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gateless gate.8406

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Everything posted by gateless gate.8406

  1. You're mostly correct, except it's not your game that's bugged -- it's the game itself.
  2. Are you currently getting daily login rewards? If not, it's worth paying for the game simply to start getting those. This is assuming that you like the game and think you'll continue playing intermittently.
  3. Why would you play an entire day for a subpar mount that's gated behind a bunch of annoying collections? Serious question, I don't really understand the motivation. I will get it eventually, but I'm definitely not rushing it. I doubt I will really use the mount at all. Maybe to afk without getting aggro?
  4. They didn't the mobs wolf rig to make the Jackal. I don't see why they would re-use the existing wyvern rig to make a mount, they would create a new one, with new animations. I don't really understand why this is important. I don't see why every new mount type HAS to use new assets, its just not something I'd really notice more than peripherally and I just don't see it as an argument for going with a wyvern instead. Like I said before, I can't see a wyvern mount NOT having an awkward and motion sickness inducing running animation. As others have said, it's simply about quality. Quality is a sliding scale. Re-cycling an animation rig for something as important, in your face, and visible as a mount is a reduction in game quality (especially when previous mounts did not do so). If you're listening ANet, all I can say is: Reducing the quality of your game stinks, is not enjoyed by players, and will not lead to growth.
  5. You haven't been paying much attention if this is the first recycled rig you've noticed. It's a very common time- and cost-saving practice. At least ANet takes the time to create a different creature, with its own skin, body type, and animations rather than just change the color palate. Ooh, a strawman argument, how fun! /s Which other mount skeleton besides griffon is re-used? None. Some level of reuse is obviously understandable and necessary. It's not reasonable to expect every random critter and mob to have unique skeletons. Fortunately, that's not what we're talking about. Raptor, Springer, and Jackal use existing rigs, and that's not what a "strawman" is. Nice ad hominem though.Wrong and wrong. Let me know which mobs you think use the animation skeleton of any of those mounts.Strawmanning: Establishing or implying a weak argument in place of your opponent's actual position, and then arguing against it (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/straw%20man). This thread is not about animation recycling in general. The comment you replied to is not about animation recycling in general. It is about recycling animations for mounts.
  6. Lead your own group. Raid groups are the one area of the game where the leader actually has power to enforce the culture they want; normal parties don't allow you to kick people, only start a "vote kick." I lead my own raids. If people are toxic, I kick immediately and without hesitation.
  7. Reverse the PVP/PVE cooldown split for rampage. High CD in pvp/wvw, low CD in PVE.
  8. Item: Arah Dungeon Armor, heavy male set ("Grasping Dead")Race: SylvariGender: MaleProfession: Herald Problem:"Belt" of white light appears around character's waist when armor is equipped. Appears to be generated by or tied to the breastplate piece in particular.Possibly related to Sylvari glow, as the "belt" is roughly the same color as my glow.Only appears when Shaders are set to high. Does not appear with medium Shaders.Does not appear on stat screen or main menu character select.Images of problem:https://i.imgur.com/leKtbU2.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/3hRQbqU.png "Belt" disappears in stat screen and main menu:https://i.imgur.com/tVG8iPV.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/EZtgsgA.png "Belt" disappears when using medium Shaders:https://i.imgur.com/aWG5EKj.png In the case that this helps, here are the glow choices for my Sylvari:https://i.imgur.com/zXfHe8e.png I would really love for this to get tweaked, as I just crafted Sharur and am trying to make an Arah/Orr-themed character! Thank you for your time and attention <3
  9. You haven't been paying much attention if this is the first recycled rig you've noticed. It's a very common time- and cost-saving practice. At least ANet takes the time to create a different creature, with its own skin, body type, and animations rather than just change the color palate. Ooh, a strawman argument, how fun! /s Which other mount skeleton besides griffon is re-used? None. Some level of reuse is obviously understandable and necessary. It's not reasonable to expect every random critter and mob to have unique skeletons. Fortunately, that's not what we're talking about.
  10. Yep, unbelievable that they're reusing the griffon skeleton a THIRD time. A 200-300 person developer that can't stop reusing assets. The "it's good enough" mentality has claimed yet another victim, it would seem. Oh, by the way ANet, if you're going to endlessly reuse the griffon skeleton, how about fixing the hickup/stutter in its run loop before doing so?
  11. Having to nuke everything within a square mile of your position before you can pull up the map in peace is so fun and enjoyable!
