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Everything posted by Ruufio.1496

  1. Yeah reaper/necro has received nothing but straight buffs to damage over time for PvE reasons. Reaper is the #1 target above all else including scourge and firebrand because if you let a reaper do whatever he wants your whole group is going to wipe very fast. But reaper has like no defenses. So it's actually kind of fine tbh. However, I do hate the lack of a "tell" from some necromancer attacks. Sometimes you have no idea what killed you in a smallscale fight and you check the log and it was some crazy spinal shivers or ghastly claws (both have no actual animation)
  2. So, I solely use a controller nowadays on my couch to play the game and have created the best keybinds that there are for the game and am planning on making a video explaining it and all the little nuances of it soon (such as how a flick of the joystick is how you use skills but I had to make some sort of camera disable in steam so your camera didn't veer off and having that disable and also making it so you could be auto running and open the map which doesnt stop you from auto running because I made a slight closing delay for the map and how I made it so simply pressing the 2 bumpers "at once" toggles action camera even though in actuality I had to make it so any combination of bumpers and layovers toggled it which took a kitten load of playteting, etc. You won't find stuff like this for other keybinds), now that everything seems to be working perfectly (1 year of testing). Search forums and steam for "Keybinds by Zefrost" if you're interested. The keybinds are very complex if you were to open it in steam and look at everything but it's actually not as complicating as they look - which is why I want to make a video explaining it simply. I state this so Anet will understand that I know what I'm talking about with action camera. The way that the AboutFace key works in action camera is that it turns your camera with your character. This results in not being able to instantly do, say, AboutFace->Phase Retreat and go directly straight in the direction you were looking. You have to wait about a second, which is quite bad. And even then it doesn't really go in a straight line. Can we get AboutFace to not turn the camera when in action cam please? I believe that would solve this issue. The other issue is SnapGroundTargeting where your cursor has to be in the general direction of the target or it will not work. If you're off center from the target with the reticule by too much it does nothing. However, in normal camera mode, you can be facing away with your character and your camera and be maximum range away and SnapGroundTargeting will still snap to the target. Please, can we have it work this way with action camera as well? I believe this requirement of the camera/reticule needing to be in the general direction of the target is also reason for teleport skills like Steal, Infiltrators Strike, Judges Intervention and all other such skills failing. This does not make sense. If you have the target selected, skills should fire off/teleport regardless of where that target is - if they're behind you or you're facing away, etc. These 2(3?) issues are a huge hindrance on action camera. Please fix them. I've tried but there's no way to (without causing other issues) circumvent these issues by using steam. No smart use of toggles or holds works well for these things - it has to be changed on Anets end to work the same way normal camera does.
  3. Yeah at the very least amount of effort they could make base initiative 13 and have trickery add 2.Some of my friends said they should make it 15 base but then nerf trickery.
  4. Ive been using daredevil with bounding dodger for low mans in WvW and I use acrobatics/shadow arts. I wanted the ability to easily stealth over the stuff that comes with trickery, basically. However, I find I do have to use both grandmaster traits for acro/SA that grant initiative and must use roll for initiative. It's a lot funner than just doing the staff/staff spam evade build. I use staff and sword/pistol. More survivable too IMO because stealth and dropping target. And I have 3k+ power, so.
  5. Yeah I'm not saying utility goggles is a good choice. It's just better than it was - but still bad. If utility goggles also granted 3s unblockable attacks it would be a viable choice for certain situations.
  6. Makes sense. They cant really make it anything more than 2s because 100% boon duration is a thing. 3s base would be 6s and you can trait that for a 24s cooldown. Revenant runes would be 4s resistance with 10s cooldown (or durability or that rune that gives resistance on elite) you could basically achieve permanent resistance. The real tragedy is tools trait is unchanged.
  7. I suppose the resistance change will at least be a decent buff to the tools traitline passive stunbreak. I can't see the resistance being any longer than like 2 seconds, though.
  8. For one, people would actually be excited for living story and it could also be a couple of chapters in 1 at that release cadence.For two, that would mean content. When I think of content, the best example that I know of is RuneScape. Pretty much every update they ever do is a content update - but perhaps it's easier for them because there is so much to do in that game (fishing, treasure trails, castle wars, list goes on for almost infinity). Like really, everything to do with guilds is a joke. How about some sort of in-game ranking system for guilds in WvW? Listing guild sizes, contribution to WvW, KDR, their impact in WvW for the week - maybe even more rewards for guilds who contribute the most in WvW (but somehow making the system so it can't be abused and not overshadowing smaller guilds) A GvG system for guilds of all sizes and different tier sizes and kitten. How to do all of this? I don't get paid to think about that but Anet have had years to think about it. And why not release brand new content releases such as polymock? Polymock could have been mobile and minis could have been taken seriously. Again - look at RuneScape, people care when they get a mini. No one cares here. Revamp the entire mini system/drops and make a polymock arena. All of this can be done if you stop putting 80% of your resources into the kitten living story. We would have already had all of this, actually.
