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Everything posted by AliamRationem.5172

  1. So, if the premise is that we can't trust anything ANet says, what good is asking for information on the distant future?
  2. Some more information about GW3 would be nice, certainly. I feel like planning that far out for GW2 is unrealistic. Suffice it to say that they are unlikely to drop a product that is still producing for them, although I wouldn't expect them to continue putting out expansions assuming GW3 is successful. Naturally, that is something we can only know after GW3 is released. On keeping all of your GW2 swag moving into GW3? Like...all of it? How does that even work? I don't get this expectation. Doing something for their valued customers from GW2 would be nice, but I'm getting the impression some of us are having trouble with the idea of letting go.
  3. I thought they did? Aren't they on board for at least two more expansions (or is SotO one of those?) And don't we know the framework for the release schedule on those (i.e. the SotO model)? What are we asking for here? Assurances that GW2 will continue receiving expansions for X number of years into the future? Such assurances would be meaningless and GW3 doesn't change anything about that.
  4. Okay. So what do you think should be done?
  5. It's years out if it happens at all. Are you really suggesting that a significant portion of players are maladaptive enough that they would only purchase items to enjoy if they were able to fool themselves into believing that those items will last forever? Like really? You wouldn't purchase a convenience item or a cosmetic you like now because some day years from now there will be a GW3? Again, I don't understand. It doesn't make sense.
  6. Announcing that they're planning another game in the series years from now is going to make them go broke? Okay, I am just not understanding. I have spent a ton of money in the cash shop over the years. I never once thought it was forever or expected compensation of any kind should the game close down or move on to a newer game in the series. I think you're being ridiculous.
  7. Maybe I missed it as I haven't been following the discussion. Was there a solution to this problem? Are you saying people should be compensated for their cash purchases in some way when GW3 comes around?
  8. Throne & Liberty may be meh, but I'd be more certain it's not worth playing if it were doing well in Korea. They're a different sort of gamer over there. Usually if they love it, we hate it!
  9. From what I've seen viper and zerker reapers/scourge don't deal much better damage than trailblazer weaver solo self-buffed. So it probably isn't that big of a difference. But I can't argue the point about ele low health and other issues being justified. It isn't.
  10. I just run trailblazer so the health just reduces to baseline but with 3.2k armor. DPS without the buff is up to 25k on self boons so get some boon support and that mega buff the numbers can get pretty juicy.
  11. Staff mirage is safe and easy, but the damage is pretty low. It might not be the best option for something like broodmother, although I don't know what to say if staff mirage struggles with something like mushroom king in AB, that has zero pressure against ranged builds like staff mirage.
  12. I definitely hope GW3 has more instanced group content and I hope they abandon the non-trinity and basic UI stuff to give us more nuanced group roles and better encounter design. I think the open world content in this game is great, but I agree a little more balance including more resources put toward instanced group content would be nice.
  13. Call me crazy, but if GW3 released today I'd be playing it. Wouldn't you? I don't really see a downside to that. I like GW2. I've spent years playing it. But I'm always ready to move on if I can find something better. I don't consider enjoying a game for years wasted time just because I don't get to bring the rewards I earned with me. They only have meaning to me while I'm actively playing the game.
  14. I don't really see a difference here. If $50 is a trivial amount of your time, then what are you losing? You get whatever enjoyment out of your legendary weapon that you want, and when you stop playing for whatever reason that's $50 you aren't getting back.
  15. I'd rather have a new game based on the same IP than a remake of the same game with updated graphics. It can't be a revelation that the rewards you earn in an MMO are temporary, lasting only until either you stop playing or the game shuts down. I can understand why an impending release of another game you intend to play exclusive to this one would be demotivating, but this is still years off and may not happen at all. Why should that have any impact at this point?
  16. True. But it's also true that any class can handle them with a good build and some know-how. It sounds like the OP may be a bit lacking in the latter and may have to rely a little more on the build to get the job done. Hence the question.
  17. Condi reaper is very strong. It can probably get over 20k DPS in celestial gear while also having very high sustain. Sorry, I don't play it or I'd offer you a build. It's too bad you don't like ranger. Untamed can tear these champions down very quickly. Like Broodmother and Tengu. A lot of people seem to think ranger is a ranged class with pet tanks and that playstyle would be a big turnoff for me. But this being GW2, I find it's best played by getting up close and personal at melee range while the pets are just there for boons and unleashed attacks.
  18. I dunno. My guild is slowly being taken over by mesmers. Between chrono and virt, mesmer seems highly competitive in every role and arguably the outright best in a lot of cases. And of course it has about the best overall utility of any class, too. It doesn't hurt that most people find them fun and interesting to play, too. Especially chrono.
  19. No because investing resources into underwater specs would necessitate investing resources into underwater content. It's a cool idea, but underwater combat feels like garbage where normal combat feels great. I wouldn't like to see more of it.
  20. Convergences give you a huge damage buff if you hold onto your collected essence. You can also use potions and sigils of night and demon slaying to further magnify your damage output far beyond what is possible under normal conditions. This makes convergences not a particularly useful metric for comparing classes.
  21. Are the cats more or less the same or is there some reason the tiger is listed twice (is that even possible to do?)? I've been using the tiger and the jungle stalker because I heard cats have the best DPS and in solo the might on the stalker is useful. Is there a better option for some reason?
  22. They said "Fun or not brainless", so I'm gonna go with they were saying reaper is fun.
  23. It's true that it encourages using the skills whether you need the effects or not, but unless you're playing a class that has more than two weapon bars (i.e. not ranger) functionally there isn't a lot of difference. You're stuck in that weapon bar for longer than it takes to use all of the skills, so you either use them all or, in the case that a skill is lower DPS than the AA chain, you fill with AA. This isn't much different than spamming. You just choose the order based on what you need first and push buttons.
  24. Drizzlewood? Doesn't that map have parachute drops? You could glide in right?
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