HoT is a very old expansion and that Cantha is coming. But atleast respect your players who are trying their hardest to stick to the game and trying to voice their opinions for a change. And of-course please try providing it. Alright! Back to returning to a checkpoint which takes me halfway across the map from the hero point i just died on, and try to re attempt it with broken armor, because there is no repair station nearby, and i don't have a million repair canisters because i'm a casual.

    Edit: I realized they have nerfed the difficulty once, i can't imagine what the mobs were like.Edit: I get where most of you all are coming from, But as i said, its my opinion and many other casual gamers opinion on the content. Leading to a player driven balance, not a balance for everyone.

    What do you all challenge haters pretend of this game? To be a walk in the park? Do you want anet to turn mobs into freaking paintings? Havn't you had enough with core tyria beeing so freaking easy? do you want mobs to become static with no attack or interaction whatsoever? This is the mentality that drove anet to the mess they are in now, with no clear direction and all sort of players leaving, first they lost almost all pvpers, now they are loosing hardcore pvers, soon they will only have open world bots running around playing for a few months and quitting out of boredom, and all of the ones playing fashion wars standing still in the bank...

    its pretty easy: we liked core, and thats what we want MORE of...not something ENTIRELY DIFFERENTquitting the game AFTER you played it, out of BOREDOM, is still better than quitting BEFORE the endif you made a meal for all you friends, and they all put down the fork after one bite, it prolly wasnt that greatbut if they clear the table in record time, and ask for MORE, then it has the quality, that people wil PAY for

    Iknow ppl who thought core was to hard should we nerf it down

    can just turn gw2 into an interactive visual novel, that way everyone can play -- no one loses /sarcasm

  18. incase you missed it:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1319801/#Comment_1319801

    @Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    @Forbidden Virtue.1089 said:Does this mean after this expantion it's over? That the story is done?

    No, this does not mean the end of the story. I'm not going to give you spoilers, but all of our Living World seasons have been building toward this. We've been working on this for a long time. In the meantime, we’re having lots of fun reading all your ideas about where the story is heading. Speculate away!

    we may or may not get another expansion. but the story will definitely still continue atleast... and given gw2's age i think we might see 1~3 more expansions if they ever do decide to make more

  19. @"Shiine.7391" said:I wasn't sure where else to post this, But I do need to get into contact with a GM or a Dev. I have had some serious accusations thrown against me, on an RP server. None of it In Character interactions. These are serious OOC allegations, and it's causing a issue in my personal life now. Some assistance would be appriciated ASAP. Otherwise I will take further action due to negligence on ANET's Part. Sorry if this sames angry, or toxic. But, it's becoming a serious problem, and I'd like to see it dealt with.

    if this is a true story then: sign in here and file a support ticket regarding harassment ingame (Choose the category: "Report a Player").https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us

    attach all evidence you can gather (video/screenshots/screenshots of chats/people involved), if credible enough they may take action. do note that if there's also things that occured outside the game (such as in a social network or discord server) ArenaNet may not factor those in your issue and may only consider what occured in-game.

    edit: support also prioritises certain tickets (such as login issues -- which are one of the priority tickets / <24hour response), so your issue may or may not take 24hours (max of around 3 days) before you get a response.

    some reminders again:

    • file your issue/ticket in the proper category or else you will be asked to create a new ticket and you will be put at the end of the queue
    • don't use a vpn when filing a ticket or else you will be asked to create a new ticket with your local isp and you will be put at the end of the queue
    • don't file duplicate tickets because they will get merged and put at the end of the queue
  20. @kharmin.7683 said:The content shouldn't dictate the profession one needs to play. All professions should be able to manage through it, perhaps some easier than others. Yes, content can (and arguably should?) make a player change their build or concept of their character to have an easier time, but it shouldn't be merciful to one or two professions at the cost of the others.

    tbh i use builds meant for fractals and the only time i actually had to change a build in anywhere in PvE was when joining the Mad King Labyrinth Festival farm-trains to focus on mobility traits and doing less damage to allow everyone to get credit on kills/events

  21. im all for a Guild Wars 3 -- one that doesn't invalidate any progress done in Guild Wars 2 -- all while having a new engine (with updated assets), new campaign ("full game" length and not "expansion"/"dlc" length), new game modes (or revamped WvW), new races and new professions

    they can call it Guild Wars 3 or GW2: Remastered or whatever but i don't see it coming anytime soon (if at all -- or maybe some 5+ years later who knows)

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