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  1. You mean a Paragon? https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Paragon
  2. You want people fired for making skills that do what they say? Oh please.
  3. Are you sure you're looking at the right lantern?
  4. A general bit of advice when it comes to learning how to counter something (or if something is perceived as overpowered, whether it actually is or isn't) is to try it yourself. It doesn't really answer the OP, but I play against stealth much better ever since playing a Deadeye in WvW and even playing a little on Mirage (in PvE, mind you). You know what works, what doesn't, where you (as the stealth player) can be pressured and where your opportunities lie. When you experience that side of the fight, you're much better prepared to take on a stealth user, if that's the necessary objective.
  5. What a stupid thing to complain about. Play the game or read a book or go outside or something.
  6. It's probably because the final part of the map isn't released yet. Also probably why people aren't getting the Gift of Inner Nayos for map "completion".
  7. Anet wants to humanise everything. Except that one purist you need to get information from in EoD. He's a bigot so go bash him.
  8. Did you buy the Arcanum from Lyhr? If so, did you try making the equipment using those components in the Mystic Forge instead of crafting?
  9. Play as one to see what makes them tick.
  10. Agreed. I think GW2 loses a lot of the journey aspect because you start with the "world-ending" disaster of the dragons (which follows on from GW: EotN). I enjoyed some plot twists here and there but GW2 didn't really feel like journeying into the unknown sometimes - we mostly knew we were going to have to take on Zhaitan (and the other dragons) at some point. GW1 the destination changes constantly because you are thrust into a deeper world every step of the way. As an aside, I also preferred not being the centre of attention in GW1. It meant roleplaying in the story had more value as I wasn't made what to say or told how to react (e.g. LW3 with Braham raging against the commander would have been a lot more tolerable for me if I was just a hero tagging along and not being a pivotal main character). Who I was as a character wasn't dictated by the writers, which was great.
  11. That's exactly what I thought when reading the post. Grab some heroes and take on DoA or UW or something...
  12. Agreed. Most (dare I say all) maps do not need their own category section (edited for clarity).
  13. I feel this thread is an accurate summary of all the "game is problem not me is problem" threads in the past month.
  14. Then you're not doing enough events (including in the lead up to the meta) to earn them. Which you probably want to do as it's great experience on the way.
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