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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. If you want immersion> @"Vulpes.1029" said: Just ignore the recommendations, and play though without mounts until PoF, like we did long, long ago, in the before times. Just because some players might makes a recommendation is hardly sufficient cause to modify the game flow and structure.
  2. Only one was a bank slot expansion when my bank was already at max slots. I did submit a ticket and got a refund, but they really need to add a filter on that item or a warning that the account is already at max slots. Otherwise, no regrets. I chose to buy and I'll accept responsibility for those choices.
  3. All I can say is that Scrapper is awesome, and to not let core Engineer weakness dissuade you from reaching 80!
  4. (i5-9600K 3.7GHz & nVidia GTX1660) With ~63 fps with no back item, I notice that displaying the vermillion wings will drop fps to ~47-50 if I am zoomed in somewhat close to the back of my character. If I am zoomed out (i.e., far behind my character), then the fps does not drop. Interestingly, if I am zoomed in close to the front of my character, then the fps is ~58-60 with the wings displayed. For a comparison, the Wyrm's Breath Cape, despite having animation, does not affect my fps at all.
  5. If you are in a guild, ask in guild chat for an invite. Often, guildies will announce in guild chat they have a full instance and ask if anyone wants in. Essentially, the invite is to a party run by the instance owner. By being a member of that party you get access to their home instance. Once the party is formed and invitations are accepted by the party members, then the owner enters the instance; this causes the other party members to get a prompt to enter the instance as well.
  6. Find your home instance, and make it part of your daily routine to farm it. Over time, you can add to it.
  7. Here's my current look on my Scrapper: Magitech helmetZodiac shoulders and glovesAuxillary powered coatWarbeast legs & bootsGenesis hammer
  8. I've bought multiple sets of Volatile and Unbound tools for my several characters, and never regretted it. Its so nice when it comes time to purchase things from map vendors that I've accumulated plenty of Vol/Unbound mainly from farming my home instance.
  9. Just wondering, how come not marauder for your tanky build? Instead of Cav/Knights? Or instead of the Berzerker pieces? Either way, I prefer Toughness over Vitality as Toughness actually reduces damage whereas more Vitality just feels like being squishy fat , and Warrior already has pretty good Vitality with 19K heakth. Also, using 4-stat pieces means less of each stat is added. I know Toughness doesn't do anything for condi dmg, but as long as you run "Shake it Off" then condi isn't usually a big deal. Since my post, I've combined the two builds, and also switched from mainhand axe to sword. So, this is what I run now all the time. As above, I still swap between hammer & rifle for second weapon, and swap to Stomp/Bulls Rush instead of banners, for CC.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAweRlJkwwCbdtNuuWZlO0S+LLA-zRYYREhtoBuwKkIyggLgKCB1GA-e(Note that the calculator is incorrectly inflating stats, as it acts as if the banner skills were activated.)
  10. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/Equipment_query is the page you want for searching That page helps a little, but it needs an "Acquisition" column or filter; otherwise, I would have to click each of the results to see which are craftable, which are drops, etc.
  11. The wiki isn't really organized well as a guide for crafting or obtaining armor & weapons. You can craft what is called "Warbeast" exotic armor, but even though it uses the Harrier insignia to craft, it is actually stat-selectable.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Insignia_of_the_Harrier#Tailor
  12. I like what you show me and have made a few changes to it that more conid build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs6xzlVw2YdMPWJW6XetaA-zxIY/4vM6qqyOV9eA-e> Well, you had me intrigued enough that I had to try it....but on the cheap, so I used exotic Rampager armor, Runes of the Traveler, rare Rampager trinkets, exotic Rampager scepter and rare Rampager sword. I had Demon sigil and Corruption sigil. It felt very similar to my exotic power build, and kill times were essentially identical. Veteran Chak died with both builds generally within 20-30s, and with Torment condi duration of 32% with the cheap build, so I am doubtful that Torment runes would benefit the build, except maybe on boss fights (as well as being costly at 8g apiece). So, it could be argued that if I had the full proper gear, it would be marginally better than the Zerker build. But its much more costly. I'm just not sure enough benefit to do a power & condi hybrid.
  13. I like what you show me and have made a few changes to it that more conid build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs6xzlVw2YdMPWJW6XetaA-zxIY/4vM6qqyOV9eA-e> It's an interesting idea. My first thought is that a Zerker build typically kills things so fast that an emphasis on condi and Torment would be pointless. By reducing Power & Ferocity so much your build will kill slower, but maybe for elites and champs it will outperform Zerker? Hard to say, without testing it.
  14. I use something similar to your Chorm, but with Dueling instead of Domination, and Sword offhand for the second weapon set (for Phantasmal Swordsman). The intent is for phantasms to do most of the work, with clones for added damage and boons. Also, I use Zerker gear (although my back piece is still Soldier atm). I find it a very good build with plenty of illusions active, especially with Chronophantasma. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs6tzlFw2YdMPWJW6XataA-zRIYR0yXGRkCpXAuNA-e Edit: for better sustain, you can use Inspiration 3-2-2 instead of Illusions.
  15. In AB, if it doesn't say "Dissolve" or "Open", then don't click on it. That said, this griefing is annoying for newer players unaware of clicking a second time to dismiss the effect. There should be a way to leave the transform, like right-clicking on the effect, or something. The box is lame af.
  16. You might want to try condi Tempest instead (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Condi_Tempest). It's alot tankier, and since condi damage ticks over time, you are usually still doing damage even when you are kiting the mob around. If you can buy the 5 Bladed Armor pieces from the vendor at [shipwreck Peak Waypoint], it is stat-selectable, so choose TrailBlazer. Then for the coat you can buy Dire from the TP, or do the VB meta to try to get the Bladed Coat. For trinkets, you can use Dire and later farm LSW3/LS4 maps to buy stat-selectable ascended trinkets.
