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Everything posted by praqtos.9035

  1. lol this is my second time playing power mirage and I went 26-0 with 40% of the team's damage cause the bursts are so easy to land in a 12 min 30 second match that means I was getting roughly one kill every 27 seconds "dont need any defense" 4Head OmegaLULUnranked arena 4head OmegaLUL Where do you think I fought the mantra mesmers? Ranked. They farmed my pugs there so just cause you can't time your bursts doesn't mean other people can't. It's actually ez mode lmaoHow to prove somethign : go unranked, farm some noobs, claim that what you are played is "absolutely busted" . Ok.
  2. lol this is my second time playing power mirage and I went 26-0 with 40% of the team's damage cause the bursts are so easy to land in a 12 min 30 second match that means I was getting roughly one kill every 27 seconds "dont need any defense" 4Head OmegaLULUnranked arena 4head OmegaLUL
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I fought a team with double mantra mesmer yesterday and absolutely could not participate in the fight. In the very literal sense. I could not use my skills, I was constantly dazed/stunned. There was no tell, not only is it instant this is compounded by initiating from stealth. If I stopped evading, dead, instantly. Not in a second, not in a half second, instantly or at least in about 250ms which might as well be instantly. I get the nerf threads on Soulbeast and Holosmith but why has no one made a thread on this until now? I feel like it's pretty broken. I wont even address Revenant, there are already threads on that mess.Defending sic em oneshot but getting farmed by power mesmer. Learn to dodge/block/invul/los now baby@shadowpass.4236I dont even know, 2 rev/2 power mesmers comps must be banned? Is that what your post about? I've stated repeatedly that I'm fine with Sic Em getting removed. There's nothing to dodge when the mantras are instant and the burst can be used from stealth. GS2 is unblockable. You can only invuln if you see the burst coming. Otherwise you just waste the cooldown and they wait it out. LoS doesn't work against the mantra burst because they can just teleport behind the terrain with blink, jaunt, or sword 3.So you are actually complaining about full zerk build without any sustain, any cleanse that use his only breakstun and only stealth on 30s cd that must use all his defense tools to attemtp to kill you... ? Seriously ?Gs2 is the only unblockable that mesmer has on entire class and hit like a wet noodle.Only invul? WHAT? Literally everything works: dodge(1.5-2s later after stealth or when u him raising his hand for mirror blade),blocking, LoS, noport. Without frontloading everything right next to your face it wont kill youOtherwise you just waste the cooldown and they wait it out.If you seen/know about mesmer presence that want to oneshot you, his chance to kill you drastically fall off.Neither see purple sword flying next to you, phantasmal berserk spawned next to you, not trying to find LoS( which is obviously work and u wont ever get oneshot from 2 mantras alone ),not doing anything to anticipate the burst, then you 100% deserved to die.Damn it, tell your team to get 1 thief and they will be stuck on respawn
  4. You do know the forums have very little effect on what the devs actually do, right?Every single nerf on the mesmer was called exactly from forum, just as certain buffs ideas. I dont know, you must be blind to not see how impactful it is, otherwise you wouldnt be here
  5. I'm not referring to good mesmers, who still continue to be good and are still doing just fine. I'm referring to those who actually tried to defend the class back when it would even win 1v1 against its supposed counter.You can find such people for every class regardless how broken it is, big surprise, I guess.You want to find them? Search the mesmer forums in 2018 then search the previous seasons leaderboards for the randoms claiming the class was fine during that year. Oh look, none of them are on it. Big surprise.Its not something I would like to spend time on, obviously. There is also probability they dont play anymore
  6. This is richer than the whitest, fattest, heaviest cream coming from a rev main.This one is a special snowflake, shows a video with jaw casts ATs, where nearly every team had double even triple revenants and said "calling rev OP would be wrong", I almost fell of my chair. If you are going to do a personal attack, at least say something that is actually true and actually happened.What need a nerf opinion from p1-p2 thread? Never happened?I've done exactly the opposite and stated that Rev damage is overtuned, power crept, and pretty much all the damage buffs the class has been given should be reverted and/or nerfed. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/943694/#Comment_943694What a change, well done ;)The fact is I was platinum and on LB with renegade during PoF launchExcuse me, even with all respect to your "achievement" but reaching platinum... You know...Never been hard ?while scrubs played condi mirage post phantasm rework during 2018 placed in gold and came here to claim it wasn't OP.I admit when a class I like is broken, these clowns do not.So who are these gold scrubs and clowns? Eh ? In fact MANY mesmer players admitted it was OP and suggested solutions that were ignored. Nice try !
