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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. Certainly Rabid or Dire would work. Trailblazer would be better. I tried Rampager but found it too squishy for my liking, so Sinister was out also for me. On my Herald I run either full Apothecary or Apothecary trinkets/weapons w/Trailblazer armor. Both sets use Tempest runes. You might think that full Apothecary can't deal much damage, but it melts things very nicely. :)
  2. For what content? 'PVE' could mean open world, fractals, raid, etc.?
  3. Take a look at the Gizmos available, especially the Converters. Work on building up your home instance nodes, and harvest them every day.Work toward Ascended Cooking, so that you can reap the benefits from Gourmet Training.
  4. With imgur, copy Direct Link of the image in imgur, and then paste that into the Image URL in your post. In your case, it would be "https://i.imgur.com/DTPXnI0.jpg":
  5. After playing around with all the combinations, that's what I ended up doing: full Apothecary w/Tempest runes. This is the build, except that gw2skills shows 63% condi duration whereas in-game it only show 48% even though they both show 195 expertise, and HP shows 1518 instead of 1397. I can't figure the source of the discrepancy, other than gw2skills is factoring in some trait/sigil buffs that are not shown on the in-game numbers. I'm very happy with it so far, doing both soloing and group play with it. The only downside is lack of stunbreak. I do have an alternate trait set with Dragon/Demon instead of Dragon/Centaur and Devastation instead of Salvation for soloing, but it doesn't feel much different in performance.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAkeZllQKMKyiNRXsKCjFSisBqgjuzdrE-zxIYRFTH+M6QBEiEQpzy9PbA-e
  6. That's a very interesting mix! Never would have thought of that - I'll have to check that out. This. I know I'm going against the tide, using Herald instead of Renegade. In Dragon, Facet of Light does pulses a 1900 regen to allies. If I use Elevated Compassion I heal allies every 3 sec, but then I'm losing the boonshare to 10 allies from Draconic Echo. It's very puzzling some of the design choices ANet made w/these two elites. This bothers me too. The only value I could see would be if I used on-crit sigils like Torment or Water. Plaguedoctor is another way to go instead of Seraph, but then maybe I am just making the same mistake but with health instead of crit Hammer is just for a ranged/CC option, but with the range of mace/axe, its kind of an extra. Staff I always thought of as a power weapon, but looking at it again, it might be useful for its healing abilities (and CC/blind).
  7. Thanks for the feedback, but this is intentionally a hybrid build, and my experience w/power rev or herald is that I can't make it work with a glass build like all-Diviners. Maybe some can, but I find it too fragile. I was running a Rabid/Settler mix last nite to approximate my build and was pretty happy with the results. I may use plaguedoctors for back & accessories, and apothecary for rings & amulet, which will bring my HP to just over 1k.
  8. I'm finding Revenant the most difficult profession to feel comfortable with. (First improvement was to turn off the stupid voices from the legends - how fucking annoying.) Trying to find an OW build that can solo but also do some healing/support in group events. Currently I'm running a mixed Marshals/Cleric/Celestial/Berzerker mix sw/sw power build, but mace/axe feels so good that maybe a condi build would be better.. Rather than a full tanky Trailblazer build, I'm playing around with the idea of Seraph + Rabid/Apoth trinkets to get some healing power in the build. Runes could vary. Looking for some feedback on this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAIlflhQJsIiiJRTMIqiBShMBagjuTdrC-zRRYYBjG1sxoTJEKD0PL6eDA-e
  9. There is no "could". This will break the ToS. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65554/policy-macros-and-macro-use#latest On the contrary, a macro to dodge forward is a single action, not a chain of actions. They even give as an example:
  10. I prefer hammer + all gyros for Scrapper. This build. You use hammer 99% of the time. Rifle is really only for tagging and cases where I need to be ranged, but even in that case I usually prefer to use mortar. You're using hammer skills 1,2,5 primarily (usually lead with 5), and shredder/bulwark gyro pretty much on CD. Being aggressive in your attacks helps to keep up barrier - it's sometimes feels counter-intuitive, but sometimes attacking more is the best defense.Hammer 3 is a gap closer and 4 is actually pretty good damage, besides being a block. Use them mostly tactically.F1 I save for the superspeed unless I really need the Protection.F2 (nice daze) and F3 can be on CD or tactically.F4 provides stability & projectile defense so use tactically.F5 I usually save for its very efficient rez of allies. I do swap in Blast gyro situationally, like doing the Dragon Stand NASCAR run, since it provides group superspeed via Bypass Coating (as does your Medic gyro).