  12. Hi ANet,I'm posting to alert you of a visual error with the male heavy dungeon armor from Arah (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grasping_Dead_armor). When using the armor on my male Sylvari using the "high" graphical setting for Shaders, the armor produces an unintended "belt" of light around my character's waist. Please see the attached images: Front view:https://i.imgur.com/X9CNQVs.pngBack view:https://i.imgur.com/nqyeUlP.pngFar view:https://i.imgur.com/7tW6djn.png Interestingly, the "belt" is not present in the stats screen or the main menu character select screen:https://i.imgur.com/TY0Homs.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/tVG8iPV.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/LKlsreV.png This "belt" is also not generated when using the "medium" graphical setting for Shaders, as seen here:https://i.imgur.com/aWG5EKj.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/r5HBxke.png In the case that this helps you, here are the skin and glow choices for my Sylvari:https://i.imgur.com/zXfHe8e.png I would really love for this to get tweaked, as I just crafted Sharur and am trying to make an Arah/Orr-themed character! Thank you for your time and attention <3
  13. Mesmer, Ranger, Necro are probably the most solo-capable classes.
  14. I'll briefly repeat what I said to the other person: If you have no interest in making raids more accessible or increasing raid population, then go ahead and give your reasoning, but arguing in this way is fruitless. And again, as with the other person, most of your statements here are not counter-arguments. Going to skip this one.
  15. Enrage timers are so generous that no one even reaches them in their kills. You can already kill bosses within timer on dozens of non meta builds and there would still be people who want safe and fast clears, regardless of timers.There's tons of trivial content in game, gw2 doesn't need more of it. It's the reason why open world events fail (TT, serpent ire), no one is expected to do anything, just mash buttons and things eventually die. Raids don't need to be like that, dungeons exist already. Improved CM rewards mean nothing if they are a one time thing. You didn't solve anything, you just proved how lazy, bad and greedy gw2 community is. Play 10 necros and raids will be easy to clear, the class is strong and forgiving enough to clear all content in the game. It even has enough boon+barrier uptime to not care about half mechanics. Just because lfg and websites promote meta builds doesn't mean that you have to join such groups and play such builds. It seems fairly obvious that you have no interest in making raids more accessible or increasing the raid population, so I'm not sure why you're responding to me. If you'd like to give your general opinion why raids should be kept exclusive, that's great, but there's really nothing productive to be gained by arguing like this. I rarely miss an enrage timer but it does still happen. Regardless, the point is that the enrage timers dictate group composition. I wouldn't need to bring a druid and 2x Chrono every. single. fight. if DPS wasn't a concern. Additionally, the mere presence of DPS timers is going to have an effect on player mentality. You've somehow understood the point yet missed it. Correct, GW2 has tons of trivial content. It is often regarded as a "casual friendly" MMO. And so it is the wrong choice from a game design standpoint to then make raids more hardcore than several of its major competitors. You also failed to address the point about randomness.Where did I say CMs would be a one time thing? Again you seem to be formulating statements independent of anything I said, while pretending to respond to my specific points by numbering them.I did indeed solve the problem.
  16. Simple solution to increasing raid participation: Remove all enrage/auto-fail timers. This allows for much more variance in composition, reduces kick rates, and is much more in-line with GW2's design philosophy.Make the standard (non-CM) fights slightly easier. In particular, remove boss spells that apply responsibility randomly (Sabetha launch bombs, for example). Random responsibility means that 100% of the group needs to know the fight and be good. This, along with the enrage timers, are the causes of raid gate-keeping/elitism.To make up for the easier non-CM fights, make the CM versions slightly more difficult and increase their rewards somewhat (triple gold, 20% more raid currency).Solved.
  17. I have no idea why people are so phobic of "leading" groups. Especially in GW2, where you don't even get to lead groups. You don't have the power to decide who comes into your group, don't have the power to decide who stays, and can even be kicked out of your own group. Additionally, most 5 man dungeon groups simply involve running through at max speed. You are not required to "lead" anything, and experienced players are simply going to run ahead and do what they want because they already know how the dungeon works.
  18. Bump for visibility. ANet, I love the feature where my mount gets automatically swapped to warclaw when entering WvW. I don't like the feature where it doesn't swap back after I leave. Please consider changing this!
  19. Any yet there are still players who imagine world 3 is coming one day. It boggles the mind . . . An Asura can dream. Tbh I would be super excited about it myself but dread it at the same time. I don't think there is any way they could implement it after all this time in a way that wouldn't be a letdown, or if it was implemented in a way that appealed to me I think a lot of other ppl would be really unhappy with it . . .This is my first year doing SAB but I would be interested in more SAB content no matter what it is.
  20. Any yet there are still players who imagine world 3 is coming one day. It boggles the mind . . . An Asura can dream.
  21. We are approaching SIX YEARS since the release of World 2. SIX YEARS.
  22. Yes, it's annoying. Hopefully they fix it.
  23. They've been re-using assets since the beginning. There are very few new rigs ever created in an MMO. This is isn't a sign of anything other than standard efficiency in a gaming studio. If you're not going to argue in good faith, please refrain from replying. It just gets tiresome. I emphasized 1) we are talking about a mount, not a random critter, and that 2) all the other mounts have unique animation sets. When quality is kept at a certain level, and then suddenly deviates from that pattern, it is not something to be celebrated by the consumer.
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