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Everything posted by praqtos.9035

  1. ???????????????????????????????????????????? WatIf he wanted to show high burst from the guardian he shoulda pick on the hammer :joy: GS bursts harder than hammer. But not with gs5. The burst is focus 5 into JI gs2.With a hammer its look like "one-shot" ;)
  2. First how is scrapper compared with the mesmer? Does he one shot from stealth? Does he perma stunlock you (Chaotic Interruption) and simultaneously give you ton of condis in seconds? Does he Blinks with a press of a button and is 1200m away or even shadowstep (x3)? Which other class in the game has the above package? Did I mention clones, stealth, Evades, Invulns and other badly designed stuff? no Finally which class in the game (equal player skill) can match it up comfortably contesting a node? And yes if the mesmer is a good player he can't be killed, even when with team effort you try to block his escape routes. Same as thief currently.You do exactly what I said in previous post. Mix EVERYTHING that mesmer CAN do in ONE build with BILLION utilities and traitlines. And exaggerations...Your claims are nothing but a frigging joke and its disgusting to see such people over and over.If mesmer would be so godlike as noobs make it look like we would see every team with 2 godmode mesmers with all possible traitlines instead of double revenants.When I made a thread with ridiculous claims and exaggerations it was removed, but why I cant report posts of all these people thats a big question.
  3. ???????????????????????????????????????????? WatIf he wanted to show high burst from the guardian he shoulda pick on the hammer :joy:
  4. "Around season 9 or 10 prior to any nerfs people calculated the uptime on evasion between DD and mirage" Smart to put before the nerfs , because that's the problem. DD got destroyed and mirage still remained untouched in terms of what SHOULD HAVE been nerfed and what was actually nerfed on mesmer. Mesmer continually receives the incorrect nerfs, and I think that's the major issue with the class balance of it in general while other classes literally get entire builds gutted into extinction like d/p meta build was.There is no class can beat thief at evasion uptime and doubt they actually did anything like this, this would distract them from making the only content for the game = contentshop. Nerfs at wrong places thats not a breaking news.In fact to nerf mirage they destroyed core mesmer thus ruined everything on base level. The same goes for chrono. Everyone been happy and up for core nerfs for the mesmer meanwhile when they have busted core traits = DONT TOUCH MY MAIN, NERF ELITE SPEC :joy:Now in 2019 kids QQ hard about being lost in clones... How this people degraded to this level after seven years...I would rather believe they calculated who spend the most cash on gemshop across all classes and mesmer players are invest the least amount of $$$ xD
  5. Some classes have like 1 or 2 stacks and are not readily available, so then what? Like fighting anything, you should time your skills. If you avoid the chaos storms, you can counter the rest by condi removal, CC break and dodging.He also can try to fake casting or spam stowing, if you fight chrono they will spam daze mantra on you even if you attempt to cast an auto attack (I would) for boons,burst,immob. LoS a lot,if you can, I dont really recommend to engage in 1x1 with it, you probably want to 1x2 it with a thief or if thief is skilled enough he will eat him alive himself.My honest opinion : this trait shouldnt immobilize. Buff pmesmer
  6. Dude. Your stuff is so condescending it's not funny. You could make points without all of the above. If people disagree, let them, or argue with facts, not "kiddos" and "buckos" lol.He is mad child hyperbolizing to insanity (spoiler: I did it as well somewhere but its hard to miss, not here xD). There is simple fact : no one can be invulnerable-perma evading for 3 minutes, especially mesmer with gutted vigor access and not having access to any endurance boost like thief/engi/ranger. Simple logical conclusion - if he fought 3 minutes perma invul mesmer, he did play just as busted class as this mesmer (its not possible anyway)He is apparently mad that confusion does 10 damage per second if you dont use skills, what a tragedy....
  7. No, you forgot how the guy was probably laughing so hard that he nearly spilled his coffee because someone actually falls for retaliaton in 2019. What's the lesson learned here? Pay attention to your boons and conditions AND your targets boons and conditions.Are you memeing ?Core guardian keep permanent retal even if you remove it once, do you really expect me to watch how he kills me and basically go AFK? Are you? So what you are saying is core guardians are basically unkillable? Cool, new super meta build found. The fact you can't even figure out how to deal with retaliation is scary... Small hint: not attacking is not the only way but might be a smart start if you are being hard countered in a situation. Hopfully after disengaging and reengaging you have adapted your build...In what context? ? ? ? ? ?Thats you suggest me to go afk when he has retal which is beyond dumb .No one will wait out this boons unless they are about to die.
  8. No, you forgot how the guy was probably laughing so hard that he nearly spilled his coffee because someone actually falls for retaliaton in 2019. What's the lesson learned here? Pay attention to your boons and conditions AND your targets boons and conditions.Are you memeing ?Core guardian keep permanent retal even if you remove it once, do you really expect me to watch how he kills me and basically go AFK? Are you?
