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gateless gate.8406

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Everything posted by gateless gate.8406

  1. When the game launched, the person who started the group was the leader; they had the power to kick anyone/everyone. Here's a few of the things that happened:Leader would take on 4 PUGs. Get to the final boss. Kick all four, invite friends.Group would get to final boss, dislike something that one of the people did, kick them before the fight.Leader would DC; group would get kicked from instance (since the two mechanics are intertwined).Leader would be the toxic one, Leeroying this way and that, messing up mechanics, etc. The other four could do nothing.Leader would go AFK. And not return. The other four could do nothing: leader would get rewards, even if the rest four-personed the instance. People begged and screamed for something better. (And to be fair: calmer voices also offered suggestions.) Over time, the system evolved to the current mechanic: majority rules. Two people can't kick anyone in a full party; it takes three votes. tl;dr current system isn't perfect. It might not even be "good". It's just less worse than any of the alternatives. Hm let's see if we can solve all of those problems in 5 seconds here:Restrict party joining once the first boss of a dungeon/fractal has been killed This would be awful. Having someone have to leave, perhaps more than one someone, due to emergency, internet failure, etc halfway through and have the remainder be unable to fill those spots, causing progress to be lost, would be very discouraging. I agree it's not ideal; it's simply an idea. I emphasize again that we have no true numbers on the occurrence of these "problems." Feel free to respond to the rest of the comment as well.This one isn't actually a problem; if you act like a kitten, you should be able to be kicked, no matter how far into the dungeonFix the netcodeLeave the party and start your ownLeave the party and start your own 2) You don't have to act like a kitten for someone to decide they don't like you, your character, the colors of your armor, etc.3) Of course. If something is broken, fix it (assuming that the ROI is worth it)4) Having each of the remaining four leave and reform is not an improvement over eliminating the problem. After all, " if you act like a kitten, you should be able to be kicked."5) Having each of the remaining four leave and reform is not an improvement over eliminating the problem. After all, " if you act like a kitten, you should be able to be kicked."You don't have to? Are we talking philosophically here? I responded to one theoretical problem put forth: Party leader dislikes what someone does, and kicks them. Again, that is a "problem" in any online game with party or co-op functionality. And, lo and behold, no other game has resorted to the tyranny of the masses, and life went on for those games. If something can be solved by opening up LFG and clicking "create party," then one must be careful of treating it as a problem because the "solution" (of removing the ability to run parties) is so heavy-handed and detrimental. Simply leaving the party is an improvement because GW2's "eliminating the problem" has done nothing but spawn additional problems that rear their head quite commonly. It eliminated A problem, and created more. So therefore it had a cost that should be rationally weighed. Having the constantly available solution of simply creating a party and running it how you wish is an elegant and empowering approach. There is a reason that 99% of games opt for it.
  2. When the game launched, the person who started the group was the leader; they had the power to kick anyone/everyone. Here's a few of the things that happened:Leader would take on 4 PUGs. Get to the final boss. Kick all four, invite friends.Group would get to final boss, dislike something that one of the people did, kick them before the fight.Leader would DC; group would get kicked from instance (since the two mechanics are intertwined).Leader would be the toxic one, Leeroying this way and that, messing up mechanics, etc. The other four could do nothing.Leader would go AFK. And not return. The other four could do nothing: leader would get rewards, even if the rest four-personed the instance. People begged and screamed for something better. (And to be fair: calmer voices also offered suggestions.) Over time, the system evolved to the current mechanic: majority rules. Two people can't kick anyone in a full party; it takes three votes. tl;dr current system isn't perfect. It might not even be "good". It's just less worse than any of the alternatives. Hm let's see if we can solve all of those problems in 5 seconds here:Restrict party joining once the first boss of a dungeon/fractal has been killed This would be awful. Having someone have to leave, perhaps more than one someone, due to emergency, internet failure, etc halfway through and have the remainder be unable to fill those spots, causing progress to be lost, would be very discouraging.I agree it's not ideal; it's simply an idea. I emphasize again that we have no true numbers on the occurrence of these "problems." Feel free to respond to the rest of the comment as well.
