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Everything posted by praqtos.9035

  1. A lot of people, myself included, believe all three are power-crept and overtuned. There are plenty of discussions about all three. This one happens to be focused on one of them, but that doesn't mean the others aren't an issue. So just nerf duelist roles then across the board? Is your solution? Nothing to give them back? No other classes you feel could benefit buffs instead of nerfing an entire class role across the board instead of just flat nerfs? I believe the solution to power creep issues is not to engage in further power creep. So yes, nerf before buff, if buff at all. I want neither a bunker meta nor a burst meta. Something in between please. Revenant can do with slight shaves too. These duelists will still be fine. Just not a tier or two above everything else as they are now. I'm not saying to gut them. I'm personally pretty aware of the duelist's role considering that's pretty much all I play. Everything else has already been significantly nerfed except the big three or four mentioned. What would you suggest to nerf the duelist classes then between SB / Holo / Spellbreaker? Do you play holo or spellbreaker or what class do you play and what build? Because aside from the sic em nerf which really is sort of irrelevant you're asking to gut SB and make it useless. I've already answered this here and elsewhere, but to summarize: What those three have in common is they pretty much have everything: survivability, mobility, and damage. They're not mere "jacks of all trades" either. They're better in some departments than, or very close to, specs that actually specialize in those departments. They're one-stop shops for all the goodies with virtually no trade offs. Not only are they duelists/side-noders, they can adequately multi-role (and thus have the most carry potential) since they're so overloaded. Side-noder, team-fighter, roamer, plusser--they're good at all. The only thing they might lack is group support. Almost everything else has to give up something. E.g. thieves are squishy, eles lack damage, necros lack mobility, etc. Yes, I get that duelists need to be well-rounded, but they shouldn't rival specialists in any given department as they do now. In exchange for being well-rounded their survivability, mobility, and damage should all be middling. In short: Soulbeast - Check the OP. Basically tone down the overabundant damage multipliers, including Sic 'Em, and unblockable. Make them actually have to "duel" and not just opportunistically instagib from left field, or strong-arm more balanced specs in 1v1. Spellbreaker - Increase cool down on Rampage for starters. Holosmith - Tone down healing. It shouldn't be able to full heal so often and so easily mid-fight with no investment in healing. There have been more suggestions, but I'm sticking to the basic minimum so as not to overreach, derail, or overlap what has already been discussed extensively elsewhere. And again, I'm not in favor of gutting anything. Just reigning in outliers to be on par with the others. Well a lot of classes are nerfed. And none of it was because of you. I don't think it was either. Even though a lot of the nerfs coincide with what I've suggested. Rather, the more significant nerfs seem in direct response to what a lot of people have suggested. I do think Anet listens to us, to an extent. Seriously? Just because you're keeping tabs on me in game or something (creepy much?) and happened to see me doing Karka Queen a moment ago does not mean I don't PvP. You didn't deny it.You don't pvp.And if I am so wrong, what's your rank? I'm not going to indulge your strange personal vendetta. Sorry you're on the losing side of the nerf debate. Best get used to it or move on.He is so mad to stalk you in the game ? You probably hurt his feelings big time.Would be funny to see if they really disable pvp forum for you if your rating is less than 1700 :joy:
  2. Are you really comparing mesmer sustain to thief sustain?I didnt compare anything, if he think 4s evade-dps mode is fine, just invul for ~1-3s avg is would be pretty fair.Its been calculated that core s/d thief has highest evasion uptime compared to weaver and UNNERFED mirage with 1s MC, now mesmer evasion is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind. Not sure why you brought it here, even Sind said DS shouldnt be recharged by improv and there is nothing "skilled" about it this elite, want to argue with him as well ? I don't give a kitten what Sindrener says lmao If you nerf DS then you nerf the only thing that keeps thief actually playable in top end PvP and basically relegates to a literal decap bot which ironically is the only reason it's in PvP at the moment is it's decapping potential anyway , not double DS btw. If you actually knew thief, you'd know this.I dont care what you think what keeps thief viable or not. All I care about is stupid interaction between DS and improv to RANDOMLY recharge it.O, want an example ? Chrono with a scepter 3, that was the only thing that kept it viable, but oh nooooooooo, it was over-nerfed even more than it was before the buff,that wasnt popular at all and only one team ever brought it in mAT and nobody else. If you still dont get it -> they dont care if its keep X class viable or not, they just nerf it if they feel like it. Thief is not in matches for double DS from improv so it's not as broken as you think, this is the point you seem to keep missing. It's in PvP matches right now because it's decapping power, mobility and 1up pressure potential. The only reason. You could essentially nerf improv and drop double DS and it will still be in matches ruining your day as a mesmer because it's your natural counter. Again, clueless about thief.You are the only one who is clueless. Even the best thief in the game that is far more intelligent than 99.9% of the forum said himself that is broken but hey you know better than anyone apparently :joy:Cba to argue with stubborn delusional people, wont respond to you,ever.
