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Everything posted by dragontree.8092

  1. Normally we go back to the relinks we had right before beta began.
  2. 9 tailed fox. or a tiger that looks like the jackal white tiger skin. Or any jackal skin 😁
  3. I'd suggest Borlis Pass or Stormbluff Isle. There's also Jade Quarry as an option, but they tend to like to outnumber players alot or hide behind siege and walls.
  4. Sorry you had such a bad experience in wvw, i think No.4 it depends on who you're up against. Most veteran players I know and play with leave solo especially solo low ranked players alone (unless they are annoying the crap out of us or are using something like dragon banner), not only because we know they are learning, probably have wrong gear and little idea of what's going on, but because we want to keep players in wvw, we want the noobs to keep playing, not get discouraged as soon as they get in wvw and to get good so they can give us good fights :) Sometimes commanders are too busy to answer whispers, or people just don't like to whisper people they don't know. You're better off asking in say chat or map chat, one of their members may see your comment and send a squad invite, or just right click join squad, you'll be able to join if it's open squad. Some squads want people in discord before they let you join. On Warclaw - it should never have been introduced to wvw.
  5. WVW has been losing guilds and players for years now. Leaving the game. What we have left is a skeleton crew compared to what we had a few years ago. If Anet had done something about balance, listened to their customers, there would currently be much more people playing wvw, and new players joining wvw, so wvw would be bringing in more revenue, and thus it would be a bigger focus for anet than it currently is. It will never be on par with pve, that's expected, but it would be much higher than what it is if they had listened to and retained their customers.
  6. Yeah, like all 5 people that play WvW leave and the game ends. SHURE!! You guys need to get a reality check. WvW isn't as important to the longevity of this game as you want to think. Sure, WvW players would leave at this continued rate. That would simply mean Anet could focus on developing the parts of this game that don't drag it down. Wow... I don’t really think you could be more smug. And people call raiders and sPvPers elitist. Nothing smug about it. If WvW isn't generating enough revenue and it's not a loss leader, then it should go away so they can focus on what is working for them. That's how business works. Why do you think car makers are dumping sedans for SUV and crossovers? It's no different. There's no WvW only gemstore, we buy and farm the same kitten as everyone else,. That doesn't matter. I can assure you, Anet can measure who is playing what mode, for how long and how much they are spending. if WvW players are not the majority of the revenue, WvW won't be the majority of the investment. The decision on what to focus development on is a business one, not an emotional one. Yeah, sure, but it's been 19 months already. That's more than enough time for them to have done something about wvw server balance.
  7. You mentioned that it's new, it should still be under warranty. Contact the store you got it from, they may be able to help you, maybe you just got a dud, if that is the case, they should replace it. Ask if they can upgrade it to the newer model , you'll probably have to pay the difference.
  8. First off, read my replies. So, if endgame is content designed for level 80's than all those level 80 maps are endgame content. In this, we strongly differ, and i think you'll find many players do. Players should do what they want and many players like to get ascended gear before they get into endgame content. Again, read my replies. I said 'ANET', not 'team'.
  9. As for the OP, engi is fun, although a bit more complex than say guardian, warrior and necro. Look at metabattle.com for builds and tips on how to play a class, and the wiki is full of info. You may want to look for a guild to join, one that plays in your timezone, they can be very helpful. Ask in map chat or look on https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/
  10. It's not about what team does what. It's about where they put their money and resources into. So you're implying ascended is only required for endgame content. What about Fractals? T4 Fractals is not endgame content.
  11. I never mentioned a bug fixing team, but Anet, meaning the whole of Anet, the higher ups in particular are what i was referring to. Not once did i mention bugs. They are not even the biggest problem in game. Yeah, you can play the game in exotics and still have fun but if you really want to make the most of the game, you need ascended, and it takes alot of time and effort to get ascended gear. Unless you have already been playing for a while and have mats and gold and maps completed and time to farm living season maps for ascended trinkets, it takes a whole lot of time to gear up for someone still getting into the game. Even if you decide to get all your gear from pvp or wvw instead of pve it takes time to complete the reward tracks, and then getting the currencies needed to buy the ascended versions. Not to mention the time gated mats and getting all your hero points for elite specs takes a couple of hours. About skins- no it's not a bad thing to care abut skins, it's what most businesses do, play to people's weaknesses to get the most cash out of them that they can. When a game development team cares more about putting time and effort in to releasing new skins every other week, and lure people with the small chance that they may get an exciting new item dropped from a black lion chest (called gambling), or only make certain skins available from the gems store, i.e mount skins, instead of listening to the community and balancing the game i wouldn't call that a good thing. it's quiet obvious that Anet have become greedy and care more about their gem store and server transfer income than much else.@Seera.5916 said:
  12. What snapz said. Sorry to disappoint you but the game is not what it used to be, it's basically a cash shop game now. Anet are constantly putting things on their gem store to get those players with addictive personalities to waste their money. They're always bringing out new skins instead of listening to their player base and working on what actually needs to be fixed. Players and complete guilds have left the game, some are just waiting on the aug 30 announcement before making a final decision. I wouldn't invest anymore cash into the game and don't recommend anyone buy pof or any expac. This game is not for casuals, you need to invest alot of time to get all of your gear, proper gear, for all game modes but spvp. Even spvp players are about who has the best skin. If you hear them say otherwise, they are lying! If you really want to play, wait till aug 30 before spending any money.