  3. When the game launched, the person who started the group was the leader; they had the power to kick anyone/everyone. Here's a few of the things that happened:Leader would take on 4 PUGs. Get to the final boss. Kick all four, invite friends.Group would get to final boss, dislike something that one of the people did, kick them before the fight.Leader would DC; group would get kicked from instance (since the two mechanics are intertwined).Leader would be the toxic one, Leeroying this way and that, messing up mechanics, etc. The other four could do nothing.Leader would go AFK. And not return. The other four could do nothing: leader would get rewards, even if the rest four-personed the instance. People begged and screamed for something better. (And to be fair: calmer voices also offered suggestions.) Over time, the system evolved to the current mechanic: majority rules. Two people can't kick anyone in a full party; it takes three votes. tl;dr current system isn't perfect. It might not even be "good". It's just less worse than any of the alternatives. Hm let's see if we can solve all of those problems in 5 seconds here: Restrict party joining once the first boss of a dungeon/fractal has been killedThis one isn't actually a problem; if you act like a turd, you should be able to be kicked, no matter how far into the dungeonFix the netcodeLeave the party and start your ownLeave the party and start your ownBeyond all of these being niche problems whose occurrence was likely in the single percentage digits, none of them are unique to GW2. Virtually every single online game with party functionality has the potential for one or more of these problems (or additional problems unique to those games). Inevitably, they are all solved by the golden rule: Don't like the group? Leave party and start your own. The current Communist nightmare that is GW2's five-person grouping mechanics is unbelievably frustrating, and one of the weakest points of the game. One of my first experiences with this game was starting an LFG for Ascalonian Catacombs story mode, which was subsequently hijacked by lvl 80s who wanted to do explorable mode. I had zero recourse, zero ability to actually run the content that I had advertised in LFG. I've also had instances where I've been kicked, from my own party, by a couple or group of friends who want to open up a slot for their friends. The tyranny of the herd, truly.
  4. What people are saying is that identical items were affected differently. Some LS3 ascended trinkets were reset; some were not. None of those include crafted backpacks, reward items, or came from fractals.For example, according to some people, some viper's rings were resets; some were not. Indeed. There are numerous reports across the forums, ingame chat, and reddit, that identical items with identical stats were not all reset (some were, some weren't, despite being identical).
  5. The video is pre-nerf (the rune initially healed from every condition, not just torment). It still works well IMO, it's just not silly anymore.
  6. Condi mirage with heavy sustain:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Tormentinghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Tormenthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Stamina Weapon: Axe + TorchGear stats: RabidTraits: Dueling + Chaos
  7. Minor nerfs needed:Warr -- Rampage shouldn't be available so oftenRev -- Burst is slightly too highSB -- Nerf their stealth a bitMes -- Continue reducing illusion HP and damage
  8. Item: Arah Dungeon Armor, heavy male set ("Grasping Dead")Race: SylvariGender: MaleProfession: Herald Problem:"Belt" of white light appears around character's waist when armor is equipped. Appears to be generated by or tied to the breastplate piece in particular.Possibly related to Sylvari glow, as the "belt" is roughly the same color as my glow.Only appears when Shaders are set to high. Does not appear with medium Shaders.Does not appear on stat screen or main menu character select.Images of problem:https://i.imgur.com/leKtbU2.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/3hRQbqU.png "Belt" disappears in stat screen and main menu:https://i.imgur.com/tVG8iPV.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/EZtgsgA.png "Belt" disappears when using medium Shaders:https://i.imgur.com/aWG5EKj.png In the case that this helps, here are the glow choices for my Sylvari:https://i.imgur.com/zXfHe8e.png I would really love for this to get tweaked, as I just crafted Sharur and am trying to make an Arah/Orr-themed character! Thank you for your time and attention <3
  9. Having to nuke everything within a square mile of your position before you can pull up the map in peace is so fun and enjoyable!
  10. Mesmer, Ranger, Necro are probably the most solo-capable classes.
  11. Bump for visibility. ANet, I love the feature where my mount gets automatically swapped to warclaw when entering WvW. I don't like the feature where it doesn't swap back after I leave. Please consider changing this!
  12. Any yet there are still players who imagine world 3 is coming one day. It boggles the mind . . . An Asura can dream. Tbh I would be super excited about it myself but dread it at the same time. I don't think there is any way they could implement it after all this time in a way that wouldn't be a letdown, or if it was implemented in a way that appealed to me I think a lot of other ppl would be really unhappy with it . . .This is my first year doing SAB but I would be interested in more SAB content no matter what it is.