  9. Yes mesmers have too many clone generation thats correct. All of them keep putting torment and kitten on you constantly and passively while mirage afks/stealths and bursts you. I would suggest maximum clone generation to 2 and that too with less frequency. Either that or clones dont damage you at all aside from very minor power damage maybe.You are absolutely clueless about the class, sadly, like everyone else who QQ about the mesmer. There is no way for mesmer to NOT rely on clones to do the damage.You dont even understand that mesmer damage TIED into phantasm/clones. Phantasms never do 10k++ damage like arc divider, maul,dj and whatnot, their cooldown is like 3-6 seconds, phantasm summon is 1s cast on ~20-30 seconds cd. How is that fair? Its not. Give all damage to mesmer, completely rework mesmer to be undependent on clones and remove all damage from clones all you want, replace phantasms with an actual real skill that mesmer cast himself.Cones die in 1 auto and used for shatters as well. No clones, no shatters, no damage at all for the mesmer(Condi based). Can I destroy warrior adrenaline, thief initiative,necro shroud,rev energy before they have a chance to use their class mechanic ?2 clones and less generation?Ok only if this changes would happen : Necromancer has too much shroud - I think it should be only 1/3 of the current one. Thief initiative generating too quick thus this lead to brainless spam - must be 50% of current one. Adrenaline generation is too high - they should generate it in combat and to get 1 bar they must spend 30 seconds in combat, adrenaline gain skills are deleted. Revenant should generate energy only if he is standing still. When engineer use toolbelt all toolbelts share the cooldown of used skill. If ranger and pet share same hp, if one dies, the other one is dies too . I can meme too :DComplaints about clones in 2019 ... No.
  10. Lmao compared to most powercrept skills out there nowadays it's not broken in the slightest, improv might be though how it synergize with it. I'd say ur comment makes u biased and delusional:) There is no skill stronger than rampage, DS is the second strongest skill in the game. There is no better than this. I would want it on EVERY single class, even without double-triple possible recharge from improv.
  11. Place bluri into gold tier 1, make him soloQ and lets see if he can climb as fast as his skill level. The answer is no.(he plays thief ofc)With other classes you can achieve things much more efficiently, thieves mobility becoming more and more obsolote with all the movement skills across classes.Also that wanted to be a meme thread, but i cant upload pictures to the forum nor link, the post wanted to show me with 3k power and 247% ferocity doing 2*273 wildstrike to enemy war with no boons.Also according to your logic if one "highly competitive godlike so fancy um nyum-nyum sind player" can be top 1 and win monthly with a class then that class is easy, good balanced etc...In 1953 Edmund Hillary climbed Mt Everest, according to your logic then every human can achieve the same. Also minor factors that he had a Sherpa called Tendzing Norgaj doesnt even matter only the individual. Also for real..., thief player base is basically dissapeared over the years, in pvp i used to see atleast one in every match, now i can play 3-4 games and the only thief is me, in WvW thief totally went extinct too This ^Sind is a amazing thief player or player in general who knows how to make almost always flawless rotations and uses the strengths thief has in mobility to do those rotations and decap points to the point he almost carries some matches. Sind arguement to thief players wasnt that thief is in a good state but more so that it isn't ineffective or weak in pvp CONQUEST which it isn't due to again the sb5 enabling thief to decap more efficiently than other classes. Though decapping is a kitten job doing it wins matches so yeah thief is still viable and meta but even sind has stated having one viable build/weapon set is boring after all these years lol. I still stand by what I said though that without sb5 thief would be extinct in pvp and its roaming capabilities depend on it to a degree that thief as a roamer would be even more extinct than it is now lol. If a class was lacking in every way compared to others in pvp but had a instant port to cap points it would be meta and strong in that game mode but would it be a good design or mean that the class is strong, especially considering the non cap game modes?From his own thread.I mean rifle 4 acts almost the same so wouldnt differ, dash daredevil has almost same mobility too so in order to get thief away from decap/+1 you need to nerf essentially any source of mobility of thief.Surely if the goal is to make thief into a brawler/rev foster thief needs a massive overhaul. Doesnt matter if thief has weaker damage when you dictate the whole map due to the mobility.If I would be on Anet place I would definitely would want to know his opinion how to make thief better but not broken but..do you really believe anet can afford this? Thier game in a mess with this Q bug and new pops out as perma map choice screen recently.Other games modes? They can split between game modes, not like its first time. DH is wastly superior at WvW just like revenant.Its not another "thief is bad pls buff" or "thief is unfun" thread. Thats alrdy pure derailing boys, you can discuss this somewhere else
  12. https://youtu.be/GvmZRQGYSO8 I photoshopped the video obviously lmao.Max what I'v got hit even on mesmer was 6200 simply because no one is running full yolo without WS. I'm actually surprised it does that much with just LB auto but that build is ultra unviable.