  13. If you enjoy ranger, keep it. Don't destroy your druid, gettting enough hp's to get an elite spec is time consuming. Don't need to start a new toon unless you want to play a different class. Dragonhunter (guardian), tempest (ele), reaper (necro) maybe spellbreaker. Herald (revenant) if you use a weapon other than sword, like hammer. Unless you want to raid, don't make a mesmer/chronomancer. The class was gutted in the last balance patch. Don't know about thief, i hear staff is good, i'm sure dual weapons need a good rotation. Try a class out a little bit first at level 80 with the boost before deciding on making a class level 80. It will take you to the silverwastes where you have can try it out , if you leave that map your boost will be consumed and your character will be permanently level 80. When you hit level 80 you can go to lower level maps , your character will be scaled down. But you can't go to those maps with the level 80 boost active. I don't think it's necessary to start from the very beginning to learn the game unless you enjoy that, once you use a boost, play how you want, you'll learn the game as you play anyhow and be at an advantage with the level 80 exotic gear rather than half rares and greens and an exotic piece here and there. Change the default keybindings to suit you, and your game settings, there are lots of guides on youtube. Once you get the hang of the game and have a littel bit of gold, go to the tp or karma temple vendors in orr maps and get some gear which can deal damage.
  14. I think some people are taking the OP too seriously... He was joking lmao :D
  15. I doubt people make this much gold in wvw in a normal week, playing 3hrs/day, 5 days/week. Wvw is probably the least profitable game mode, i don't think many people normally make that much gold, unless it's a festival like halloween or wintersday, and they have been hoarding pots for the festival tracks. It will most likely take at least a few months, around the 6 month mark for a full set.
  16. Server status nothing to do with pve players?! Please. I've seen many pve players in wvw complain about how they have to wvw just to get the gift of battle., then leave as soon as they're done. I've seen many pve players go into wvw just for 'double xp week' or some other event, then leave as soon as its over, leaving us wvw players to deal with map blobs after they ppt'd us to the higher tier. I've seen pve players and small guilds move servers just coz the server is in a higher tier and they want to play wvw, which is fair enough, but only to stop playing or change server a few weeks later, after the server they had moved to became full or 'very high'.
  17. Tried it in wvw. Power chrono. Slow, clunky. Had an annoying as f deadeye determined to kill me half the night. I Had 2 clones up, got the new mind wrack off, he stealthed, came back later, I tried to slow him down with the new shatter, oops, phantasms aren't clones. Too late he stealthed. When he came in melee range, of course, i couldn't distort coz clones had already died. Tried to range a zerg , tried to kill the stragglers. Can only spatial surge coz clones died. Managed to get off confusing shatter once. Mixed up my f shatters. But clone creating skills on cd, so swapped to melee weapon to try and pull. Managed to use the new mind wrack earlier on a guard while soloing a camp, which took longer than normal so i thought i'd try to cs grav well, it worked of course, but no distort when enemy came along. RIPI don't know, i maybe wrong but it would seem that anet wants us to spam clones. Which is pointless anyway with the distort and cs changes, unless you enjoy mirage, mesmer is dead.
  18. Have any of the anet devs that contributed to this 'update' actually ever played this game for more than a few hours, for more than just a show on their twitch channel?! Anet, you are killing the game. As someone whose played since gw1 and being a strong supporter of this game, I may have to stop here. This patch has so much wrong with it, I just don't know where to begin. You have been killing mesmer for years now to cater to a few crybabies, now you are utterly , completely, irreversibly destroying it. Not to mention all the other classes receiving unwarranted changes. Rev, necro, druid, engi, thief, ele, did i miss anyone? Warrior who is receiving more buffs! I can't even describe the disappointment, the dismay and apprehension i feel for the future of the game.
  19. Ideally you can find a guild that has a similar play style and approach to WvW that you do and join them. That way you have a group that plays like you'd like. And then you'd end up in an alliance of casual players matched against WvW veterans. Which might be fun for the latter, but definitely won't be for the former.Trust me, it won't be fun for either side. Unless you're up against those players that don't care for fights but solely bag farming. I play wvw for fights, i like bags, but i love playing because of the fights and guilds. It's not fun playing against players who are not challenging. Which is why having guilds stacked in one timezone on one server is boring. We also need pugs in a server, otherwise the fight guilds will have to ppt q.q
  20. Communicate! But don't talk down or yell constantly.Communicate with other tags that are running at the same time as you if you can.Let players know what voice comms you're in throughout the rally as players join, in map chat if you want pugs or have someone do it for you.Organize squad parties. Try to have 1 stab in each party. If a particular class/player who needs stab more than others is moved to a non-stab party, inform them beforehand so they can be prepared.Be willing to listen to advice from others, even if it's not great, thank them for their input if you want players to follow you.Don't give up! Maybe change tactics or move to another mapGive players a 2-3 min break to clear their bags, go bio, every 2hrs or so if you tag for that long. Also, don't over do it! Leave when you say you will, don't burn out, look after your health!Discuss with your officers after the rally, how the rally went, what could be improved, etc, without blaming pugs all the time.Remember that in the end, it's just a game, no matter how well or how bad you think you did, there's always room for improvement.Most important, have fun!
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