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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. Please add an Expand All option to LFG so that upon opening LFG all zones default to expanded instead of collapsed. Bad UX: It is unnecessarily tedious to have to drill down every time I reopen the LFG panel.Place the option either in the LFG panel (e.g., at top) or in Options panel.Alternatively, have the LFG expand/collapse status of each grouping be sticky, so that e.g., if I have LFG open and expand PoF and LWS3, then if I close LFG, and later reopen it, it remembers that I had PoF and LWS3 expanded and displays them expanded.EVEN BETTER would be to add sticky checkboxes (i.e., favorite tags) to each of the zones so to create a 'favorites' list of LFG zones, which would always appear at the top of LFG list (expanded, of course). E.g., I could checkmark DragonFall, Elon Riverlands, World Bosses, and Achievement Hunters Central (if those are what interested me) and those would always appear - expanded - at the top of the LFG panel. It would be sticky across characters and logins.
  2. The gather radius for the plants used to make Flask of Metabolic Primer and Flask of Utility Primer is very, very small - you practically have to stand on top of each one individually to harvest it, making it very annoying to gather these from the home instance every day. Homegrown Koda's BlossomsHomegrown Krytan SpiderwortHomegrown Ascalonian Royal IrisShing Jea OrchidThere is no valid reason for this small radius: 1) the flowers are account-bound, and 2) the flasks are account-bound; there is no point in making the daily gathering also painful.
  3. I was also messing around with my old Druid recently, and was using this as the 'healing' build, although it still does some fair damage:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAYNlVkxGDbZlNm62ZoeST3t1UgMMPOH-zRZYBREIGEobUw9dIJKBiQJ0rIwuDA-e For soloing and more DPS, I switch to this, which has a good amount of CC:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAMFlNwWYOMG2JeST3t9UYy7wOH-zRRYBRFTM4zICVQvSBFPA-e
  4. I'm currently rather happy with this build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGxAYxjlZwuYZsI2JOqOmvNA-zRZYBREnXVQguRJKoMioC6NF0YaEwMA-e Written in Stone allows use of the signets without losing their passives, so you can get an emergency heal and AoE blind.Cleansing sigils for condi removal upon attunement swaps. Some other builds are in this thread:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/123169/open-world-weaver-builds
  5. "invulnerability by a thousand band-aids" - I love that phrase! You reminded me of another variation of my builds. It's more for wvw, but is usable in open world, albeit lower damage. It's Marshal+Traveler runes armor w/mostly Cele trinkets, with Earth & Water traits. Utilities vary by need:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGxAwiZlVw8YUsI2JeyS7vVA-zRZYBRBUFkvriJDFUGRkC9WByPA-e
  6. Ele in general can be fragile, and Sword Weaver can be especially fragile, due to fighting in melee range. That probably dissuades many a would-be weaver. It dissuaded me for a long time. But if we don't min/max on gear, then its possible to be pretty resilient, yet effective and fun. Also, with more stat combinations available on the TP in exotics, weavers can experiment a bit more easily. So, I thought I'd start by posting my current open-world Weaver builds: Berserker+Divinity runes with Cele/Crusader/Marshal trinkets; Earth+Air http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGxAYxjlZwuYZsI2JWUPlvLA-zRhYBRErKI8wgMcjSUQZERF0bKox0IgZAA-eWritten in Stone allows for wanton use of the actives for Signets of Restoration (3.5k heal),Fire (5.1k burn), and Air (AoE blind/vuln) while retaining constant healing, extra precision, and 25% speed boost.Cleansing sigils are awesome; alas, they are account bound and require a 400+skill artificer/weaponsmith/huntman to craft. But its worth it.Signet of Restoration relies heavily on the speed with which you cast; if you find yourself waiting on weapon skill cooldowns, its probably an indication that you aren't swapping attunements enough.Same gear as above but with Earth+Water http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGxAYxjlZwuYZsI2JeKT9vLA-zRhYBRErKI8wgMcjSUQZERF0bKox0IgZAA-eWhen you might be doing a bit of staff healing at points in a meta or bounties, or just want a bit more sustain.Soothing Mist passively puts out a 2.7k heal to 5 targets every 3 second.
  7. Resolved with fixed Lunar Day patch on 2/2/2021. (On an NA server)Just got kicked from a DS run. Restarted GW2. Got this:
  8. I don't find scepter works well on weaver. Fire scepter attacks are waaaay too slow, you lose access to Riptide (water2) on sword, and air/earth is just meh. I'd stick with sword and adjust your build. I like this belt-and-suspenders earth & water build with mostly Cele trinkets and Marshal's elsewhere. I use Traveler runes for the mobility and and it's all-around stats. It's quite sturdy for a weaver, and although the stats don't look impressive it still kills most things pretty quickly. Cleansing sigils prevent condis from being much of a problem, and Armor of Earth and Soothing Ice help limit damage, while Sigil of Restoration is constantly healing while you attack, and Written in Stone lets you get that extra emergency heal or place a large burn on your target without losing the passives of the two signets. This also works well with staff as my alternate weapon. I also use it in WvW as backline staff, with Signet of Fire replaced with Lightning Flash. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGxAwiZlZwuYUsI2JeaT9vTA-zRZYBRBUFkvbkxFUGRUB9mCyPNM4MC-e I'd say my skill level is pretty much at the pinnacle of mediocrity =) but I still do decently well. I mainly had to adjust to the idea that 'melee range' did not equate to 'tanking', like on my warrior or rev; instead 'melee range' on weaver is the available area to dance around the target while still doing damage.
