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Mor The Thief.9135

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Everything posted by Mor The Thief.9135

  1. Weren't those the weekly tasks though? And pretty sure it had more tasks there since there's a scroll bar in the picture.
  2. The thing is we don't know if we can get the same VALUE of rewards. It could be lower or it could be higher even, but the main issue is we don't know, and Anet is not willing to inform us of that.
  3. If the default amount (by spreading AA on Clovers/Coins/Laurels) would net you the same amount of rewards we currently get from daily login, no one will complain, aside from the people who actually have 20+ alt accounts.
  4. People keep saying Anet could have given us new stuff by charging us. What about TAKING stuff away and charging for it so we get it back? (the whole Legendary Runes shenanigans, to a much lesser degree thankfully, so I don't mind it as much) Don't get me wrong, I like the new system, but integrating the Daily login into it means there should be close to no loss from doing so. Otherwise it's a net loss for everyone, whether we like the new system or not. What if I just don't have as much time to grind? Should I not play a MMO that I enjoy playing as a result? You forget that GW2 is lauded as one of the most friendly MMO in the genre.
  5. I myself have only the 1 account I bought since GW2 launch, and the only concern I have is losing out on daily login rewards since I've not got as enough time as I used to. It was confirmed that we will still have those, only question is if we get the same/increased/reduced amount of it.
  6. Never said it was, was just saying a highly likely possibility of how Anet is gonna handle the lost/gained/not-changed rewards just from daily login.
  7. Another thing that is highly likely going to happen is that Mystic Coins/Clovers and Laurels will have a monthly limit to how many you can buy, that way they can literally limit alt-farmers to have the same amount of rewards as before, while not affecting regular players.
  8. I actually like the fact that Login rewards can be bought with Astral Acclaim. That way people can focus on certain materials instead of spreading it out. i.e. buying only Mystic Coins/Clovers and therefore in a higher amount since not buying Laurels. EDIT: That's assuming the amount of Acclaim we get just by login would let us buy the same amount of Clovers/Coins/Laurels we would have gotten otherwise.
  9. Many thanks for answering one of the main questions people have asked here regarding Legendary Runes->Legendary Relics progression. If I may, can we get some estimate on how much of additional progress towards Legendary Relic will we get depending on how many Legendary Runes crafted? i.e. crafting all 7 Legendary Runes will give us something like above 50% progress towards Legendary Relic whilst crafting 1-2 will only net something like 5%-20%? Not asking for exact values, just estimates/range...
  10. IMO the best "compensation" for both old and new Legendary Runes owners is to just unlock Legendary Relic via a collection that will require 7 (6 would have been fine though) Legendary Runes to complete. It's both easier to implement and doesn't require making unnecessary steps like visiting NPCs or getting new items only for the sake of collection. NOTE: This doesn't include the waiting for Legendary Relic to be available. I will just assume that it will take them that much time to implement it, as long as it's ASAP and not god knows how long we will have to wait. EDIT: Doing so will also prevent an unnecessary gold sink by making it so you don't need to spend gold and/or materials to craft an, arguably and effectively, 8th Legendary Rune. The only downside is that some people would probably prefer having just Legendary Relic over any number of Legendary Runes. EDIT2: Another option to the idea of giving a Legendary Relic via collection by crafting the max amount of Legendary Runes is to give players some of the materials needed for crafting Legendary Relic for each Legendary Rune crafted with all 7 Legendary Runes crafted giving the entirety of the materials needed to craft Legendary Relic. This gives players that want Legendary Relic without crafting Legendary Runes the option to instead of crafting Legendary Runes to get a Legendary Relic, they can instead just farm the materials for crafting Legendary Relic they would have otherwise gotten from crafting Legendary Runes. The downside is that people that craft Legendary Relic first and then craft Legendary Runes will have materials without any use, unless there will be an option to convert or sell those materials...
  11. Rubi, sorry to say but being vague in the blog post regarding the "significant progress" is disheartening, not to mention that we also need to wait at least 6 months if going by the 2024 quarterly update just to get that "significant progress" towards something that was taken away from us.
  12. The only question I have regarding this is how much of this "significant progress" will be and the degree of difficulty of filling out that progress... EDIT: Depending on the degree of the "compensation" it may either be a "fine we'll take it" situation or an "are you kittening kidding me?!" situation. Not to mention having to wait at least 4 months from what is implied in the blog post. It really shows this was handled extremely poorly.
