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Everything posted by Strixxe.2019

  1. Storywise its not hard to incorporate tengu into main storyline. Their whole society currently lives in dominion of winds - closed of city where no one can enter. So you can basically make something in same manner like wow did with worgens... Some kind of cataclysm or event that made them to open up the gates. You can make their few story missions instanced in the city area until level 10-15 and then yiu free to go explore whole world. I believe their city is in 15 level area from asura side, dont remember now.And lets say if you want to replay other living world seasons or something from the past story content you can use those seeds of the past (from season 2) in order to make it lore friendly.
  2. Maybe its far fetched but somehow i think they are trying to make people to buy mat storage/inventory expanders...
  3. Delet this.No horses (or whatever that thing is) in this game.
  4. Power/condi hybrid holosmith.. Just F5 and spam all holo abilities, cooldown andspam again. Huge burst, low effort.
  5. So its basically witcher 3 contracts with witcher sense?Hell, you basically described witcher 3 wild hun general mechanics there.
  6. Fokin' poket raptors.... Even now they tend to mess my picnic in magumma.Its always either dodge - > forge 5 or they rape me to afterlife in 6 miliseconds
  7. Honestly i like all post processig effects anet adds to the game. For one its a visuak noise, for others its pretty lights and sparkles :D
  8. Well this game uses dx 9 so thats why you are geting minor improvements with powerful gpus. Same with me, i have i7 4790k with 1080ti but this game is only one that plays like slideshow with comfortable 25 fps in big fights. Starter zones and low population zones im getting easy 70+fps.. Your best bet is to reduce strain on cpu by reducing player model count in settings. Other than that... Idk. Devs could start using dx12 or upgrade their engine or something..
  9. Absolutely no. Legendary items are luxury/status symbol, not power boost. This aspect of the game is fine as it is.
  10. For the first character i suggest you level up normal way. As for 80s boost you will get 2 gold, kinda shitty armor (solders stast if i recall corectly, basically no dmg, all toughness and vitality)
  11. oh, so thats why it felt kinda off.I just thought my asura holo jast having a bad day or something, but they really made 5 skill a fart instead a blast.
  12. well what i can say, that +370 is lithuania's country code, other than that google gave nothing ... But it shows as private number so idk...
  13. Idk what you are talking about. Story bosses are not hard. Well scruffy one was kinda nice, but not that hard... Honestly its really hard to balance thses things. Lets say you are running supportish class thst deals lower dmg, the yes its will be harder, but if you running powerhouse like holo or sokething that deals alot of burst dmg then it will be kinda easier.
  14. So, if you find bunch of peeps afk farming, then you report them for what? For botting ?
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