  3. Are you really comparing mesmer sustain to thief sustain?I didnt compare anything, if he think 4s evade-dps mode is fine, just invul for ~1-3s avg is would be pretty fair.Its been calculated that core s/d thief has highest evasion uptime compared to weaver and UNNERFED mirage with 1s MC, now mesmer evasion is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind. Not sure why you brought it here, even Sind said DS shouldnt be recharged by improv and there is nothing "skilled" about it this elite, want to argue with him as well ? I don't give a kitten what Sindrener says lmao If you nerf DS then you nerf the only thing that keeps thief actually playable in top end PvP and basically relegates to a literal decap bot which ironically is the only reason it's in PvP at the moment is it's decapping potential anyway , not double DS btw. If you actually knew thief, you'd know this.I dont care what you think what keeps thief viable or not. All I care about is stupid interaction between DS and improv to RANDOMLY recharge it.O, want an example ? Chrono with a scepter 3, that was the only thing that kept it viable, but oh nooooooooo, it was over-nerfed even more than it was before the buff,that wasnt popular at all and only one team ever brought it in mAT and nobody else. If you still dont get it -> they dont care if its keep X class viable or not, they just nerf it if they feel like it.
  4. Are you really comparing mesmer sustain to thief sustain?I didnt compare anything, if he think 4s evade-dps mode is fine, just invul for ~1-3s avg is would be pretty fair.Its been calculated that core s/d thief has highest evasion uptime compared to weaver and UNNERFED mirage with 1s MC, now mesmer evasion is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind. Not sure why you brought it here, even Sind said DS shouldnt be recharged by improv and there is nothing "skilled" about it this elite, want to argue with him as well ?
  5. I have a huge facepalm after reading sigmoid comment tho Nah sig has a point the shatters could very well be strong. The issue i have is the feel good aspect which i think got hella gutted for their shatters.I cant imagine them being so strong to turn blind eye on the loss of IP that made entire mesmer class playble.
  6. Whoah, you seem a lot upset...I don't "invade", I'm telling my point of view also based on my experience with the class. You can continue judging me if that pleases you. Mesmers used to recently be pretty much low risk high reward because of its cheese mechanics. This might not be my main, but I die way less often with my mesmer than my main, this tells something...We all know from complaints on the forum - clones are cheese mechanic, pls delete so they cant shatter or mesmer stay functional. Play shadowarts DE and feel like a god since that would be a challenge to die even once per game which wont be an indicator to anything.You can keep telling I'm "absolutely clueless", I'll say you don't like the changes, even tough you haven't tested the class after these yet. I also can't conclude anything since I haven't tested it yet myself (which I'll do once the update comes).I did play mesmer since the release and I bet you didnt. Ever heard about Illusionary persona? They made this trait baseline to make mesmer playble. Do you know they going to remove it AND F4 as "trade-off" ?In the other thread other mesmer players also know whats up and spoke about it change as well, feel free to read.I'll still say it again; Mesmer is far from beeing underpowered.Mesmer ? Like what is a mesmer? Core mesmer? Chrono condi mesmer? chrono power mesmer? Chrono had it comeback on phantasm rework and when scepter was insanely buffed and disappear as soon scepter power damage was gutted.I can come to class forums and tell them the same - renegade,tempest,druid,drd and all specs that are not shining at the moment -> guys you are delusional, your class is far away from being underpowered and this would triggerd them all
  7. so which class can jump out of stealth, hit you for 24k damage and blink away? Name a couple please.Deadeye can do it many times as he please.1 HKO from stealth -> soulbeast but he can swoop away etc.If you dont know memser use all his cooldowns and his only blink and stealth to do it, if you miss, you are without any cooldowns left and cant either stealth again or BLINK AWAY. On top of that there is nearly every class posses a oneshot build. Can you get more clueless than that?Mesmer is OP because he can oneshot someone? Pretty laughable statement
  8. It's almost like telling Anet to delete the class.From what I see they just deleted chronomancer, chaos interrupt mirage is the next and the last one that is left from the mesmer in pvp, not talkin about wvw/pve.
  9. I have a huge facepalm after reading sigmoid comment tho
  10. Ele was buffedIt was looking like a buff to me as well but from what I have seen in balance thread eles demanded their class to be deleted xD
  11. Ele was nerfed was too, reaper was slightly nerfed as well?Chrono is stuck in 2012 and cant return anymore.
  12. This is so true. I've been playing with CI since forever although in a power build.It is so easily hard countered it hurts, it only takes stab to shut down the entire build premise, that's it, one kitten boon shuts down entirely the build. And don't get me start with DD that are immune to MIC. It's always the same thing. BD is so op nerf it, BD is nerfed, mesmers change to CI, CI is so op nerf it, if mesmers changed to PU (which sucks in pvp but for the sake or argument) people will scream PU op nerf it, and there goes another traitline like it was already happened to others.CI is absolutely meh on all power builds as power lose tons of DPS, like really stopping to do the damage. Warrior eles ranger and whatnot they all get stability and ignore it but they dont want adapt against this mirage build, tho, I still dont believe immobilize must be there despite it was always been a meme trait, mirage does damage through ambush-dueling traitline so they dont suffer from taking chaos at all.
  13. Improvisation recharge Daggerstorm 24/7.Rampage that barely got a scratch(while being buffed?) still does 9-11k damage while demolisher.CI need immobilize removed just as much as this ones
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