  9. "There is NOTHING that helps players stomp players so lets REMOVE the OP mount stomp." Really... is this what WvW discussions has become... Yes it's sad isn't it? None of the WvW veterans wanted mounts at all and with a dwindling playerbase there is still a vocal minority who defends mounts on the forums, not understanding what such "additions" have done to roaming/havock and WvW as a whole. Other such "additions" include the marked mechanic (needs to be removed if the sentry is killed and it'll be fine) tier 3 objectives being impossible to even go near (this means a borderland with tier 3 keeps/towers means you just flip camps - shoutouts to Jade Quarry) and for those who are new to GW2 such as yourself, the borderlands bloodlust was also very hated and contributed to the death of GvG. Even this many years later, it should still be changed to do something other than a stat increase.
  10. Ya. Mounts are good for outnumbering opponents, as I said. They can keep the mounts. Just remove the stomp. I play every class. Before the removal of quickness stomps, a group of 5 could target one in a group of 15 and quickness stomp him.Sentries simply shouldn't keep you marked when they are killed. The very purpose of the design behind sentries is to kill them if you don't want to be marked. Therefore, sentries don't currently work the way that they logically should.
  11. There' no reason not to. Stomping is neigh impossible in WvW and almost never worth it VS cleaving anymore. Weren't they only removed because of quickness revive anyway? Bring back quickness stomp (don't bring back quickness revive) There are so many ways to revive players (stealth, downed teleport, revival skills, mercy runes, etc.) but NOTHING that helps players finish off the player that some people argue should already be dead (no downstate). Oh and while we're at it.... REMOVE mount stomp. It's disgusting. That skill should only deal damage. Mount stomp removes any possibility of a small group ever beating a larger group. A mount is basically an infinite defiance bar and 10k barrier. This is bad for the game in every way, cmon now - it shouldn't stomp players. And when a sentry that marked you dies - it should remove the marked effect. Let's make WvW alive again please. Too many mechanics are against low mans. We'll move on to invulnerable fortifications after all this gets changed, too.
  12. Hammer auto buffs - good. Players who actually play scrapper properly thank you.(I asked for hammer auto buffs of 5% -> 10% -> 15% a few months back so I'm glad to see the changes) Also.... So much this. PLEASE for the love of God keep weapon swap working the way it currently is. I also use kits -> weapon swap to cancel hammer 3. I don't mind the upcoming change but it better not affect this.
  13. So if you were one of the players complaining about the "loss" of the poison field on purge gyro for detection pulse, you should be ashamed of yourselves. No high skill engineer cared about that poison fields existence - it was trash placeholder from day 1 until the day came when it was able get competitive changes (detection pulse). What in Gods name did you use the poison field for? It never made a difference in anything - EVER at any point in any game mode. Now, we have received our poison field back and detection pulse has been moved to a selfish utility. Now you can no longer clear conditions for allies and reveal enemies with the same skill. Nice. The players who complained about the "loss" of the poison field... how long have you even played engineer, exactly? A few newbie engineers literally ruined a really, really competitive utility slot.
  14. And change Toss Elxir R from a light field to a poison field instead. Adjust Toss Elixir R to not revive if no downed allies are present at the target location. (To prevent self-revive abuse) Would this not be infinitely better than our current function gyro meme in every way? Poison will always affect downed enemies and the revive will always affect downed allies. They are changing the toss to be unblockable if you didn't know as well. As a result of function gyro becoming an elixir you'll lose the superspeed. You would also lose the lightning field from it since it would now be a poison field. Thoughts?
  15. This build is highly telegraphed. Focus 5 obviously is but play the game enough and judges intervention prediction becomes easy as well. This build is fine - it can kill but has little survivability, as it should be.
  16. Just nerf it to 300 radius from 360
  17. Its too easy to be effective on a class now. For example a god awful player on a zerk longbow ranger can make a huge impact in a fight just by pressing 1 from 1500 range. No amount of "skill" on the roamers end can deal with every class and every ability being too easy/strong. This wasn't the case in the past. Ranger was once considered bad, like really really bad. Same with a holosmith. He can come right in your face, be annoying and then rocket boots away twice and stealth away. It's disgusting. It's impossible to win if you're outnumbered by a lot now.
