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Everything posted by Infusion.7149

  1. Reward tracks aren't timegated due to WvW potions. What you are looking for is something people can't abuse easily. The existing weekly achievement is a good start but doesn't cover defending very well. It could have been skirmish track progress instead of additional skirmish tickets. Of course that would need omission of capping 5 ruins and 15 yaks probably. I would say 15 camps, 10 towers, 5 keeps, 1 SMC, and 50 kills are all worthwhile enough for the weekly although depending on matchup I would say the stonemist castle capture is iffy. With that in mind I would think something along the lines of reusing the existing weekly: 5 ruins = 10 pips which is less than one tier in wood skirmish chest , valuation ~ 3 minutes 15 yaks = 30 pips , below 2 pips per yak , valuation ~10 minutes based off of no travel time 50 kills = 100 pips , 2 pip per player noting due to player skill variance it is nearly impossible to balance this 15 camps = 135 pips, <10 pips per camp , valuation ~ 38 minutes based off of average RI and no travel time <--- enough for Wood/Bronze and equal to capping 3 camps per weekday 10 towers = 150 pips , <15 pips per tower <--- this is equal to capping two towers per weekday 5 keeps = 200 pips, <50 pips per keep <--- this is equal to capping a keep per weekday 1 SMC = 50 pips <---- because it is only one cap this can't reward that many pips and functionally in most scenarios it has fewer walls than keeps Total pips = 675 which is around half of the 1450 required for diamond Repeating the weekly achievement no longer rewards pips and only rewards memories of battle for caps/kills. The aim should be roughly 600 pips since that is Gold chest. Memories of battle distribution for repeat of weekly: Ruins = you get resonating slivers (lol) and badges of honor Yaks = you get resonating slivers (lol) , badges of honor , potion of WvW Camps = 100 testimonies of heroics, 5 memories of battle for 15 camps Kills = you get 50 memories of battle for the 50 kill repeat achievement ; there is a new weekly vendor to trade in emblems to get more Towers = you get 10 memories of battle for 10 towers Keeps = you get 20 memories of battle for 5 keeps , T3 keeps reward extra 1 memory of battle from the cap SMC = you get 1 memory of battle and badge of tribute <--- unless it is undefended then you will be getting kills Of course there could be new weekly defend achievements to make it less one-dimensional: Using defensive siege (cannon/mortar/oil) on enemy siege (golem/ram) within a keep your team owns Killing enemies in a keep your team owns (as opposed to repairing) Killing enemies inside a team owned camp while the supervisor is down and ring is up Killing enemies inside owned tower lord room Killing enemies inside owned SMC lord room Defending a yak against enemies traveling to an untiered keep/tower your team owns
  2. You run "Receive the Light" because it actually heals without regard for being boon ripped. Mantra of Solace heal is a few hundred in competitive modes right now unless it is completely reverted on Feb 14 to an even earlier version. The quickness from firebrand traitline is applied on tome entry not on page use and if mantras are on cooldown you would be using tomes anyhow for condi clear and extra stab. Loremaster is run on healbrand in WVW so there is nearly no penalty for going into Tome of Resolve. There's only a handful of other supports being run right now outside of PVE, heal scrapper if people still use it in largescale (but not in PVP due to gearing differences), heal druid in squads that people don't use stealth heavily (or decap druid in PVP), herald/vindicator. Support spellbreaker (with offhand warhorn) has been hit a lot with the reduction in ammo on "Shake it Off". Scourge is essentially power in WVW and in PVP has greatly fell out of favor.
  3. You lose a massive amount of the effects of overload if you are interrupted and they require people (enemies/allies) to be stationary or on a point for the resulting field which is more likely in PVP than WVW. For example, on Fire Overload if you are interrupted then you lose all the damage of the resulting field, the aura if using aurashare (i.e. heal if you run Eternal Bastion) as well as the burning and might stacks. Unlike mesmer mantras which apply boons or effects at the end of preparing them, firebrand mantras are supposed to be cast essentially out of combat. If you run 3-4 mantras the typical ones at least in WVW are mantra of solace (aegis, negligible heal) which can be replaced by "Receive the light" in most cases, mantra of liberation (stab), and mantra of lore (condi clear if you are the sole support). I am unsure why you would need to use all the charges on those. If anything a revert to the original functionality would allow for WvW to be less spammy; you can mitigate the cast time with quickness as well without any additional traits whatsoever by using a tome.