  7. Yep, sometimes. Remember that if and when other things finally get nerfed. :)Just poke with it thief/ele/core guard, lets see their reaction
  8. Pretty hilarious see them talking about mesmer viablity without mesmer being present in the meta. NA mesmer as an example might play naked and faceroll 500-0 all NA teams regardless,thats how bad NA is
  9. I disagree, the burst is to high especially for the range and relative safety it can be accomplished at. Theres too many instances like I've explained above that even without UU it would be constant one shots which are almost unavoidable and shouldn't exist in pvp modes. If ur engaged and get +1 by ranger at 1800+ range u prob arnt noticing ranger let alone saving a block or dodge incase one shows and if u dont UU means nothing as the burst is still so high and fast-dead. If you get +1 and didn't save any tools to disengage (blocks, evades, blinks), then you will and should die no matter the profession that does it. Idk why people treat this one gimmick build (Sic 'em Sniper) like it's the be-all end-all of a broken build when it's really not all that strong and doesn't contribute much. You can get one shot from stealth by mesmerA warrior can dash in from over 2000 range and activate berserk and delete you with Arc Divider (happened a few times to me lately)Rev can Phase Traversal from behind a wall and pop you with shackling wave + 25 might stacks + impossible oddsEle can delete you with scepterDeadeye can delete you with malicious backstabGuard can blink to you and absolutely eradicate youHolosmith Photon Forge Sic 'em sniper is no more effective than these combos and in some cases less so. This really isn't a soubeast specific issue, it's a power creep issue. One key difference though: Sic 'Em Sniper does it from 1800+ range without ever having to get close to their target. That is inherently low risk, high reward. How is mesmer one shot from stealth high risk? How is warrior popping defiant stance, endure pain + arc divider high risk? How is deadeye rifle stealth attack from 1500 range high risk?You have no clue about risk and reward, are you? Just as putting himself in melee range, waste entire utility bar while running full glass? If they dont get the kill most likely they will die themselves (not deadeye, he dont need to get melee and waste his life-saving utilities into "all in" combo,always safe with dodge-stealth)This dude... sigh
  10. I'm not asking for this change. Just pointing out that AI auto-retargeting affects Mesmers more than others because it directly counters their unique "hide among clones" profession concept. Good, counters are good for the game. /Cheers Counters are part of combat. But I think you're still missing what Praqtos and I are saying about this AI retargeting thing. There are two different but related points here:Among AIs, Ranger pets are absolutely superior. They're not made of paper and their damage isn't trivial like Mesmer clones. They don't instantly die the way clones prematurely shatter if their target stealths. They don't permanently move onto another target the way Phantasms do when they lose their target (before becoming a paper clone themselves). And Mesmers have no control over their AIs (other than commanding shatters and a couple shuffling skills), unlike Rangers with their pets. Pets also have more range than clones and phantasms, which simply vaporize or freeze if they reach their max range. Apart from these things, all AIs suffer the same pathing issues.Multiple classes have access to stealth and/or detargets. But none is more dependent on detarget than Mesmer, because a major part of Mesmer's defensive repertoire and survivability is its ability to throw opponents off with clones and hide among them. This is completely circumvented by AIs being able to automatically retarget and refocus the real mesmer player with no action on either player's part. Whether this is intended behavior or an oversight, it is an extremely powerful ability that disproportionately affects the Mesmer playstyle more than any other spec with access to stealth/detarget. It pretty much shuts down the "can't find the real mesmer" complaints, at least among AI owners. To put this in perspective, imagine if AIs in this game had the magical ability to automatically kick SLBs out of Beast Mode, with no action on any player's part. Yes this is extreme, but it's to illustrate a point. The point is that the behavior unfairly singles out and defeats one spec's basic design concept. It's far more impactful than simply auto-retargeting opponents after they come out of stealth. Still, as I said above, I'm not asking for this to be changed at this time. I think there are higher priorities.Congrats, you get it.His claim thats is a counter just as stupid as if I would say: stupid AI pathing was intentionally implemented by Anet, its a counter to pet/AI,counters are good for the game.