  18. After using infiltrators arrow or other such cheesable/too strong skills you receive a debuff called "depleted" that stops initiative regeneration for 3 seconds. This stacks in intensity. You can then do other things with this debuff like making different thresholds for the debuff dependent on how many times a skill is spammed in a row. S/D condi is such a build that spams sword 2 for broken condi cheese. (You also shouldn't be able to use sword 2's infiltrators strike without a target since it's a dumb way to remove conditions by spamming 2 without a target) As an example for the threshold:Infiltrators Strike 1st use in a row - No effectInfiltrators Strike 2nd use in a row - Level 1 depletion (temporarily minuses 3 max initiative for 3s)Infiltrators Strike 3rd use in a row - Level 2 depletion (temporarily minuses 6 max initiative for 3s)Infiltrators Strike 4th use in a row - Level 3 depletion (temporarily minuses 12 max initiative for 3s) Fine tuning could be done of course and this wouldn't necessarily have to be for every skill.But that's just an idea. Have to plant the seed in the devs heads to see the fruit come to fruition. Enjoy, peace.
  19. Hard CC followed by burst + whirlwind attack. Use rush or bulls charge next because they will try to stealth and use healing turret to full heal. Rush and bc track them in stealth. You'll know an engi is trash if he uses elixir S. That gives the engineer breathing room but it also gives the attacker 3s back of all of his cooldowns as well.
  20. Except that feedback does help you win a fight - it reflects projectiles and grants AOE chaos armor with just 1 blast. I think similarly as well for utility skills such as throw elixir R, where it doesn't help/do anything during a fight - but feedback actually does.
  21. You are just proving my point that revival skills are overpowered. Revival has been receiving nothing but powercreep over the years and securing the kill has gotten nothing but nerfs for some reason (removal of quickness stomps) even though there is a vocal playerbase that wants downstate removed entirely. And again the downed health loss duration needs to be more like 5 minutes - not 1 minute. You think feedback won't "make chrono viable"......... at this current time. Also, saying that function gyro is good at all means you haven't played with it. It doesn't do anything in a fight except get 1 tick of a revive off before being destroyed.
  22. And its also the reason why I always become... annoyed... when people go on their crusade to remove downed state, a core functionality of GW2 combat and what makes it uniquely GW2. Downed state needs tuning, not removal, and the penalty is definetly one of the problematic areas (and I still think we should have 1:1 ressing to stop power res, which would incidently increase the value of res skills). Agreed. "Downed penaltySuccessive downed states weaken a character further. Each downed state inflicts one point of downed penalty, reducing downed health by 25% per point. Downed penalty lasts for one minute and stacks by intensity. Holding four points of downed penalty (100% health loss) will instantly defeat a player. " The duration of downed penalty needs to last like 5 minutes and the duration should be reset when downed again.I can't see any reason why it shouldn't be like that. And in the case of SPvP...Notes:Downed penalty is disabled in PvP maps. Why????????
  23. I have ignored druid for so long I actually forgot that Glyph of the Stars existed. But yes - exactly. Something similar to that.
  24. Glyph of Renewal: Reduced recharge to 90 seconds in all game modes. Lowered cast time from 3.25 seconds to 2 seconds.No trade off - just buffs. Glyph of renewal was already 90 seconds in WvW and maybe PvP, the 165 second CD was a bit ridiculous to have anyway so it may be more useful in PvE, the cast time going down from 3.25 to 2 seconds is nice but not amazing.2s with quickness becomes 1s and groups at high level and crafted meta-comps will have quickness. This isn't really about the glyph - this is about powercreep to revival which isn't even necessary because revival is already too strong. It's securing the kill that is too hard to do. (Merciful intervention, warbanner, illusion of life, necro blood teleport, ranger shout teleport, etc.) I'm talking high level group play / GvG here, not zerg vs zerg. You already almost impossibly cannot secure a kill in these fights. The devs are going about revival the wrong way. What is the counter to any of those revival abilities? There isn't any. A 1s cast time 100% revive vs a prolonged, on your knees and vulnerable revive? That is way too strong. A better change in the example of the elementalist glyph would be to instead make it a single target revive that acts the same way pressing "F" does but it instead does it at 900 range. That could work for the scrappers function gyro as well - making it a 900 range (or whatever range) channel that acts the same way pressing "F" does. The reason function gyro is so bad is because they are afraid of making it too strong. If it couldn't die - it would be the most overpowered thing in the game - that's why it's trash, because it has to be. A channeled revive/stomp at range would make so much more sense, be actually balanced with counterplay and be actually useful.
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