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Everything posted by kiroho.4738

  1. Which was a great descision. Having only Chrono required as a class for any raid run, was awful. Same for Druid. Oh and by the way, boon Chrono in raids always took the role of the tank, so there actually never were "pure boon support roles". 😉 Having raid groups that always block 3 slots for Chrono and Druid? Sounds super healthy! Not. Or a bit further in time having the remaining 7 slots blocked for certain builds to provide this and that unique buff. Super healthy! Not. And please explain how creating more variety is "the main reason behind the power creep", I'm curious. We had all these boons since HoT, some boons even got nerfed. Please go on and tell us how having more options to provide these boons are the reason behind the power creep. Oh and don't forget to explain why powercreep was a thing long before Anet started giving boon support builds to all/more classes. Because that's the interesting one. Sorry, that's nonesense. And again no explanation why they are off? Druid is exactly the same as before. Providing Alac happens completely passively while playing. And when talking about the original Druid, you should check the history of the Grace of the Land trait. It just switched from providing a dmg buff, to providing might to providing alac. You wanted them in any cases, so the playstyle hasn't changed at all. Same with heal Scourge. Before you wanted to throw as much barrier at your group as you have. Now your barrier grants alac and you want to throw as much barrier at your group as you have. The playstyle hasn't changed at all. And again, same with Warrior. As Berserker you want to keep up your berserk mode as long as possible and spam as many bursts as you have. Now your bursts grant quickness. They playstyle remains 1:1 the same. Please do your research.
  2. Restricted is a pretty nice description. There were Druid and Tempest as healers, nothing else. And there was Chrono for boons (Quickness+Alac), nothing else. But that's not the case? Each class no has access to full support builds (Warrior will have with upcoming weapons). They are not "eliminated", they are more present than ever. Boon/dps hybrids are just another option. More options, more variety. And just by the way, it was again players who even created this "niche". I mean, have you watched the latest few balance patches? Because they clearly show that Anet gave more variety to previous support only specs. Best example is Druid. They changed it from a purely support spec to a spec that can be played as support or as condition dmg. Mech -> support, boon dps or condition dps. Scrapper -> support, boon dps or power dps. Tempest -> support, boon dps or condition dps. Specter -> support, boon dps or condition dps. And so on. Like all support specs also have non support options and none of them have to be "twisted in pretzels in order to make them work". I personally have much fun with condi druid and condi tempest. No "twisting" needed.
  3. Especs are part of expansions. If they created especs for money, they would have sold them in gemshop. But they added them to expansions, their lowest income source. What does that have to do with my sentence about ranger sword you quoted?... When you have nothing to add, then just don't add anything.
  4. They did in previous beta tests. In the past they indeed changed gameplay after a beta test when necessary. They also do that with balance patches.
  5. We did not talk about dungeons. We talked about raids. Wrong content.
  6. As a game dev you have a different view on things than you have as a player, you know? Players are almost never objective when it comes to balancing. They always want the stuff they like to be protected/improved and barely care about stuff that doesn't affect them. Ofcourse as a player you say "Oh, this change would be so easy and fix a lot", but in reality you don't know much about it. You missed the point...
  7. EoD Strikes aren't that hard either and from their CMs only HT reach a difficulty similar to Raids. On the long scope after Raid Wing 7 high end content became easier and easier. You keep saying that, but you don't explain why you think that. Seems like it's just a purely subjective feeling you have. If you payed attention, you would know that this is literally their goal since EoD. You know the upcoming patch is only a pretty small balance patch, no? It's no major balance patch, just a small one inbetween. In your first sentence you said I should look past the scope of the content of the last expansion. You should look past the scope of a minor patch. I the players are the reason for that, it changes everything. because you can't blame Anet for anything anymore. You may haven't played during that time, but it was not "a minority of players". You barely found a group when you refused to bring your unique effect. As I said, take that trait or leave. Yes it was an expactation of other players, but exactly that was the problem. Not the effects, but how much importance player gave them. Not really, open world is still full of "free style" builds and pvp/wvw has their own balance. If you think revenant feels unique by having a trait that gives allies some ferocity, you don't understand what makes a class tick. And surprise, all "unique effect" traits were just that in the end -> a stat boost. Not that unique after all. Actual unique skills/effects still remain at the respective class. And I think you know that. Otherwise the stat boost traits wouldn't be your only argument. Sorry, but then you do something extremely wrong. Probably again your purely subjective feeling. It's still like this. The only difference is that you now have to distinct by elite specs instead of classes. That's it. If you can't do that, it's not the game's fault. On this point the game is closer to their roots than ever before.
  8. Neither the new Strikes nor the released CM -> the only content where high end builds matters - fit that "feeling". Soto strikes are the easiest since IBS (which were meant to be a ramp from open world to high end content). And CO CM is the easiest CM that ever existed. Strike difficulty are known facts. The assumption that Anet tries to make the game fit whatever builds from whatever websites, ist pure speculation. You may have not been playing long enough, but GW2 was always a game where every class could play any role. That's was the goal from release on. No role that can only be played by this class, no force to play that class. Ironically it were Raids (highend content) that changed this. With Raids we suddenly needed healers and only two classes/specs were able to do that. Due to Raids we also suddenly had supporters and ofcourse everybody wanted alacrity and quickness, which only one class/spec could provide. Raids / high end content is what torn the harmony between classes apart. People required classes/specs with ability XY and refused any alternative. Anet was forced to remove unique effects, because players excluded every class/spec that did not provide one of the good effects. Furthermore when playing a class/spec with such good unique effect, you were forced to play a build that uses the respective trait or to deface your build so you take that trait. Ever tried to raid as Rev without Assassin's Presence back then? No chance. Playing condi? Take that trait line anyways or leave. Anet removed these traits because of how players behaved due to them. That's the only reason. By removing unique effects and giving all classes access to alacrity, quickness and healing, they brought back the harmony between classes. A game where you are not forced to play a certain class to fulfill a certain role. Back to how it was at release. Literally back to the roots.
