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Everything posted by TheAgedGnome.7520

  1. When I try to preview the cape in the BLTP, there is a momentary flash of my character in the BLTP preview window as if its about to change the appearance, and then nothing happens - my character's appearance is unchanged. I've tried multiple characters, show/hiding back items, unequipping weapons. No luck, I just see my character in the BLTP preview window with no cape showing. All other items preview properly. (I do not have the text msg showing that some others have had about requiring HoT. Yes, I've had HoT & PoF since they came out.)
  2. Doh, its been so long, I'd forgotten it required the story.
  3. I was a core necro for many years (had 3 of them) and then left it behind for Firebrand, Mirage, Soulbeast, and Spellbreaker. Finally coming back around to try necro again just this week after years of ignoring them. I can't see what the fuss is about - with a mishmash of old equipment set and a guess at some traits (including Sand Savant), power Scourge seems pretty fun and capable for OW pve. Maybe in competitive modes its lacking, but so far I see no reason for all the hand-wringing. Of course, I can't compare it to when Scourge was apparently stronger, but in comparison to other professions it seems hold its own, with each having unique strengths/weaknesses. My mishmash build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAciZlNUxkabXFujAnZkOySfvNA-zVpUBRDK4JiQYCBBOEmbQGlDZUOukRMFQihQEJQ1RgKDA-w
  4. Wolves hunt in packs. A mesmer creates its own "pack" with its phantasms and clones.
  5. You obtain the first mount - raptor - in Crystal Oasis in the Path of Fire expansion. That is level 80 territory. It might be possible (I'm not certain) to get there before 80 by using Teleport to a Friend to a level 80 person, maybe a friend or guildmate, in Crystal Oasis, who could escort you through the content steps to acquire the mount. Edit: Requires PoF story, per Linken below.
  6. First, if these are HoT HPs, then many of them are not meant to be soloable. You may need a group or join an HP train to get them. Here's some ideas, based on Berzerker+ Knights with axe/axe+hammer. It's an inexpensive and sturdy gear setup that doesn't sacrifice much power/prec/fer. (Sigil of Force is a bit expensive, so you could use Blood, Bloodlust, or Water instead). Fear Me and Stomp provide some CC. Shouts also provide a 1.3k heal. The vampirism runes provide extra power, vitality and a 2k heal on each kill, so its good for plowing through packs of mobs.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceJlZwwYbMFWJeWTqLNA-zRYUR0xkgAtg+KFy4EDhIygKKA/GA-e If incoming conditions are the issue, Melandru runes + Loaf of Saffron Bread provide -40% condi duration.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceJlZwwYbMFWJeWTqLNA-zRYUR0xkgAtg+KFy4EDhIygKKAvWjiA-e Another variant is to use Arms traits and/or Eagle (or Scholar) runes to increase damage output:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceJlZwwYUMFWJW0PrLNA-zRYUR0xkgAtg+KFy4EDhIygKKATGA-e Warrior provides lots of options, which also means its hard to tell what is the "right" build for you, until you can test them out yourself.
  7. They should a have separate block of template slots for PVP. If they can split traits by PVE/PVP/WVW, then they can do this. Purchased template slot upgrades should be assignable to PVE or PVP.
  8. Why not something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceJlJwwYbMFWJOsLmpSA-zRRYBBLGdsTpPFQiSgwFCtMCMxsExZE-e ? The life steal on interrupt with Hammer is pretty tanky, the adrenaline gain on crit will help get more bursts off, and Body Blow over Forceful Greatsword will cover all your weakness needs, particularly if you love hammer so much. I love hammer, but I also love playing a Berserker and I hate hammer primal burst... Since I have Cull the Weak, additional weakness from Body Blow wasn't really necessary, and Forceful Greatsword offered a nice might/power boost instead. I gotta say that Unsuspecting Foe looks mighty tasty, but not sure I'm willing to swap out a trait line for it. I'm not a fan of zero toughness for this type of character (and my casual playstyle), so that's why I chose Crusader/Knight instead of Marauder. I just got my Spellbreaker elite this weekend (I have Berserker on another warrior and it just didn't suit me), so I'm going to be playing around with that, but it's going to be hard choosing what trait line to give up!
  9. I've been having a lot of fun with this axe/axe + hammer core warrior. Hammer is quite amazing - it's CC allows for taking down champs pretty readily albeit somewhat slowly. Cull the Weak trait is also amazing for its huge incoming damage reduction.When I'm mostly using hammer (e.g., champs or group content) I'll use the grandmaster Mercilous Hammer, but if I'm mostly doing axe DPS then I'll use Might Make Right or Berserker's Power instead.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceJlJwwYbMFWJO0PrJTA-zRZYBBHGmR0BlRipQEVgJzyomRA-e
  10. "small mirage tweak" - I do not think it means what you think it means.