  4. Then you probably missed the sagebrand meta in PVP. If sagebrand became a thing again it would be pretty broken , instant cast mantras with no counterplay due to not having the recast after the mantras are consumed would mean you are essentially not able to be interrupted. Firebrand already had improvement in terms of the tomes, the main reason you would run core guard is instant virtues. The main competition as a support right now is tempest and that has 4s cast time overloads.
  5. I don't think that boon rip is thematic to Time Warp and Arenanet will remake skills just to fit naming (see the terribly named Well of Senility). The superspeed added on was sort of a stretch already , obviously chill affects cooldowns and quickness / slow make sense. The Protected Phantasms trait swap wasn't a bad one, that was hardly used. Feedback, null field, portal, and veil are all glamours and typically run in WVW. If you run inspiration with the new Temporal Enchanter (resistance, superspeed) and domination traitline (for boon rip) then you will be able to keep the boon rip aspect but have ally healing beyond just from wells. A full WvW "support" in the overused Minstrel gear would then probably be domination, inspiration (with either restorative illusions or the new temporal enchanter), chrono with Vicious Expression for added boon rip and Illusionary Inspiration (or Blurred Inscriptions if using signets). The current meta build runs Illusions for shatter recharge reduction and ammo on Split Second (shatter skill 1) to trigger additional boon rip via Shattered Concentration in the domination line so you trade all that for superspeed and actual healing. Utility options would then be well of eternity / signet of the ether / maybe Mantra of Recovery if the stated ally heal is large enough, null field, mantra of concentration (600 range now), veil/feedback/portal, grav well. I know people run illusion of life but unless you plan on people dying and then actually being able to get a kill or getting hard ressed in a safer spot it doesn't help. I suspect the change to Master of Manipulation is to make the manipulation skills (such as mirror or arcane thievery) more useful in PVE as that is where party aegis would be far stronger than superspeed. That's the only explanation I can think of. The change removes the ability to use mass invis and blink for superspeed in PVP/WvW roaming scenarios. It will be interesting to see how this would compare with the alternative aegis from the inspiration line as signets can also apply aegis indirectly. Since signets and manipulations compete for spots on the utility bar perhaps chaos builds gaining access to aegis is an enabler for condi boon builds.
  6. I said it at the introduction of the trait change that the autocasts should have been removed instead and if DPS uptime is an issue then ranged mech should be the focus. Passive gameplay isn't good , but introducing artificial annoyances to penalize people is not good design. Just looking at the description of Mechanical Genius solidifies its status as a hackjob fix. This is especially true due to the pathing of the melee mech. It is not new, it is a return of a removed trait. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Regeneration
  7. Did you start playing after the mantras were changed in 2021? Here's video refresher of the benchmarks done before they were changed: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potent_Haste/history Potent haste is 2.5s base duration which is the same as the current iteration of Mantra of Potence https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Liberator's_Vow/history Liberator's vow is unchanged and has been untouched. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stalwart_Speed/history Stalwart speed has been untouched meaning if you run offhand shield you can get another trigger of 2s base duration with 7s ICD, with Unbroken Lines / Stand your Ground / "Advance" providing another potential trigger, this doesn't apply to Weighty Terms builds. Weighty Terms builds reduce ammo cooldown to 9.6s currently and it doesn't affect the recharge. 2 charges of Potent Haste is 5s total, with 40% boon duration (firebrand rune) that is 7 seconds and normally with 12 second ammo cooldown. If you use the third charge they are bring back it provides another 5 seconds of base quickness or 7 seconds extra. The cooldown if you use the third charge is going to be 25s (20s under alac) meaning if you use them in rapid succession it would be a downtime of ~6s total just using one mantra. Potent Haste is the main source of quickness especially if you preboon in fractals since it doesn't have a cooldown for quickness application. The Liberator's Vow trait with 7s ICD provides 2s of quickness (2.8 with firebrand runes). You wouldn't spam this obviously unless under extreme pressure, cQB doesn't heal and with the tome changes if you have pages you would use tome of resolve to heal or use Unbroken Lines on any celestial hybrid build running honor traitline. In the case of running with an alacrity source that provides might you could run mace+shield and axe+torch (or the inverse setup of offhands) instead of running staff which provides two extra triggers for Stalwart Speed. Then finally we have the possibility of either "Feel my Wrath" (3s quickness base duration which is ~4s with firebrand rune on 30s cooldown which is 24s with alac) or Mantra of Liberation for additional triggers if using Stalwart Speed (since the ammo cooldown is 30s it is unlikely you use it unless you need stability). Firebrand was plenty strong before the changes. It will continue to be strong if you play it properly, you would have to mess up both mantras (potence and solace) to have a major quickness deficit. Plus losing quickness uptime is not the end of the world, every other spec has to deal with misplays (whether it is quickness herald, catalyst, scrapper, bladesworn/condi berserker, StM chrono, and to a lesser extent harbinger since it relies on elixir of anguish on 25s cooldown and not just shroud).