  9. I mean, what they showed was pre beta. They showed the new weapons and made the beta test to gather feedback and improve the weapons. What you saw is not the final version and it was never meant to be. That's how beta tests work.
  10. I mean, if that one rune effect was the only thing that kept you in the game, it's probably better for you to stop playing and looking for something more fun. no?
  11. What? No no As soon as a player don't like a change, Anet hates the playerbase. Or don't play their own game. Or have no idea about their job. Or they let an intern do that. If they listened to everything players want, the game would be fckd up after a single update. Anet is a game studio in first place. They have their own vision of their game and that vision is not necessarily the same as what you or me or player XY think the game should be. People should understand that a game studio have their own idea how their game should be. And no, it's not all about making money, so your "we are their customers and they should to what we want" argument is invalid. Money is barely a motivator for how Anet makes their game. It influences gemstore stuff, but that's it. Not combat/gameplay stuff. If making money was their priority, they would have choosen a subscription of freemium monetization model like most other MMOs.
  12. + It will not. The new season doesn't change anything about the price, it keeps raising. Not at all. Since mid of September the price is rising non stop. It started rising even faster since season 2 release. https://www.gw2tp.com/item/19976-mystic-coin Nope, MCs never reached 3g. Top price was 2.71g in may 2021. You forget that even with the starter kit only a small amount of players craft a legendary. Most players just sell or keep their Mystic Coins.
  13. When it comes to dailies everything has changed with Wizards Vault. We don't have said "do x Events on map y" anymore. These dailies were changed to do an even on a certain region. Like Ascalon, Maguuma Jungle or Kryta. You are not forced to do events on starter/low level maps. You can actively decide between 5 or more maps. Plus, when you have an expansion, the expansion areas are included as well, which all are lvl 80 maps. It's the same for "kill x enemies" dailies. And as for weeklies, "do 10 events" are not restricted to any map or region at all.
  14. There is. You just have to know ranger. Offhand dagger 4 is a similar move to old Serpent's Strike. Lightning Reflexes is a leap backwards. For leaps forward you have sword and dagger. As untamed with dagger you also have an additional skill to get behind your enemie. Not quite the same, as it is a shadow step, but it fits the overall playstyle. Different skill distribution, but the same playstyle. And nobody ever claimed that. 😉 You can keep playing this "yes, no, yes" game as long as you want, but you seem to forget the actual topic. You try to exagerrate on this detail and evading with other "arguments", while ignoring my actual point -> Asking for something is fine, but accusing Anet to "hate" the players if they don't follow your request is not. That's just childish and kills all your credibility. This way you make yourself look like a stubborn child, nothing else.
  15. They changed ranger sword, because too few people used it. Ironic. And yes, you can still play that playstyle. If you don't know the class, it's a you problem.
  16. Anet took away some unique 6th rune effects and therefore gave some new relic effects. Yes, you are asking for more. Nothing is wrong with asking to get the old effects as well, but you can ask without accusing them to hate the playerbase. It's not that hard to not exaggerate.
  17. You are a customer and you got what you paid for. Now you are asking for more, so you should show decency. And btw. runes are F2P items. You didn't pay anything for them. 😉 You only speak for yourself. You represent nobody except yourself. Deal with it.
  18. I agree with you except for the last sentence: When you ask for something, you shouldn't end your request with a "You don't appreciate nor care of you playerbase, if you don't do what I want" statement. It kills all your credibility.
  19. Bosses/Events really should not be nerfed because of AFKers, leechers or people who refuse to join the fight. This is no boss issue, this is a player issue. Don't look at the bosses for a fix, look at the players.
  20. Ofcourse you say so, otherwise you had no argument. 😉 Because we have a mastery for it. One mastery for Soto, one for EoD. Core masteries has a speed buff for cities.
  21. Yeah, because +25% exp boost is so importan for veteran players that they care . . . Spoiler: It's not.
  22. Ehh... Rollerbeetle was release with Kourna (LS4 Episode 3). Skyscale (includung rift mastery) was released with Dragonfall (LS4 Episode 6). The Rollerbeetle does NOT need the rift hunting mastery at all. And the Legendary Ley Anomaly you talk about was released as a side story during LS3. It's a normal Core Tyria Event... Please, do your research properly. That's right. The skin collection is only available after doing the Soto Skyscale collection. Not possible to start it with only having LS4 Skyscale unlocked. Wow, that escalated quickly... No, that rift masteryshould not added to Soto Skyscale, because it has nothing to do with Soto. The rift mastery is exclusively used for LS4 stuff and Vision is a LS4 legendary. In short: If you want to get LS4 rewards, do the LS4 stuff. Do you forget that we get a whole legendary armor set with Soto? . . .
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