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Everything posted by Strixxe.2019

  1. 'Soulbeast wolf pack smokescale greatsword combo oneshots everything ' please ban all pets and soulbeasts from wvw! Bwaaaa.. 😄
  2. Just chill. As a wvw mech roamer i can clearly see who has great builds and experience and who is angry kid with barely viaable traits like you. Mech is extremely squishy and you only need shield to completely negate its dmg. And if your shield reflects thats just bonus points... Its already nerfed left and right.. You barely can outburst some classes ( im looking at you healbrand..)
  3. Well if you dont like them then feel free to 'jump outta here'. No one is forcing you to do them. Atleast gw2 has outstanding movement compared to other mmos
  4. Dude... You just burned my eyes out with this highlighted wall of text.. Now on that thing... Every race has something unique about them. Asura lifts ears when in combat, plants glow in the dark, charr run on all four... Of course if its too hard for you to do jumping puzzles just buy mineture tonic in lake doric, youll be about same aize as asura.
  5. Looks like someone havent played story content 😄 plus in core maps you dont need mounts because of wp density and really small maps. We didn't have mounts until second expansion.
  6. Then you should be livid that there are birthday achevenents too.
  7. I love zojja's sassiness. Its just.. perfect.
  8. Set up authenticator so they dont have to sms you every time... Plus mark your pc and ip as trusted..
  9. emote menu/wheel Its kida getting hard to memorise all emotes that are in-game 😄
  10. Add keybind to hold to override snap ground target to current target option. Option to not use snap ground target to cirrent target while using stationary snipers, turrets, cannons, etc. In general this option is extremely good, but for those moments when you want to aim in front of the target it becomes almost impossible to do that.
  11. Yeah.. Booster is trash. I used it to get 2golds (or whatewer it gives) and bags, because im this cheap. Threw everything else out. I have about 500 tomes of knoledge and 5 or 6 tomes from birthdays that gives you lvl80 instantly
  12. This. In my guild alone im the youngest, and im 27. Majority are well in their 30s and 40s It feels that that anyone who is atleast mastery lvl 100 is well over 18. So yeah i aggree that rating for teens or even 18+ would give devs alot more freedom in storytelling.
  13. No. Case closed. Mods, feel free to lock this topic
  14. I fail to see a problem here tbh... I have about 5 or 6 stacks of tomes in bank collecting dust and being useless alltogether and thousands of shards while constantly crafting legendary gear. Honestly there has to be more ways we could use them...
  15. Race change is simply impossible because of personal story stuff... And honestly it really doesnt worth it to redo enourmus amount of backend stuff just because you no longer want to play asura or norn or whatewer.. Game is not made this way.. Same thing is with your account name they could do it only in extreme cases and even then your chat would be broken .. but i digress... Best option for you would be just use one of combat tonics .. idk 😄
  16. All that "farming" begins at lv80. Best way to do is do i think is daily fractals tier 3/4. Its an investment in it itself, but when you gear up for those you can make ~ 20 -30 golds per day.
  17. Not really. I have fully kited holosmith with all legendary weapons so im sticking with it. Honestly none of new specs tickles my choya so im guessing im just gonna wait another 6 years for the new ones 😄
  18. I still dont see a problem here. I mean its not like you constantly teleporting in and out of cantha. Im not rich too, have like 10g atm, but you only need to catch, like, one fish to get more than or close to 10 silver. If you play more that 10 minutes there, kill few mobs, do meta, you will get at least few times more than you payed to teleport. So again, im fail to see a problem here.
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