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  1. I'm on 6.8.9 (on Arch) and currently have an RX 6650XT with 4G/BAR enabled since I switched to linux in 2021, so everything is fine.
  2. There's a movement to extend this law to the whole EU, so maybe in a few years it's going to be a bigger problem to the Anet (if GW2 is still kicking in the near future). I still have a few dozens of statuettes I can't spend on anything worthy, but I'm not against the idea to put a few statuettes into the WV.
  3. That's wrong, virtually every rolling/new distro is affected, because the bits of the backdoor started to appear in the tarball since 5.6.0. Technically the prepared exploit would work on every rpm-based system, including Fedora 41/Rawhide, SUSE Tumbleweed, Debian testing/unstable/exp, Kali too. Even Arch is affected, but luckily the original target vector is not working on Arch.
  4. This is in the wrong order, local variable exports should precede the command, like this: RADV_PERFTEST=gpl DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command% -provider Portal -ignorecoherentgpucrash --use-d3d11 However, DXVK_ASYNC no longer works/necessary, it requires a way older GE-Proton (7.45 and before, if I remember correctly). Also both the "use-d3d11" and "ignorecoherentgpucrash" switches are obsolete now, the game only has the DX11 engine and they removed the old CoherentUI systems. Lastly, RADV_PERFTEST is an AMD-only variable, so it does nothing on your Nvidia card. All in all, your command line should have only this (if you installed the Steam version and want to use the GW2 account Portal): gamemoderun %command% -provider Portal
  5. Fellow Linux users, update your systems NOW! (Especially if you're a Debian / Red Hat / Fedora / SUSE user.)
  6. Nah, it's far from that. Almost means I got about 1-3 days in a month without any of them. Why is it matters? What do you lose?
  7. I'm also a HoT + PoF only player, but I (almost) always have combos or dodges, or both every day.... It's an easy thing to do, so I'm not complaining. 🙂
  8. The previous forum version had markdown syntax, but they "modernized" it... 😞
  9. PSA: There's a KDE 6 (6.0.2 still has it) + XWayland bug (vga type doesn't matter) that appears in almost every 3D fps/tps game (bugreport). The camera controls are totally goes wrong, the camera shoots up to the sky or towards the ground, and the character just flipping around in one place. It seems this happens when the game could not grab properly the cursor. Currently there's no fix yet. This is a KDE6+XW-only bug, any other combinations, even KDE6+X11 works as before. GW2 workarounds: 1. On the character selection screen right click a few times and try to rotate your toon. It should smooth out after a few try, then the game will have no problems. This usually works for me. 2. Or use "gamescope --force-grab-cursor %command%" in the launcher. This requires the gamescope package.
  10. Anet doesn't support linux, you should come to this main GW2 on linux topic, especially the last two pages (e.g. which pixman and libpixman versions do you have?).
  11. Confirmed, pixman-0.43 without lib32-pixman still freezes, the launcher needs both to function properly.
  12. I'm not saying skyscale was a total mistake, but since SotO* the game devaluates the higher level utilities pretty fast: practically free skyscale, mishmashed weapon mastery (now that was a mistake imho), "free" ascended boxes (via WV), now "free" legendary items... I'm not sure this is a good and healthy thing we're heading to. * I skipped EoD and SotO, but I still have the LWS4 way to obtain it later.
  13. So, I did an upgrade today, and somehow it is working now: pixman-0.43 only (no lib32-pixman), GE-Proton 8.25, Steam launcher as a non-Steam game. At first it had freezed my KDE Wayland, but after a reset it's okay. Weird...
  14. So the answer for everything is not 42 but 43? Those mices miscalculated something or it is a floating point rounding error...
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