  8. If someone made an API query and dumped the server status every day you could probably make a conclusion. You would still need to combine said data. The WvW matchup sites tend to only focus on kDR and PPT (with timezones and whatnot). The only one that has server status I am aware of is gw2mists (https://gw2mists.com/worlds/eu , https://gw2mists.com/worlds/na ). Registered members are also plotted on https://gw2mists.com/worlds/transfers. It is probably for the better if the goal is avoid bandwagoning that the full gamewide data is not public. The Wayback machine has only a few copies of the gw2mists page , see : https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://gw2mists.com/worlds/eu https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://gw2mists.com/worlds/na
  9. FYI: Data for world status is pulled from the API it is not manually updated
  10. That is essentially making the skirmish tickets "pay to win"? The vouchers are available in Black Lion Chests (i.e. gemstore). Instead maybe the repeat of weekly WvW capture/kills could reward skirmish tickets up to the current weekly cap. You're looking at this the completely wrong way, instead of "not bothering players that play actively" it should be how to reward players that play actively. A person afking or running into a wall on the map for more than a tick is literally using up server time (and queue space) for nothing.
  11. I don't think calling Arenanet lazy is justified. The majority of their staff appears to be artists , writers, audio related contractors, programming for PVE (tools creators and users of said tools). see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_credits#Guild_Wars_2:_End_of_Dragons_Credits We are slated to be receiving more Living Story updates like it or not (the entirety of content released after EoD is LS1 returned), the DX11 client is the native client now rather than beta, and a forth expansion is expected. For the first time in a long while we actually have updates for Alliances (even if still very early on in the process), balance patches actually have feedback reviewed before they hit live servers to pinpoint potentially broken (OP/terribly bad) things, etc. PVP/WVW are neglected because they probably aren't paying the bills (same for raids), Living Story and selling skins to openworld players that can sit around with chairs /mount skins has the highest ROI possible. Disconnecting you from the map Amazon EC2 instance after you afk is probably to save compute resources. Call me cynical or realistic but the more money that can be extracted raised from players that only log in to do the story , buy some 2000 gem equipment skins, chairs, gliders, mount skins, or cosmetics that only require the art team, and are absent until the next story are the biggest payoff since server costs add up for people that spend many hours in PVP/WVW. None of those other than warclaw skins and glider skins apply. We cannot use chairs in WVW and most people might not spend much on equipment skins (as opposed to things with actual utility such as legendary items) due to standard enemy model settings. In PVP there are essentially only equipment skins and finishers. The recent sale on templates could be possibly gauging how much of an impact the WvW weekly update has on player uptick in ARPU (average revenue per paying user) as opposed to LTV (lifetime value). Arenanet really needs to look for additional revenue streams from WVW much like what has been suggested in the past (siege skins, claiming things, capping things, etc) if they are ridding server transfer costs. Every time people bandwagon and pay for server transfers it just gives financial incentive to delay Alliances which have no known code that works in the existing system. Meanwhile PVE assets and coding can essentially be copy pasted (see DRMs) unless it is an entirely new map. They can only do so much with a handful of people dedicated to the modes, maybe they could organize feedback in a better way (there is a lot of noise) without having to resort to private discords. I think a month or two ago they were looking for a combat designer or something and that is no longer the case so I hope they now have additional people. I'm just as disappointed as you are about the weekly achievement but I know that the achievement is probably a slimmed down rushed copy paste job from the non-timegated WvW achievements due to being low on the priority list. Their priorities for the WvW team are listed as follows on the post https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/wvw-january-31-preview/: I would say from a business perspective their priorities should have been: * Find a way to further monetize WvW without breaking the game (stat boosts as on Chinese GW2, anything that lags out players or adds massive visual noise) through cosmetics such as siege skins (the cosmetic could time out to the normal ones when the structure flips or the person logs out of WvW) or even audio (claim music) * Possibly make server transfer only work with real money on the website after you transfer a certain number of times a year in the interim or make the cost higher if you keep transferring (cost resetting once yearly). This would cut down on bandwagoning fairweathers that move around every link (2 months) and make servers a more conscious decision. Another alternative would be to make the price higher but then discount it for people that usually don't transfer. * Make active participation mean that skirmish track completes quicker but not raise the total possible tickets per week - this increases the total duration of engagement in the mode without making it a slog for new players if they want to go for max tickets * Continue to lower AoE passive boon output (most might is 6s now but herald facets are a prime example of passive boon spam) so that server is not as