  13. Another issue with this whole fiasco is the fact that SOMEHOW they forgot Legendary Runes existed until us players pointed it out, and that's even though they didn't forgot Legendary gear existed since they're releasing open world Legendary PvE armor. That's at least what most people here garnered from Rubi's post. Like how many devs saw the upcoming Relic system and gave it the go-ahead without the insight on the repercussions it can have on Legendary Runes? Or did they actually knew about it and seriously think people wouldn't be mad about it?
  14. Some people say it's fine that Anet is removing the 6th stat bonus from Runes and putting it into Relics while many (including myself) are not happy with it. Let me say this: if Anet would have just removed the 6th stat bonus entirely instead of transferring it to a Relic and not release Relics in the first place, you can be kitten sure that no one would be as upset about it as that would be a direct nerf (you could say) for the sake of balance, instead of nerfing for the sake of selling "new" artificial progress. Sure people would be upset that they got nerfed, but they won't be as upset that they got nerfed only to need to "unnerf" by re-farming whatever they had before said nerf. Instead I would rather Relics to be a whole new thing IN ADDITION to the current state of Runes. Maybe it will be a powercreep, but at least no one would be "nerfed" just for the sake of new stuff that just has what people had before it was even released.
  15. For the love of all that is good, please let us be able to unlock the new Obsidian skins without having to craft their Legendary Armor, just like how PvP and WvW can unlock their "Legendary" skins by crafting the ascended versions, and upgrade those to Legendary for the full Legendary funcions! Many of us crafted Raid Legendary Armor, which is to say the least not an easy task and many people (inlcluding myself) have said time and again that the Raid Legendary Armor skins aren't the most good looking armors (looking at you, Medium Perfected Envoy Armor). Now we get actually good looking armors (that Medium Obsidian Armor is an absolute eye-candy) that are also (most likely) easier to get, but them being Legendary (and most likely easier to get) invalidates all the hard work of people who already made Raid Legendary Armor that has less than wanted skins only to now have an (not really) arguably better looking Legendary Armor (that is most likely easier to get). TL;DR: Make the upcoming Obsidian Legendary Armor the same as PvP/WvW Armor and let us unlock its skin without having to upgrade to Legendary, like having the precursor unlock the skin and upgrading that will just add the Legendary functionality to the skin.
  16. Small suggestion to make Raid Legendary Armors a bit more accessible (only from 2nd set onwards): So I've been playing GW2 since its launch and got to experience pretty much everything the game has to offer, including its raids. I've even managed to make the Medium and Heavy Raid Legendary Armor sets. However since some time ago I've played the game mostly on and off, because for various reason like new games coming out, work, etc. etc.. Because of that I no longer have a dedicated raid group and am mostly using LFG to do raids. With the release of Legendary Armory, one of my end-game goals is getting a full roster of Legendary Gear, as in 2 of each weapon types, all 6 Legendary Trinkets, enough Legendary Runes and Sigils to cover pretty much everything and as you might have guessed, 3 different Legendary Armor weights. As most people know, getting a set of Raid Legendary Armor from the 2nd onwards takes DOUBLE the amount of total raid bosses/events that was required for the 1st set (thankfully it doesn't increase further than that). Considering how "hard" it is to get those Legendary Insights without a dedicated raid group, that last set of Raid Legendary Armor seems like an extremely far goal. Therefore I've come up with a minor suggestion to make it a bit easier for everyone that want to work on their 2nd or 3rd Raid Legendary Armor and make that (my) end-game goal seem a little more reachable. The suggestion is as follows: after one had unlocked their first Raid Legendary Armor set, it will be possible to spend a certain amount of Raid Currency (Magnetite Shards or Gaeting Crystals) for 1 Legendary Insight (say 100 Shards or Crystals for 1 Legendary Insight?). With the release of Legendary Armory and for those that make use of it, using Ascended gear has become an obsolete concept and the only use for those now is just getting their skins, which is a one time thing for any one item. Because of that the only real use for those Raid Currencies is just getting Minis for those unlucky enough to not get them to drop (need to be really unlucky to have it happen) and getting those Cosmetic Infusions to use or to just sell on TP for some extra gold. What that suggestion does affect is it makes it easier to make Coalescence for the people that made their first Raid Legendary Armor set, compared to people that haven't. HOWEVER the more "easier" part is extremely minor considering it's already possible to exchange Legendary Insights with Legendary Divinations (and vice-versa), therefore at most it will be possible to make Coalescence a few weeks earlier, considering it requires the same amount of Legendary Divinations (which again can be exchanged to from Legendary Insights) as the 1st Raid Legendary Armor set. What the suggestion does mostly is just give an extra short-term purpose to Raid Currencies for the people that want to get a decked out Legendary Armory, and to make it a bit easier for those people. And le'ts face it, those people kind of deserve it, consdering how hard, time consuming and expensive it is to reach that kind of goal. Also considering there is a weekly limit to how much of the Raid Currencies one can get, at most it shortens the time to get the needed amount of Legendary Insights/Divinations by a few weeks. Now some people may ask: Why not go for WvW or PvP Legendary Armor for your 3rd set? My main reason is because I really like how the Raid Legendary Armors work with their non-battle to battle morphing modes, and I also like how they look in general.
