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Everything posted by Holland.9351

  1. zero I suppose. That's what I have anyway. Full berserker with longbow can work. So the real answer is, it depends on what weapons and skills you want to use. So you haven't provided enough info.
  2. To add to that, the camp flippers were never brave. They needed to flip a camp fast enough before anyone had time to react and fight them over it. Then they'd disappear in stealth to go to the next camp. edit: Let's also not forget the Target Painter Trap. All great additions to the game.
  3. It's probably because of the watchtower upgrade on towers and the "marked" of sentries. Which I both love. Camp flippers can only go so many routes unnoticed and the defenders only have to watch the routes the sentries/watchtowers don't cover.
  4. I like splintershot a lot, if it also includes reflect. Just replace remorseless with this new trait and add remorseless into any of the 3 minor traits.
  5. How about: whenever a projectile is reflected, it's destroyed instead. If warrior has a trait that makes blocks into reflects, it makes sense for ranger to have a trait that makes reflect into destroy. I've made this suggestion many years ago and still stand by it. At least only in WvW. I'd also like to see displayed on screen when my projectiles are destroyed or reflected, not only when evaded, blocked or obstructed. I'd also like to see when my reflected projectiles are dealing damage to friendly targets and how much damage is done.
  6. I use it for fun on my longbow ranger. Mostly just to be annoying with 1s chill and poison. But if you really want to get the most out of it, probably condi trapper.
  7. I also like the small scale fights from 5v5 up to 10v10, maybe 15v15 too. At some point it does become boring where blobs just become immune to a few attackers. Especially with retaliation killing any ele or ranger who dares throw an area effect skill their way, which makes it super boring and makes blobs too strong.
  8. there are 2 sigils that can remove boon(s), but I haven't tried them.
  9. The only thing special about ranger is its range with longbow. It has always been its only redeeming factor in my opinion. I think it's especially fun in WvW. I even used to play it when it couldn't even hit a moving target. So don't complain, it's still much better than what it used to be.
  10. Strength of the Pack Reduce cast time to 0s (instant cast) and add stunbreak.This should be an all-round solid elite skill. I think most people still use it, but only because the others are even worse in most situations. It's a skill that is mostly used for the stability, which counters CC, so it makes little sense to give it a long cast time so it can be countered by the CC it's supposed to be countering. The might sharing isn't even that great, just remove it and add a flat amount. Opening Strike Completely rework it. Again. The ability the regain Opening Strike should at least be part of the minor traits.I'm not sure what you should do with this mess, but it's a waste of traits. You can dedicate 4 traits to Opening Strike and it would still be terrible without help. Frost Trap Reduce cooldown to 20 secondI don't know why its cooldown is 30 seconds.
  11. make it throw the greatsword at the opponent and daze/stun and cripple them
  12. I only use shortbow, longbow is useless and far too slow. I think I already mentioned that the weapon is not slow in any way shape or form. Rev hammer is slow, necro staff AA is slow. LB for ranger is not slow. Period. Edit: that was another thread. Let’s look at the weapon then. AA is faster than Necro and rev, slower than a sb but with nearly twice the range, boo hoo if you believe that slow. It does more than REVENANT AA levels of damage when stacked with buffs, which is ridiculous. Rev hammer AA is ridiculous but at least it’s dumb slow. 2 skill needs no explanation. It’s always been good.3 skill gives you stealth, meaning you have potential disegage and the ability to reposition for bettter kiting.4 skill ignores LoS, so you can shoot it inside anything you see while covering a respectable area and slowing people down.5 skill is a super fast CC that gets stronger the closer you are to someone, giving you better potential to keep someone away from you and kite. It also pairs good with traits like Ancient Seeds and Rapid Fire to lock people down and pew pew to death. If you really believe this weapon is bad, you’re either lying or just really ignorant. I'm offended, why did you switch skill 4 and 5?
  13. My excuse is that I haven't been back that long yet... But I do remember from years ago that I had to wait a long time for barrage to get off cooldown.
  14. yes barrage feels much better now. but I don't see it in the patch notes for some reason
  15. The #2 on ranger sword is going to be Monarch Leap which then chains into serpent strike. So you’d leap in; and then be able to serpent strike. so let's say you use monarch leap. It now becomes serpent strike. then you use hornet sting, which reduces cooldown on monarch leap... but there is no monarch leap because it's serpent strike. It only becomes Serpent Strike for 5s, or until you use Serpent Strike, that's how flip skills work. All I'm saying is that it might not even apply the cooldown reduction while serpent strike is up.
  16. The #2 on ranger sword is going to be Monarch Leap which then chains into serpent strike. So you’d leap in; and then be able to serpent strike. so let's say you use monarch leap. It now becomes serpent strike. then you use hornet sting, which reduces cooldown on monarch leap... but there is no monarch leap because it's serpent strike.
  17. traps are nice with trapper runes. I just think the trap cooldowns are all over the place for no apparent reason. Just make them all 20 seconds or something (except healing spring). With the trapper runes you want the traps with the lowest cooldown, which means the game picks them for me rather than giving me the choice. Also, make Entangle a trap with 600 radius. that way you can still use it as you currently would, but it would also count as a trap in the elite slot. I don't think many people use traited entangle for the fury or condi removal anyway.
  18. How can hornet recharge monarch if monarch has switched to serpent? But I'll see if it's any good. as for greatsword, just remove the kick and keep the throw. I have no opinion on the auto
  19. remove the kick, but keep the throw.
  20. If damage output is the problem, it's probably because soulbeast has three +% damage traits in its spec, two of which are forced on every soulbeast. +7%, +5% and +10%. That's potentially 22% more damage output than rangers without soulbeast and you also have to add a ferocious pet on top of it (+200 power +100 ferocity). If you're going to make all longbow rangers worse, even those who don't use soulbeast, maybe you could make Hunter's Shot Unblockable as compromise. This would also fix the 'bug' where a reflected shot would stealth the opponent.
  21. It goes from 0.8 average to 0.7 average. So a damage decrease of 12.5%
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