  11. So in the UGO core tournament. The final round was completely devoid of core mes. So in a competition of core v core, Engi is was a pick. So it can't be that far in the gutter.Yea, it's just a class main trying his hardest to downplay the viability of his main to avoid the nerf.Cause everyone knows how bad the nerfs for mes are and they are trying REALLY hard to avoid getting eviscerated like we did.Trevor is doing it for SLB too Nothing like a single data point as evidence. :smile:Thats you moan that engi is in gutter and mesmer is great,yet, not even single mesmer in the core tournament. What evidence ?What I need to prove? That you and other "mains" trying their best to defend their overperforming class from nerfs? The only one holomain who know how busted it is is a @toxic.3648 ,probs because dont have too much time to play Apparently you can't read, and just want to put words in my mouth.I quoted you from your own post, may be you cant read ? I can't believe we've gotten to the point where 37 HP is seen as OP.Yes,you cant read. Obviously I was talking exactly about this trait! /sMay be you want to learn your own class/traits better?
  12. Do you have anything else to add to the discussion other then "there is no problem, just get gud!"? Don't take it personally. It's what he does. Blindly defend his main to the end and ignore inconvenient truths. In fact, he legit wants Sic 'Em buffed. I mean you have mesmer portrait, anyone who plays condi mesmer can't complain. Thanks for the meme! :joy: Not a meme, i got up from down the other day and immediately had 17 stacks of torment ticking on me for like 5k per tick. Along with chain invuls and evades, clones and mobility you literally have everything.Did u go kitten and when returned found out this 17 stacks?So 10k auto-attacks from 1900 range is better than this 17 stacks? May be its unblockable? May be auto attacks its not everything(braindead 4-2 to kill you through your health and nearly kill your downedstate)? May be because soulbeast can easly oneshot you ? Cleanse sigil remove 3 condis every 9s on swap? Can I have sigil that make me immune to ranged attacks for 3s? That also work on unblockable effects?Also you hate condis because your soulbeast on wvw can use passive/active signet and literally has 8 seconds invulnerability for power damage? Can i have teleports, clone clutter and 12 seconds of invulnerability/evadades on Ranger too, also i'd like to run wanderers gear and still do the same damage TY. Wait, you gave up on the all-celestial comp? i'm still all cele. :) i just got back to playing again; so i don't really know what's the updated setup. https://ibb.co/dMYXD6z No way i get oneshot by any ranger ever on my ele when i have 7 evades.Why wont you say mesmer have 10 minutes of invulnerability? Since you cant prove any of these statements could use as fact ;)
  13. And, to get back on the topic, Soulbeast isn't meta ANYWHERE... yet some people want it nerfed ;)Read and understand my posts adressed to you, until then ciao
  14. /cheersThis is pointless.I agree, a lost cause.Everyone thinks their class is fine when it's overpowered.You have the point here, I would put so many people under this category!And as soon as a class isn't meta they think it's underpowered.Except this is true for the most classes/builds
  15. So in the UGO core tournament. The final round was completely devoid of core mes. So in a competition of core v core, Engi is was a pick. So it can't be that far in the gutter.Yea, it's just a class main trying his hardest to downplay the viability of his main to avoid the nerf.Cause everyone knows how bad the nerfs for mes are and they are trying REALLY hard to avoid getting eviscerated like we did.Trevor is doing it for SLB too
  16. You know you can't tell who will miss it or who won't. Maybe there are higher tier players who are trying to play soulbeast but they find it difficult because it is not viable there.All you do is ignore posts and keep being delusional how anet balance, thinking its based on "hard data" which is complete bs. As an example was power mesmer builds,DEADEYE, none of these were over the top but got their punishment despite not being present at high tiers ever(I dont really count faeleth as he is the only one). Core guardian is a good example too.Just as the only team in gw(NA, where soulbeasts are pretty common it seems) as they can replace their mesmer with renegade and still win regardless.You are nothing but biased and want soulbeast to be even more powerful than it is. You are one of these people who people who never should be heard/taking into consideration.I wont read rest of your post and wont bother to respond, waste of time.