  17. Sword/Axe is fun. Try running the new Brave Stride with it. I'd also take Leg Specialist instead. Try running the new Brave Stride with it.I've been tempted to use that, but Restorative Strength + Phalanx Strength means I give allies might when I heal. Guess I could switch it up based on if I'm soloing or in a group. I'd also take Leg Specialist instead.Again, a tradeoff w/group trait: Soldier's Comfort. For soloing, Tactics could probably be 1-2-1 or 1-2-2. Good points.
  18. I've been playing around combining the two builds, and am so far very happy with this one. Alot of good damage but toughness for survivability. I also found that Sword/Axe is superior to Axe/Axe: it has a leap, very good single target damage but still has the nice AOE from axe5 for trash/burst/adrenaline-building. Sigil of Cruelty is an experiment, in place of Force.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAweRlJwwYJMFWJO0S+LLA-zRQYR0hvwKkIyggLgKCB1mGBcGB-e
  19. Here's two builds I run, for some ideas. First, a tanky Berserker w/2100 toughness and -45% incoming condi duration:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceJlJwwYJMFmJeUXetbA-zRYYRQHW0hwvwOl2EBRoAqVIUhEQgTDDOjA-e Second, for metas and other group content, a core Warrior. Sometimes use strength/discipline banners instead of cc utilities:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceRlJwwYJMFWJO0S+LLA-zRIYR0xPGRqgKpg6ZR/zI-e The second weapon is either hammer or rifle, depending on context. Occasionally I'll use GS instead of axes, but axes are my preference.
  20. Thanks, Taril. Those were the kinds of concerns I had. I use Sc/Sw + /Sh, so Confusion was the main condi I was thinking about. But the tradeoff in lost Prec/Fer doesn't seem worth it.
  21. Any thoughts on using Grieving stats for a power Chrono, in open world PVE?Currently have Berzerker, and I see a Viper build on Mettabattle, but I think Viper sacrifices alot of power damage in favor of condi, so I wondered if Grieving might be an option to still make use of Ferocity, yet add in some condi damage.
  22. This is what I use for open-world Druid, solo or metas/bounties.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAUd/lVwmYUMM2JWePXNzSMfcA-zRRYRBdQG1c4HSBqgEEChIBU4s4+aE-e
  23. I ran Lord Hizen's staff/staff condi mirage for quite some time. It's good, but I recently wanted to try chrono. (Disclaimer: therefore, I'm fairly new to chrono.) I'm using a power build with Wanderer armor from Dragon Stand, Leadership runes, and a mix of Berzerker/Diviner for the rest which gives me 20k health, a smidge of toughness, and with food/oil I'm at 90% boon duration. (So, you could go with less Diviner and more Berzerker, if you don't have the laurels or map currencies for many Diviner trinkets.) Scepter/shield + scepter/sword. I run two different builds with this gear.: The first is phantasms+clones, which is for soloing and is largely single-target centric. Roughly, sword5>Phantasmal Disenchanter>Mirror Image>Time Sink>Tides of Time, etc. Veteran chak lobbers are no problem. Don't discount Tides of Time as a CC + boon source. And the blocks on scepter2/sword4/shield4 are nice illusion generators. Because it lacks much AOE, I sometimes swap in Well of Calamity in place of Phantasmal Defender.http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs6tzlFw2YdMPWJW6XataA-zRhYBRLiQIhAPTMYFKApdI0hCiQKkuCwjzy/jbA-e The second build is support wells, primarily for metas, bounties and such:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABs6tzlFwWYMMHWJmSX5tVA-zRhYBRLiQIhAPTMYFKApdI0hCjQKkuCwjzy/jbA-e
  24. It all depends on the area you are playing in really. In a condi heavy area? Swap Stomp for SiO. If you find you are able to keep up high might stacks and fury uptime without FGJ then swap it out. FGJ is more useful in competitive play since it is 12 stacks of might and not 6 like it is in PvE. I find that Bull's Charge, SiO, and Balanced Stance is a solid utility bar for just about any content. Arcing Slice, Cyclone Axe, and Signet of Rage should keep you covered on Fury, if not then Pack Runes or Firework Runes are solid rune choices to consider. How can I keep a high amount of might stacks without FGJ ? Forceful Greatsword. As you cleave things you should be getting several stacks of might per swing. Even on axe/axe when you use axe 5 you should get a high might count quickly. In PvE Eviscerate also will give you 5 stacks of might per hit. If you take might on crit food and might on crit sigils on both weapon sets then by attacking, dodging into monsters, and swapping weapons you should generate a large amount of might on either weapon set that way. If you need FGJ then take it. It is a fine utility by itself. Swap either Balanced Stance or SiO for it depending on the area you are fighting in. Got it, thanks all !I finished the OW build. This is what I ended up with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAElflJwwYJsJWJOWP7LfA-zxQYhoGrDrMCMCqNE8baEwZE-e (sigil of force and strength in the GS, I forgot to put those lol). It definitely has A LOT of survivability, I can now survive in situations where the berserker couldn't, you can survive against champions, and even some legendary mobs (not alone ofc). The only but is that it has no burst, and the damage is ok at best.I was thinking on rolling back to berserker using full marauders gear with either rune of durability or vampirism, but I would like to further explore the build that I'm using now.If you had Assassin instead of Zerk trinkets, it'd boost your crit change to 49.8%.The 300 toughness from Sentinel is pretty minimal and might be better replaced with Valkyrie to bring your crit from 193 to 214%, yet still have 3k+ power and 25+k health.Just some ideas.
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