  9. I started w/staff-staff condi mirage but find this greatsword power mirage so much better for 99% of OW and events. It lacks toughness but you stay out of trouble using range and distortion. Signet of Illusions provides lots of clones, Mantra of Concentration is for the stun breaks (because it's not a high toughness build.) It usually is at ~2800 power and 85% crit chance, with plenty of vigor, so it kills fast and has easy access to distortion. Sigils of Blood and Bloodlust could be changed as desired. Exotics are fine, ascended is just a luxury with this build. Fireworks runes because I like the speed buff; could even use Travelers for a cheaper options w/a bit less power.Edit: had wrong build linkhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAEtzlFwUYbMLmJWyP2PVA-zRRYBKxMFgYwHSTCh+kARoCU80wgzIA-e
  10. It seems to me that it wouldn't be difficult to write even a slightly more involved query than "SELECT TOP1 LAST_LOGGED_IN FROM...."
  11. I have 19 characters, 16 of them are level 80 and the other 3 are level 2 or 3 alts. Why, ANet, are you sending the Champions email to my level 3 alt with a /age of 58 minutes? A trivial gripe, to be sure, but c'mon, its not that hard to write a decent SQL query.
  12. Weave Self looks like possibly the most contrived, clumsy and ineffective elite skill I've seen. I'm trying to imagine how it might be useful to purposefully cycle through all 4 attunements within 20 sec, so that I can get 10 sec of buffs or a 2.5 sec CC with Tailored Victory. And with a 90 sec CD, the next use of it is about 60-70 sec away. Am I missing something?
  13. They are Account Bound - you cannot trade them, but you can sell them to a vendor.
  14. If it were a random mob drop, that would be great; but for a BL chest item, its weaksauce.
  15. The Mastery Draughts currently in BL chests are not very helpful because I need mastery points, not XP. XP is much easier to acquire just by playing, not by spending keys. I'm inclined to stop using keys until the chests change again. They are not salvageable and not tradeable, so its just another bunch of items wasring space in my bank.
  16. The problem I have with it is that when a map refills, e.g., with incoming players for a meta, the status of the instance is not re-evaluated and that message removed, even though the map is full.
  17. Mirages are very good at soloing champs.
  18. Yes, some HP trains are all about getting it done fast as possible. This benefits experienced players creating the their zillionth alt character; but, the side effect is that stragglers, those who get lost, or those who die are left behind. Some other HP trains are slower, and the commander will wait for stragglers or even go back to help them. It results in a slower train, but is much better for those who are newer. The problem is that the listing in LFG often won't tell you which style of HP train it is; so, you may want to join and ask the commander how they handle stragglers/newbies.
  19. Yes, you can recover. :)Heart of Thorns is made for group play, so soloing it can be quite difficult until you get comfortable with your build and good gear setup (exotic is fine).Do just enough in Verdant Brink to get your basic Gliding mastery.Look in LFG in Verdant Brink for an "HP train". These are essentially guided tours of Verdant Brink > Auric Basin > Tangled Depths to get you enough HP points from Heart of Thorns for your Scrapper spec. They require at least basic Gliding mastery.Scrapper is strong; look into a power-based build for Scrapper:Metabattle open-world build: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Barrier_Bruiser(Marauder can be hard to get, so you can start off with a mix of Knight, Berzerker and Cavalier, adjusting for close to 50% crit chance while getting some toughness and vitality in the mix.)The build I use on my Scrapper: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAIRlRwgYPMHWKO8L/teA-zRRYBRFTM4yIwUIiKQlB-ePath of Fire HP trains will start in LFG in Crystal Oasis. They usually require basic Raptor, so start PoF story and do enough to get the Raptor. PoF mobs and HPs are much easier to solo than HoT, although some HPs can be quite difficult, so the HP trains are definitely nice.
  20. Heh, I accidentally read the title as 'Condi weaver vs. Facebook?' Hands down its the condi weaver; Facebook has very, very low DPS. :p
  21. I think mesmer is your thing. Although its not really a healer, chrono boon support builds are quite useful and - in a sense - healing is just a different kind of boon support. And the fact that you say 'it is quite fun' pretty much says it all. That shows that its not too difficult for you, although mastering it could mean that the class gives you room to grow, whereas another class that you master early on you might get bored with much quicker.
  22. Thanks all! I went ahead and bought it. Interestingly, if you use Abyss dyes for both parts of the flames, then the flames kinda sorta 'disappear', and you are left mostly with just the 2 large circular auras.
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