  17. Mesmer is my third highest played class and I play thief as well.Then you could notice this as this happen all the time,at least to me
  18. And yet everyone will STILL scream for more Mesmer nerfs to make up for how bad they are at the game.Also in holo-nerf thread not biased holo mains tell you that core mesmer is still great and how terrible is core engi, except in core tournament I havent seen any mesmer but can find an engineers xD
  19. Yeah I tell any rangers I teach to keep their pet on avoid combat instead of guard. Guard is a horrible setting. Any sort of damage from the player/enemy will trigger the pet to run back into all of the AoEs on a node. This will end up killing your pet very frequently and cause the ranger to spam f3 so the pet doesn't keep running into damage. But yeah, when I tested it again the pet runs back to me when the enemy stealths and only attacks if it/I get attacked again, I order it to attack, or I attack the enemy.I dont get it, on what option did you test it, avoid combat? I had guard and it did attack the guy who was unstealthed(same with mesmer)When I play ranger for memes "spam f3" is not a problem for me. Also a lot of times pet like scripted interrupt key abilities on enemies or mine, like heal, when evade ends I get perfectly stunned by pet, coincidence or not i'm not sure but pretty annoying. Another ranger main friend said the same. No. I tested the pet on guard. My pet runs back to me without any input if the target stealths. It only resumes attacking if any damage is dealt from either party. Also, pets follow a relatively predictable skill order. As such, a ranger who has spent a long period of time learning how to control their pet properly will be able to stow cc abilities in order to save them for key interrupts. However, against the majority of rangers who do not do this, those interrupts are "random."I can tell these rangers arent intentionally made their pets interrupt you xD .I have no idea how u test it. I just brought a friend-thief. I press on pet F1 on him, he goes stealth, pet comes to me, he lose stealth,pet runs to hit him again, nobody hit me or I order pet to attack him again. How does it work for me and doesnt for you?I just tested with avoid combat, LOL, pet still goes to attack thief after he lost stealth. How it doesnt work for you LOL Yeah idk I f1 and f3 a lot depending on what's happening because I don't want my pet to take unnecessary damage and so I don't have to deal with my pet running back in and proccing things like Full Counter or counterattacks. Maybe the tooltips are wrong and the ways the pets work were changed at some point. Pets have always behaved this way. I noticed this way back when they fixed some of the pathing issues (2012?)You can also test this in the FFA area if you message a thief or mes sitting there usually you find a kind enough person willing to help. Yeah I only used Guard during the first days after release when I started playing ranger. I prefer to have more control over my pet during combat, which I achieve though keeping them on Avoid Combat. I'm not one to fire and forget with my pet so I guess I could be wrong about them tracking through stealth. Out of all of the years I've played (7000+ hours alone on my main) I haven't noticed it because of my playstyle.Or because you never played mesmer/thief. Worth the insults tho? ;)
  20. Yeah I tell any rangers I teach to keep their pet on avoid combat instead of guard. Guard is a horrible setting. Any sort of damage from the player/enemy will trigger the pet to run back into all of the AoEs on a node. This will end up killing your pet very frequently and cause the ranger to spam f3 so the pet doesn't keep running into damage. But yeah, when I tested it again the pet runs back to me when the enemy stealths and only attacks if it/I get attacked again, I order it to attack, or I attack the enemy.I dont get it, on what option did you test it, avoid combat? I had guard and it did attack the guy who was unstealthed(same with mesmer)When I play ranger for memes "spam f3" is not a problem for me. Also a lot of times pet like scripted interrupt key abilities on enemies or mine, like heal, when evade ends I get perfectly stunned by pet, coincidence or not i'm not sure but pretty annoying. Another ranger main friend said the same. No. I tested the pet on guard. My pet runs back to me without any input if the target stealths. It only resumes attacking if any damage is dealt from either party. Also, pets follow a relatively predictable skill order. As such, a ranger who has spent a long period of time learning how to control their pet properly will be able to stow cc abilities in order to save them for key interrupts. However, against the majority of rangers who do not do this, those interrupts are "random."I can tell these rangers arent intentionally made their pets interrupt you xD .I have no idea how u test it. I just brought a friend-thief. I press on pet F1 on him, he goes stealth, pet comes to me, he lose stealth,pet runs to hit him again, nobody hit me or I order pet to attack him again. How does it work for me and doesnt for you?I just tested with avoid combat, LOL, pet still goes to attack thief after he lost stealth. How it doesnt work for you LOL
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