  13. Any yet there are still players who imagine world 3 is coming one day. It boggles the mind . . . An Asura can dream.
  14. We are approaching SIX YEARS since the release of World 2. SIX YEARS.
  15. Yes, it's annoying. Hopefully they fix it.
  16. They've been re-using assets since the beginning. There are very few new rigs ever created in an MMO. This is isn't a sign of anything other than standard efficiency in a gaming studio. If you're not going to argue in good faith, please refrain from replying. It just gets tiresome. I emphasized 1) we are talking about a mount, not a random critter, and that 2) all the other mounts have unique animation sets. When quality is kept at a certain level, and then suddenly deviates from that pattern, it is not something to be celebrated by the consumer.
  17. I'm surprised yet unsurprised at the apologists in this thread. What if the jackal, griffon, and raptor all had the same run animations? That would make them much less interesting, and would certainly not impart the sense of quality that those mounts currently do. Animations are extremely important in infusing a creature/character with its unique personality. Additionally, re-using animations for something as "in your face" as a mount (ie, a creature you're going to be staring at for hours) indicates corner cutting/a lack of investment from the studio. And we haven't even touched on the poorly "clipped" animation loop in the warclaw's run (there's a very obvious and jarring cut or jump in its run cycle). This problem exists on a sliding scale. The more corners that are cut when developing content, the cheaper the game begins to feel. No, this specific corner cutting on the warclaw will not be the death of GW2, obviously, but over time, all the little ways that the studio cut corners begin to add up. There is no reason to defend this practice.
  18. I'm a new-ish player that recently got all my mounts, including the beetle and griffon. I had zero problems. In fact, I got my entire griffon collection done in one afternoon and one morning. Use the LFG, use mapchat, ask your guilds... and then wait. Yes, it may take 15 minutes to get your first helper for one of these events. Those seeking instant gratification and instant rewards may have to stick to the raptor. It is a fine mount for any level of player.
  19. I'm literally just suggesting that grouping in GW2 should function like every other MMO past and present, so I'm not sure what this sarcasm bomb is supposed to be arguing.
  20. Also, does Arc have the capability to show total damage over the fight or just strictly damage per second? Additionally, does it record cause of death for party members?
  21. There is no reason, to be sure, but the average person is not rational. Regarding your second point, ok, ArcDPS may technically have that capability, but do most people kicking others for "low DPS" check all those metrics before doing so? No, they do not. Also, does Arc have the capability to show total damage over the fight or just strictly damage per second? Additionally, does it record cause of death for party members?
  22. It's just a personal preference. I think DPS meters leads people to overemphasize numbers. I've seen it time and again in other MMOs (where DPS meters are more widespread). A player will stand in lethal boss mechanics because they want to keep DPS high, or will berate someone who is performing all boss mechanics correctly for having middling DPS. Secondly, I think people get overly particular about DPS numbers. One class may do 40k DPS while bringing zero utility and being a fragile glass cannon. Meanwhile, another class may do 36k DPS but bring utility and survivability. People will berate the 36k player for playing a "useless" and "low DPS" class because all the extra things they bring are non-quantifiable. There is no meter showing how many times that 36k player prevented himself from being downed (thereby preventing the massive DPS loss that is rezzing), or enhanced group DPS through boons. The fact that those things are much harder to quantify means players undervalue them. Thirdly, I think it encourages developers to make smarter, more fun enemy encounters. If DPS meters are in the game, people will begin bringing the high DPS classes. That means average group/raid damage begins skyrocketing relative to damage prior to the introduction of DPS meters, which in turn means developers need to start raising boss HP and implementing enrage timers. Regarding the issue of a commander being kicked from their own group, I was referring to 5-man groups.
  23. DPS meters should be banned, BUT Anet would also have to allow players to actually lead groups. This proto-communist grouping system whereby the creator of the group can be kicked by the people they invite is beyond weird, and one of the consequences of it is that players cannot make their own groups to solve toxicity/elitism issues. These issues being brought up in the thread about people being toxic prior to DPS meters are valid -- but very easily solved by simply making your own group, which in most games means you can't be kicked (which therefore lets you play any build you want). That's impossible in GW2's system. Note also that GW2's grouping system is one of the big reasons why this game has such strict meta requirements. The inability to truly lead groups means that people are socially encouraged to always play "safe" builds and to never rock the boat or speak out against absurdities. It's essentially mob rule, and mob rule has a chilling effect.
  24. Hello,My package consists of Wine + custom scripts that make everything work and requires little user input. On the other hand, looking at the Lutris scripts, it does more or less the same thing and you'll get the same performance regardless of which package you choose. I don't like game clients which is why I made my own package. Ok, I'm happy as long as I get the same performance. Thank you, and thanks for supporting linux!
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