swamped keeping track of all the players' boon states making large fights slow down serverside and possibly amplifying their EC2 costs if it's an elastic instance. Move more of WvW boon output levels to PvP balance scheme similar to pre-HoT. * Pinpoint computationally expensive skills for cooldown increases or reduce the amount of complexity for the skill and trait interactions at the backend. * Bugfix yak defense event (it is used for guild missions too) then remove veteran daily and replace with yak defense daily to reduce people afk at the spawn for the veteran which does nothing for the matchup and consumes server compute time. * Logout to character screen (disconnect from map EC2 instance and keep connected to the friends "server") everyone from the game that is running against a wall in WvW to pip out for more than one tick and not lagging to save compute resources especially if there is a queue. This keeps skirmish tickets' intrinsic value higher and makes it less annoying. * Get free publicity by highlighting WvW in some way the same way Living Story updates are highlighted , maybe work with multiple Arenanet partners on this (granted not many Arenanet partners play WvW extensively) For PVP I would prioritize: * Find out who actually streams the ATs to get free publicity without having to host the video on Arenanet servers. A key feature of GW1 PVP was spectate. * Since esports dream died post ESL attempt get some more ingame prizing done that has no gemstore equivalent and no PVE farm equal. * the friends list changes were a good effort to cut down on queue dodging but more needs to be done to make PVP have better matchmaking as far as I am aware , this is only possible by growing the PVP community * attempt to design and playtest a new map per expansion release (at least in unranked/private rooms) and rotate out any maps that are buggy * quarterly balance review at a minimum There was supposed to be a rewards design person I think, but the liquidity of PVE is steadily going up and as such PVP/WVW will never catch up. Possibly controversial but I think instead of giving 8g liquid the weekly WvW achievement could have actually had memories of battle. The liquid gold should be reined in especially for easy PvE places too, much like was done with Istan. Even T4 fractals could be tweaked by lowering encryption key's ~10% drops rate probably (instead CMs' mystic coins were nerfed for some reason in recent memory). Also I am sure they are well aware they need to acquire new talent to keep the game fresh, as their careers page shows they are still looking for people despite an economic downturn and recent layoffs at NCSoft: https://www.arena.net/en/careers
  12. At its core the root of the problem is if you don't charge Dragon Slash - Force then that skill does next to nothing. This (Dragon Trigger) is a core mechanic of the spec and should be reevaluated. Mentioning tactics and other such things seems less relevant with all due respect. For reference: Dragon Slash - Force - 0.535 min coefficient in competitive modes and with full 10 charges it is 1.295 , using a bundle as weapon-strength Compare this to say gunsaber autoattack which is 0.49 coefficient on the first hit and a total 1.25 (melee 1.05 +0.2 explosion) for the last hit. It's just a terrible proposition which is not as obvious when you run Unyielding Dragon due to might stacks artificially inflating the final damage number (which is still not great if you charge it a short duration) up to 40% or more depending on your gear. If you use Arc Divider for comparison then it is 0.704 with 3 hits , total ~2.11 which is par for the course for most of warrior bursts such as Decapitate (2.0 but axe has lower 1K weapon strength). Arcing Slice against below 50% health is 1.82 coefficient , Eviscerate level 3 burst is 2.0, Flurry is ~2.0. As it is now, the gunsaber (which also uses bundle weapon strength) is more of the highlight of bladesworn in its current state. They're upping Blooming Fire in competitive modes from 1.4 coefficient to make a projectile , Artillery Slash is slated to remain at 1.15 coefficient most likely. The maximum damage on Dragon Slash Force could be increased by easily up to ~2.0 at least when Unyielding Dragon isn't slotted (since that stacks up to 25 might) and the minimum could be nearly doubled as well. It is most obvious when you cant full charge DT while using Daring Dragon. This should be the #1 priority for Bladesworn changes IMO. If you had to change only one thing for bladesworn it would make sense that the first change is to make its main mechanic actually have a significant payoff for all its drawbacks (stationary, needs flow, huge tell, large cast time for the max damage). The other Dragon Slash skills such as Reach and Boost still have some use if they don't do massive damage as boost is a movement skill and reach is unblockable ranged skill (people can sidestep/dodge it). Even if unblockable and ignoring blind when traited it's still a melee skill with a large and stationary channel time. Doing a near full charge Dragon Slash - Force and then hitting for some absurdly low number like 3 or 4K just feels bad (keeping in mind unblockable doesn't stop protection and stability was removed so you can still be CC-ed). The skill already has built in scaling (exponentially) with charge time and it is exponentially harder to hit someone the longer you charge it so the balance is built in. This is a similar scenario to Berserker (before core bursts were given back and toughness penalty was removed) with the caveat that after the gunsaber changes it will be harder to kite a bladesworn while they are not trying to burst. Arenanet has a choice to make : they can keep loading more damage onto gunsaber and potentially make that broken or they can make the payoff less poor damage if you don't get nearly full charge on it.