  11. Tempest or Firebrand are the two that would seem to fit your desires.
  12. For some ideas, check out - Lord Hizen's bulds:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpuUtDBPZYklA6hVyxqxNuQ WoodenPotatoes 'Best Builds':https://www.youtube.com/user/WoodenPotatoes/search?query=best+builds Cellofrag's guides:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvpBSZfPurLAtzQj8qX6hHw
  13. I've always been selling them un-ID'd. I'm sure that somewhere there is a massive spreadsheet that shows exactly how much better it would be to ID & salvage....but time is money too!
  14. I've been running a Trailblazer condi Tempest and am happy with it - very heavy on bleeds and burns:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilJw0YXMKGJOKPXtNA-zRJUkRDfhAKXQCkQB4zskw0G-e
  15. I like to occasionally use the makeover kits to change the 'look and personality' of a character, just to keep things fresh. That doesn't always need new shinies - it just requires some imagination and creativity.
  16. The UX is really, really poor and the per-character expansion costs are too high.
  17. I have been running Windows Resource Monitor on my other screen, and I notice that latency under TCP Connections is not going above 120ms, yet the game client (Options page) might be showing 400, 900, or 2500!! So it seems to confirm that the issue is not related to my local connection.
  18. Same here: erratic high ping on any map; mostly, but not always, when map population is higher; sometimes leads to disconnects. For last several days (since 10/22 or 10/23, iirc).Connecting from MA, USA to NA servers.
  19. You can also buy the Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device from the gem store - this will give you in-game notifications of upcoming events in the Heart of Maguuma. There is also the World Boss Portal Device for notifications of core Tyria world bosses.
  20. Hizen has some great OW builds. I like the mesmer (mirage) build, but you might like the warrior (Part I video) better.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpuUtDBPZYklA6hVyxqxNuQ Thanks for the link. Looking around I found a number of mirage build very similar in concept to the one put out by Lord Hizen. Here is one thread with such a mirage build.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30394/open-world-domination-mirage Please note that I have not tried these builds but the gameplay video in the link looks very promising. I am a bit concerned as to whether core Mesmer has what it takes to get the hero points to unlock the Mirage elite spec. My initial attempts with core Mesmer in Silverwastes were less than encouraging. I confess that shortly after I created and boosted my mesmer, I followed an HP train (several run, at least on NA, on the weekends) to get the HPs I needed for mirage. However, I do think core can do the job, especially if you farm PoF HPs instead of HoT.
  21. Hizen has some great OW builds. I like the mesmer (mirage) build, but you might like the warrior (Part I video) better.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpuUtDBPZYklA6hVyxqxNuQ
  22. Just to throw it out there...I've recently been running a Trailblazer Tempest for OW PVE and it's quite robust for HoT. It's all condi damage, so you spend all your time alternating fire and earth - there is 100% condi duration on bleeds and 80% on burns. I'm just using exotics and its fine. it was very expensive to craft for exotics....if I had planned it out (why would I do that!?), I'd have gone right to ascended or used airship parts to buy exotic selectable stat Bladed Armor pieces and then just crafted the chest piece and trinkets. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilJw0YXMKGJOKPXtNA-zRJUkRDfhAKXQCkQB4zskw0G-e
  23. Check out Lord Hizen's mirage build: His build link is listed in the video description.I use it and I can solo champs with ease I tried that someone linked it to me in my guild but even they said they have no idea how he pulls that off... That said hes using legendary gears and i don't even have Ascended.. Great build i'm sure but with my net and the broken illusions i just cant do what he does. Thanks either way.I'm using exotics and have been playing mesmer less than a month. I find Hizen's build fairly easy to play. It has 2 condi cleanse utilities (although I often swap out Mantra of Resolve for Phantasmal Defender (aggro+phantasm) or Signet of Inspiration (swiftness for e.g., Dragon Stand blighting tower racetrack). Granted, I certainly can't play to his skill level, but I can solo champs pretty well if I'm careful, being an old guy casual. Just want to encourage, not brag. It is an "active" playstyle, so if you have high ping it might be problematic. Not sure why your illusions are attacking random critters...maybe the Options setting for "Allow Skill Retargeting" or "Promote Skill Target"? Maybe Winds of Chaos (staff1) is bouncing to nearby neutral mobs like deer and so they end up as target? Edit: Buried in the youtube comments, Hizen gives this advice on the mechanics:
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