  13. Zeromis' existence proves that mesmer is far away from being useless trash as mesmers cry.As if there ever been any rival for team USA, regardless of what zeromis play they will win even without him. Good example /s
  14. I defended a broke mechanic? Quote me."Give me back my damage and I'll take executioner and basilisk."Context is pretty clear: you are not willing to give up on broken DS improv combo. I replied to you on that thread, play DE if you want damage, top3 on EU is a DE btw :) No, i just want my damage back. There is no defense.Then how your comment was relevant to "DS/rampage thread"? I clearly see exact this meaning what I wrote but if you insist that your comment is meaningless and irrelevant, like most of your posts, ok.Part of it contains in my answer to you in other thread but I'll quote Sind himself:I mean rifle 4 acts almost the same so wouldnt differ, dash daredevil has almost same mobility too so in order to get thief away from decap/+1 you need to nerf essentially any source of mobility of thief.Surely if the goal is to make thief into a brawler/rev foster thief needs a massive overhaul. Doesnt matter if thief has weaker damage when you dictate the whole map due to the mobility.Now stop with derailing Okay. Instant cast ranged ccChain ccCasting spell while casting ccScreen clutter with all the phantasm clonesEvasive as hellMobile as hellStealthDE targetHit hard, they dont Need to one shot, they can cc, hit, cc run, cc hit, stealth, blur, distant evade, port, cc hit.You can run mantra on hybrid too.Mesmer not at mat is not an argument. Mmkay?If I would list everything any class capable of and exaggerate asf as you just did, would it look like a good argument? This is standard exaggeration.If I remove "phantasm and clones", "mantras" and replace "mesmer is not on mat" on thief, it would be more looking like truth than what you wrote. You legit just complained about 6/6/6/6/6 build that has everything and 10 utilities at once...Actually from your comment it seems your rating is like 1300?When I'll make thief nerf thread I will repost you, be sure about that xD When you have no argument your tactics are to insult. My potato is a little bland, so thanks for the salt.Well, your tactic is enourmous exaggeration which are typical for pretty much bad players. Their opponents have infinite amount of everything, so they cant win, thats your case.
  15. @Psycoprophet.8107Indeed. Want me to complain about plasma as well?:DDouble-triple DS concerns me the most. The point I made about RNG is valid.Yet
  16. I defended a broke mechanic? Quote me."Give me back my damage and I'll take executioner and basilisk."Context is pretty clear: you are not willing to give up on broken DS improv combo. I replied to you on that thread, play DE if you want damage, top3 on EU is a DE btw :) No, i just want my damage back. There is no defense.Then how your comment was relevant to "DS/rampage thread"? I clearly see exact this meaning what I wrote but if you insist that your comment is meaningless and irrelevant, like most of your posts, ok.Part of it contains in my answer to you in other thread but I'll quote Sind himself:I mean rifle 4 acts almost the same so wouldnt differ, dash daredevil has almost same mobility too so in order to get thief away from decap/+1 you need to nerf essentially any source of mobility of thief.Surely if the goal is to make thief into a brawler/rev foster thief needs a massive overhaul. Doesnt matter if thief has weaker damage when you dictate the whole map due to the mobility.Now stop with derailing Okay. Instant cast ranged ccChain ccCasting spell while casting ccScreen clutter with all the phantasm clonesEvasive as hellMobile as hellStealthDE targetHit hard, they dont Need to one shot, they can cc, hit, cc run, cc hit, stealth, blur, distant evade, port, cc hit.You can run mantra on hybrid too.Mesmer not at mat is not an argument. Mmkay?If I would list everything any class capable of and exaggerate asf as you just did, would it look like a good argument? This is standard exaggeration.If I remove "phantasm and clones", "mantras" and replace "mesmer is not on mat" on thief, it would be more looking like truth than what you wrote. You legit just complained about 6/6/6/6/6 build that has everything and 10 utilities at once...Actually from your comment it seems your rating is like 1300?When I'll make thief nerf thread I will repost you, be sure about that xD
  17. I defended a broke mechanic? Quote me."Give me back my damage and I'll take executioner and basilisk."Context is pretty clear: you are not willing to give up on broken DS improv combo. I replied to you on that thread, play DE if you want damage, top3 on EU is a DE btw :) No, i just want my damage back. There is no defense.Then how your comment was relevant to "DS/rampage thread"? I clearly see exact this meaning what I wrote but if you insist that your comment is meaningless and irrelevant, like most of your posts, ok.Part of it contains in my answer to you in other thread but I'll quote Sind himself:I mean rifle 4 acts almost the same so wouldnt differ, dash daredevil has almost same mobility too so in order to get thief away from decap/+1 you need to nerf essentially any source of mobility of thief.Surely if the goal is to make thief into a brawler/rev foster thief needs a massive overhaul. Doesnt matter if thief has weaker damage when you dictate the whole map due to the mobility.Now stop with derailing Okay. Instant cast ranged ccChain ccCasting spell while casting ccScreen clutter with all the phantasm clonesEvasive as hellMobile as hellStealthDE targetHit hard, they dont Need to one shot, they can cc, hit, cc run, cc hit, stealth, blur, distant evade, port, cc hit.You can run mantra on hybrid too.Mesmer not at mat is not an argument. Mmkay?If I would list everything any class capable of and exaggerate asf as you just did, would it look like a good argument?
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