  17. In my case I actually prefer Staff Mastery over Havoc because then having Endurance is not an issue and therefore can take the Physical Skills trait for more Fist Flurry and having the Elite Physical Skill Marginally better than Basilisk because of lower CD. Also usually doing so will result in me having better DPS than most pugs because rotation is much more forgiving.
  18. What's the point of having the option to choose the 2 new tracks if commendations don't go to them?
  19. Like almost all of the ideas. BUT there is one major problem that irks the crap out of me. There is almost no trait that boosts up DPS in a decent way. It would have been fine if the spec would be more support only like the Druid, but from what I see it's more like a combination of the two (leaning more towards support) and you can't even choose between support and DPS. The weapon skills are suited more to DPS, while utility are fine for either DPS and support, while the traits are more than 75% support and some "kinda DPS". (even Scrapper with its shoddy DPS options, at least got the option to choose between DPS and support/tank with more clear options between the two) For example, instead of the increased range on sword skills "Void Release" trait you could instead make it give more power/ferocity when using an off-hand sword instead, you can even remove that strike in an area part since those attacks should cleave anyways (don't want to go back to the times dagger auto didn't cleave), just the increased power/ferocity is more than enough to make that trait much more viable. That's just my opinion though. Other than that, the spec ideas sounds super fun and would love to try this if such a thing would be possible (please Anet) tl;dr: if you want the spec to be support, then make its weapon skills more support oriented, otherwise make it possible to spec either and not force both at the same time while also giving clear options between the two. (I want to do good DPS in a raid with a dual-sword thief :cold_sweat: )
  20. Condi thieves usually use Viper and not Grieving although Grieving is indeed a good condi stat combination. Aside from that I see no issue with what you wrote.
  21. Most of those PvP/WvW only buffs would have been fine for PvE too, and we still won't be top tier in DPS... And I ask again, how hard can it be to buff Sword so it can do decent DPS in PvE?! that PvP/WvW 10% buff to Pistol Whip is good but for PvE it should be at the very least 30% and sadly the buff that we got doesn't even apply to PvE...
  22. What's more the "condi buff" is practically nothing as well. Also they buffed Pistol Whip in PvP/WvW only... Why can't it be buffed in PvE too???Most of those PvP/WvW buffs could have been applied in PvE too and it would still at most be a 2k DPS buff. What reason it's PvP/WvW only?
  23. Too many traits related to Sword only, if you noticed what Anet does they're making at most only 1 trait for a weapon type and if possible make that trait able to buff other weapons as well to a degree... Stealth is something that will not be changed most likely because it's one of the "things" that thief does, if you want to nerf stealth then just make skills of other professions force reveal. Sword does need a buff, and Dual skills in general also need a buff(Pistol Whip being a DPS loss is a big outlier of that), but adding too many traits for those will make it harder to both balance and will make other traits less of a desireable option. Take your desired change to Lead Attacks for example, you have Executioner which is better after 50%, but overall Lead Attacks will still come out on top assuming you're using a build that is focused to using as much initiative as possible which most builds do ASIDE from sword which as I said needs some buffs, even more so with Sword Dual skills being a DPS loss. tl;dr: Stealth needs nerf but not what that is suggested here, too many Sword related traits and Dual skills related traits, Sword needs buffs but not with most of what you suggested(regarding traits), too many traits in same tier and same trait line competing with each other while some making all other traits very much be complete garbage to even think of choosing...
  24. Since Anet started splitting skills, how hard can it be to buff underperforming weapons in PvE? All they need to do is just tweak numbers to be higher in PvE...
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