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Everything posted by PzTnT.7198

  1. Seeing that arenanet is owned by ncsoft the likely scenario if they decide that they aren't bringing in enough profits is similar to what happened to wildstar and city of heroes. Basically the studio gets nuked from orbit on very short notice. Nothing comes out as open source (because there is no time) and ncsoft hordes the IP rights forever. Which means everything done in this game just goes poof. Some years down the line a private server that has been reverse engineered to work with the client will probably pop up. It will be extremely limited and kind of niche at that point as most people will have moved on to other games.
  2. Both should work really. Myself i really don't like kit builds as they feel like the epitome of clunky design. But with holosmith i could put together a fully viable build with no kits at all. It even runs on power rather than conditions which is a huge plus as ive never been a fan of the condi builds either. Now i just got back to the game after a very, very long break and found that most of my builds have been nerfed into the dirt. I used to run with a power soulbeast and power reaper builds back when they were still good, and of course the power holosmith. At least the latter still works. I also got the mechanist unlocked and that is a spec i really like so far. Not only does it also work well with a power build but its also not one that requires kits in any way. I set it up to be all selfish dps with signets which has worked really well for what ive played so far. I really hope they wont nerf it to death over the coming months. In either case to go back on topic. I think that kits should be usable but not required, their damage should be on par with a good non kit build. But a kit build should have additional utility to make up for its difficulty of use.
  3. This current setup is standard issue these days more or less. If they did allow uploads of avatars and such they would need to police them pretty heavily. Which is why i assume that this game, warframe and elder scroll online all have preset forum avatars, along with others im sure but those are the ones i know about. Aka the usual: Can't have nice things since some would abuse it.
  4. I think i burned through like 9 of them since i just wanted to get the collection over with at that point. So i got all the easy ones myself and then used the treats for the jumping puzzles and timed bosses.
  5. Same here. Why this is done in other MMOs as well is beyond me. ESO does the same thing, Wildstar as well, needed addons to be able to click links at all. Are links really that bad? Then again this is the company that suppresses people in chat for changing the LFG message. So its probably the same kind of reason that they don't allow links. Someone, somewhere, would definitely use it to try and spread malware or whatnot. Same as the chat suppression is to prevent RMT spammers but is restrictive enough to hit others as well.Basically, don't count on this being changed because a few people can and will use it maliciously.
  6. Another potential thing could be if youre on a laptop with wifi. Some are /extremely/ horrid with their power save on the wlan card to the point where they effectively cut the link if there is no traffic in a minute or two.
  7. Agreed. Makes the affected skins look really cheap on top of limiting the customization. The main reason i got the pack of those skins is for the customization so this makes the griffon skins disappointing to say the least. Hopefully it can be fixed however.
  8. I would have gotten one for each mount just for the dye channels myself. But with the gamble that's not going to happen and i know i would have to sink far more money than i want because id end up with skins i don't want or need. I was kinda eager to go and test the buffs to holosmith until i saw this crap, just put me off playing entirely.
  9. Getting this as well, especially in larger group fights. The bug has been around since forever but i hope it will finally get squashed.
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