  11. Those are not dev answers, those are player speculations.
  12. Agreed. It's a silly limitation that is not benefiting the player or ANet. If you think about it from a developer stand point, for each tab added, you could potentially add 30 rows per account to a database table. It's a limitation for a reason. There is always a reason. While I am in favor of more tabs, I can understand the limitations as well.But those 30 rows would be offset by the added data mgmt of multiple table entries and rows of additional alts and their associated bags.
  13. Agreed. It's a silly limitation that is not benefiting the player or ANet.
  14. You put in a lot of work - nice job! A few thoughts: Home Instance - I didn't see that mentioned (for example, under "Harvest Everything")A search feature would be useful
  15. Good catch. I completely misunderstand that Power Wrench trait! Yes, I debated that one. But this has pretty high crit, with Fury proc'd, so I thought the burning might be better. True, but since I spam F2, F3, F4 with ~21s cd each, I think I'd stick with elixir heal. On the other hand, if this was more seriously a support build then Medkit would make sense. (E.g., for Jormag and some other events, I use a heal Scrapper setup.) Heh, that is clever :) yw
  16. I agree fully - Scrapper is my main. This was just a build for fun. It took 7 years for me to finally create an Engineer and boost it to 80, only because I had 80s of all the other classes and I reluctantly wanted an engie for completeness. If I was a newbie that had to level an engie to 80 to in order to get Scrapper I'd probably have given up on it.
  17. This build is just an attempt at a fun mortar build for metas, bountys, and general open world messing around. It's actually not bad, and can be useful for packs of mobs. The utility skills are mostly there just for their toolbelt skill. Lead off with Orbital Strike, followed by Grenade Barrage and Throw Napalm, then spam mortar skills 1,2,3. Utility skill 9 could be something else like Elixir B or C to give support via toolbelt F4. Support is also provided by F1 and mortar skill 5. Explosive Entrance is a useful trait - I just keep forgetting to refresh it by using a dodge roll.
  18. Once you unlock full Scrapper, you'll never look back at flamethrower. This is the build I use. It is a variant on a recent video by Nike:
  19. Fractals are 'dungeons' that scale in difficulty (100 levels): You can do some world boss events at level 46. Look in LFG for World Bosses in Central Tyria, or Event Timers. Notice the zone they are in to see if its a level you can handle. Otherwise, focus on leveling and story until 80.
  20. Here is a tanky weaver build (Trailblazer & Settler) by Hizen intended for soloing:
  21. Two hours would be more than enough, but last time this happened to me, I had spent only five minutes hesitating between races and professions, then five to ten minutes tweaking ears and things. I never disconnect in other circumstances, except a few infamous story instances that enjoy making you run for twenty minutes again and again. I've spent a good hour or so whilst creating several of my characters, including one a couple of weeks ago. Usually its about 30 min creating, and about 40min trying to find a name that's not taken. :) Never had a disconnect during character creation, so it doesn't seem like a server issue.
  22. Scrapper is pretty easy to play and the hammer skills are very fluid and strong. You can almost just push whatever's not on cooldown and succeed. Downside is it's not going to be 'meta' for fractals, so you might find some resistance there.
  23. The timing is erratic for the start of the second event (the escort), but it may be that it is an ongoing intermittent bug (thread goes back to 2017):https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/7077/mordant-crescent-2nd-spear-nayrim-event-chains-bugged-cant-progress-open-skies-collection I've done the escort several times in recent months, so I know it's not entirely bugged, but it was only coincidence I was there at the time it started, so I can't vouch for the delay time between the defense event end and escort event start.
  24. My human Scrapper w/two sets of armor: And my Asura Scrapper:
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