  13. It's so you don't zoom into a Sabetha flame wall , Adina sand wall, or some other raid mechanic. In most scenarios it won't be an issue since you can detarget for competitive modes. You don't want autotarget for PVP anyway since any movement skills would not allow you to dash away. Detargeting allows you to use the original form of the skill per the stream.
  14. I have no idea where the idea of balance for ranger comes from for the original poster. Things that clearly wont happen are : * 3 target (martial) dagger skills on a melee weapon without magic attached to that weapon. * reverting frost spirit and INCREASING the DPS bonus to 10%... * the same goes for the sun spirit skill, burning was removed for a reason * stability on a healing skill (really?) * adding stealth onto offhand dagger AND a teleport right after deadeye lost reveal removal and players keep complaining about stealth on top of the untamed port getting a cast time * randomly reworking CA to be PBAOE healing and ticking off most of the raid community that uses it to pillar kite , flak kite, or do some other mechanics just because * burning on staff because someone thinks it is a good idea without any regard for balance... at best you are looking at bleeding since druid inherently high sustain so having highest damage condition on auto is not good for the game whatsoever * hammer 900 range , when even catalyst hammer is max 600 and the bunny thumper design was melee the ranged pressure would need to be akin to rev hammer which means DPS cut significantly * reworking Celestial Avatar completely just for lols because a ranger main thinks it is bad , despite it finally gaining traction in WVW and being a meta option for healing in PVE instances Plus even the concept of this thread is inherently flawed, since reworking entire things takes significant development time and money (translation, testing). Any suggestions should be using either number tweaks with a fair amount of reasoning for the change or limiting changes to a minimal amount of skills/traits that are severely underused or breaking the game in some way (see QtP raid when people gyph tethered and did a million damage to boss in seconds).
  15. When the weekly was announced I actually thought it would be skirmish track progress rather than skirmish tickets, thereby not lowering the number of weeks.
  16. Right click your build in the hero panel, copy Build template and then paste the code here. Striders Defense probably counts any evade including dodge so maybe Serpent's Strike or Hornet's Sting on sword. If you see evade text it counts. If you are using a soulbeast build with Quickening Zephyr or Live Fast trait you also get quickness from those. Lightning Reflexes evades as well so that would trigger it.
  17. For clarity : The range reduction is on the mech (the ones that aren't the ranged variant) not the mace. Crash Down — Jade Mech CJ-1: Fixed an issue that caused melee autoattacks to be slower than intended. Reduced the range of the first two melee strikes from 240 to 130. There is also little reason to use Object in Motion on heal scrapper as it is simply a strike damage boost. Unlike heal mechanist you don't do appreciable DPS while in med kit. Also the wording suggests it isn't the regeneration boon, its going to be a new heal trait named Rapid Regeneration that heals the scrapper making it better in WVW and for tanking in PVE. This is not a new trait, it is bringing back an old one https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Regeneration The full extent of the preview notes can be read here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/127247-february-14-balance-update-preview/
  18. It's good practice but this would set apart the bad guardians. Keep in mind people are running 4s cast time overloads on aura tempest, the mantra charge time is actually less. It's no different than core game WVW when people all had to reset for Empower.
  19. I don't see why one button alac is a problem in this era of GW2 where mechanist autoattacks for alac and way overcaps it if using Barrier Engine and a mace ; if you have 3 clones on mirage you can upkeep 10 man alac with enough duration (shown by CnD) from ambushes although you need your utilities for more mirage mirrors. The problem is being able to stack 2 ren and not use RR trait for alac IMO. Having the alac be personal alac and not party alac would address that much more cleanly without major balance implications. Chrono currently has quickness and alac for example but alac only for itself, it's an either or situation when providing boons for others (AoE quick or AoE alac). Any ranger has the flip scenario where you can provide alac to other people but quickness only to yourself and the same goes for specter.
