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Everything posted by Strixxe.2019

  1. I think you should go back to ff and wow. This game is not for you.
  2. OP, are you smoking spoiled Charr-nip again? Because if you are still on some ancient hardware that is not dx11 compatible then not be able to play gw2 should be your least concern...
  3. if pet is unsummoned keep it unsummoned even if map/instance is changed
  4. My charr even with mineture tonic wouldn fit in that thing 😄
  5. more like NCSOFT, you cant do that in AION and Blade&Soul forums too. Its same tech under the hood just different skin
  6. if it was WoW people would complain that it costs 50 or 60 bucks to level boost 😄 Atleast Anet gives it as freebie so you could go straight to expansions.
  7. So essentially scrapper but gyros shoots back? I think class uniqueness went out of window there.
  8. Overwatch did great in this area. I wish we could get atleast some feedback. Because now reports feels like waste of time.
  9. Hmm. Im not sure are you bashing NCSOFT here or gw2 community here, because ive checked other NCSOFT games forums and no one even talks about this. And yes, this forum with all its emojis and other things are just one of the skins NCSOFT is using in Blade and soul, Aion and other games.
  10. In a few words low intensity is when you dont need to do complex rotations to do decent dmg. For example rifle mechanist. These builds and playstyles are great for those who have movement impairement or other health problems or just want to chill and still experience all content. More or less all classes have these builds. Mukluk did great videos about them. For example
  11. I somewhat agree that rifle mech needed nerf, but not like this. For example ranger is like 70%dmg and its pet is 30% while rifle engi is more like 30% and its mech is 70%. And to leave such huge part of total dps to clunky AI.. Idk.. They should revert everything back and just nerf mech dmg or make so mechanical genius shares less stats or smth along those lines.
  12. ive been maining Sword/pistol zerk/grieving holo since POF and gotta say you really have to learn how to DOOOOOOGE.
  13. I wonder when they nerf rangers pet so youll have to be near it at 420 or so range or your pet becomes derpy and runs away. And dont forget to nerf longbow because doing 30k+ dmg with one attack is just ridiculous. And dont forget to delete one wolf pack, who needs x2 multiplier on their dmg.
  14. I am veteran and playing since release and To be frank i loved-hated to be owend by vastly overcrowded Orr or tose pesky pocket raptors, now im not a kid anymore, i have a job and maybe 1 or 2 hours of free time every day so i dont mind, that game is easier, i dont have that much time to git gut, but i want to experience everything that game has to offer
  15. maybe low tiers, becasue you only needed a shield and few attacks to completely destroy mechanist. And then anet listened to all that loud and salty minority.
  16. Honestly it feels bad. Like it was for last 10 years since release. I loved my assault rifle pew pew pew.
  17. im not sure i want to see that on charr or asura. Im not furry or lolicon enough for that 😄
  18. Okay, i dont understand im the master or mech? Because now im finding myself always wandering and looking where tf mech gone. If i press Return to me mech just stands near and dont shoot what im shooting at. In my book open world these changes are passable at best, but when you try to do 3 mechanics in fractals or strikes at once bot micromanagement is just not fun. Now rifle, it feels clunky too. If you wanted to nerf it, just nerf dmg, but leave 2shots+granade thingy or hell even make 3shots, 3shots then granade or something like that. RIfle now feels like it was for the past 10 years tbh. As one Second-monitor-content -creator once said: Anet optimised fun out of this profesion
  19. If you want more booba go play blade and soul. These armors dont fit thematically tbh...
  20. There is whole planet to explore, other continents and even planets. Maybe some day we will be able to visit planet that originally humanity came from
  21. Given the fact that now we have return to achievements skyscale is easy mode compared to what we had before
  22. you know those crazy asian OSU!mania players who can hit like 20 notes per second in 8keys mode ? Thats ELE in general !
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