  20. The only potential problem I see there would be the Savage Instinct trigger when dropping out of Berserk mode. Everything else is fair game IMO (a bit of quickness and superspeed is inline with the spec's goals, tanking people with 100% strike damage reduction isn't the theme of the spec). Similarly, stability is from the trait so that should be kept. If it ends up being a problem the end trigger could just apply the boons only (stab/quick) and omit the 100% Strike damage reduction and superspeed probably. Lesser Endure Pain (from the Defy Pain trait) has been nerfed in PVP to 2s so with Last Stand you are looking at <3s. Theres actually more (strike damage) invuln on soulbeast if you choose to build that way (Defy Pain/Unflinching Fortitude 45-50s CD pet skill, signet of stone on 40s CD). The main difference is soul-beast applies much more pressure at range.
  21. The original mantras were overall fine if you knew how to play with them. Mantra of Recovery channeled into Power Return, the channel had a larger heal. Mantra of concentration was the one that saw little use outside of pre-channeling since a 2+ second channel stunbreak and aegis is unwieldy. It picked up much more WvW use after the radius improvement for the stability portion (this was already after the removal of the channel to flip to Power Break). If you gained the aegis on the initial part of the skill rather than the full charge of the channel it would be a major improvement but for now you probably want to prechannel it. Mantra of Distraction lowering diversion's recharge is something that existed on the iteration and was useful. We're getting Power Lock back with this revert. Mantra of pain (or power spike rather since they changed mantra of pain to pwoer spike's functionality) became more or less useless outside of PvE after they changed it, it was used heavily on power shatter to prebuff might. Yes 2.25s charge time is a long time but it allows for counterplay. I don't see this always being used in PVE after the change , at most it will be used with 1 ammo on Power Spike remaining to avoid the channel time. Mantra of resolve cleansed every condition on the channel, so now you once again have a choice to prechannel or to use it for 3 conditions' removal on Power Cleanse. Your suggestions of adding pulsing effects while they could work, provide an added balance complexity to the skills. The intent of the Feb 14 patch is to reassess why the change was made that removed art assets and counterplay. Instant cast mantras was never healthy for the game since it removed the counterplay and drawback. Point by point: Mantra of Recovery healing per pulse could work but you risk alienating well of eternity on chrono since a mantra isn't stationary. The heal would need to be really small in line with regen (think sub 200). Mantra of Concentration pulsing stability isn't a good idea since the mantra user is mobile. One stack of aegis on initial cast would make it more usable in PVE probably (and as such should only really be a PVE only addition/change), pulsing aegis is not going to remove Well of Precognition from usage in PVE for tanking for example but could very well be broken in PVP (think chrono bunker) which is why I would be hesitant on suggesting that sort of thing. Distraction: Recharge diversion X% each pulse --- I don't see how this is functionally different unless you want to remove the counterplay to the channeling Mantra of Pain pulsing AoE might is unncessary probably, --- unless the might duration is long at least for power shatter in competitive modes having a full 12 stacks at once is more effective Mantra Resolve removing conditions per pulse --- the whole idea is having a payoff at the end of the channel but I could see why you would want this.
  22. Re your underlined comment, Eternal Champion has stability (2s in PVP/WVW right now) and endurance after the proposed Feb 14 patch. Is there something I'm missing? As far as I am aware since it is a rework the toughness will be removed. It's mutually exclusive with Bloody roar's resistance and since it applies stab I don't think there's too much difference to the stunbreak on Savage Instinct (although the 2s damage mitigation might be problematic?). The 2s of superspeed and quickness aren't gamebreaking (from the minor Burst of Aggression) either IMO.
  23. Or they could have just moved AoE alac to RR like every other spec and had Orders from Above only apply personal alacrity if RR isn't traited? Endless Enmity didn't need to have AoE fury if the AoE fury was applied to Orders from Above. Vigor would be a decent choice since renegade needs full endurance for its full crit chance and you cannot upkeep vigor right now with Brutal Momentum alone unless you are using boon duration.
  24. It was a point brought up by speedclear players that ended up getting Martial Cadence nerfed so I hope you are aware of that.
  25. I tried to make this thread constructive, there's too many poor written takes on the forum.
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